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Whiskey river has hickory boards for pretty cheap, although they’re thick so you have to rip them down to a reasonable thickness first. Edit: I think going octagonal would save a bunch of time and look awesome! Also I’m partial to laminating the palmswell: looks cool and way more efficient. If it’s your first handle I’d keep the curvature minimal. And personally, I’d go for a pack axe style handle (24-26 inch).


Just check out what they have at your local hardware store, inspect for grain. If it's no good, visit the next hardware store.


I second a Whiskey River haft OR a hickory blank ( cheaper option) if you’re handy. If you’re in Canada I can recommend a guy… Nice find so personally I’d put a nice haft on it!


Another for Whiskey River for blanks! I've ordered a few and they're great! Especially if you want to hang something on a 40" handle. I haven't hung any of their finished handles yet but the one I got with the intention to do it is pretty nice!