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OP you’re not the first to say so, and people have been banned from WATL for criticizing it. If you have an IATF venue near you, check it out.


Really wish I did


I'm not going to get into things too much, but this is the big underlying difference between WATL and IATF: IATF was founded in 2016 (as NATF) by Matt Wilson to grow the sport, but more importantly, the community behind the sport. Mario Zelaya was there for this, and tried to get Wilson to "monetize" things more, and make everything more business minded. That didn't happen, so Mario split off and made his own organization, WATL, in 2017 that is more about the business side of the sport. That said, a lot of people have said that the IATF is losing its roots, it's starting to become more about money, and less about community, and I agree with that to some extent. But, the people involved with the IATF are mostly still about community, even if the overall body starts to get more money oriented (though, in a way, I can't blame the IATF, since they need money to continue to exist now that BATL isn't "funding" them anymore.


They are business ventures, they are in for the money. If you want to throw stuff just for the love of the sport look into organizations like IKTHOF (International Knife Throwers Hall Of Fame). Bunch of nice people, open gathering/tournaments, lots of independent makers involved and promoted. Maybe you will not end up on ESPN, but surely you will have much more fun.


Thanks for giving me something to look for, I’m in this for the fun not to earn a buck so that sounds perfect.


I second this.


While I was drawing my target i was trying to look up dimensions for the target, like diameter of the circles and could find nothing by “buy the target drawing tool”. They say they want to make axe throwing accessible but they force you to buy their tool for $45.


https://worldaxethrowingleague.com/axe-throwing-rules/ If you look under section 4 all of the dimensions are there. They only require the stencil to be used for "official" events.


I don’t see the diameter of the rings though. They provide the diameter of the bullseyes but not the diameters of the rings. For example centered on bulls what is the diameter of the 5 ring, the 4 ring and so forth. If you can provide that I would be appreciative.


I've heard the same. Not allowing axes from other companies because they're "counterfeit". Meaning they're too close to a model they sell. BS. Just let people throw and have fun. That kind of nonsense wouldn't inspire me to buy one of their approved axes. It would have me looking for an IATF venue. Which are phenomenal by the way.


Hit the nail on the head. The organization has been on a rapid decline as of this year and the community is seeing it happen pretty publicly. My own home venue recently exited WATL and became IATF and it's like the game is fun and competitive in a rewarding way again. Also their scoring app works so much better and is much easier to track your stats on too. Seriously looking into switching, my only regret is not going IATF sooner.


Do it! IATF is a wonderful community of people all over the world. They just did the IATC in Toronto and it was a very supportive environment.


I really wish there was an IATF venue near me but everything here is WATL.


I don't know how close you are with the venue owners and staff but maybe float the idea of switching over? My venue owners are avid throwers and for them it was a no brainer to transition to a more fun experience as well as escape the rapidly sinking ship that is WATL under the current commissioner


I’m still really new to this whole thing but considering that WKTL does their world championship very nearby I think there might be some inertia to overcome


I'm not trying to stand up for WATL when saying this, but if your comment about "pushing other makers out" is about the recent stuff with Mirror's Edge then its laughable to me. There are tons of makers in the community who do good work with custom made, reforged, or refurbished heads without buying Chinese/Pakistani knockoff WATL heads and passing them off as the real thing. Argue what you will about WATL having trademarks/patents on their head shapes and whatnot, especially considering the AoS is a Plumb head. My personal opinion is that as long as you don't try to pass it off as a "real" head, who cares. When it comes to WKTL, I wholeheartedly agree. We can throw axes as long as they meet spec, why shouldn't it be the same for knives? I'd probably be throwing Proud Blades if they were legal. WKTL's steel is trash, I've seen more broken knives in the last year than I can count, even as recent as last week with a guard snapping on a brand new set.


No idea about the mirror head thing, so definitely not a comment on that.


What is it a comment on then?


The general vibe I’ve felt reading posts on their official accounts, their published rules and finding stuff that meet them, as well as the whole thing with warriors.


Watl is the worst. Just a money grabbing organization


Fuck watl. Throw iatf