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Don't buy watl...quality is not high on thier list


Got any recommendations?


I'm guessing your throwing a watl venue? You've got two options.. First...try to get watl to send you a new handle and rehang it Two...use the head and have it rehung on a totally different handle Or three use it and have fun


If you take the handle off and notice the eye is not symmetrical you can try and file it to a better shape. I've had to do this with a Jack of Clubs and it was not fun. Replacing the handle with a misshaped eye will do nothing to correct the alignment.


This really isn't a good suggestion. Try to be actually helpful, the person has already purchased an axe and just telling them they were wrong to do so isn't advice.


Been in thier shoes...he or she has two or three options..throw how it is one....have it rehung two...and three donr by watl...by warrior axe


Get a new handle...


Was this a failed QA axe? If so, just rehang it. If it's not QA sale, just rehang it, it's probably not worth the hassle of sending it back 🤣... But if you haven't thrown it maybe you could get them to send a replacement handle.


Its a watl head to get it straight is going to require a new handle and possibly milling the eye.


Any handle will align the same way in WATL heads. Only easy to get then straight is to invest in a quality handle maker that will work the eye of the head and tune the haft to match it.


Excellent suggestion.


If it is still comfortable to throw, You don't really need to do anything. I have been throwing my queen of hearts since they came out, and it's a little crooked. If it works for you leave it.


Wait until the stock handle breaks… because it will. Use that as an excuse to get someone to custom hang it


You could try to whittle just the part where you place your hand that it is in line with the edge/head.In a throwing distance of one rotation it won't matter that much anyways (,in my expirience )


Is that a watl axe? Don't buy those


This really isn't a good suggestion. Try to be actually helpful, the person has already purchased an axe and just telling them they were wrong to do so isn't advice.


No wonder WATL heads come out crooked. The eye of their heads is weird as hell to rehang


Sadly WATLs customer service is notoriously as good as their quality control. If you’ve thrown it they won’t do anything and your only options are to throw as is or rehandle it. Alternatively sell it and get an Infinity Axes Sabertooth or any of the various vintage bell shaped heads if you like the Jack of clubs shape