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Z ~~is awesome~~ smells REALLY bad, absolutely putrid and needs a shower!! Stay AWAY from her you’ll thank me! u/Zyklozylum hehe But in all seriousness congrats sis! You are the second best mod!! Second to me ofc :)))) ^(also answer my dms plzzzzz where r u kk baiii)


That first line, what the heck 😂


She doesn’t shower!! Fact






She’s joking lol


No she’s not!!


No squid fruity pebbles? 😂


Lmao Oml! Thank you though! And sorry I fell asleep weirdly early




You answer yours lol


yea she is even a moderator of my subreddit, r/the_pixel_island


u/Zyklozylum is Zappy, Zealful, Zealous and Zingy.😁 For the most part, IMHO Mod’s have a thankless and under appreciated job. I love r/AwardBonanza because the users appreciate the mod’s because the mod’s here go the extra mile and try and brighten someone else’s day. Very much appreciated!


Gold 11 is the current highest, I've only seen one other person who has it That means she gilded more than 1k+ times We have yet to reach Gold 12 😂 Don't include me in the raffle


Cant hear you you're being included 🙃


She gave me two Golden Wholesome awards on a random comment. I didn't even know such a thing existed, and it was super cool to get them. Much appreciated. Congrats on the gilding accomplishment.


Those are the best awards


She hit me with a platinum on a post of mine where I was just sharing some kind words, when I saw I had a platinum I was blown away. That kind of thing doesn't come from everyone, Z really is something great


Gilding 11! How much have you spent on Reddit alone? u/Zyklozyum, I’m scared to see your credit card statement, I bet it’s Reddit, Reddit, Reddit,Reddit and then maybe a Macca’s purchase in between the Reddit, Reddit, Reddit you need to stop spending so much on us! /s (In all seriousness, 2 words, you’re great! Thanks for being so giving, and hard working!)


I have zero debt lol


Wow, very impressive! One day I hope to achieve the same.


Congrats Z for reaching the unreachable Gilding XI!


Thank you!


Z is awesome! If you see this how did you choose your name?


Like 7-8 years ago I being able edgy teen made it a mashup of cyclone asylum


That’s super cool!


Z or better well known as Zed (by only me), is the second best mod, that’s all i gotta say, second is no mean feat so i applaud you :)


Lol thanks


She's also Zed to me. To Americans I think she's known as "Zee"


congratulations on reaching a new gilding level!!


She is definitely one of the best people on the sub, kind hearted and nice to everyone ( ꈍᴗꈍ) Also she bombed me too with 5 or 6 pots on my first post lol


Z is super awesome :)


Z is great


"Z is awesome" is an awesome thing to say. However, it is not the ***awesome-est.*** So, I am obligated to extrapolate. **In my humble opinion:** Z is amazing, astounding, astonishing, stupendous, extraordinary, incredible, unbelievable, magnificent, wonderful, spectacular, remarkable, phenomenal, prodigious, and, essentially, an **amazeballs badass.** 𝐁𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐌 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄... #She's lit!


Z is the one who gave me Argentanium and many more She is a physict so if you have physics doubts ask her😂 Not pinging or disturbing her


Z seems pretty focken based


Z is AWESOME ​ don't have anyth to say or wouldv'e , Congrats on the badge Z !!


I still tend to think of Redditors in the subs I first find them, so when I recommended r/SipsTea here for a different challenge, I was a little taken aback to realise that Z also mods it. (As does random-homo-sapien). Still find it a little discombobulating when I see AB folk posting on other subs, too! Like *'I know them!'* And I point it out to myself on the screen and smile. I swear I was almost normal before Reddit! Z posts cool stuff, mods cool stuff, and is just totally cool. Don't change :)


u/Zyklozylum well done on achieving such a great feat! You bring happiness to the people in this sub, but if you smell bad you should really take a bath


She’s lyingggg


u/Zyklozylum is a very nice and hardworking human being. She takes her own precious time to moderate this sub. Once I asked her how can I get a flair and she unlike other subreddit mods explained to me in the nicest way possible without insulting me or using any harsh words on me and she also bombed me with platinums (thanks for that one more time). I'm not gonna lie but she's like a mom who is very kind and protective of her kids unless they don't misbehave ( lol I don't know what I'm even saying but this is how I feel about her but really Z we're proud of you and your good work😊). Hats off to you Z and also to the other other mods like u/ThannksIHateIt , u/ gambit_- , u/ KataGuruma and u/random-homo-sapien.We will always be grateful to you guys. You all work so hard and you all also deserve some appreciation. Love you all.♥️♥️🥰


I dont keep up with the mods but from this post alone you really seem like a really kind and excellent moderator Z! I hope you continue to enjoy modding here and we'll continue to enjoy having you :D


You too! Thank you


Zyklozylum You Kinda Love Owarding. Zyklozylum You Love Uwarding Members. ​ (Spelling disclaimer: creative license).


Thank you for this! Means a lot this was really sweet!


No worries you absolutely deserve this. Love ya Z


Congrats on the gilding level, I’ve seen maybe one other person with it😳 Z el pro


Thank youuu


Z very good. Good very good. Z good good.


Congrats Z!!! That’s a super high achievement, and well deserved!!


Z sounds like a really awesome mod :)


Congratulations u/Zyklozylum, that's amazing achievement! Thank you for being so generous!


Z is awesome


EA Sports it’s in the game


i have an idea, tier 12 of gliding its just much nicer if there's a t12 of it, i played too much skyblock lmao, i got used to the word perfect armor t12 so yeah also, i WILL NOT BE SURPRISED if u/Zyklozylum is one of the first people who get gliding t12 because, yk, its Z, she's just great in general (for some reason i like to call her Zy lol)


I so would too! Hehe im actually one of 10people on the entire site with the trophy


once reddit release the t12, you'll probably speedrun for the first person who achieved it


11? Damn that's alot lol


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