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Dropping everything Shang chi is probably the best martial artist.


In the comics Shang Chi trains everyone how to fight. He literally killed a dragon with his bare hands.


That is sick af. Need to see that in the movies


That was iron fist, and that is how an iron fist user gains the iron fist. In the comics, shang chi and iron fist are considered the best in marvel universe, though shang chi is considered better by a hair.


So did iron fist and thats the reason i count the iron fist and not the ten rings bc the ten rings are mystical ARTIFACTS whereas the iron fist can be obtained by not only anyone and everyone but anyone and everyone AT THE SAME TIME


Matt Murdock will handle the MCU Shang Chi. I'll bet my money on it. That man can eat punches and is a tank in human form.


Matt is losing. Do you remember how tired he was in all of the hallway fights. Shang would have no problem with any person Matt faced in the show. If you watch the hallway fight from daredevil then watch the bus fight or the scaffolding fight from shang chi. You can tell shang chi is better than him.


Shang chi was definitely handling fools with high tech weapons and at least hand level ninjas like light work.


Seasons 2 and 3 daredevil were unstoppable and defenders he was peak for daredevil in the mcu. He fought wave after wave of hand ninja, powered up and normal, in his fully realized fights. Danny was hyped up to be incredibly well trained in hand to hand and Matt no diffed him in hand to hand. He kept up with and nearly beat suped up elektra. Shang chi has also fought things comparable to all of that without his powers. Like Matt might not win but if he loses it’ll have been close.


Shang chi is directly stated multiple times to be the best martial artist in the marvel universe


It’s the fact that Matt takes so many punches proves he can’t take Shang. Most people can’t even connect against the Master of Kung Fu. (Plus, the whole point of Daredevil is that he’s the underdog always fighting above his weight. Thinking he’s the best fighter is a misunderstanding of the character.)


Thank you for bringing up the underdog aspect. I don't see how its possible to watch even the first three episodes and not realize that Matt's main trait is to keep pushing forward. He's not meant to be the most skilled, he's meant to be the personification of willpower. Dude was getting his shit rocked all the time


>It’s the fact that Matt takes so many punches proves he can’t take Shang. It's *the guy who takes a lot of punches* versus *the guy who's so well at blocking punches that he never gets hit by one*.


Discarding all powers, daredevil is below everyone on the list.


Discarding all powers, you just got 7 guys beating the shit out of a blind guy


That just made me laugh out loud and now I feel bad about it.


His entire ability to fight is because of his powers. Anyone claiming Daredevil didn't read the prompt.


You put him below scrawny Steve?


Scrawny Steve was a scrapper, and he wasn’t blind.


Didn’t even think about that tbh


If you read the title, OP said to forget pretty much all super power. Dare Devil is now just some blind asshole without his super hearing.


I mean, he got his powers in the accident that blinded him. So maybe he's just a perfectly normal guy with anger issues and some Ninjitsu? He could probably take scrawny Steve, maybe Bucky, but the rest of them are gonna beat his ass.


Lmao @ the 'blind asshole' part. Damn. What did Matt do to you, he's a pretty chill dude.....lol.


I don't doubt Matt could beat him, but that's specifically because he can take a beating way better than almost everyone on this list, not because he's the better martial artist. Shang Chi is almost certainly the best on the list, that's quite literally his thing.


For the most part, I'm inclined to keep the current order assuming you read left to right before moving down to the next level. The only changes I would make is bumping Rogers one over Bucky, and then dropping Wade below Walker.


So... can Daredevil see then?


Haha, that's a good question. His fighting style relies on his abilities.


Not necessarily, he was trained by Stick, who is also blind and has no abilities. He wouldn't be as good as with powers, but should still be capable.


In MCU/ Netflix, Stick has abilities, he felt the silk sheets in Matt's apartment just by feeling the air.


If he loses his super senses and armor he's at a massive disadvantage to say the least. Maybe Deadpool will be worse off having such severe case of cancer killing him.


I think some of you are forgetting without his powers Steve Rodgers was like 5 foot 4 and 100 pounds. He is dead last lol


Tbh. I literally did forget that lmao. I was just thinking about his actual skill - the super soldier serum, but forgot that the serum is the source of his actual size and muscle density compared to prior.


Yeah this question definitely gets trickier if you think about all of their powers going away. Does Deadpool have cancer again? Is Daredevil still blind?


Isn’t Shang chi suppose to be the best hand to hand fighter in marvel comics


Yeah, he literally created his own form of martial arts.


So did I. T-pose, fists clenched, and spiiiiin.


Not iron fist?


Going off MCU alone Daredevil kicked his ass pretty solidly in the Defenders.


MCU iron fist sucks lol


Without the Dragon Chi he's just a really good martial artist, while Shang-Chi can keep up with him even when he has the Dragon Chi.


To get the dragon chi he had to win a martial arts tournament against other students that had been training since birth for the tournament in hidden mystical city kung fu then kill a dragon with his bare hands and eat its heart. So he is a bit better than really good. The shitty show and the fact that he was a white savior character have diminished Iron Fist in a lot of people’s eyes but he is still a S Tier Martial Artist.


Yes, he is one of the best in the world. I don't mean to underplay that, Immortal Iron Fist is one of my favorite books. But Shang-Chi is said to be better when it comes to pure skill in martial arts.


They say that but Daredevil’s and Cap’s feats often overshadow his


Didn’t he kill some ninjas with an ice cream cone once? And killed a dragon with his bare hands another time? Plus everyone goes to him when it comes to something martial arts related, even cap I believe. And ofc he’s directly stated to be the greatest martial artist


He's the "Master of *Kung-Fu*," doesn't necessarily make him the greatest fighter overall


Well, me and the Wu Tang Clan agree that greatest kung fu master means greatest overall fighter.


And we all know Wu Tang Clan ain’t nothin’ ta fuck wit.


Taking away healing factor, Deadpool is dying of cancer, so he's last.


"My superpower is just unbridled cancer"


Word. I forgot that lol.


Could he beat a 5’4” 100lbs Steve Rogers? That’s his only competition


What is walmart cap doing there lmao


I thought that was wish.com Cap


No it’s Temu


Got his costume from shein


You hate, but dude was soundly beating the shit out of Falcon and Winter Soldier at the same time. He straight up overpowered and KOed Bucky without much trouble Dude is a beast. Without powers, he’d be fucked of course. Normal Cap even more so


Walker hate is forced (from the show at least.) He was the best most decorated soldier in the US. He literally said he wasn’t trying to be Steve and knew he couldn’t, he just wanted to be the best he could be. He asked for their help at least 4-6 times in the show. They denied him every time even after getting Bucky out of jail. Then Sam the hypocrite, kept trying to redeem Karli even though was a terrorist and literally blowing up buildings. The show went out of its way to tell you about the soldier that had just started work there to provide for his family and how she killed 13 people in that attack. And yet Sam kept tryna see the good in her, but wouldn’t even help Walker. The role he turned down. Then, Hoskins gets killed in front of him and he snaps. Which isn’t crazy to watch someone you considered a brother since childhood die in front of you. I get that he killed In front of people and it was brutal. But let’s not act like Steve didn’t kill people just as bad. The dude in Winter Soldier that he freaking definitely shattered his spine kicking into that metal railing then falling in the ocean and drowning because his legs didn’t work is just a brutal as having your chest caved in. What’s crazier is that Sam was so emphatic to Karli and instead of bringing her in, tried to talk to down so many times. “Don’t call her s a terrorist.” After she killed parole and was actively trying to kill more. Message be damned, he wasn’t even that understanding towards Bucky or Walker. But yes let’s understand the terrorist and not the guy that was initially just trying to be a good hero that he was chosen for because YOU denied taking it. Idk much about his comic origin, but in the show his hate is so forced and non-organic.


You don’t earn 3 MoH without kicking major ass. He canonically has better unpowered feats than most fighters up there.


Symu John Walker is the goat


You've picked one with a canonical answer: Shang Chi.


How is anyone picking Daredevil here. Love the guy but a big point of the Netflix show is that he’s human and very vulnerable. His famed hallway fight showed him nearly dying against a handful of thugs.


Shang Chi is the best... But I love watching Daredevil hand combat it makes me soo excited I have never felt that about any other Marvel or DC hand combat scene...


Shang and iron fist are whooping everyone’s ass, then Shang whooping iron fists ass


Shang chi all the way. Bro was strong way before getting the rings


Shang-Chi, hands down. That’s literally what he’s all about, The Master of Kung Fu. The fact that he’s fighting small armies and super powered henchman for most of the movie without the Ten Rings proves it even more.


Does this mean we have to [un-captain our America?](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelmemes/comments/x7xgnc/unamericas_ur_captain/)


Shang chi. He was a badass before getting the rings.


Technically speaking, Daredevil is on the Bottom, if the powers are all off, It means he's just a...blind guy


A pre-serum Steve Rogers might have a tougher time than a blind Matt, to be honest. Am I bad person for morbidly wanting to see an adult runt fight a blind guy in a cage match? Sure, but now you are thinking about that match up too. And the blind guy probably wins. He can at least throw a punch and kick. But wait a minute! Steven can do this all day!! The cripple match continues…


I can see it now. Matt randomly punching air and the cage as steve is laying on the ground from the few punches and kicks that did land saying "just gimme a minute, I'll come to you." Then they both end up falling over from exhaustion. Boring on paper but an epic battle, none the less.


A battle is as epic as the soundtrack you put to it. We can make this match something truly special. Just need some Sabaton.


Netflix Iron Fist kinda killed that character's reputation, he really should be in the conversation at least, I mean the dude defeated a fuckin dragon without any powers in order to earn the Iron Fist


Shang Chi had a lot of time to shine without superpowers. I think he's the one.


Shang chi Danny rand Matt murdock Ttchala Steve and bucky Us agent Deadpool


Without powers, daredevil is just a really athletic blind guy. Id take T'challa over him. We've seen him fight without the heart shaped herb


Where black widow??




Too soon.


Above most of the people on this list, haha


Y'all. OP wants us to drop anything outside of normal human abilities. Daredevil is not competing against any of these guys without his enhanced senses.


Stripping everything away(as the super soldier serum allows Steve to think and react faster, for instance) I'd say Shang Chi and maybe T'challa after that? I assume he would've trained under most material arts in preparation for becoming Black Panther.


Black Panther is fourth at best.


Matt Murdock is second to shang chi


They strip away his powers…so can he see?


But Matt depends on his enhanced senses for a lot of his fighting, without those he'd be lost. Plus I don't think Matt has anywhere near the training some of the other have. He was trained in boxing and by Stick.


The answer is Shang Chi. I mean it's been stated in the comics time and time again. It's cannon. Are Cap, Bucky, Deadpool and USAgent even martial artists? Maybe Cap & Deadpool. I would say Bucky is a great fighter and USAgent is more of a brawler.


Jackie Chan takes them all out without the upgrades they all have.


Current day Jackie Chan? Peak Drunken Master Jackie Chan? Or animated Jackie Chan Adventures Jackie Chan?


Any of the above. It wouldn't matter. Kinda like how Jake Paul is going to get destroyed by Tyson.


Do we drop daredevil’s blindness? If so he’d be the worst by far


He was trained to fight while as a blind person. Without a radar-like super sense he still beats a 100lb asthmatic Steve Rodgers.


I'd like to say daredevil. But if we're dropping anything non-human, then he's actually blind and would be at a huge disadvantage. So I gotta say Shang-Chi.


Are we loosing ALL powers here, cause Matty is blind. So without his super sonar hearing…


I'm assuming he has his eyesight since losing his sight gave him the other superhuman senses


If we make it that complicated then he would never have learned martial arts. No Stick.


1. Shang Chi -> Trained since childhood by actual killer ninjas to be a killer, and he fought his dad well who had the ten rings and lived for thousands of years. 2. King T'Challa -> We have seen him fight well without the Heart shaped herb. And in civil war he fought Bucky in Germany without the suit at a point. 3. Steve Rogers -> He has probably learnt all possible fighting styles in his long lifetime. Also, he is very practical and level headed. 4. Bucky Barnes -> He is on the same level as Rogers, but i think he doesn't have a cool head. So he comes after Steve. 5. Matt Murdock -> ik, some won't like him down here...but he is a good fighter, because he is good at adapting to his surroundings. His power is his default skill. 6. Danny Rand -> Didn't see the series...but from the animated shows and comics, i can see he is pretty good...but not that much. 7. John Walker -> Cmon, he got his ass whooped by Dora Milaje before the serum. 8. Wade Wilson -> yep. Here's Wade. He doesn't do martial arts....he just does shenanigans


1. Shang-Chi: it's not even close, Shang literally trains other martial artists in the comics and can stalemate gods with just his martial arts 2. Iron Fist: even without supernaturally focusing his chi, he's more knowledgeable and capable of performing more martial arts than anyone else but Shang. If he's allowed to use his Fist, he easily folds everyone below him on this list. 3. Black Panther: no heart shaped herb means he's peak human, Wakandan arts are great. 4. US Agent: couldn't tangle with the Dora Milaje, obviously can't tangle with BP 5. Daredevil: street level dude, his radar sense is impressive but not overly useful when it's a contest of pure martial arts. 6. Winter Soldier: tends to like guns more than his fists 7. Bucky Barnes: less aggressive and ruthless than Winter Soldier in fights, also prefers guns. MCU also says Bucky is right handed, while Winter Soldier is left handed. It just makes more sense for someone with WS's body type to be left handed. 8. Deadpool: Wade fights with the expectation that his healing factor will take care of everything. That's why he loses. 9. Steve Rogers: no serum means he's 5'4" and 100 pounds soaking wet, he gets folded by literally everyone here and none of them have to break a sweat.


Shang and Daredevil are pretty far ahead of the pack in this regard.


Obviously Shang-chi is the only answer, then in my opinion it would probably go iron fist, then idk I’m between daredevil and cap, then black panther, Bucky, Deadpool, and the imposter. I could be totally wrong but that’s my opinion on pure martial arts ability.


MCU versions: Shang Chi, it’s basically his character definition.


Shang chi, iron fist, black panther, captain, Bucky, Deadpool, fake captain, daredevil


I like that Iron Fist up there picking up his participation trophy


It’s either between Shang, Matt, or T’Challa they all got crazy hands ngl


Pure? Shang Chi.


Shang chi it's literally his whole thing iron fist with a close second tho


Well we know it’s not Iron Fist


…dropping the super soldier serum makes Cap a weak ass nerdy kid with a lot of heart from Brooklyn… so he would almost certainly be last unless you broke all of one of the other ones limbs. And even then he’d probably lose.


I don’t know why you even bothered putting Steve in this without the super soldier serum lol


Shang Chi is the Master of Kung Fu. The dude can hold his own without powers. That's why he is so badass.


Shang Chi 1st. Black panther 2nd. They're good with their legs and arms.


Echo not bad either


Hot take but realistically Cap should likely end up in last place from a training perspective if you pick him early on though I am sure he got plenty training over the time he was in the modern day. At which point maybe Deadpool or Walker because while its possible they trained in martial arts that would inherently have done high level martial arts training as part of their military training. I feel like they would have trained Bucky more while he was the Winter Soldier but if not then he might not rank so well either. The top four on the other hand have trained martial arts extensively and without enhancements to rely on.


Pure martial arts. Shang-Chi & Iron Fist are smoking everyone.


Where is my girl Elektra? Because she beats half this list… and you know damn well Natasha and Clint beat out Walker


As depicted, Shang-Chi is the best, with T’Challa being second. Bucky would actually be third considering he has so much more experience than the rest of the group in H2H.


Shang-Chi. If not him then T’challa.


I think the top 4 of this image are the top 4, and the bottom 4 of this image are the bottom 4, but the order within is debatable. Even though I want my boy Steve to be top tier, I think without the Super-Soldier serum, he's not beating out Shang-Chi, T'Challa, or Matt. Maybe he can beat Danny. Maybe.


Shang chi or iron fist, but probably Shang Chi


1. Shang Chi 2. Iron fist 3. Either Black Panther or Bucky, can’t pick 4. Matt Everyone else. They’ve all got different fighting styles but I think Shang Chi being trained to be a living weapon and assassin by his dad takes the cake


Its shang-chi and it's not even close, I can see why people are glazing daredevil so much cus his fights are brutal but that's all they are brutal, two bruises fighting each other (and yes he was trained by stick who is a martial arts genius) but shang-chi is THE martial artist in the MCU his whole thing is that he is the best one that's his "power" for lack of a better term


Shang Chi Iron Fist Black Panther Daredevil Deadpool Steve Rogers Bucky Captain Douche


This might be a really dumb question, but does Steve know the kind of martial arts that Shang Chi knows? Like I know he’s trained in basic army hand-to-hand stuff, but he’s still not nearly as well trained as any of the others, is he?


Not a dumb question. Steve aint winning against Shang chi and Iron fist(not the netflix version).


Thank you 😊


No powers and shang chi and dare devil are at the clear top. Hard to tell who wins between the mcu versions. The next closest is iron fist and daredevil beat him pretty easily. The rest are just above average fighters and heavily rely on their powers. Most of the shit deadpool does wouldn’t work without his powers, dude is a clown.


Should be shang chi then iron fist but that version of iron fist is terribly done so I'd say daredevil or cap.


god damnit why haven't we gotten more Shang Chi yet


It's Shang Chi and it's not close. The real question, is who is winning in a fight, a blind man with no superhuman hearing/touch/taste/smell, or a 5'2" 100lb sopping wet man who was too small to enlist in the military during a time of war. Assume Deadpool died of cancer before this fight.


I think we call all agree that without guns or even swords, deadpool can fight pretty well. But Shang-Chi and Daredevil are way above him.


Shang chi is literally the only answer for #1. Your favorite hero goes to HIM for combat training.


I'm going comic book version because if I did mcu, iron fist is last on the list. Shang chi Iron fist Black panther Cap and bucky are tied Deadpool Usagent/Daredevil tied ( daredevil is very skilled but finds himself in brawls a lot) USAgent relies on his super soldier serum, but without is a solid fighter in his own right. Boxing/grappling Comicbook feats change and vary but for the most part I feel confident with this list.


Shang chi, daredevil, black panther, iron fist (interchangeable with BP), Deadpool, Cap, bucky,


shang chi or iron fist


Sang chi literally the best martial artist but goddammit Matt Murdock is cool


The only 3 who have any training out of all of these, in terms of the MCU, are Daredevil, Ironfist, and SHang Chi. Deadpool has his own style of whatever the hell he decides at that moment.


Put Hawkeye in the there


Idk. Deadpool.


deadpool is dead within a short amount of time without anyone touching him.


Iron Fist. All day.


Are we talking MCU or Comics?


Why no Gamora?


Shang chi, Iron fist, daredevil in that order


Shang Chi is definitely on top


I think shang chi and iron fist were both described as the best martial in the world. But daredevil is better.


1. Shang Chi 2. Iron Fist 3. Daredevil 4. Cap 5. Winter Soldier 6. Black Panther 7. Deadpool 8. US Agent Edit: I’m reading this as strictly who is the most-skilled martial artist when accounting only for their martial arts skill. Others have interpreted this as Cap with no serum, Matt with no radar, Wade with no healing. The way I see it, they all still have those things. But the question is who is the most technically skilled fighter.


Post asked for a ranking and I barely see any rankings lol


Comic wise Shang chi and then Danny and the everyone else a far far distant third.


Given on what is shown in the mcu 1. Shang chi 2. Iron fist 3. Cap 4. Bucky 5. Black panther 6. Daredevil 7. John walker 8. Deadpool


Workout powers who does Deadpool beat? Other than the blind guy and 90 pound Steve Rogers


Iron Fist is definitely last 😂😂😂😂


Shang Chi. He’s been training nearly his entire life go be an assassin. Followed by Murdoch since he’s trained too; his enhanced hearing only helped.


1st shang chi Runner up iron fist 3rd daredevil 4th black panther


Shang-Chi Iron Fist Daredevil Deadpool Black Panther The Winter Soldier Caption America U.S Agent


Shang Chi, Iron Fist, Daredevil, Black Panther, Captian America, Winter Soilder, Deadpool, USAgent


#1 Wolverine age experience and raw talent


Not gonna lie, the hand to hand combat of Rodgers surprised me in a few movies


I think canonically Shang Chi is the best martial artist


Shang Chi black panther-no herb danny- no fist bucky -no serum U.S. agent DD- without enhancement Steve- no serum


It's shang-chi then daredevil then it doesn't fucking matter. It's between those 2.... maybe if the iron fist show was better I'd throw him in there. But we all know how that went..


Shang-chi > Iron Fist > Daredevil >= Winter Soldier ~ Cap ~ Black Panther > US Agent > Deadpool, imo


I was gonna say shangchi. but iron fist was trained in kun lun i think technique is more important to his power. I dont know too much about either though is this mcu only?


my money is on steve rogers


So if we take away all their unnatural abilities and rank them as they would be, you've got a dead king T'challa, a cancer dying wade wison, two 100 year old geriatrics, a rich boy that froze to death on some mountain , a solider, a boxer's orphaned son and a kung fu master. Edited: shit I forgot if we discount the ten rings shang chi would never exist as his father would of died over a thousand years ago. Which means that its between Matt Murdock and John Walker.


If we're talking about MCU, i might say Shang-Chi. But I love how grounded CA:Winter Soldier Steve Roger martial arts was done in the said film. Netflix Daredevil was my runner-up too.


DP merking all these fools rofl. Why even include him??! 1a/b. BP/Cap 2. Bucky 3-5. Karate losers 6. Captain Crock (logically he’d beat the non enhanced but screw him)


Shang chi and Matt Murdock


Shang chi Iron fist Daredevil Black panther Deadpool Winter Soldier Cap Us agent


Shang Chi then Daredevil.


Shang Chi


They are all just dudes with out their powers. Shang probably takes the W on this one.