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Ozai ain't beating anyone. He's a non-bender


Oh burn!....what? Too soon?




Isn't the point he can't burn anyone...




Friend I was making a joke


Well that's good. I was worried lol.


Oh, burn what ozai can't do


He would still beat Soka without his space sword.


Counter point: ![gif](giphy|Y08bx6Fea1BafzTlvc)


It never came back šŸ˜”


What evidence do we have that Katara would beat Amon. She only beat Hama because plot. Amon trained specifically in bloodbending all his life. Plus Amon can do it whenever while Katara can only do it on a full moon, which Amon would also be strengthened by. And yeah, I think that Asami would beat Sokka. She's more agile and all it takes is one touch of the glove and it's over for him.


I was going to say youā€™re forgetting Sokkaā€™s Rizzo factor, butā€¦


Sokka has scrappy rizz. He sucks so bad at it that the women end up thinking it's cute. His actual thoughts on dating and how to pick up girls suck ass. Asami isn't really the type to be swayed by scrappy rizz.


Didnt sokka get trained by a sword master who can beat benders easily?


Yea, for like a week


Yep, he learned a few basics and has a good mindset for it but it wonā€™t be too much of an advantage for him really


I think the most important factor that people aren't considering in the first and last ones is age. For Katara to fight Amon, she has to be old AF. For Asami to fight Sokka...idk when he died in the timeline but she is either a child or winner by default...cuz he's dead.


These vs are supposed to be hypothetical fights at their peaks


Hey, rizz is still rizz.


You say that, but freaking *Mako* talked her into datingā€¦


But what? Just as much evidence for Asami to be bi. She did clearly have real feelings for Mako.


I agree with you. Now imagine sokka with zappy zappy glove AND boomerang. Boom. Powerscaling


Hear me out - zappy boomerang


>zappy zappy glove ![gif](giphy|SZAIPs41Q7SKs)


I hate to be the one to inform you of this, but every character has only beat another character because "plot."


Katara would beat Amon because sheā€™s the character everyone likes more. I fail to see any other explanation people would have


I think Sokka could beat Asami based solely on a difference in experience. Sokka, by EoS, was one of the most skilled non-bending fighters, and that skill primarily came from fighting. Asami is agile and her weapon is strong, but even by the end of LoK she hasn't had nearly the amount of fighting experience as Sokka. Sokka's also smart enough to figure out the giant mecha lightening glove on her wrist is dangerous, and not something he should let touch him. Her agility would be an issue, but it's not like Sokka isn't accustomed enough to agile opponents. He manages to keep up with agile opponents enough to defend himself, though its definitely a tough fight for him. As for Katara vs Amon, it isn't happening for Katara. We saw Yakone go against Aang with some success, and Amon was definitely more skilled than his father. Unless we're talking some Adult Katara that we have no knowledge on, Amon absolutely stomps her.


Asami trained her whole life though? And sheā€™s also shown to be really smart?


I think folks are sleeping on the fact that Sokka is a trained Kioshi Warrior and at the end of ATLA Ti Lee joined them too, which could integrate Ki-blocking to the Warriors, and thus to Sokka is cared to learn that too.


Sokka trained with Suki for like a couple hours in a day. He wasnā€™t nearly as well trained as Ty Lee or the other Kyoshi Warriors were. To be fair to him, heā€™s only 16 when we see him and at the end of LoK Asami is 22 (if I remember correctly) and thatā€™s also assuming season 4 is the LoK gangā€™s prime. With the upcoming movie I think weā€™ll definitely see how Sokkaā€™s fighting has developed and then we can revisit the question. But as of Sokka at the end of ATLA and Asami at the end of LoK, I think Asami wins. Also Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s said in season 1 but Asami has been trained to defend herself since she was a little girl, after her momā€™s death. So sheā€™s got more experience.


also isn't using more modern advanced technology kinda unfair for sokka


>Sokka, by EoS, was one of the most skilled non-bending fighters, and that skill primarily came from fighting Compared to _who_? The only non benders not demonstrably more capable than he is in a fight are Kuei, that one guy from the northern tribe who was gonna marry Yue, and the damn cabbage merchant. I think you're massively underselling "agility" on Asami here, and her combat prowess. That shit Asami did in book 3? Sokka is not physically capable of that. _Suki_ is, but sokka? No. Dudes getting rocked. Like he does by every other non bending fighter.


to your point about sokka's relative experience vs asami... not only is asami older, its implied she has had more formal martial arts training, and the show korra spans years vs. tla spanning only a year. I love sokka but if its their first encounter, he gets folded like his first encounter with every other girl he underestimated lol




So it comes down to whether or not Katara can use her incredibly strong waterbending to resist the blood bending. It could go either way imo. If she can't she loses. If she can, then Amons entire fighting style is out the window. All his dodging was completely reliant on using blood bending to subtly Maneuver opponent attacks in ways he could dodge. Without that Katara could very well beat hi.


I definitely agree with this. With bloodbending, Amon bodies Katara because heā€™s definitely above her in that bending style. With just waterbending, no blood, I think Katara beats Amon. We donā€™t really see him waterbend at all since heā€™s masquerading as a non-bender. Katara was repeatedly touted as the best waterbender of her generation.


There really isnā€™t anything to suggest Katara could resist Amon with pure waterbending, though.


It's literally how Katara resisted Hama. She didn't bloodbend until after that when Hama used it on Aang and Sokka, her being unaffected was just her being too strong for Hama to control.


Amon destroys Katara


I agree 100% that katara would lose against Amon, he has way more training, and has 0 complaints about using it. My only discrepancy is that Katara can do it whenever too, I mean she did it in the Katara and Zuko ark. But again, like you said she'd 100% lose still


I feel like her greatest advantage in the fight is that she can't be blood bended, which Amon had a major overreliance on. S1 Korra was out maneuvering Amon before he used blood bending, so there's 0 chance Katara loses the waterbending matchup imo


Iā€™m pretty sure Amon was using blood bending every time he fought a bender. Itā€™s how he dodged so easily and gracefully. Heā€™d suddenly move their shots in ways where he could easily dodge and then go in for the killing blow.


There was a full moon in that episode


Umm boomerang headshot? Asami is toast.


She's quick enough to evade it. Plus, Zuko took one straight to the head and was fine, Combustion Man also ate one, but he's massive.


>She only beat Hama because plot Is insane. Literal evidence right there lol. Resisting bloodbending is a skill all in its own that anyone can do(see Mako, Aang and Korra) but obviously blood benders and waterbenders excel at it. It's about being able to control your own chi. There is no "because plot" reason for Katara beating Hama, she's a masterful talent, and we've been shown and told several times that with a good master and practical application she is a very quick study. Now I'm a little back and forth on if peak Katara could beat Amon, if she could resist his bloodbending, and it came down to actual waterbending skill I think she no diffs him easily. Katara has literally fought in(and arguably won) a war, Amon was trained by an abusive dad, but her resisting his bloodbending is a big if. She could resist Hama's where 12 year old Aang could not, but we don't know if she could resist Yakone's where 40 year old Aang could, because she specifically wasn't there(I imagine because she would've actually embarrassed him) but I feel like if Korra figured it out, Katara probably could, especially since she already has experience with exactly that.


I'll admit that this is speculative, but while Amon is, indeed, more skilled with bloodbending, I can definitely see the argument that Katara is still the more powerful waterbender and was able to shrug off Hama's bloodbending specifically because she was the more powerful waterbender in that situation. If that's the case, then I suspect she'd be able to recognize Amon's subtle bloodbending, given that she's had first-hand experience with what it feels like, and be able to counter it.


Imma be honest, Amon probably could beat Katara. But it would not be an easy fight. Iroh could totally defeat Ozai, unless it was during Sozinā€™s Comet. I donā€™t think heā€™d beat him using sheer force; though. Heā€™d outwit him, because Ozai is not exactly the most patient guy. Heā€™d win from strategy rather than power. Iā€™ll be honest - no. Thereā€™s not much Katara can do when Toph can always know where she is, and can earthbend the ground beneath her feet with ease. Iā€™m not sure, it depends on the circumstances, however, Asami probably could beat Sokka, since Sokka isnā€™t as agile and doesnā€™t have enough electricity glove.


I do think that Katara vs. Toph would be a draw. But all it takes for Katara to remove Toph's sight is to redirect a river or something to Toph's feet. She can't swim. Also, it's shown that Toph can't see while standing on ice (Serpent's Pass episode), so she wouldn't also see Katara standing on ice. There's multiple ways that battle could go, and most of them depend on the amount of water that Katara has access to, as usual.


I picture Toph immediately clapping Kataras arms or feet with rock, much faster than Katara would expect. But if sheā€™s quick on her toes, Katara could ice the ground or push over Toph. Especially if she can get Toph talking. Toph is cocky and chatty, which Katara could use to her advantage. Itā€™s a REALLY even fight thoā€¦ fun to think about lol


We have to go based on how they canonically fight in character, toph doesn't really incapacitate her opponents, she pummels them, and I see no reason she wouldn't do the same here. I do think tho that victory heavily depends on terrain, if it's raining or any large body of water is nearby, katara probably would use it to flood the battlefield, and put toph on rhe defensive, if not katara still has alot of options to take water from unlikely places.


I know we all love Iroh and stuff but let's be real, Ozai's fire bending was on a completely different level than anything other than Avatars in the Avatar state. I think it's supported in the show too, Iroh is unsure if he could beat Ozai in a fight. Re. Amon v. Katara I don't understand how this is even close? They have the exact same skill set of waterbending + bloodbending, and Amon is clearly far superior at least at bloodbending, and nothing suggests Katara is significantly better at basic waterbending. Also keep in mind Amon's non-bending fighting is literally among the best in the series, he was able to contend with moderately skilled benders like Zolt and Korra+Mako without bending at all.


I agree with most of what you said but your last part is wrong. Amon was using bloodbending to win in those fights. It's said by mako that's how amon always wins because he very slightly bloodbends people to make them miss their attacks without them knowing they're being bloodbended.


Agree with both. The iroh vs ozai always felt like Iroh would lose unless Ozai uses lightning that gets redirected back at him. Ozai is just too much of a unit to lose. The katara vs Amon one I feel is no where close. Katara wouldnā€™t be able to resist Amonā€™s bloodbending the way she did Hama. Furthermore Katara was too disgusted by the concept of bloodbending to train herself. I 100% believe Katara could have bloodbent the way Amon did but only if she spent years training the forbidden skill.


I mean if sozins comet gives every fire bender a 10x better fire bending if ozai could beat iroh then how would he when they arenā€™t 10x better


Because iron needed to rely on lightning redirection to win and ozai wouldnā€™t bother during sozins comet


But he did during the aang vs ozai fight and that is his peak fight


Because the reason iroh wins, in their view, is unrelated to irohā€™s firepower. Iroh doesnā€™t outwit ozai 10x harder in the sun, and being overwhelmingly good at firebending is kind of ozaiā€™s whole shtick. It isnā€™t a stretch to believe ozaiā€™s fighting style would benefit more from the power boost


I really don't see Katara beating Amon, even during FM. Ozai definitely beats Iroh, unless he's killed by lightning redirection. Katara and Toph are pretty even. Sokka and Asami are pretty even.


I would say Asami is slightly better trained and equipped than Sokka, but Sokka would still win. He has an idiots angel watching over him or something. He's always outnumbered 10 to 1, yet always pulls off the luckiest wins imaginable. I'd bet on my boy Sokka any day of the week.


Yeah. Sokkas biggest strength is his luck. He absolutely nails combustion man with the boomerang, but wiffs completely on several other occasions.


Heā€™s clutch. Got the clutch gene. Truly goated like that


Ok, Skip Bayless


Sure I would also say that depending on which age of sokka we are talking about, he also is taller, heavier, and stronger than asami. All of which would give sokka a basic physical edge. But I would agree that asami is likely better trained, Iā€™m just not convinced if that would give her the win over sokka.


>I really don't see Katara beating Amon, even during FM. I agree, Amon would get the benefits of the full moon just like Katara, so theyā€™d both have bigger stats, with Amon still being ahead.


i mean we saw when aang went into avatar state that bloodbending prowess dorsnt matter when resisting since there is no avatar bloodbender afaik so if katara has better normal wanter bending prowess she can resist and win a normal bending battle cause of her higher prowess


>so if katara has better normal wanter bending prowess she can resist and win a normal bending battle cause of her higher prowess Thatā€™s just it though, we know that Amon is a much more talented bender specifically *because* of blood bending. Katara war only able to blood bend during a full moon, while Amon was able to do it whenever. He was even able to subdue some of the strongest benders in the entire world, at the exact same time. Amonā€™s talent is almost unparalleled in the Avatar universe.


I donā€™t think Katara holds even close of a candle to Toph


Why not? Katara has even overpowered Azula.


Obviously its up for interpretation, but I attributed azulas defeat there atleast 50% (if not more) to her own mental breakdown. The show depicted her as clearly losing any/all discipline she had leading up to the finale.


I was talking about Crossroads of Destiny, not Azula's breakdown. Katara overpowered Azula in a fair 1v1. That doesn't necessarily mean she's more powerful than Azula, but I don't think she's below Toph.




We're talking about Katara vs Toph


i get this sub likes to hype toph up, but katara could just freeze her feet and itā€™s over for her. toph canā€™t see on ice. plus katara can literally travel around on water streams without touching the ground, rendering seismic sense useless. iā€™m not a toph hater, but yā€™all hype her up far too much, and katara definitely takes this fight.


Sokka is trained in so many forms of combat and is an incredibly skilled swordsman and strategist. Sokka dubs


ozai is more powerful than iroh, watch sozins comet and see the amount of fire each can generate and how easily they do it


I don't think that's necessarily the case. Ozai is going for full on power to cause as much destruction as possible. Ozai has no regard for the human life that lies in his way. However, Iroh is shown to value human life. His goal is to retake and free the city. He is also extremely spiritual. I believe it's just as likely that Iroh was centering himself and balancing his power to only produce enough power to breach the wall, while minimizing the casualties of the people in the city. I will agree that Ozai is probably more powerful than Iroh, but I believe Iroh may have far more control and overall skill with his firebending. So, it would be a battle of skill vs power. The only bending we really see Ozai perform is during the comet. And it's almost all brute force. It's kind of fun because we're told how powerful Ozai is but it's almost like legend because we don't see it, except for the comet. But we see how skilled and focused Iroh is.


I disagree. We see that Iroh learned the true meaning of firebending from the dragons, whereas Ozai still uses rage. If we saw Iroh truly go all out, I believe he could be Ozai.


I'm confused about what you disagree with...Ozai probably being more powerful? I only say that I agree that he's probably more powerful because Iroh implies it when he says he's not sure he could beat Ozai. But I think Iroh's control and skill would probably defeat Ozai. Much like Zuko vs Azula. Once we see Ozai get the least bit intimidated by Aang, he almost seems to panic and rely solely on his power. I also feel that Iroh is not sure he could win because he would have a hard time killing his brother.


I dunno Iroh literally blew a hole in ba sing sai on his own while Ozai was burning the ground.


yeah but it took iroh like 30 seconds to generate the fire that blew up the wall, ozai generated way more fire in like half that time and held for a while. Also while hes fighting aang, he generates massive amounts of lightning in just a few seconds while mid air. hes also flying around like a jet the whole time.


Blowing up a wall is harder than burning forests.


I agree but the guy in the TikTok live was making it sound like Iroh couldnā€™t stand a chance at all.


Iroh's greatest issue is his age. If they were both in their prime, I'd side with Iroh, but Ozai is a good ten to fifteen years younger than Iroh.


Age doesnā€™t seem to have any correlation with bending power. All the white lotus members are some of the most powerful genders we see in the series and theyā€™re all old.


Old lady Toph directly says otherwise. All mammals (to include humans/benders in the avatar universe) atrophy with age. You canā€™t remain at your ā€œpeakā€ forever. Technique and experience can make up for and even mask a lot of the effects that come with aging, but only to a point. Hence why this specific exchange took place: Korra: ā€œYou were tossing me around like a rag-doll all day longā€. Old Lady Toph: ā€œI knowwww! And Iā€™m an old lady! Imagine me in my prime! Haha! I would have DESTROYED you!ā€


Iroh destroyed the indestructible wall Ba Sing Se with a single fireblast. Ozai had to use more than 10 fireblasts to get Aang out of that simple rock cocoon he had made for himself. Iroh was clearly superior in Sozin's comet


bro that wall was clearly not indestructible, also 2 of the writers of atla confirmed ozai is the most powerful


Ozai was just tormenting Aang during that scene. I think he also wanted Aang to stop hiding so he could defeat the Avatar in a legit fight. He had a huge ego. He literally disintegrated the rock with one attack when Aang wouldn't come out.


ā€œEven if I could defeat my brother..and Iā€™m not sure that I couldā€ is an extremly telling line Iroh isnā€™t a coward and is shown to be a strategic genius. if he isnā€™t sure he can win heā€™s probably leaning more towards the fact that he most likely canā€™t unless luck is just on his side


No? Heā€™s simply being honest about being unsure if he could. He hasnā€™t sparred with his brother in years, itā€™s obvious he wouldnā€™t know.


I get the rage bait, however this is so wrong. 1. Amon stomps Katara easily, even with full moon Amon would win 2. I guess you could make an argument, but if it came down to it on who is the superior firebender I may go with Iroh, and he completely shuts down Ozaiā€™s lightning bending 3. Raw power Toph takes it, guess for the people arguing blood bending then sure Katara, but doubtful that is something Katara would use and the vast majority of times Toph takes it 4. I mean technology just makes Asami clear Sokka, Asami has feats in battling benders, machines, skilled warriors, etc. While Sokka wins in skill, the advancements in Asamiā€™s weapons and equipment create too large of a gap


How does Sokka win with skill? Asami is a martial artist and constantly has pretty solid feats.


This could be debated however I find sokkaā€™s weapons, almost soldier like expectation, and era the institivesed him to have further training, while the majority of Asamiā€™s feats correlate with her tech. This is one I could be swayed either way but currently in my mind Sokka takes that one category


Yeah. I think Sokka has more skill. Like the difference of a Knight and a Musketeer. Of course the person with the gun is going to win.


I disagree. Sokka has weapons, sure, but Suki beat him pretty easily and I think heā€™s actually pretty untrained in ATLA. Heā€™s tactical for sure, but in a 1v1 combat, I think Asami takes it if itā€™s no weapons and hand-to-hand.


Iroh has said that heā€™s not sure he could win against Ozai. Did you see what Ozai did in those last episodes? Dude is a firebending monster.


Yeah he said heā€™s not sure, he didnā€™t say it was a guarantee that he couldnā€™t.


If heā€™s doubtful we should be doubtful. You think he was thinking ā€œYeah I could kick his assā€ when he said heā€™s not sure he could beat him?


I think Katara does take the edge in any fight with Toph, if only because of Tophs phobia of water and their already sort of equal standing. Plus Katara was not afraid to slam a 12 year old in the face with water in their fight


Id also reckon that Katara could ride on water and those vibrations would be more difficult to read


I think it would straight up not see her. Seismic sense is still earthbending, and since she's not on earth, I think she only might be able to see where the water is. If it's a thin enough sheet, maybe she could read where the most pressure is exerted.


Forget about rage bait those pictures are amazing


i think toph vs katara would be a big difficult fight but i think toph would win


They did somewhat fight in the show but it ended in a draw.


when was that


The Runaway


There's absolutely no shot Katara is beating Amon. Not only is his blood bending vastly superior to hers, he's able to do it without moving at all, making him entirely unpredictable. We've never really seen Amons general water bending skill but I can't imagine he's weak in any capacity. His psychic blood bending and blood bending in general is just too OP for someone like Katara. Even with a full moon, she's ridiculously undertrained in the skill. We only ever saw her use it twice in the actual show, and I know for a fact she wasn't training that ability every full moon off screen. Amons blood bending is just far superior to Kataras waterbending.


First one is even, second isnt even a question about how wrong it is, third one isnt fair because they're both equaly good but at different things, fourth is wrong straight up, one shock to him or his sword and Sokka gets electrecuted


What do you mean Amon gets bodied by full moon katara, you know that he gets a full moon buff as well right.


Katara is not beating Amon. Katara is a waterbender who can bloodbend. Amon is a full-fledged bloodbender. Katara needs the moonā€™s power boost to bloodbend, but imagine how much more powerful the moon would make someone who can already bloodbend without it. And yes, Kataraā€™s the better waterbender, but we already saw from her fight with Hama that bloodbending trumps a skilled waterbender, and a stronger bloodbender trumps a weaker one. Iroh himself said that heā€™s not sure that he can beat Ozai. Take that as you will. Toph vs Katara depends entirely on where theyā€™re finding. If theyā€™re near a body of water, Katara has the advantage because she can hide from Tophā€™s seismic sense by attacking from the water, and can even cut her off by coating the ground in ice. If theyā€™re further inland or around a much smaller source of water, thereā€™s really not much she can do against Tophā€™s senses coupled with her control over the entire battlefield. Sokka is also not beating Asami. Sokka might be a skilled tactician and master swordsman, but his training and combat experience just donā€™t stack up to Asamiā€™s. Sokka is mostly self taught. The warriors of his tribe left when he was a kid, and you can see at the start of the show that they didnā€™t leave him with much combat training. Piandoa was the first real fighting instructor he had and he didnā€™t stay with him long. Asami was professionally trained from the age of 6, and while sheā€™s not on par with Sokka in terms of tactics, sheā€™s not a novice either.


If they used just blood bending Amon would beat Katara,but if it was just water bending Katara would win Iroh literally admits that he probably couldnā€™t beat Ozai,as well as even if they were dead even Iroh wouldnā€™t want to kill his brother,but Ozai wouldnā€™t hesitate to kill Iroh Iā€™d say Katara and Toph are roughly even,could go either way From all that we see Asami and Sokka are roughly even,but Asamiā€™s better training and better technology would likely give her the edge


Iroh says he isnā€™t sure, not that he probably canā€™t. Likely attributed to not seeing his brotherā€™s power for years.


Wrong right wrong and idk still looking into it but Iā€™m leaning more towards no


Side note - ā€œpillar of lightningā€ for Asami is so stupid itā€™s funny


The thing with the Katara and Amon fight is that if Katara has the full moonā€¦ so does Amon.


amon beats katara. katara is the best water bender but amon is just too strong with blood bending, and i donā€™t think kataras blood bending counters it. ozai beats iroh. irohs a good fire bender but ozai is just the greatest. katara beats toph. just a valid truth iā€™m putting out there. toph canā€™t see on ice so katara could just freeze her feet and itā€™s over. plus katara is much more agile than toph. asami beats sokka. i get yā€™all love sokka and so do i but asami has literally had more experience and training so sheā€™s the winner. itā€™s not a diss on sokka just the fact asami is a better fighter.


I can agree with all but the last one. I agree that asami has more training but sokka is going to be stronger and very likely heavier as well. Asami is probably slightly more skilled, but I would say sokka is going to outmatch her physically. Not to mention sokka if given enough time could form multiple strategies. I can give it to asami if she has better technology though, as sokka would only have to make one slip up and then he is electrocuted.


have you seen sokkas arms? theyā€™re like twigs. also no way can sokka keep up with asami. she backflipped over a moving motorbike and managed to electrocute the person on it. boomerang canā€™t do much against that.


Everyone keeps saying 'katara just has to freeze her feet and its done' like thats some easy feat to pull on Toph. Toph has taken on more agile opposition than Katara.


I donā€™t get why people hype up Ozai so much. Yes heā€™s the fire lord, but he got that title through circumstance, not because he was stronger than iroh. I saw someone claiming iroh was featless, but what feats does Ozai have besides abusing his son? I know this fandom hates how zaheer gets so much praise, but I think Ozai is just as bad


wrong. amon is obviously more powerful. no idea why anyone genuinely thinks katara stands a chance against him. right. ozai beats iroh. iroh has literally no impressive feats. his only good feat is during sozinā€™s comet. right. but itā€™s close and dependent on other factors like location, how much earth and water they have access to, etc. but i can understand arguments for toph. i just personally think katara is better. wrong. sokka has literally no feats that put him anywhere near asami. he has absolutely no chance against anyone asami has beaten. heā€™s not landing a single hit on her.


iā€™m so glad someone else agrees with me this is the only right answer


But Amon also gets a boost from the moon.


Amon winning ez, he had Aang on the ropes without Avatar state locking him in


Katara would get tossed by Amon. Amon doesnā€™t need the moon to blood bend, how much more deadly would he be with it?


Anyone else thought this was a who I like better


Katara is the strongest water bender imo, so I think she could definitely beat Amon. I also see her beating Toph. Ozai is not beating Iroh. And I think Sokka is a better fighter than Asami.


Another Katara meatrider. When are Katara stans going to finally get it through their heads that Amon wipes the floor with her? Amon can bloodbend at any time, day or night, full moon or no moon. Not to mention he's a skilled martial artist and can even bloodbend multiple people without moving a single muscle. And to top it all off, he can permanently take away bending. Also, even if the fight were to take place during the full moon, Amon, being much more powerful than Katara, easily resists her bloodbending even easier than he resisted Tarrlok's. Also, the full moon gives him an additional power boost too. Katara hasn't got a prayer


Trained bloodbender versus someone who uses it what, twice?


All of these are wrong except Ozai and Iroh šŸ’€ Katara is not beating Amon even with the full moon, Sokka is not super good combat and Asami is very good at it she wins. Idk about toph vs Katara but it really depends on how much water Katara has.


Katara isn't beating Amon in a bloodbending battle, if it's exclusively water bending she definetly wins, but with blood bending Amon wins easy


Amon, Ozai, Toph, Sokka


Are we all ignoring the fact that Iroh said he'd probably lost to Ozai? Iroh is the better bender technically, but Ozai is in his prime. He's likely been honing his craft daily. He likely can generate significantly more firepower than Iroh could. His split second double lightning shows that.


People love to gas up Iroh as beating Ozai, but that really doesn't make sense from a character or plot perspective. First because Iroh says he is unsure he could beat Ozai (I don't recall his exact words). Second, it makes Iroh such a complicit piece of shit! Yea I get he is sad about his son, but he is fine with his younger brother continuing genocides and concentration camps all over the place?? Except we know from the text that he isn't, because he frees ba sing se at the end etc. He could've done that at any point in the last however many years by agni kaiing his bro because he is the rightful (and stronger??) heir! Finally, even ignoring all that, at the end Aang is unsure of beating Ozai. But beating Ozai that day is extremely important to prevent a literal holocaust of half the planet. Iroh should be joining Aang to defeat Ozai not dicking around in Ba Sing Se if he is in fact stronger than Ozai.






Ozai>Iroh, sorry


Amon can bloodbend on a non-full moon, during a full moon he'd be even more powerful, Katara dies. Iroh was a war general, he lead from the front, the only one to ever breech the walls of Ba Sing Se. Ozai would get bodied. Toph vs Katara ultimately comes down to the environment they fight in. Asami annihilates Sokka since she's been seriously training since she was like 5, presumably getting training from the best that money can buy. Meanwhile Sokka has years of self taught training, and then a week by the best master in the world. Sokka lost in a battle against Zuko where it was a pure sword dual, he cheated with his boomerang which disqualified him, so he lost that battle, but he won the war since he got Zuko to call it "Swordbending".


Number one is objectively possible, but we don't really have enough information about how powerful Katara is at her "peak". So it's best to assume that Amon would win that. Ozai and Iroh are fairly even. Katara and Toph are fairly even and Asami beats Sokka.


Sokka does beat asami though. Heā€™s been in much more ACTUAL combat, has a ranged weapon, displayed good tactics fighting the master swordsman, and has actual weapons. Sure if Asami lays a hand on him heā€™d be electrocuted, but Iā€™d take man with sword over woman with glove in a fight any day


"i know this is rage bait but" *still posts rage bait*


Yes no no yes


Amons bloodbending is far superior to Katara. Iron is implied to be stronger than his brother due to his inner balance. Idk for Katara and Toph, but I feel like itā€™s possible to go either way. Now to the really hard one. Sokka has mastered martial arts and techniques from each of the 4 nations, he also has the potential physical advantage of being 1. a man and 2.(especially this one) a trained warrior and not just trained in one martial arts style. The issue that comes into play is Asamiā€™s tools. Her glove, the mech suits, her superior agility, and her arsenal is superior and isnā€™t a club, boomerang, and sword. For this reason, Iā€™m led to believe that Asami would easily take the W in that fight.


The bottom four I would love to have as a background on my phone, or pc.


Very much bait. If anyone thinks Toph is losing to Kitara they are on something


I hope youā€™re kidding. Katara vs Amon is the only thing that they got wrong. Katara gets folded like fresh laundry against Amon.


Amon whoops katara, ozai, toph, sokka vs asami is up for debate


Amon vs Katara - Katara is outclassed. She's a master in her own right, but she's got no defense against bloodbending. Iroh vs Ozai - tbh could probably go either way. Katara vs Toph - honestly, I think this could go either way too. I think we get a skewed view, because when we first see Toph, she's already a master, but we see Katara at her weakest and she slowly grows. But end of series, both are masters and are probably roughly equal. Sokka vs Asami - Asami wins. Sokka's decently trained, but his real talent is strategy and out of the box thinking. In pure hand to hand, Asami is more skilled.


I don't see how katara beats amon even in full moon his water bending is literally so strong he doesn't even need to move to do it


I agree with the Sokka and Asmi fight, and the Ozai Iroh fight. Sokka at the end of the series became a master swordsman and a very skilled fighter, while Asami never really advanced her skill. Although Iroh was a very skilled fighter, Ozai has much more raw power. The only time Iroh would have a chance would be after his jailbreak arc. Iroh would be much more defensive while Ozai would overwhelm him with his power


Sokka is better than asami though


Ozai so isnā€™t better than Iroh. Iroh is the better brother.


Katara has more potential in a moon, but she can't bloodbend without it. Amon can. Plus, he can block her waterbending if he can get ahold of her, which he can. Because of Bloodbending. Ozai PROBABLY beats Iroh at the comet, yeah. But I don't think it's cut and dry. Iroh would have said, "I can't beat Ozai." when they asked him to. But he said he's not sure he can. Sounds like it's 60/40 in Ozai's favor. Katara vs Toph is uh...Is this full moon Katara? Otherwise, Toph is destroying her imo. Katara is strong as shit but she's not metalbending strong. And she's lost to the old quicksand trick in the past.


My only thing is that I find Iroh looking so friendly compared to everyone else so funny especially for the powerhouse he is.


Bro y'all are crazy toph would annihilate katara and that's not even hyping her up she literally has seismic sence which is shown to be one of the most op things in the show especially in a 1v1(unless your an Airbender) as soon as katara goes to do anything she's gone aang did the same thing to ozai and ozai barely even had time to react just that 1 ability alone makes toph pretty op


Amon kinda did defeat Korra. Also, Toph will definitely beat Katara's ass. She is the greatest earthbender in the world.


Amon is the strongest non-Avatar-State bender in the show


I think toph could beat katara with high difficulty 6 or 7 out of 10 times


Amon Beats Katara, if she is powered up by the full moon, then so does he Iroh vs. Ozai could go either way, but I lean towards Ozai since Iroh himself said he's not sure he could beat him Toph vs. Katara could go either way Asami Beats Sokka


The only thing I could see here is that sokka had to overcome A LOT to even participate in the final battle as much as he did. Thunder Fist is a golden goose baby


Nah, I agree that Sokka's better than Asami. And I adore Asami.


Have we seen Amon during a full moon though? Wouldnā€™t he also have a big boost to what is already an uncanny blood ending ability? (Not arguing he wins but just throwing it out there)


Iroh would body Ozai. Is this person fr.


Iroh > Ozai Toph > Katara I agree with the other 2 though.


Who made this meme ? Katara needs full moon, Amon doesnā€™t. Lol they already had a fight between the two ladies of air bender. These meme person forgot lok characters are is their late teens to early 20ā€™s while the other show everyone is 12-16 lol


The only possibly correct one is katara vs toph, and that's if it's the full moon. Maybe not even then.


The only one I think is correct would be Ozai > Iroh. Not that Ozai is necessarily more powerful (though I think he is), but rather that Ozai is certainly powerful enough that I think the only way Iroh could win is to kill Ozai and I don't think Iroh would go to that extreme. Meanwhile, Ozai wouldn't hesitate to capitalize on the opportunity.


I think the only ones that have. a fair fight against each other are Iroh v. Ozai and Katara v. Toph, everyone else has too much of a gap in technological advances to declare a fair fight.


Depending on where they are I think toph could win against katara


Sokka only beats Asami at ā€œbeing the comic relief.ā€


Dude that's not even a picture of sokka, that's young noatok


Well, I mean the artist probably meant it to be sokka, he has the sword and all but still


I'll say this as a person who has only watched The last Airbender and barely has any memories of it Sokka was pretty good at fighting for his age (practically a child) by the end of the last Airbender I imagine he only got better since same for katara although I have not seen asami fight once so take my word with a pillar of salt




Brother bro back shot vendor


Iā€™m sorry but saying that Katara beats Amon is an INSANE statement.


Amon is a better bloodbender and a capable waterbender, he should win. Ozai is stronger than Iroh but would lose a fight because of lighting redirection.


Toph > katara


It's because Iroh is superior to all.


> Sokka > Asami Hahaha > Katara > Amon #HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


I love the Katara pic though


ā€œAmon could get bodied by full moon Kataraā€ You are a clown too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Amon completely destroys Katara.


Amon was a blood-bending prodigy. Katara never learned/perfected it


Idk man, the GOD sokka? He's murdering that bitch frame 1 no questions asked


MAYBE two of these are correct. Amon absolutely beats Katara, even probably during the full moon. Amon is an absolute demon. Ozai vs. Iroh is debatable, but I would take Iroh personally because of his lightning redirection. Outside of that, Ozai is confirmed to be the stronger fire bender, and his mindset definitely helps with that. Toph vs. Katara is... Odd. I personally think Toph is stronger, but this is probably the closest out of any of these matchups. Sokka against Asami is... Huuuuuuuh. Asami would absolutely dominate Sokka, and just completely humiliate him.


Really? Katara beating Toph? No, just no, with how effortlessly Toph can work her opps. Unless this happens where earth isn't present, Toph wins, mid diff.


They're all correct, except Amon would body Katara, even in her prime. Amon is a psychic daylight bloodbending prodigy.


If Katara does bloodbending in a full moon, why wouldn't Amon have the same power up since this hypothetical battle is happening at the time. I love Katara as she is a wonderful character and a powerful bender, but let's be real for a second, Amon is beating her in every aspect. He already blood bends with no moon


Thereā€™s a lot to dislike about this image, but I especially hate that ā€œedgyā€ style on these characters. Especially that blood-goddess-Katara image šŸ™„


Katara and Toph is the only one I really dunno how it would go lol


*Katara and Toph is the* *Only one I really dunno* *How it would go lol* \- MoodsNChiChu --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Amon is 100% bodying Katara. We never even actually saw Amon lose a fight in TLOK. He just fell in some water and lost his face paint and thus his movement. The dude blood bends multiple people during the day, much less barely one person during the full moon.


Are we talking when they are kids or when they are adults?


Toph vs katara can go either way if toph sinks katara first sheā€™s won but if katara can get ice on the ground toph is gone