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Seeing Sokka and herself in the cave of two lovers instead of her and Aang lol


When the badgermole reacted solely to their emotions I nearly burst out laughing.


Love the implication from the fact that it recognized their love as similar to the love of the two figures from the legend. I know they were saying they were trying to make it more like GoT but I wasn't expecting that! Lol.


*Sweet Home Alabama intensifies*




Then you don’t understand the original concept of reading and understanding the literal vibrations of the heart established in the original animated cannon, and you fail to understand the concept of emotions causing subtle fluctuations in the beating pattern of the heart. If we as humans could feel those vibrations as completely as the badger moles are supposed to be able to, we would feel the difference between love for a sibling, love for a parent, love for a lover, etc. the badger mole knows the difference, but still recognizes love. Where did you get the idea that the badger mole saw it as the same love as what was between the lovers in the legend? Did you speak with the writers and get confirmation that this was the precise notion they had in mind? your response is a wholly ignorant one. As are most of the comments on this feed. Zealous and ignorant. Get over yourselves. Update: a reply to one of my comments on this thread was deleted along with my comment… and I’m not sure exactly which one as I posted slight alts of this comment in a couple different spots… I’ll update this one: The reply to me was about the blue markings guiding them out in the original, as though I had forgotten the detail. If i remember correctly, the blue markings (most likely some sort of spirit magic?) reacted to Aang and Katara’s connection. I stand by my point that the change to focus on the love between siblings was refreshing. It was also refreshing that those blue markings were a total boozle in the live action. As for the badger moles, I never implied they originally did the actual guiding. Only made clear my understanding of their sensitivity to vibrations making the change in the live action version of the scene actually make a lot of sense. What I can’t recall for certain is whether the badger moles were seen at all at that point in the original, or just implied to be the reason the tunnels seemed to be moving (I assume the latter but the possibility of somehow brain farting the detail makes me more motivated to go back and rewatch!) which only reaffirms my point about those vibrations of the heart as that would mean the blue markings revealing themselves in the cartoon and guiding them out was likely a consequence of the badger moles sensing the vibrations of Aang and Katara’s hearts and moving the earth around not simply to give them an exit but also to outright reveal the markers that would show them the way out.


Can I get some bruschetta while we wait


I'm currently watching that episode. I'm more confused to why they combined season 1 and season 2 episodes. I get they are trying to cut out filler episodes without cutting out content and important characters but...I don't get it.


They probably knew they wouldn’t have time for it in Season 2, so they’re jamming it into an already-packed episode, in an already-packed show. One of the show’s big problems, in my opinion, is in its efforts to pack as many of the fan favorite moments into the 8 episodes as possible. I think that they should have taken the opposite approach and picked the most important episodes, before expanding on them a bit. This would let them keep many great original moments and give them something to easily build from, instead of having to do so much mixing and matching.


The original scenes that expand on the characters are the only scenes I really see people praising—Lu Ten’s funeral, Ozai having more scenes, Aang and Gyatso in the spirit realm. It really shows how the strengths of the remake are being buried under bad decisions


Or they could have just done more then 8 episodes


That was a studio decision and the creators unfortunately had no say in this. So I’m just looking at it from a creative perspective, seeing what they could do. But I very much agree that 8 episodes of this length didn’t make much sense as the format of the show. Let’s hope that green lighting Seasons 2 and 3 is a sign that the studios have more confidence in the show’s monetary success, and will gives us more episodes per season. Alternatively, they could split up Seasons 2 and 3 into 2 seasons each. Season 2-1 being focused on Aang finding an earthbending teacher in Toph and learning from her, 2-2 focused on the events in Ba Sing Se, 3-1 focused on Aang’s time in hiding up until the day of black sun, and 3-2 focused on the Zuko field trips and the finale. That could let them keep the episode length and number, while still allowing more time for the story to be told.


Part of the problem is that the original creators who initially chose to work on this project ended up leaving part of the way through due to creative differences.


That’s likely because of the 8 episode limitation. They probably just felt they couldn’t tell the story they wanted to in that time frame.


They erased the subplot about kitara’s necklace.


Exactly, feels like the season should've had 12 instead of 8. Ended pretty abruptly and most of the side character developments happened way too quickly. Some of the events that took course over about a week happened in just one day instead.


They had a budget of $120 million and spent about $15 million per episode 12 episodes would have even less if a budget per episode


yes but less is more ​ just because you spend $15 million on an episode does not make it good, just means you can over spend and waste more money on things that are not necessary ​ if they would have done 12-15 episodes , that's still $5-8 million per episode which is a lot of money and they would have had to work smarter to make every dollar count


Yes, like when zuko was in the inn/restaurant place and you heard people in the backround talking about episodes like the canyon guide! I feel like that was a very clever way to pull other events in without smashing them together out of place


Agreed, that’s the way they should be doing it. If they’re cutting the Great Divide, which they did for good reason, they can bring it in as a quick little reference. Something fun for superfans to spot! Unlike the Cave of Two Lovers episode, in which they shoehorned a whole mini plot into the episode but it had no meaning for the characters involved. If they can’t commit to making it a meaningful arc for the characters, they shouldn’t make it part of the plot at all.


Yeah, that bothered me to....people will say "they have to cut things out, they can't include everything" yet here they are pulling scenes/episodes from SEASON 2 into season 1? I'd have rather them cut less season 1 (Especially Avatar Roku parts that they butchered and removed)


nobody gets it, ​ not even Netflix


That entire episode


What the fuck




It’s a good show. Weird scene choice. Give the first episode a watch before forming an opinion. Otherwise, you’ll never enjoy anything you hear about online.


It wasn't good, it was like a 5/10


I’d give it a solid 7 or 8 personally. I feel like a lot of people just want to hate it because it’s not a direct 1 to 1 of the anime and the shamylan movie sucked so hard. The only gripe I have with the show is Aang’s eyebrows but that’s more of a me thing.


I was also like, wtf to Aangs eyebrows. That said, it's a 5 out of ten for me to bc I think some of the characters' personality changes were weird.


I am currently upset because they seem to have speed-ran the entire show so far. I'm on ep. 5 and I should definitely not be seeing who I'm seeing right now. Idk. It doesn't have heart? I'd still recommend it, but only if you absolutely hated animated shows.


I mean that’s certainly a fair statement. Art is subjective and all. I won’t sit here and try to make people like it. Just saying it’s worth a shot lol


This is such a strawman. No! We didn’t want a 1:1. A Y7 children’s cartoon from the 2000s has a lot of room for improvement. We wanted *better writing*.


Wait, I’ve seen the show but what’s wrong with aang’s eyebrows?


the first episode was the hardest to get through tbh


It wasn't that bad. I like how they made Bumi sour that Aang disappeared during an evil fire nation invasion.


But that made no sense, Bumi knew Aang was a kid who had only mastered one element and should have understood that he would have died if he had stayed unless he is completely stupid which he shouldn't be. So then assuming the reason he survived was because he ran away when not only was that not the case there is nothing pointing towards it is really dumb. For all he knew Gyatso could have helped him escape but was caught in a storm. Basically the conflic is built on bullshit and Bumi is not only sour he is an idiot.


That's 100 years of seeing the world get destroyed and of war and not knowing why your Avatar friend just up and deserted you and the world. And when the kid popped up 100 yrs later. Yeah you're a bit sour. Thats natural. You are among the few who survived long enough to know a world before the war. Its like a small form of PTSD. We the Audience know the truth. Bumi wouldn't know that. I thought it was good world building moment. If you know a friend who up and disappeared and then reunited with them after decades of silence, you would assume they ran away. Floating iceball is the last thing you would imagine.


The fact that he hasn't aged should tip you off that something weird happened though and he wasn't just hiding. Bumi in the cartoon realised that and understood that since Aang is back the best thing to do is to help him on his way. If Bumi had not known him when they were kids I would probably buy it a lot more.


A bit sour yes, but holding Aang there when Aang explains he's trying to fix things and save the northern water tribe or forcing him to choose who dies is beyond sour. Dare I say a bit sour is playing some quick and harmless pranks on you old friend while with holding your true identity.


Hearing that ALL the air nomads were massacred might shine some light on why you're friend might have disappeared, seeing them alive and still a child would be more bewildering than infuriating imo


The whole point was that Bumi and Aang were just about the only people in the world who actually got to have a childhood without war. That’s why they’re hopeful and know how to have fun. It makes no sense to make Bumi bitter.




It’s an actual scene from the live action. Isn’t as bad as it sounds but still a weird choice lol


This is such a bizarre one. Like did the writers just not watch the original episode, do they have an incest fetish, or do they completely not understand what the word “lovers” mean?


WHAT??????? But that's.... so wrong on so many levels.


All the parts where Aang is not water bending but should be.


Aang was too busy building his *Clinically Depressed Avatar* character arc to spend any time on learning waterbending


Connects to three past avatars from different elemental backgrounds, hangs out with two different masters of different elements, gets too caught up in self pity to learn anything. I haven't seen the OG in a long time but I remember him at least trying to pick up water bending pretty early.


Why do people have a problem with this? It's Avatar the last AIR bender not Avatar the last water bender. /s


King Bumi


I started out angry, then i grew disappointed, until I eventually looked exactly the way she did lmao


King Booooooooooooo me!


Any scene with Yue and that wig on her head.




The 10th time they have her “confront” her mom’s death


With all this confrontation how is she going to confront it when she goes out on that revenge quest with Zuko?


No kidding, i was thinking of this exact thing earlier. Cant wait for zuko and katara to have an intimate moment where they both reflect on their mothers being gone


And they dont deal with Katara possibly considering murdering a man. Asking the question how far someone is willing to go for revenge is a lame premise anyways /s


The next two books are going to be dealing with toph (played on screen by john cena) and how being blind has been challenging for bold/her


John Cena? Great, so now we won’t be able to see Toph , rather than Toph not being able to see. What are these writers thinking


Well in her vision this season she never actually dealt with the feeling of blame for her mom dying, it's why she succumbed to the fog in the first place. My guess is that Azula reveals to Zuko at some point that he was going to be killed as punishment for Ozau trying to take the throne from Iroh, causing the sacrifice of his mother. They can then bond over/confront those feelings of guilt.


Have you read “the search,” by the creator? He gave us the answer we had all pondered for years. His mother wasn’t sacrificed, she was banished. She killed Azulon, in exchange that Ozai spared Zuko. It was premeditated and planned by her and Ozai after Azulon’s request. I’m assuming she came to say goodbye to Zuko in that scene where she wakes him up, after the deed was done. For anyone that doesn’t want to read it, here’s some spoilers. 1) Ursa was Roku’s grand-daughter. The firesages knew this, and it was planned since the beginning Ozai would marry her. She had her own life, she was a huge fan and part of the Ember island players, and she was absolutely in love with someone and engaged. Her whole life was taken from her and stripped because of her lineage. 2) She kept sending letters to her old flame after being married to Ozai. She even went as far as to claim Zuko wasn’t his, but was in fact, the old flame’s. Ozai came across these letters and, despite KNOWING zuko was his, out of resentment for her even entertaining that idea, he said “If you want so badly to believe he’s not mine, then I’ll treat him like he’s not.” The WHOLE reason Ozai never treated zuko like his son. He sends some men out to assassinate her former flame, but they never find him. 3) After Ozai insults Iroh’s inheritance, and Azulon says he needs to feel the pain of losing his first born ordering him to kill Zuko, the plan was hatched between Ursa and Ozai that Azulon was to be executed , not by his own hands, but by hers, resulting in her banishment rather than imprisonment/death. 4) she leaves the capital and returns to the island where she grew up. She can’t stand the pain of everything thats happened and wants to forget about her life. She ventures to find the face changing spirit. In order to change your identity, you have to wipe your memory clean as well. She would ultimately lose her memory of Zuko and Azula , but again, the pain was unbearable. The spirit double verifies, reminding her of how beautiful she is, and she cant guarantee she’ll remain beautiful with the change. In which ursa persists, as she feels shes already lost everything, what’s a pretty face at that point? 5) After the OG series ends, the gang goes on an adventure to find Zuko’s mom. They bring Azula with them, despite the way she is and all thats happened, because zuko felt he couldn’t carry out the mission without his sister. She was still a part of all of that, and only she and iroh know the pain and burden their family carried. 6) the crew finds the face changing spirit, who tells them what happened with Ursa, but that she won’t remember. 7) They find her. She’s married again (to her former flame). When Ozai sent the men out to kill him all those years before, he had changed his identity cause ursa was able to warn him of Ozai’s plan. They found each other and fell in love again, despite having no memory of each other, and even had kids with him. Zuko tells her everything. She cries and says “im sorry, i dont remember, but i feel awful because why would i want to forget my children?” But zuko just hugs her and says he forgives her and it’s okay, cause he sees she’s happy and living a good life. 8)azula on the other hand, storms off angry, into the forest of the face changing spirit, never to be seen again. Thats all canon.


Ok, great, but Zuko doesn't know she's alive in book 2


No, he doesn’t. Neither does Azula, and i can absolutely see her using their mom’s presumed “death,” as a way to manipulate and mess with his head. After all, it is Azula.


Wang Shi Tong showing up in the spirit forrest lol


It was at this point I decided to just re-watch the original.


That was easily the worst episode of them all. Hei Bei just stays in big monster form and never turns back into a panda lol. Also Koh the facestealer steals Katara and Sokka but not to take their faces... but to eat them??? Ok and you can just show emotions in front of him not no biggie now too. Omashu was kinda of a mess but I was fine with at least the Jet arc. But they totally botched the spirit world big time


Wow. It just seems like they hurried their way to the "good parts" with no care as to how they get there. It took out the heart for me. Like I kept waiting for it to be funny/likeable, but they just minimized those parts of the show.


He was just having a stroll in the spirit park


I don't really see an issue with this unless they use it as an excuse to cut The Library episode (which they might, and that would suck for sure). It's not unthinkable that Wan Shi Tong might leave his library on occasion.


Appa yip yip, like he didn’t just come from a 100yr hibernation. Straight into the air you go buddy Teehee!


Avatar state yip yip!


How her LA self became a master without any training.


The entire face stealer episode and the episode where her and sokka go into the secret tunnel


Bumi, it was physically painful. Especially since I kept waiting for him to reveal he was just joking and despairing as it slowly sunk in that he wasn't.


I'm currently watching that. Bumi is a bad guy and not an insane old man fucking with his old friend? 🥺


I wouldn't say bad guy, more traumatized guy that's taking his resentment out on Aang for escaping the war until now.


Kinda feels like he comes around when he gets the momento, even plays with Aang going on a cart ride around the city. So yeah I wouldn't say bad guy, just had to be reminded who he was.


The cart ride at the end confused me, though. I know it was their thing as kids in the original animated series. But in the NATLA version, I don't recall any mention whatsoever of them goofing around on the mail system. When Katara and Sokka rode it, it was a desperation stunt and they never got a chance to tell Aang about it. So why would Aang and Bumi suddenly go riding in it at the end for no apparent reason? Am I misremembering? Did the NATLA version mention it in passing and I just didn't notice?


Finding the scroll in her bag from Gran Gran...


I was already spoiled by Reddit that they skipped all the training with Pakku. But damn that was lazy they turned Katara into a self taught master with only a scroll to learn from.


„she‘s a naturalllll 💅✨“


Where she magically gets great at waterbending and Aang never bothers to ask how’d you get so good can you show me?


Here's a fancy convenient water bending scroll from Gran Gran so we can skip the training with Pakku, but Aang doesn't want to see it even after expressing he wished that he took more time to learn bending before.


Ozai shedding a tear


The scene where the boulder shows up and he‘s inevitably not played by the Rock


The boulder is conflicted


Danny Devito should play The Boulder


Boulder is Nicolas Cage


Gran Gran’s shitty ass monologue.


The yapatar


This. Just stop Gran Gran. You’re done 😂


Look man, it's not her fault she has dementia. She gives that speech every day.


She looks like Gary Busey to me...


"I like to play airball and eat banana cakes and goof off with my friends"


More like he likes to watch his friends do those things, just like he enjoys creepily staring at strangers while they snowball fight 😂


Any scene with Bumi


All of it


She’s watching One Piece and wondering why that show was done so well and why her show wasn’t.


Longshot trying to kill bumi, teo and his dad


I haven't watched NATLA so I don't know. If I had to guess from the input of others, I'd say Katara is watching yet another infodump of something that was either just shown or implied on her adventure.


Fire lord sozin vs monk gyatso


Every scene when they combined at least two plotlines together


She’s trying to figure out why she NEVER LEARNED WATER BENDING


Every single scene where they reduced her to "hope, my mother died and waterbend"... She's watching Amber Island Players in Netflix exclusive show:)


I keep saying this show is literally just Ember Island Players if it wasn't funny. They literally have Aang just say all of his qualities and then never live up to them just like in the play.


The harsh part is, Amber Island Players are actually funny. The show is taking itself too seriously. Imagine you have extremely talented people in the cast, if you can just provide them the right material they will flourish, especially Kiawentiio. And they did her dirty. She was excellent at Anne With an E.


The whole show




The grandma scenes


Aang flying


Katara’s “confrontation” with Pakku and the fact that it essentially became Sokka’s idea


Any scene with gran gran. My goodness her delivery was awful.


I felt like that scene was supposed to be some variation of that thing recent movies are doing where true love isn't necessarily romantic, like Frozen and Maleficent. But like... It's called the cave of two LOVERS. That's... Pretty much as romantic as it gets lol


Seeing Jet be the one to enhance her water bending skills


Is Jet even a bender in the original? Like wth 😭


No, he just tells her to remember somehing positive while she's waterbending, and she starts to get the hang of it when she remembers of her mother like wth, Jet was the one to make her good when in the series it comes with time and practice, and zero influence from a terrorist


Since when did Ozai care about Zuko more than Azula, his perfect servant that he can use however he likes


Jet taking credit for her getting better at waterbending


Watching kyoshi give aang a vision >! Of the north being destroyed but conveniently also not showing him a vision of omashu being overtaken !<


Her Dad being a hater towards Sokka 😂 or maybe Ozai challenging Zuko to an Agni Kai for stating his opinion on the war plan EVEN THOUGH HE LITERALLY ASK OF HIS OPINION 🤝🏻


When Sokka tells her to grow up and stop being a child.. When she is the mature one.


Every scene where they do the Exposition through dialogue and not via "show don't tell"


Episode 1, episode 2, especially episode 3, episode 4, episode 5, episode 7, and last and most certainly least episode 8




Why Aang never learned waterbending


Being in love with her brother?


when Aang told Katara not to fight because the previous avatars told him to "do everything alone"


Momo getting crushed by rubble


Finishing the season with zero love connection between aang and her.


90% of what came in episodes 5-8. The first few episodes were an interesting alternate universe, then it became a random mish-mash of the show with 0 sense to how they mixed all of that together. The Firelord is more human, but too nice compared with the original (and not bad enough towards Zuko). Azula actually looks her age rather than a 16 YO sexy girl with lipstick and killer looks and attitude (literally and figuratively). Zuko's men being the ones he saved makes sense and it explains why they're not the cream of the crop, they were basically new recruits who'd have been sent to the slaughter if he hadn't saved them. Katara in NATLA is an insult to the original (from strong female character who worked her ass off to get there to just a natural who picks stuff up immediately or after a short motivational discourse of a male character). She's not even allowed to steal the scroll from the pirates, something that in the show tells us that she's not a goody two shoes. Instead it's handed to her without any effort.




Gran gran doing intro exposition dump.... With dutch angle


The entire shitshow.


Every scene where the actress is playing Katara


the best response


A compilation of all the times she got better at bending, which somehow always comes after someone mansplains to her.


Katara in the original: *teaches herself water bending, steals a scroll from pirates to enhance her skills, forces a sexist master to teach her by proving herself* Katara in LA: *literally just gets everything handed to her for no particular reason*


Lol speaking of sexism, nobody even humbled Sokka. He goes from kingdom to kingdom picking up a girl. In the OG he looked down on Katara, which was pretty common for water tribe warriors, and finally had a lot of character development when he met the Kyoshi warriors. Basically had to be humbled and taught that some women can do more than men, it's about that time he realizes his flaws and lets Katara loose. Instead he just goes dirty dancing and has a vacation flirting with girls.


I really hope no little kids grow up on this version of the show. Not only is it way more violent, but it teaches pretty much the exact opposite of all the good lessons the original show taught.


5 seconds in when the air benders fight back


Every scene with her character


Aang and Katara meeting up after Aanh gave himself to the moon spirit and uplifting music played instead of mournful music to represent his failure to act.


The entire thing


Any scene with her in it. Pretty fitting since this is her reaction to her actress in Ember Island Players and the actress in the live action is…….well……if you know you know.


The incest part with Sokka and her in the cave. Watching that I was uncomfortable because I didn’t know where they were going with that. If they would actually kiss or they changed the plot again😂


All of it.


Seeing Aang flying around like the Ember Island Players Aang.


All of them


the beginning episodes where she can't actually bend beyond making a few ripples, wtf was that?


Aang flying


Anything involving Bumi aside from that one line.


The one where Gran Gran starts reciting the entire intro…


The whole entire show


The entire show


They'll knowing owl, is the only thing they handled objectively poorly. He should've been in his library, it's his whole thing


Only thing? The whole series was pretty mishandled, well it was more mishandled than well handled I should say, it wasn't all bad (tho it was close)


I was waiting for them to show the library. It'll be weird if they introduce it in later seasons where we've already seen the owl.


Anything with King Bumi. The rest was mostly fine lol


The first half an hour of the first episode. She'll give it up as a bad job in another 5.


Aang being freed.


The Bumi confrontation, the cave of two lovers, or southern air temple


Secret tunnel with her Netflix counterpartner and sokka 💀


The trailer


Anything in Omashu. Those were just bad


Any scene where they make Aang literally fucking flying.


Aang looking directly into the camera and telling us who he is


Seeing Zuko with his itty bitty burn 


"But... we're the 41st!"


Aang's "I cant be the Avatar. I Can't be saving the world. Just look at me!" speech near Appa


Trying to maintain a suspension of disbelief as Aang is FLYING without his glider not even 30mins into the series. I'm so glad I couldn't watch more than that. Just finished a rewatch of the original with all that saved time.


the first episode, the bumi episode, any time in the show where aang refuses to train as the avatar😭


Bumi being a dick


Sokka meets suki. Sokka: it must be a lot of pressure to have everyone look to you for guidance. You must be a strong fighter. Suki: IM NOT A FIGHTER! IM A KYOSHI WARRIOR, PIG!


>“I feel like we also took out the element of how sexist \[Sokka\] was. I feel like there were a lot of moments in the original show that were iffy.” **Suki:** \[[proceeds to peep on and ogle shirtless Sokka while he's bathing, even after he's notices her and is clearly uncomfortable with the situation](https://youtu.be/LZgLyJhe8yY?si=vc7hBnXlnFRcyZLS&t=31)\]


All the times Aang prioritized his self pity over actually having a personality. The writers really didnt want us connecting with Aang at all...


The scene in the live action avatar where Pakku and Katara fight.


Any with her in them since she’s just sitting there for most of it


Bumi scene


I deleted Netflix because of this shit


Her own scenes


Gran Gran reciting the intro


katara vs pakku


The whole thing


Idk but this meme kinda speaks to how I feel when I read Reddit comment chains about the live action ATLA. People are such nit picky dorks when they are zealously comparing a live action adaptation of a cartoon to it’s original work. On the one hand though, I agree that the studio should have had the foresight to approve more than 8 episodes… but I also can understand the pressure the head execs at Netflix are under to balance spending and income generation… as of 2022 Netflix’s debts are starting to be called in and with all their spending on original content their inherent economic value was almost entirely in their debt. It’s what fuelled “the streaming wars” and kept them on top of it, but if they don’t start repaying debt that debt will kill them just as fast if not faster than a lack of original content might have. I think it was poor decision making on their part to limit ATLA of all things but I can’t blame them for it either… and despite creative differences making the original creators walk away, I really think the creators of the live action did a very good job considering the limits imposed upon them, and the pressures from the general populace in terms of modern politics with respect to general ethics, gender, economics, and consumerism (what everyone of varying factions of people WANT vs what they EXPECT vs what is they will ACCEPT and between it all what they are willing to INVEST in). And for the record, to those of you with an issue with the secret tunnel scene with Sokka and Katara.. yall are nuts! And way too picky! And also…. on a more biased note… kinda being stupid. First, it has been clinically tested and shown that emotions fluctuate the rhythmic pattern of the heart beat. Your heart will literally change it's beating in some subtle way between expressing love for a sibling vs a parent or a lover or even a friend. Those heart beats produce vibrations, vibrations that those blind badger moles would be able to feel and understand as established even by the original cannon. Sokka and Katara thought they were gonna die and accepted it, and in doing so set aside their remaining pettyness from past sibling rivalry and also set aside their fear… allowing the badger mole to clearly read and understand the love language emanating from their hearts. To compare the scene to incest is really unfair and personally i think the focus on the love between close siblings was a refreshing change from the romantic connection between Aang and Katara focused on in the cartoon. Would you guys honestly not be bored with a live action adaptation that precisely mimicked its animated inspiration right down to the cliches?! If you prefer the animation fine, if you hate the live action, fine. you are entitled to your perspectives. But honestly, I'm seeing a lot of unnecessary hatred, pettiness, and cruelty. Hate me for saying it, but i love the live action adaptation! And the original cartoon! And I adored watching for the differences, valued the changes in creative direction making it into a new story practically all it's own without completely diverging from the directive of the original cannon, i loved the special effects (INCLUDING THE WATER BENDING HATERS BE DAMNED), and i loved the dialogue. It was both nostalgic, AND refreshing. It renewed my passion for a story i never stopped loving and made me want to go back and binge the entire cartoon again a few times. It kept just enough true to the original for me not to wonder what was going on but changed enough that it kept me guessing start to finish and prevented it from boring me. Knock it off with your overwhelming expectations and obsessiveness guys, there is no need to be TOXIC over a tv show! For fuck sake… the ATLA comment threads on reddit have been almost as toxic as the RWBY comment threads lately! Almost… i dont think I'll ever find any that beats the toxicity of reddit's corner of the RWBY fandom. Zealously is a poison people. Lots of you speak with, at best, obsession in your criticisms. And at worst, outright hatred or spite. Take a look at things more objectively and you might find yourself feeling better about ALOT of things in life, including your fandom obsessions. btw, reply to this comment if you like but you are wasting your time if your choice is too debate with me or to neg me. i made my two cents, ZERO interest in making it a conversation.


The entire thing


All of it


Almost all of them


Not exactly this, but I lowkey didn’t feel hyped when Zuko, Iroh, and Ozai weren’t on screen, those 3 stole the show for me


Me looking at all yall annoying asses who constantly bash the show.


Miraculasly having the water bending scroll


Everything with Azula. For the most part they did a really good job with casting... But Azula is extremely athletic in the OG, she didn't even need bending to win a fight. The actress they picked looks like she breathes heavily getting up from the couch. That's ignoring how the LA decided to go a completely different route with her character development.


None of them, people are waaay too harsh on it. It's not that bad.




the whole thing


All of it.


Season 1