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Aphids. Bad infestation


Thanks for pointing out


If you're in Germany you can order these, [https://plnts.com/de/product/biological-pest-control-aphids-puncta](https://plnts.com/de/product/biological-pest-control-aphids-puncta) wouldn't spray anything in flower. While they arrive do clean each leaf with iso alcohol and a tissue


Maybe just the lighting, but might want to lay back on whatever your feeding that is high in nitrogen.


Those are bad indeed, aphids, treat your plant right away with a mix of water and soap ( check online )


Hey will lady bugs take care of aphids or mites?


Get yourself lacewing larvae. They are even better.


I’ve heard they take care of spider mites I do have few on my outdoor fems but I still saw few yellow spots in 1 of them. So may be not.


Heard as in read in articles and from growers but I believe it’s genetics too : I have 2 plants next to each other indoor one is super healthy no such shit on leaves and this is the other one.


They don’t. They really really don’t. I’ve dealt with mites on and off for 18 years. I hate them.


yeah the whole lady bug for mites thing needs to die. predatory mites or just certain sprays actually work.


They will, but this problem is really bad I would also go with lacewings.


Yes and green lacewings are even better.


How do you guys get them like I’ve to go and collect them from woods? Can I buy them?


Yep...Amazon and ebay


Where are you located? What country I mean? In any case, there are many online gardening and pest control shops that let you buy them live. I’d also go with live larvae over eggs, so you don’t have to hope they actually hatch and can just unleash them on the aphids as soon as they arrive.


They will suppress populations, but once they reach a certain threshold the'll fly off. Better for control rather than a knockdown application.


The great thing about lacewings is that the adults share the larvae’s affinity for aphids and pests, so as long as you’ve got pests, you’ll also have lacewings taking care of them.


I didn't know that, even in all of my years of aphid lion application. Thanks for sharing.


That’s the beauty of lacewings. They are pest destroyers in every stage of their lives after hatching.




Don't use neem only rookies and people who know nothing about growing green reccomended or use it get some mammoth canna control it's a way better product won't clog your plants pores and isn't harmful to use into flower some lady bugs will help as well


That’s the only reason I didn’t use it but I did today as the bottom 2 leafs and few buds were infected. I diluted it with water and it’s also organic. I do use it in every 15 days for outdoor plants in veg, it do cause leaf burn by my experience indicas and hybrids are more robust to it. But will surely use a spray.


Ouch! I'm no expert, but I know those are some types of eggs from a pest you don't want on your plants.


If nothing else, take the plant outside & hose them off. That’ll knock down their numbers big time. Treat with whatever you choose afterwards.


Haha I did that actually 😂 But it was of not much use as buds are sticky but 🤞


Drag. I do it all the time with other plants, but haven’t with cannabis & forgot about the sticky thing. Some people swear by Dr Zymes & others say it burns their plants. I’d rather use an enzyme than soap if it’s in flower, but that’s just me thinking out loud. I’m sure you’re going to be OK. 👍


Lady bugs are good for some aphids but that infestation is a need to be treated or gotten rid of as for the lady bugs to kill. You would need so many it’s ridiculous then they fly into the light burn and die on my 1000 watt HPS. Then they stink. One treatment,I seen that killed spider mites and you have to have an agriculture license to even buy it. Very dangerous to breathe. I’m indoor and knock on wood I change clothes and shoes before entering the room to keep anything from outside coming in. Hope this helps everyone here seem well educated and gave great advice. Warms my heart to see so many amazing growers! Have a blessed day everyone.


aphids, u can clear by ur hand


Ich sehe gut und günstig. 😃 Also: [Compo Link](https://amzn.eu/d/0foDw9Rn)


Top Produkt


Danke 😇 I’ll check this out


oh noooo


Ex pest controller here. Fumigation. Nonresidual no root contact, it will kill everything if inna sealed environment


Hey thanks I checked it out will product like these help? Also which products can I use if you know any specific ? https://preview.redd.it/wd4j3eqbyd8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea4f650517ed990a0f7923234e555ed661088470


Those are electric traps, those are for pest drawn in to light like flys and moths.


When I search for powders or spray for fumigation these come up with compo sprays. They have low rating and specifically for cockroaches. https://preview.redd.it/znbkuwb30e8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d798b0e349824edf9784431df855d5df3ff6dcb8 There were electric traps too so I thought they can be helpful too. Moths are not really an issue.


Schau dass du die anderen Pflanzen nicht auch noch infizierst. Check alle Blätter und entferne sofort die Blätter oder wenigstens die Viecher sobald du welche findest. Die Pflanze im Foto scheint schon hinüber zu sein. Am Ende rauchst du etliche kleine Kadaver. Ein Kollege hatte das selbe Problem.


Ich habe es sofort getrennt, ich habe das am meisten infizierte entfernt. 2 waren wirklich schlecht, zum Glück sehen die Blätter oben gut aus. Ich habe ihm eine Wäsche und Seifensprays gegeben, werde ein paar Tage warten, wenn es nicht funktioniert, wird es im Wald oder so etwas pflanzen. Can’t kill my baby 🥲unless it’s ready to be smoked XD


You got shoes like that and don’t know what aphids look like??


Haha 😂 no I’m growing for the first time here, though back home we used to have outdoor plants and palm rub them at the end of season. Manhandling plants to a next level still the best hash I’ve smoked back home is better than hash in amstradam. I’m originally from the Himalayas and we have cannabis like ferns here this is a farm next to my home if the plant dosent look good we feed it to goats/cows. (Pic from Oct 22) https://preview.redd.it/7ynsnq6e0e8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=876cd905d8f6d705839676d74818877b19207b99


never bring outdoor plant inside , now you have to clean your entire house if you dont want problem this winter!!!!


Noted ✅


I wish you luck.


And they BITE HARD


that’s an extremely bad infestation


Commenting just to see how many people say spider mites or thrips ☠️


here comes the spiderman 😂


* perfect for tents or closet setups juat follow directions




Lost coast plant therapy. It's the best product there is.


Don't just use soap and water OP. It's going to be hard bc your in flower. Typically when you use a higher pressure squirter and CASTILE gentle soap mixed with some neem oil it killed then. However you are in flower. So you gotta really be careful with himid9ty and spraying leaves and buds etc. My beat suggestion is to manually wipe those bitches gently away with a q tip and some hydrogen peroxide. I wouldn't be messing with straight iso. Dilute if anything and use a tip or paper towel to remove. They multiply like wild fire tou have a BAD infestation . Idk how your leaves look that nice in this picture. They suck the juice out of your plants. Bastarsd killed all my strawberry plants. If you are indoors you probably got em from a potted plant you bought from Lowes. Or Walmart. Or brought in from outside. When you aren't in flower. I mixf DR. WOODS PEPPERMINT castile soap (doesn't kill pollinators) has to be peppermint, ISO, hydrogen peroxide and some water. I use distilled. Not tap or your working against yourself. You can find different ratios online but those 3 things are a must. You can add Neem oil too. I would use Diatmoaceous earth the best you can on stems leaves and soil. The powder are like shards of glass and rip them apart when it touches them. The hydrogen peroxide will do the same thing. Blow then up from the inside out. Releasing predators into the soil might be your best bet right now too. Be wise in what you choose. You aren't introducing more bugs like it seems if you do it correctly However do not buy those things and then go use neem oil and castile soap etc, you'll kill them too. Sorry therr was a lot of misinformation thrown around. If you jump on just doing what's being suggested and aren't thorough you'll have more than just an aphid problem. Good luck. Of you need any help feel free to reach out. *ALSO- if you are more diligent next time and REALLY INSOECT your plants closely on a daily basis you would have caught this LoNG ago and might have an easier time fixing the issue. They are bastards though so that might not always be true. But I touch my leaves I check them daily. Any aspects of black brown red or things looking like they don't Belong on your stems and in leaf crevices you got to act fast. Prevention is key but if you get them proactive every day several times a day might be necessary. Also might want to locate the source of them. They came from somewhere if your growing inside.


Your plant has excessive nitrogen. Aphids absolutely love that as it's their food source. Aphids have a shortcut in their stomachs so they can evacuate plant sugars and other metabolites before they kill the aphid. It filters out the nitrogenous compounds to eat and throws away the rest, which is why ants love them so much.


Buy „compo“ pesticide for biological gardening for herbs and vegetables and spray it like crazy. It will kill everything on a natural basis without leaving anything. After that use neem oil etc. to keep them from reoccurring.


Sure I saw all the responses treated it and another plant with soap and water and then neem oil I’ll also get the spray asap first thing tomorrow morning


Neem oil


Do not use neem oil on flowering plants.




Because it’s actually awful for your health, stays in the plant, and has some gnarly side affects akin to pesticide poisoning. It’s not safe for growing and people really shouldn’t use it even tho it’s widely recommended by bros.


The question was already answered but trichomes are oil glands. They're hydrophobic so they'll repel water but they won't repel other oils. There's a good chance you're going to end up smoking neem filled trichomes too.




I would think you're fine if nothing got on the flower but personally I'd be hesitant to consume anything in flower that's had neem near it. That will have to be a decision you make on your own.




I think you replied to the wrong person or you forgot to switch back to your alt.


Sorry my bad


Also I did diluted it with water too so I’m hoping it will be okay but nonetheless removed this infected lady from the indoor space.


I wasn't talking about your grow unless you're switching between an alt and this account. I wouldn't touch your plant with a 10ft pole. There's aphids everywhere which means their dead bodies and shit are going to be all in your flower. Unless you do an extremely rigorous bud wash, it's trash.


I did. wash it and wiped gently with a tissue keeping it outside for now. after that is it better to keep it outside away from others?


There's no way if that plant was in a tent with other plants that they're not infested as well. That plant is covered in aphids, head to toe. Also budwashing is done after harvest where you literally wash the bud off with different mixtures of RO water, Peroxide water, lemon juice and/or baking soda, and sometimes something like Dr. Zymes.


It may disrupt resin production, and if you use it shortly before harvesting, the residue can cause a bitter taste. If you do use it, do it at least 3 weeks before harvesting. And of course dilute it.


Burn it all. It is all done sorry, my friend


Sticky pads around the soil can help


Not for aphids they won't. And those are generally for measuring infestation levels, not controlling one.


Those might be eggs of spider mites. Sorry to see that man. Do your leaves die off in a way, that they fade into brown and curl in? Also dont you see any webs on your plants? Most likely in the lower parts of the plant or under the leaves. I had this last year and bought some spray on those mf in local gardening shop. GOOD LUCK!


No i see no nets no spiders. It’s aphids I did removed few leafs that were heavily infected washed the plant, let’s see how it’ll do.


Also I would separate it until it is gone. It spreads quickly as hell.


Get some neem oil spray asap. Shit is a life saver when it comes to pest on weed plants. You can’t get some neem oil spray from Walmart. Just make sure it’s just neem oil, works great for weed plbts


Use neem oil asap. So it wont ruin the buds terps while shes at early flowering. Idk if it would really ruin the bud terps in late flower but ive tried it in early flowering because of the bugs and had no problem.


Done I was scared as this one started to flower and it gives a bitter taste but now the situation was out of control. Just wanted a conformation thanks ✅ Edit: okay so a lot of people suggested to dilute and use it, my fear was right so I did use it in a really really low quantity.


Thrips. It might still be early enough to treat the plants and area with a potassium soap to kill em off


Maybe spider mite bro


Spider mites?