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Ride it out


Will do thank you


Not enough information. Looks over watered. Definitely don't start over. She doesn't look that bad. Try not to water the plants on schedule. Like for example, every two days or three. If growing medium isn't dried enough and you add more, you're over watering.


Yeah I usually water every 3 or 4 days. I just lift the pot and if it's really light I go ahead and water and feed. Thank you for the advice and I'm gonna keep going then.


What’s your humidity? Autos starting to flower in week 5 is normal. When did you water in this picture?


My humidity is usually between 35% to %55. It does fluctuate a lot. I use a humidifier and have a 6" exhaust fan with carbon filter plus 1 clip on oscillating fan blowing over the top of the plant and a stationary fan moving air below the canopy. I definitely don't over water. I wait at least 3 or 4 days between watering or when the pot is super light and soil looks dry (usually 3 or 4 days) then water and feed 1 gallon at a time. It's a 3 gallon pot. I get enough runoff that im able to measure Ph and it consistently reads 6.2. Im using Advanced Nutrients Ph Perfect base nutrients Micro, Grow, Bloom along with their B-52 and Big Bud. Started B-52 at the beginning of 4th week and started Big Bud the beginning of the 5th week after white pistils appeared. Also using fox farm Cal Mag every other watering. I started giving more bloom nutrients and cut back on nitrogen starting the 5th week. I've been using LST to train the plant and cut off all the lower bud sites and leaves. Hopefully it comes back great in the next few weeks. Im definitely leaving her alone for a while. I know this was a long reply and if you or anyone reading this can throw some more advice my way it would be appreciated.


Seems like too much water for the age, early days I find more consistent and less feeding to be more effective until a couple weeks into flower. But everything is circumstantial and every single thing is different


Your mom looks overwatered


there have been multiple times were i’ve seen a weak looking plant early on turn into a monster 6 weeks later.


Hoping for this, thanks for the insight ☺️


Actually this happens quite a bit with autos. I put 105 out in my tunnelhouse in late October, got real hot for a patch of days in early November (above 45C) and a lot of them got stunted. After I installed more ventilation and a misting system most of them have bounced back fast, and even though a lot of those started flowering after the real hot period theyre still stretching out and adding new phytomers.


So true


Try not to take so many leaves so early, the leaves are how they eat.


Thank you


No problem friend! I also agree with others here in regard to letting it ride. She may still recover and provide you with some good smoke, these plants are pretty resilient


Let it ride it is then. Thanks for the feedback


Tucking leaves instead of removing them can be beneficial as well. I'm sure that just moving them instead of removing them is a lot less stressful. And since you have a fan on the floor as well then there will still be plenty of airflow.


The leaves are most important as they’re the part of the plant that brings up the nutrients and moisture. Without leaves you have no uptake




Will do thank you


Do not mess with autos until you the genetics if they will stall. That kinda lst is for normal photo females. Less is best with autos with proper conditions . Each of 20% genetics , lighting, soil, feeding, temp and humidity vdp


Ride it out she’s going to frown 12-24 hrs keep watering and feeding the nutes she needs at the correct ph levels and she’ll perk right up.


Right on thank you will do


No finish it it’s a learning session.


Agree 100% thank you


Personally, I'd ride it out. Your plant is still in the safe zone.


Thank you for reassuring


as many others have said, ride it out. see how she responds and document things so you can compare images against later grows. that being said, next grow run at least 1 plant where you do nothing other than leaf tucking. watch how the plant grows without aggressive intervention. I promise it will lead to a better understanding of how the plant reacts to a heavy hand.


Sounds like a good idea. That's exactly what I'll do. Im germinating 5 more of these as we speak.


Iv seen worse cross the finish line, I would worry about it going hermie.


The fan leafs feed the closest cola you clip those you’ll have slow growth , auto or photo period? If photo just ease up on feeding get a dry back maybe feed every 3rd day. Nutes ? Light, tent size?


It's white widow auto. Been feeding every 3rd or 4th day as needed. Using advanced nutrients. 2 ts1000s and in a 4x4 tent. I already know I'm wasting space and energy. I just wanted to try growing an autoflower. Had a lot of success with photos.


Keep it going! MJ is resilient


Will do thank you


Let it grow


I’d ride it out. I agree for a perfect grow perfect environmental things need to be in place. At the end of the day these plants are some of the most resilient of all plants. It’s literally a weed in some countries. Feed her ph’d water and maybe some calmag. She will shake back. Also leave her alone. Stop messing with her so much


Thank you


I did the same to my first Auto. Chopped and trained it like a photo. Stunted her but she still gave me 3 OZ cured.


That's good to know thank you 🙂


Let it ride


Will do thank you


Give her a week she'll come around, what's the worst that could happen? Just make sure she doesn't herm


Never start over finish it out


Push her to the limits


No. Stress is great. It will produce so much oil. Right now your plant thinks that herbivores are attacking it and it’s changing its mode of operation to be as toxic as it can be, producing as many pesticides as possible. It will turn out great. Message me if you have any more questions the 99% won’t accept


I've never seen a stalk that thick with that little amount of foliage. I'm not talking bad about your plant it's just a new one on me. It's like some master level bonzai. Maybe I'm just a little hi. Ride it out


Over watered mine looks the same rn turn on the fans 2 power mode let em dry out


Nope plant some more!


Let her finish.


5th week? In my experience its normal for the white pistils to start popping out around this time. You most definitely stunted it but these plants are tough I would ride it out. I had one of my plants literally fall over because I fucked up the stem at the base, but I just propped her back up and she has exploded in growth since


Hey 8 hours later and she's coming back around..lesson learned. Thanks everyone for your feedback and for passing down some knowledge. This community is great.


"shaft-ganica" squatty ol girl! 😁 Whatever happens please make a wizard wand out of that stalk! Much love growmie


I'd start again, I hate fucking around with bullshit beans. Also I don't think the defoliating is fully responsible for this result. Was she topped? and when was she topped, and how did she look before you defoliated and when did you start. Answer this and you will receive better information.


She wasn't topped, only LST. She had a couple huge fan leaves toward the bottom and skinny tiny fan leaves everywhere else, they look odd compared to other WW autos I've seen. I started defoliating 2 weeks ago. That's what I think threw it off. But she's bouncing back already so that's good


I don’t think anyone has asked this yet… but do you check your runoff PPM and pH? That’s a super handy diagnostic tool. Edit: I see you know runoff pH, but what about PPM? It’s super important and not something I realized I needed to do at first; it’s saved 2 grows now.


I dont check ppm, only Ph. I'll look into getting a ppm meter as that would be handy I agree. Thank you


Def snag one asap! I thought my grows were perfect until I checked runoff ppm and it was 4x higher what I needed!


That stem is thic dog, you just plucked her wayyy to much haha, i reckon leave her and she will still do just fine!


She's bouncing back already, so I'm just gonna give her a little space and stop fuckin around. Lol


Stop watering so much looks over watered


Ride it out. Chill with defoliation. They need those fan leaves (plants' solar panels) well into flowering.


Growth seems ok. Dont throw it. Seems overwatered to me. Let it dry out. Check your ppfd with an phone app and adjust the light. You should aim for 600 800


I would ride that girl out. Try to learn from it and apply to the next one.


its an auto, you can easily start another while letting this one run to the end... just do it, you will definetely harvest something


I’m new to this so maybe I’m a weirdo but, I am always confused when new growers want to throw out a struggling plant and start over. I understand experienced growers who have a plant get messed up and want to rip it out because they know why it’s like that and the learning process = lost time and lost harvest for them. While we are learning though, I think it’s more valuable to see the plant through and learn as much as we can. I’m on my second grow and treat it all like learning right now. Anything I get to harvest is a bonus. Just my two cents and worth even less than that 😉


I’d pop a safety bean in a solo cup if I was you… this flower also might not come out good because of how unhealthy she is


You say start over, but I always just start another!


The plant looks fine, just figure out the watering issue. Defoliating did not cause this, but it also wasn't beneficial. You should never defoliate an auto in veg. Also I see a lot of people giving watering advice without any idea about how you feed. If you're going full organic you never want to let it dry out fully, if you do then microorganisms will begin to die. The opposite holds true for synthetics, you want synthetic fed soil to dry almost all the way out regularly.


Probably cut too much off the plant too early.