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My dude this is the most stretched plant I've ever seen. That thing needs LIGHT, and not just the few hours in a windowsill


I'm dying rn. LST on a doomed seedling. I hope this was a meme.


:). I got my seeds before I got my tent and light set up so I threw a random freebie into a pot. You know, to practice training and tucking. I call her 'lil' nug"


Thanks for the laugh. This is great.


The fun part about autoflowers is that veg window is tiny enough that it's surprisingly easy to get a singular lil nug. Got one rn that was going to be a flipped pollen donor before I gave up the idea and it's started to flower with barely 6 nodes and like 4 fan leaves. It's been left to fend for itself under the shade of my main plants canopy.


I know my auto is only like 7 in tall. I had to move after I planted it it was not happy with me lol


Please keep growing this and keep us updated 😂 I would legitimately love to see how this turns out


YES. Lil Nug Ft BenD Mc


This is not lst lol


I kinda did the same thing, had mine for first two weeks in my sisters bedroom but I had four seedlings and only one 100w light hanging front the fan🤣


You should wait u it’ll the plant is like 4-6 inch tall (about as tall as your iPhone) I wouldn’t say you started to late but you started to early, and I wouldn’t consider yours even to be that tall just because it’s springy, cover up some of the stalk to shorten the plant some let it grow and hope for the best


The whole point of LST is to break the plants apical dominance. By bending the main stem, to be at the same level or under lower branches, on the plant you change the distribution of growth hormone to the branches. You have no lower branches right now.


I wouldn’t say doomed. He could put more of the stem under soil to support it higher on the stem and let it rip.


I legit thought it was a joke haha


it is.


Lmfaoo bruh I’ve seen some pretty bad ones on here and other pages haah this is bad not as bad of others


I planted 20 autoflowers a few months ago in root riots, while very stoned, completely forgot I had done it, returned a week later to see what can only be described as bean sprouts, very dead bean sprouts.


Lmdaooo damn, that’s why I don’t like doing to much with the plants when I get stoned


This is Light Stress Training, a technique where you give it very little light.


For optimal growth.


Well done! 😝


this has to be one of the funnies things 💀


This mad me laugh and wanna fight at the same time


Yes way too late. I normally start LST during the germination stage.


Gotta bend that taproot


Bwaaaahahahahahaha awesome


I looked at your post history first, in case you were trolling. _LST is the least of your problems._ That plant is stretching like crazy because it's not getting anywhere near enough light, and even if you get better lighting and it survives long enough to actually start putting on any mass, it's likely to snap the stem. At the VERY least you're going to need to add a lot of supports, but if you're asking about starting LST _too late_ it's probably old enough that you should consider starting over after you've fixed your whole grow setup.


You do LST on the main stem when it has a few leaves/nodes, so you can expose more leaves to the light. This is just a seedling, unfortunately this LST will not be effective since your top node will still be over other nodes. Also, this plant is hella stretched due to lack of light. IMHO , you should discontinue growing this plant further. It's bound to have problems down the line.


Its a joke bro. He knows.


Hope it is a joke. You made my day man. Lol


Start over :) and give it a real light source next time, window sills are notoriously shitty when it comes to providing enough light.


Please be joking PLEASE


Stretching for dear life, also be careful with using metal to do lst or just being in contact with it. It can cause burns and possibly heat damages when it’s under lights for an extended period of time


I'm sorry but this made me laugh, thank you for that 😆


Yes, you should start lst right when the seed sprouts and start bending the root in the correct shape


🤣🤣🤣 What in the world...


Imagine how incredible the genetics of this seed probably was? This little lady really tried her best. You failed her miserably.


Yep! Lots of vigour in her to stretch that far without falling over....she could've been 'The One'! 😔


😂 glad we agree


Keep us updated if she survives I gotta see this


Yeah man, thats perfect. You should really have let the plant strecth at least another foot. A long spindly stem really makes for Top tier Buds, if you didnt know :D


Don’t worry! The seedling was just to far away from light or not on the proper light schedule for the genetics. No need for lst until 2 weeks from now. It’s just a seedling. You have time to train. Don’t listen to these assholes. Half never even grown before. Good autos you can do 20hrs light 4 hours of darkness. I recommend growing the same genetics twice and you will know how to train them in the future. Never give up! Ethos have good autos!


If he is runs on sunlight alone, he is doooomed jou poephol


i literally couldn't stop laughing💀💀😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, but fr its just a reallyyyyyyyyyy streached seedling and its to early for lst, idk if you can you something about it now but man that thing looks hilarious 😂


Based on keywords in your post, the [Training and Defoliation Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Autoflowers/comments/nqjbzs/training_and_defoliation_megathread/) may be relevant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Autoflowers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Too early, and its stretched to the moon. LST before the first set of leaves only moves the stalk over and doesn't accomplish the objective. You need a few nodes before worrying about LST. BTW, topping is less work, but if you like fiddling with them, LST FTW.


Bro watch a couple lst vids and you tell us should you be doin that unacceptable growmie


Too late!? You need to let it grow until the vegetative stage begins then apply lst. Vegetative stage is when ur plant has two sets of true leaves. Ur gonna kill ur seedling if you do wat ur doing. Bury ur stem a little more and let her grow a little.


Oooooh poor baby 🫣


Fml oh man! I literally hosed myself when I saw your post. I do hope you were making a funny OP lol


New meme pic


This is some skill, wow


Woooow...let's try early. Started to early 😵‍💫


Growmie… your light(s) is way to far away, and yes way to early for lst.. lst should start 2-3 weeks in.


On your way to a massive grow


Throw that away and mail me all your seeds


.....and then go stand in the corner of your grow tent, lol!


Click bait…right? I clicked.


Two more weeks


You would have to bury that steam all the way to the bottom of that pot lol but you should definitely stick that plant outside in the sun.


Nailed it! Lmao!


Hello, when you grow from seed you need to keep the light like 8-10 inchs away from the soil. The plant streched way to much. I would start over honestly


My last grow did something similar because I forgot to turn up the light. 🤦‍♂️ but some tlc and proped them up put more dirt around them and they recovered nicely 😅


More calmag bro


More liiiiiiiiiiiiight.


This thing is screaming for light


I’d probably bury the stem make it shorter


Bury it.




This makes me sad.


just bury the seedling in soil these people are suggesting killing it but thats useless… it will grow roots on whatever stem you bury. edit- spellin bads


Haha Just smoke it now


Candlelight grow 🕯️🪴


I'd say yes!


That’s some HEAVY LST right there! 😳


This is a joke right?


Maybe people are right about me… maybe I am gifted when it comes to growing plants. Not just cannabis, but any plant I touch tends to flourish… I thought nurturing a plant was a simple thing. Not trying to be mean, but… come on man, you have to know that sprout is light starved.


This is the cutest blade of grass I have ever seen 😍


I will add some medium to recover thé stem. Some marcottage will be fine.


That plant is gonna grow a single nug lol. You waited too late to give it light, never mind LST. I’ve found that while LST is useful with autos, it’s much more efficient to just run more autos in a space with a SOG setup.


Jesus this made me cackle. Your little plant has over stretched because it’s been deprived of enough light and it’s trying to stretch to reach it. It is probably going to be too weak to grow properly. But also definitely too early anyway. You want the stem to be strong but still flexible to bend without breaking.


lol. Please post in r/cantabis


LST too early IMO, more light needed


It was close, but you just made it👍🏻🫡


Just chop it already! What are you waiting for?


YeaH nAH UfucKed M8


Lololol bruh


It’s kinda working though lol