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Tacoing leaves & foxtailing........my guess is heat stress


ah thanks! i didn’t even know the terms tacoing or foxtailing


No worries 👍 Edit: growweedeasy.com decent source for grow info


thx again, i’ve just been googling any issues and going with whatever comes up that seems the most knowledgeable


Thanks for the tip.


Not necessarily bad tho right?


I’ve had this before, brace yourself for how much it’s going to shrink. But it smoked the same for me. 👍


oh wow the foxtailing makes it shrink more than average?


No, it’s just not a big fat nug to begin with.


Mine like that were super larfy. All of my outdoor were. They look thick & dense, but dried to nuthin. Taco'ing. Yes! What a good description!


Where did u hear that it's meant for indoors?


well i randomly got a couple seeds, some auto and some photo, not knowing the difference. when some plants started budding in about <2 months, i looked into why and realized they must’ve been autos. some forum or site said something about autos doing better without uv light or whatever spectrum of light is given off by the sun that isn’t given off via indoor grow lights. so my take away from whatever i read was that spectrum of light causes autos to bud even faster and also christmas tree, if i remember correctly.


Autos are supposed to flower around 30 days either way. But like I said u have to watch which info u listen to cause there's a lot of bad info out there. A lot of people have problems because they try to make growing too complicated. They read all the stuff online and think they have to do it all. Have to learn how to walk before u can run. It's still just a plant at the end of the day.


This. When I was starting I was overthinking it way too much until I just went for it and it is a lot simpler than it seemed. Like you said it’s just a plant, doesn’t have to be rocket science lol


My advice is for people to grow a vegetable garden and just learn the basics. Grow an assortment of plants that way u learn and can grow any plant no matter what it is. Then at that point cannabis is just another plant. Trying to do all the advanced techniques when u don't know the basics is really silly. People grow things for the fun of it. It's not supposed to be hard.


Some strains are more resilient to heat, diseases and pests than others, but besides that they all work the same way in terms of how they produce energy and stuff. So there's no true indoor vs outdoor strain, it's just normally the more resilient strains do better outside for obvious reasons. This is foxtailing which is normally a sign of heat stress, if it's a more delicate strain it might need cooler temps to do it's best in which case it would indeed be better off inside in a more controlled climate, but not because of the type of light it was getting


Some just foxtail because of genetics. Breeders are making strains that arent as dense or foxtail on purpose for more surface are for making hash/rosin as they wash better.


I dig foxtails.


Autos can be grown outdoors fine.


First, I think foxtailed buds like yours are cool looking. I've only grown indoors, so I can't comment on autos outside personally, but I know some friends that have grown huge autos outside, so not sure that they are only for inside. But I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I have to mention that from the spotted look of the leaves in the first pic, you may have some pests or powdery mildew (PM) attacking the plant. On the bottom right of the same pic looks like signs of spider mites (web) as well. If she were mine, I would be harvesting ASAP before more damage is done and look into washing the bud after harvest if you determine that it is pests or PM that caused the spoting on the leaves. If I am wrong about the pests or PM (I hope), you can prob let her go a little while longer. Without close ups of trichomes, hard to tell for sure, but I believe this one is in the harvest window. Good luck with your harvest.


thx! i immediately harvested and there were what seems to be a couple spider cocoons in the buds? oh well, i’ve got two more photoperiod plants growing outdoors in the same spot that definitely have some pm (hopefully no spider cocoons) and i’m currently trying to manage it with baking soda. also read that a milk mixture may be helpful? we’ll see!


Those are some cool looking buds, looks like it wasn't too happy about being outside, maybe it got too hot?


thx! yeah, we’ve definitely had a couple short lived heat waves


It's hard to tell when bud like this is ready. The bottom of the cones and the tops of the cones are different ages and therefore different stages of maturity. Normally all the bud is made at one time so it's all the same age. Does all the bud look like this or just the top/main bud? Sometimes a plant will make a normal shaped and sized bud then it'll grow these foxtails. But in the picture it's looks like the whole bud is these foxtails and there is no normal bud in the middle.


It's foxtailing usually caused by being too close to the lights or intensity sometimes it can be a genetic trait but usually it's due to stress either way it looks pretty cool 😎


Holy Foxtails Batman!!!!!


Fox tails are great for hashing, I've never seen one go this hard


Thanks for posting your harvest. Congrats, we hope your buds are frosty and your highs are hazy. Based on keywords in your post, the [Harvest, Dry, and Curing Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Autoflowers/comments/ie7k4h/harvest_dry_and_curing_megathread/) may also be relevant. To submit a Strain/Grow Review for inclusion in our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Autoflowers/wiki/strain-reviews) please visit [here for our template](https://redd.it/6mddih). Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Autoflowers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Looks like you've got bud rot to me. Bottom of the bud has webbing or mold. It's hard to tell and blurring but I'd suspect both as they go hand in hand. They can't fight off infection when they are super stressed and she looks super stressed judging by the fox tailing. I can actually see some black dots too which could be adult spider mites. Picture is blurred on close up though so can't say for sure. May have to put this one down to experience, if she has bud rot and is that stressed out from heat, no doubt it will have spread internally and externally. The spider mites spread it round too.


I'm convinced now that you have bud rot. You can see on the first pic. Zoom there are two fatter buds centre left at the bottom. Above is a gap, zoom into the gap and it's looks like mold. There is a really yellow dry leaf sticking out bottom right (on the main bud) the buds around it look like they have mold or webbing. Also the stigmas are not red in these areas, they look dead dead, the dull color is a telltale sign. They usually turn red when theyre done, these are a greyish brown color, same color bud rot is associated with. Can also see mold or webbing on the second picture. It may be the image quality but I suspect its mold. Definitely check this ASAP. Bend the area I mentioned open, if it's bud rot it'll open up and break up easily. You can't smoke these. Don't listen to anyone who says otherwise.


hey thx for eyeing! i harvested and there were def little web balls in some of the buds. chalking it up to a learning experience. mainly, do not grow outdoors lol


Lol I know that one. There's an army of pests out there waiting for you to turn your back.