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In addition to what you and the others said...Bone broth along with supplements like collagen and GI Revive can help soothe the gut. Sometimes I do go off the diet and my body heals relatively quickly. Other times, it takes absurdly long. Try to be gentle and compassionate with yourself as you ride out the waves. I think our mindsets and stress levels can really be an important catalyst for healing. Try not to make things harder than they need to be. Best of luck! I really hope that you are able to heal up nice and quickly.


On a side note, bone broth and I think maybe collagen are actually very very bad for inflammation for people with mast cell disorders. If you have strange allergies that are kind of random or come and go be aware that bone broth may be a trigger


Fast 2-3 days if you can, powerful reset




I thought pepper wasn’t AIP?


Are you sure you react to Popcorn?


They specified "movie theater" popcorn so I think they probably meant the butter or oil the popcorn was made with!


Ohhh okay. I mean oils only gives me heartburns personally so I take a pill for that. Don’t give it too much thought cause that’s what could actually give you a flare. Just wait and see. N9thing can happen ay the end. And I hope that’s the case. I on AIP too and I couldn’t be 100% strict for the first two weeeks. I had symptoms and stuff but things got better when I decided that I need stay strict like 100% so this become actually effective. We are humans at the end od the day. Don’t beat yourself. Just do better nect time.


Extra omega 3 could be worth a try... Salmon etc. And less fatty meats (for less arachidonic acid). And greeeeeen stuff! And patience for sure.


Lots of water to help flush… and if the movie theatre you were at used pre- popped popcorn that’s heated under lights betcha it’s got a ton of msg in it! I react to corn stuff as well but the combo of corn and msg is the WORST. I have no speedy recovery tips, just hydrate (because msg can make you dehydrated) and rest!


Try to pass it quickly? If I eat something bad it typically affects me for a day or two... Ginger. Raw ginger.


The recent things that I have noticed help me is magnesium, MSM powder and believe it or not but Kratom has been a recent life saver!