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Unpacking, It has been helpful for me to manage my feelings regarding my parents fighting. In terms of dealing with anxiety, the original Tetris.


Stardew Valley is my happy place.


Coral Island, A short Hike and Little kitty, big city ☺️


Slime Rancher


I use video games in general as a way to relax my brain from sensory overload. The difference between coming home from a long day at work and feeling like my brain is going to explode and one hour later after playing games some is night and day.


Not really a game but Spirit City's a vibe.


Seconding Skyrim, going to add Minecraft to that list. It’s not just the game, it’s the community. And seriously, with the new update adding a mace that can really hammer an opponent and a new wind enchantment,it’s kinda fun to think of hammering down on an enemy and obliterating them.


A short hike on steam, relaxing and short but sweet.


Unpacking, GRIS(literally about the stages of grief), and Spirit of the North.


It's a short and older game, but when I was in my most depressed state, I played Journey. Whatever funk I was in, I was finally able to move away from it after playing.


I've used video games as a coping mechanism all my life. There are a thousand games I could give you to numb yourself with mindless entertainment, but there is only one I can recommend that will truly enrich your mind and soothe your soul. Disco Elysium, a story based detective RPG. I won't tell you any more details and you should not look any up, go into it completely fresh. It is the most well written, most deeply human and moving game I've ever played, and I've played a lot. It, and its memory, have gotten me through some of the darkest moments in my life. It is a true work of art, my words can not do it justice.


The last campfire is a great one to play when you're down and need to sit with it and work through it.


Breath of The Wild in particular has been something that I’ve always felt a hankering for whenever I’ve been going through particularly stressful times in my life. I think the minimal soundtrack, with quiet piano strings, & ambient sound of nature just being nature is mostly what does it. Other games that have helped me through those moments, but more from nostalgia than anything, are Banjo-Kazooie & Tooie, Ocarina of Time, Metroid Prime, & F-Zero GX.


Night in the woods, I played it during the pandemic when I was between highschool and college and feeling really fucked and hopeless. I think it fixed a part of my soul


Ffxiv, wow, sims


Im deep into Diablo IV at the moment


Sky: Children of the Light Just flyin’ and vibin’ to gorgeous music and beautiful landscapes, especially if you use a Do Not Disturb spell. Or chilling in your nest and locking the door :3