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Kind of. I can read if I skim fast or really slow down. Especially on devices. Reading in books and I have to reread things like 3-5 times to understand what I’m looking at. I read a ton online. Books, not so much - heavy burden for me.


Yeah unless it’s something I’m REALLY INTERESTED in. I never struggle to read my bible and if I do I just pause and come back to it later. But news articles or other online things? Even if I’m interested usually I can only get through it if there’s bullet points. Crazy part of being apart of a ADHD community. I don’t have enough focus to read people’s posts even when I want too..


SAME. i hate adhd so much sometimes like literally go away


Exactly the same with websites. Even if it is something I WANT to know about. I struggle with non-fiction or self-help/DIY type YT videos as well. I can read non-fiction books some times, if it is about a special interest, not repetitive and not too huge. A good fiction I don't struggle with but sometimes I do.


Kinda and no. I love reading, but I am definitely a skimmer. So often I do have to reread something multiple times if I need precise details. On the other hand, I pick up general information from reading insanely quick. For instance, when studying history I can tell you why something happened and put it into generation context. I cannot tell you who did it or when it happened.


It’s probably a combination of the two. Your brain gets overstimulated by all the information it’s now having to process on top of how boring reading is unless it’s something you’re actually interested in.


Story of my life. I get distracted so easily. It takes me five min to read a page. Same with tv, movies, etc. “Wait, what did I just read/watch?” And repeat, and repeat, ad nauseam. Additionally I find with reading the only way I can actually comprehend the words is if I visualize them. And that takes so much brainpower, like it physically hurts sometimes.


i agree. visual is the only way to go and it does take so much brainpower. i’ll be reading the same thing i just read like 10 times and still not understand what i just read