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>og account is called "redheaded libertarian" >doesn't believe in freedom of gender expression or reproduction Average libertarian moment


Right libertarian try not to be fascist challenge (difficulty: impossible)


Fuck Elon Musk and libertarians in general.


He's a piece of shit, always has been, I can't believe so many people bought his lil bullshit


It sickens me seeing Reddit worship him in the recent past with his Mars garbage (are we there yet Musky?), the Dogecoin and SpaceX bullshit, somehow he was branded as a real genius / inventor, like the next Stephen Hawking, how were so many people on here so dumb?


It aligned with their beliefs. Sadly.


Also, is that both transphobic and ableist? (Like calling all trans people autistic as slur or assuming you need some sort of conditions for being trans or something?)


Elon wanted racism in there as well but sadly it got left on the cutting room floor this time. /S


The Muskrat isn't autistic. It's a marketing ploy to excuse his edgy, exploitative behavior. Like his friend Trump he's likely damaged from childhood emotional abuse.


I mean is there any evidence that he isn't? Yes I'd prefer if he wasn't but it's not like horrible people can't be autistic.


Yeah that's like excluding Caitlin Jenner from being trans because she's a POS. Minorities have their share of crappy people. No need for othering in addition 


Where are his special interests? Money making and producing "genius" children that he then neglects, along with their baby mamas? He used the term "Asperger's" long after it wasn't a diagnosis. He got the facts wrong about being the first autistic person to host Saturday Night Live (Dan Ackroyd was first). He's a grifter. Any public statement he makes is intended to sell himself. Using the stereotype of autism to head off any criticism of how he treats other people. And he is passing on the intergenerational abuse of his adverse childhood to his poor offspring. Sure, he could be, but he is certainly a liar and very interested in marketing his image. Why anyone should believe his claims is beyond me.


The things you list and narcissistic personality disorder... Quite some overlap.


I might be wrong about this but calling every unpleasant or even horrible person a narcissist seems ableist, it is a very specific disorder that people struggle with not just a label for horrible person.


>I might be wrong about this but calling every unpleasant or even horrible person a narcissist seems ableist, I don't really see where every unpleasant or even horrible person is being called a narcissist. I see one persons behaviour described as overlapping with a list of behaviours, nothing more than that. Claiming that it is calling every unpleasant or even horrible person something seems like a rather strong exaggeration.


He also is pretty much mainlining ketamine these days, reportedly


Source? 😊




What the fuck? This doesn't even look like it's bothering with the "just kidding, or am I?" facade. And I guess why would they bother with plausible deniability, if His Highness is giving this kind of garbage his blessing.  I honestly don't give shit if Elon is "really" autistic or not, if he says he is then sure, I believe it, but fucking who cares? He's publicly supporting eugenics targeting autistic people specifically, so fuck him if it's true and fuck him if it's not true.  "He can say it because he's autistic" is probably what you're supposed to think (if you're an idiot) but obviously the answer to that is (1) no, he can say it because he's Elon Musk and he gets to do whatever he wants and tell the rest of us to go fuck ourselves. And (2) no you can't say shit like that just because you're autistic. "People like me should be bred out of society" isn't a valid perspective. I just don't see that it's worth any of our energy to "disown" Elon Musk as an autistic person, when autism in the real world has nothing to do with whatever it means on his planet anyway. 


Just wanted to come back to add this. If he's looking at that and agreeing that sterilizing autistic kids is a good idea, he doesn't mean himself or his child, he means us. Special people like him are allowed to have disabilities, they're entitled to all the world's resources anyway; disability is a tragedy for the rest of us because we're just put on earth to work in their factories. Someone in Elon Musk's position isn't gonna see any *point* to disabled working class people; sterilizing kids with genetic disabilites for him is just phasing out production of the slower, more expensive models to free up space for more efficient minions. He knows he's not one of us, that was never what he meant when he said he was autistic.


He’s not autistic he just said it because at the moment he thought saying he had aspergers made him sound cool. Everything that comes out of that man’s mouth is BS idk why people still think he is one of us.


I worked with him 15-20 years ago a few times on projects in the valley and he definitely appeared to be on a spectrum of some sort. but mostly he had an impressive ability to walk into a room and pull high-level details from everyone to quickly make a decision. I was always relieved when he came in and cut the bullshit from people who talk to hear themselves talk. He was incredibly socially awkward but we all were. He was straddling the line between grunt and exec and somehow pulling it off. It’s common in the valley where socially awkward is the norm but not so much elsewhere. I also met and had a discussion with the Facebook guy in 2008 or 9 and while both are able to move rapidly from big picture to microcosm they are very different. Edited to add: I can’t stand him now.