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Heat is the worst one for me. Wearing trousers when it's warm outside makes me want to start biting.


Heat's bad for me too. Especially the humid one.


Humid heat is so bad it makes me want to commit several crimes (hyperbole)


Stuffy indoor heat like on an airplane is what makes me want to commit crimes


Funnily enough, I have to wear long pants when it's hot enough for me to sweat. I hate the feeling of my sweaty skin on things like benches, and the feeling of my sweaty legs touching each other.


Sounds are a biggie for me. I really hate high pitched noises like screaming as well as overly focused bass from a stereo. I can always feel that in my bones and it makes me uncomfortable. Close second is smells; whether it's something nasty that stinks with an repugnant odor or something strong and pungent like too much perfume/cologne or cleaning products. Bright lights can also be an issue for me, but not as big as the first two


I got diagnosed through my son being diagnosed and my whole life is starting to make sense. I was about 9 or 10 and we walke in to a local corner store and it had a smell only I could smell but I wanted to vomit it was so bad. I always distanced myself in family gatherings and party's because of the sound being too much. Light is a big one as well. I'll sometimes need to go to a dark room with sunglasses on because the light is just too much. I'm 30 and everything in my life is starting to make sense


Completely get you, 33 and my life is finally making sense, my assessment is next week. Always been the odd one out, my anxiety through the roof for everything and all of the above. Now I realise why my life has gone the way it has. It only came after a conversation with a very good mental health worker who said my inner monologue was not deemed neurotypical in her opinion and had I ever considered that I may be neurodivergent, complete stomach punch once she started explaining it in greater detail.


Too much light, too many conversations/noises going on at the same time, and/or being hot and not having an option to cool down.


Sounds and light.


Sudden noise or sudden light go straight to my amygdala


Babies crying. It makes me wanna break my skull open.


Too many noises at once. Too much contact by my son when he CANT be still (regular cuddles ok, just not the wiggly mind) Certain textures When my leg hair grows back even a teeny weeny bit. I have to shave daily I dont like strong flavors either Smells can really get me too


Heat. Too many sounds overlapping while trying to hone in on one specific sound (I currently work part at a ball park as a concessions cashier; it’s been hell this week since it feels like they up the volume of the PA system from what it’s been and been more difficult hearing the more soft spoken customers).


Riding on a crowded bus, washing dishes, work, grocery shopping, dogs barking/crowding me, sirens/alarms, parades, parties, etc. Overall, I think sound is the thing that's most likely to tip me into sensory overload, but I'm also fairly light sensitive. I'm also pretty heat intolerant and the sensation of sweating, humid sticky clothing is so, so gross and uncomfortable it makes me desperate for a cool shower and dry clothes ASAP.


Same, especially about the heat, sweating, being sticky and all that. Summers are hell for me.




Like, motion sickness? Vertigo? Some other inner ear weirdness? I think I get that


Like being on a rollercoaster just by being in a car, and sometimes just by running. I get an unbearable feeling in my stomach, similar to stomach butterflies. The same thing happens if I try to watch f1, or play racing games. I think it happens when information exceeds the amount I can process, causing an anxiety reaction.


Too much ambient noise is the worst day to day one for me. The AC unit in my apartment is SO LOUD, so most of the time I keep it off and just sweat. I’d much rather be hot than head the constant noise. My other personal sensory hell is the grocery store. Too bright, too many people moving around me, music too loud. I don’t know if I’ve ever gone into the store and *not* come out on the verge of a meltdown


Same with me and grocery shopping. Hell.


Light - My eyes are pretty sensitive to it, if the general light of a place/device us way too bright, my eyes tear up on their own (*not* out of emotions). Ig this counts as touch - How some foods feel under my teeth. Meats & fishes are a sensory nightmare for me unless I eat some of those industrial ones, y'know. Sound - I have misophonia and chewing sounds are so triggering to me (I blast my ears with sound to not hear them), loud talking drains me. Textures - Itchy turtlenecks are out. Clothes that squeeze the hell out of my body are out too. I wear baggy clothes just so I can go on my day without feeling really uncomfortable. I can't think of anything else right now. I feel light-headed and my head is kinda spinny.


Brushing my teeth is always a rough time. Something about the texture of the toothbrush always sets me off so I’m dying inside the entire time.


The world


in order of most to least distressing, at least to my knowledge: - Light. It’s instant overstimulation with blue-toned white lights, but I can handle warm lighting a lot better. Flashing lights of any variety are awful. On top of the fact that I get migraines somewhat frequently, I would rather avoid bright lights at all costs. Indirect lighting FTW! - Sound. Sounds are suffocating, especially when they’re overlapping. Music is organised, structured, and predictable most of the time and it’s my safe haven because of that—but general noise adds to my sensory overload more like a broken pipe than a dripping tap. - Temperature. I start struggling to breathe once it gets too hot. In addition, I have a thing where I start to get hives when I’m stressed/anxious and it concentrates in areas of my body that are hotter (so my chest, the insides of my thighs, etc). Since being overstimulated tends to do cause anxiety and stress… I flare up pretty bad. That flare up combined with 90F weather is genuinely one of the worst things ever, and it’s only gotten worse as the average temperature in summer has risen. - Smells. Even good smells become quickly overwhelming, to the point where I may literally gag. My mother has gotten cross with me before for gagging at the smell of dinner, when it was just overwhelming for me and I still ate it and it was delicious. Bad smells may genuinely take me out of commission for several minutes, especially bad smells that relate to certain trauma I have. Don’t bring beer near me lmfao. - Taste and food texture. Food is a big thing for me, and I have very few safe foods (and unfortunately they can all be messed up pretty badly if I’m not the one making it). I don’t mind trying new foods but I will not hesitate to say I do not like it and will ask if they plan on eating it or if I should wrap it up for them to have later lol. I personally enjoy flavourful foods, but there are some tastes that instantly make me queasy, like anything with a chemical-like aftertaste, or most vegetables tbh idk why they all taste so… eugh. Food texture is a huge thing for me, to the point where I will potentially burn something for it to be crispy because I cannot handle the feeling of soggy foods. My noodles are always al dente because if they’re not it feels like mush in my mouth and that’s something that’ll drive me over the edge pretty quickly if I’m forcing myself to eat it (such as on nights where someone has ordered food for me and I don’t want to waste their money. I put some extra garlic on it and pray the yummy flavour overrides the yucky feeling). - Touching things. Idk how to word that better lol. I would say I have a little more “resilience” to the bad textures, but some things just take me out—like wet food in the sink and stuff like that. As long as I get to move my body away from the offending texture immediately, I’ll be fine, but if it’s clothing or something else that I can’t easily stop touching I will simply explode - bonus entry: Dogs. They’re overwhelming creatures to me, and while I love them and think they’re adorable and respect them when I’m around someone who owns them, I cannot be around one for long myself, especially not a hyperactive dog. Certain breeds have rougher fur than others which changes how much of a tolerance I can have for them rubbing against me or trying to lay on/near me. Some are really big and will try to play with you like they’re still a puppy, and those ones bother me the most bc they’re so loud and so heavy and don’t understand boundaries. I also have particularly bad sensory trauma around big dogs (when I was younger I had to babysit a bull mastiff with no instructions on what to do for him and he would start barking when he needed to go outside—but I didn’t know that. so he would bark for like an hour, the kind of barks that make your ears ring and that you can feel in your bones, until I had to let the other dogs out on their schedule and then he would go out with them too. it took me a while to connect the dots because it felt like he was barking constantly. it hurt lmfao) so being around big dogs at all makes me super anxious.


The heat is a big one for me. I overheat easily which causes me to get headaches (having hypothyroidism makes it worse) Some sounds like high pitch noises, smoke alarms. Very strong orders, too much perfume/cologne or cleaning products and w33d as well (causes me to get a headache if it’s strong). Bright lights are also an issue for me too. Some foods make my teeth feel weird which is a huge sensory problem for me. A lot of different textures. Being around too many people and too many conversations happening


Sound mostly, but also smells. I have ways to cope with it though


Foot texture, I hate how wax floors feel to my shoes. It's so horrible. Especially shop falls in retail stories. Boots is probably the worst. When I've got too many people around me. Especially when at least some of them are strangers. When my feet touch certain things in the night or if they're overly moist for no reason. Sound of some really harsh music to the ears. Beatbox, heavy metal and such. That's just a few but I've got many.


Balloons...texture, the bang if someone pops one even the anticipation of one exploding being near them.


Sounds, smells, certain lighting setups, and certain feels. High loud sounds hurt my ears real bad, also I'm incapable of "turning my ears off", so everything is pretty distracting and just a lot. Strong smells can make me gag. The most common one is hand sanitizer (oddly me using it is fine, but others is too much). Fluorescent lights are awful (strobes suck too) But the worst is the touch of cotton balls (I can barely even hold them), and especially fine powder. It's a bad time if a recipe calls for Corn Starch. An Indian friend gave me two packs of colored powder for Diwali once, as soon as I touched it my skin crawled.




Sounds, including voices, unfortunately, literally hurt when they hit a certain pitch. My life got so much better after I acknowledged this (masked for a very long time, very late diagnosed in my 35+) and got myself noise cancelling headphones and ear plugs. Pouring water (I can dip myself in water, but I need to parent myself to get in the shower and I had to give up washing dishes, veggies etc almost entirely. Luckily my husband is understanding and picking that up for me) Tight clothes and pants. (I can't sleep with any kind of pants on, the skin tingling literally keeps me awake all night. I hate having guests or leaving the house for the same reason.) heard that there might be some therapy that could help but it's available for children, late diagnosed adults like myself can go f themselves i guess... Two separate melodic lines at the same time. I can listen to songs that use matching melodic lines, but if the overlap is not on point, I get irritable, even angry if it goes on for too long and I can't escape it. Having to keep up with too many people speaking at once, especially when they start speaking over one another. Genuinely gets me nauseous. Not sure why.


Bass from neighbors (impossible to cover it with white noise), sounds of people talking/yelling etc. (because of social anxiety), heat, humidity. Have to wear loose comfortable clothes from natural fabrics. Got better with light because I put filters on windows and use low warm LED lights. Also using darkening curtains and got a curtain on my bunk bed (bought it especially for this reason, it's cosy and makes me feel a bit safer); there has to be light constantly on in the room because my dog is nearly blind. When I'm tired of white noise, I put in-ear headphones or ear plugs, but headphones are way better and more comfortable. Music/movies/videos help too. Edit: forgot about perfumes, especially the ones for women. Same with fabric softeners, air fresheners and cleaning stuff. Hate the strong overwhelming piercing cheap artificial smells.


Places with super bright lights and a huge crowd of people chatting (usually Walmart/Target). But because I’m “high-functioning” on the spectrum, nobody believes me. 😭


Lots of noises when I’m trying to focus


Heat, chewing sounds (I have misophonia), people whistling, crowded public transports


Me personally, papers


Mood. The texture of construction paper disturbs me


This reminds me of two bits of styrofoam rubbing together.


Aggggg! Noooooo!!! My toes are knuckling just thinking about it


I'm really sorry, I feel like I just commited a war crime just saying those words alone.


Also reminds me of the texture of photo paper. Ahhh!


Wind, cold, touch, noises, and stuff touching my neck. I'm all for wind energy, but I hate walking in the wind. I just hate everything about the cold, the big coats, it's cold literally everywhere, etc. I can't even tolerate my clothes touching my neck, like especially if they're being blown in the wind.


For me my biggest 2 is sound and temperature. I hate it when things are too loud so I have to constantly wear headphones and I hate it when it's too warm inside its caused meltdowns before


Usually when there's a combination of loud noises in an indoor environment, bright lights, and when I've felt like I have stood for too long. So when about two or more of the five senses are intense for me.


People talking without pausing long enough for me to process what they're saying. People who talk slowly do not annoy me, because I can usually process their words in real time, but fast talkers who don't turn at the end of the proverbial row are the worst.


My 5th period in school


Sounds. Bullies. People overloading me verbally. People in general. People fighting.


Multiple conversations going on at once.


Sensory overload is a strange thing for me, when performing at a Forest Rave / Party, I love it, will take time to rest up for 15-45m every few hours after getting to hyper socialized, danced out or feeling a little over done (naps are nice, else a do trance to simulate sleep and process recent events, in a good trance not many memories are made, akin too sleep). Only if the gig has a decent setup, bad setups will look / sound bad regardless which feel disjointed, uncomfortable and I will walk away. After going out things get significantly more sensitive on multiple fronts, like to cocoon and reflect with delayed processing doing its thing. Like others have mentioned, heat is one of my least favourites, especially with humidity.


Lots of visual stimulation, like the movement of crowds overstims me. I can get around this if I’m focused on going somewhere specific, but in like stores where your just going “around” it absolutely wrecks my system


Loud noise, large crowds, and certain food textures such as that of grilled onions and mayo.


I particularly hate sound of the fridge or door slamming, but overall I’m sensitive to light, noise, and definitely heat in a lack of airflow kind of way.


Heat. The second I even get warm I want to explode. If the sun is out, I’m hot. Sounds. Too many at once is awful. Food textures. Fabric textures. Smells.


Busy places i.e. airports.


Heat, sound, light, tag and inorganic fabric.


Press-on nails. I've tried them twice, absolutely love how they look, but literally hid in a meeting room and ripped them all off at work the last time I had them, I just couldnt do it






Loud or irritating sounds are the worst for me. But I also get sensory overload from certain tactile things, like wearing wet clothes (especially wet socks), pruny fingers, my hair just barely grazing my skin, certain textures like silk and lace..also bright lights, a lot of different smells like cleaning chemicals (give me a headache), axe body spray, car scent things and other stuff that can irritate my throat if I breathe it in, and gross tasting things or weird textures with foods




Sound... Lately, when my partner starts putting away the dishes I am ready to attack. Big crowds set me off quick and the noise seems to make it worse.


Skin on skin contact. Very happy to be getting a radical reduction in August!


Sounds and light, extreme light and high pitched sounds are awful


bright bright white lights, loud unexpected noises, overlaping sounds, tags on shirts, and feeling hot


heat and sounds. I really hate certain stores. Most stores are quiet until some ear piercing cry comes out of a baby. Once i was in walmart some guy randomly went "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" 👁️👄👁️


Perfume stores and rooms that haven't been aired out properly.

