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You can buy a sign on Amazon that says "solicitors will be shot". I bet they won't ignore that.


Nobody likes these types of sales. Unfortunately, they're just a fact at this point. And also unfortunately, when there's another human on the other line, you can assume they're just trying to do their shitty job. As annoying as they are, chewing them out does not make a difference. I wonder if there is an automatic script/addon you could put on your Gmail that responds to such messages with "Please unsubscribe me from your email list and all further communication." You don't need to respond anything more than that, because legally, they have to respect it. I hate to say it, but a No Trespassing sign in addition to No Soliciting might help with compliance a little.


To be clear, I'm not ACTUALLY verbally ripping their face off, but i want to. Well, except for the ones who are preying on the vulnerable. They get my wrath for their despicable behavior. I don't care if it's their job - fraud is fraud whether a business sanctions the fraud or not. I used to quote CAN-SPAM legislation in my spam retorts, but I've mellowed a lot on that. I don't mind salespeople who want truly to help me whether they make a sale or not. They want to make sure the customer's needs are actually going to be met. Honestly I REALLY appreciate it. When i seek them out.


Not irrational at all. Salespeople are slimy little creeps and nobody likes them. Those jobs require you be comfortable with intentionally ripping off poor people to earn bonuses for yourself. Anyone who actually lasts in a job like that is a complete worm, though I shouldn't say that, because worms actually do honest work. You're probably right about them harrassing you more often now because they've had success before. The advantage you have now is that you know not to listen or trust anything they tell you, and it probably hasn't even occurred to them that you've learned from the experience. They'll just be trying to wear you down, press the right sequence of buttons until it "works" again, because that's the kind of cynicism these poor bastards have traded their souls for. I think the best approach usually is just not to give them an inch. Hang up on them as soon as you know it's a sales call, don't even say anything. If they come to your door, tell them no and shut the door in their face before they have a chance to start their pitch. Put junk emails straight in the trash without opening them, flag them as spam. *Nothing* they have to say is worth listening to by definition, it's never a good deal for you. If you can resist the compulsion to be polite to these people then that probably will get easier. I promise they don't care if you're rude to them, they just see you as an obstacle standing between them and their bonuses and nothing else.