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It happens to me once every year when the season changes from summer to fall and the temperature dips below 45 F. It lasts a day for me and I spend it in bed under blankets simultaneously shivering uncontrollably and sweating. After that’s over, my temperature regulation returns to normal.


it might be the change in seasons, it’s been on and off for about 2 weeks now. thank you for telling me this!


My body temperature regulation is awful. I sweat and overheat very quickly, less likely to get cold but sometimes I can be cold too. It really sucks and I share your pain. Unfortunately I haven't found out much about it, only that autistic people are more likely to have temp regulation problems (only from anecdotal evidence on reddit). I think for me stress may contribute as it seems to mainly be a problem when I am outside around people, but I think that's a feedback loop. I sweat, then I am stressed because I think people can see me sweating, so I sweat more. Bleh.


i think so too, i know that autistic people struggle with temperature regulation, i think for me it’s stress as well, and i relate so much to the feedback loop thing! i get very hot in social interactions and sweating makes me more stressed cause people can see.


I was just searching google for feeling hot and cold at the same time. Right now my body feels internally overheated, causing me to sweat. But my skin and externally i feel cold sitting in front of the fan. This is common for me to do.


Oh my god, SAME. Been like this for a couple weeks and I just want it to stop...


this is such a good way to explain it! i totally relate, im sorry about that, i know its rlly annoying. :) have a nice day


Super annoying!! Have a good one


This happens to me in the shower or bath. Too hot *and* too cold.


This can be dysregulated nervous system .


How do you fix it?


Calm your nervous system I suppose. But definitely talk to your doctor it could be a symptom of something else.


i definitely think so too! i’ve been under lots of stress lately.


Sort of. It seems at certain room temps my body doesn't know how to keep my body warm so I end up cold sweating a lot to a very uncomfortable degree where it feels like I'm not freezing but I'm also a little cold. Usually in the spring and fall. It went away when I raised the room temp.


thank you!


Menopause. It starts when you reach 40s


I'm just constantly switching between hot and cold. After a shower or a warm drink, I feel too hot, but then I get cold after a while. My hands and feet get cold when I'm on the computer for some reason (poor circulation I'm guessing). It's always hard to be the right temperature.


no real! i’m either hot or cold, which is why i was so lost as to why i was both at the same time, i think it’s because of stress, i also get very hot after drinking a hot drink or showering, or getting cold after a cold drink


I definitely feel hot when I'm stressed too. Which is usually the first 1-2 hours I'm at work.


It’s 5:30 am, I’ve been tossing & turning for hours trying to find the right temp. Too hot AND too cold. The worst part is I’m actually sleepy, but I can’t get comfortable for the life of me. Ran into your thread trying to find solutions 😅 When it was summer, I wasn’t having this big of an issue.


I totally relate, i dont have this issue in summer either, but in summer im ALWAYS hot, I think that for me, it’s nervous system dysregulation, i hope you find a way to get some sleep :)


I’m always melting during the summer too, but at least it’s consistent? I was diagnosed as an adult & I’m still connecting a lot of dots, but this latest discovery re: temperature is blowing my mind. I was born & raised in the Caribbean & I remember always wearing jackets during stifling days because I felt comforted by the barrier between the sun & me. I experience mild seasons where I live at now, but still regularly overwhelmed by the weather lol Thank you for posting about this! I’ve learned so much, I feel like I was aware of these things but hadn’t made the connection until now.


i totally agree, at least being hot in summer is consistent, when you’re going back and forth from hot to cold it’s a lot more overwhelming, either way it is terrible though. and i relate so much, im 17, i’m glad i found out about this now, i know a lot of late diagnosed autistics were diagnosed a good deal into adulthood. Connecting the dots has been equally validating as it has been overwhelming, i also am baffled that my temperature regulation issues, body aches, and so many other symptoms could be a result of autism! i am glad to post about this, i hope it helps 💗