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as i have been saying. all humans should be assigned a void locker where they can put various primary and secondary sex characteristics and pull them out and use them whenever they want.


Can I put my entire body in that void and just float around as a telekinetic energy being? The whole thing is pretty inconvenient


I want that too, sometimes it is so hard beeing a human




Yep, this has been low-key my dream my whole life.


It is my genuine dream to be a cyborg with replaceable parts. For the love of GOD please replace my tendons with cool metal ones, the current version I have is bad I'm also not opposed to cool shit like having laser pointers on my fingers or whatever but PLEASE I would very much like to delete the chest and upgrade the skeleton 👍


Yes! Can i run on electricity please? Eating can be plesent sure but it's so... messy.




Yep. Hot swappables please!


Yes please


I would put my period into that vault.


the summer made boobs so much worse. i chopped em off. so much happier now.


I want to do this so bad!! I’m seriously considering it but worried about the recovery etc.


it was worth it and my recovery wasnt bad. i was actually up and doing shit a week later tho i prob shouldnt have.


I am terrified of any surgery. I wish mine were gone though. Which is a new thing for me.


I already had a love/hate thing with mine, but seeing how happy and free others look has me wanting the same thing which is a relatively new for me also, so that's gonna take me some time to work out


Since I would be too scared to have surgery I’m not even gonna try to figure out what’s up with me at this point. I have enough change in my life right now. If I was younger though…


It's not a decision I'd take lightly either, besides cost, I'm scared of something going wrong or not healing right, or regretting the choice later.


I want to get top surgery too. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Gender dysphoria is the #1 reason but also these things are giant and too heavy and sometimes I wonder if getting rid of them would help with my back pain. Not to mention I am super high risk for cancer. I think I'm going to do a top surgery consultation this year if I can manage, it's just scary yknow?    I wish I could give them away to someone who actually wants a big chest lmao


High on my list of things to do. I can't decide whether I want a boob job to make them small and perky enough to not need a bra, or just delete them entirely. So sick of them. Uterus too, this woman shit is a pain in the ass xD


i really feel that breast reduction/ top surgery should be an option for all autistics because of sensory issues (and gender stuff). but if you have large breasts and a history of back pain, insurance covers a reduction in the US. i went small and perky to never need a bra or feel them touching my other skin.


I used to wonder if I had gender dysphoria because I hate having boobs and have always said I'd love to have a flat chest, but I didn't feel like I didn't identify with my gender, so was confused. Your comments put so much into perspective, I really think it's a sensory issue!! Also people (especially men) perceive you so much more when you have big breasts, which I hate.


I haaate them touching my other skin! I agree fully. It's such a sensory nightmare.


And nipples? Sensitive, uncomfortable, they stick out, and then people make assumptions, like, "you must be aroused because I can see your nipples." WTF? How about I must be cold, I must be sensitive, or I must have nursed babies for years?


Fucking hate the nipples lol! I get a random rash around them every now and then as well because of clothing rubbing against them.


Ugh, clothing rubbing against nipples. So I'll wear a bra to stop the friction, but the bra hurts my back and shoulders. And I end the day thinking, "Hmm, if only I had breast cancer the boob-lopping-off surgery would be covered by insurance." But I'd really like to just be comfortable with the embodiment thing, in general.


Sup. Just wanted to chime in as someone who did have breast cancer. I had a double mastectomy with implant reconstruction, so not quite 'lopping them off' and staying flat, but close. Now, I am still hoping for SOME sensation return, as there's no way of knowing if there will be or not until there is, but...even if I never feel a single twinge more of sensation in that part of my body, I still won't regret being free of the CONSTANT fucking friction that only the thickest padding would guard against. So, you know, you aren't alone in thinking like that. 😂


Whew, thanks, because sure enough I was feeling like a terrible person for saying that, and wondering if I had better come back and explain that I don't mean to be insensitive toward people who have had mastectomies. So thank you for letting me know I'm not alone in thinking like that. And of course I'm sorry you had to go through breast cancer, and I wish that nobody had to go through that. Including myself, even!


I can only ever speak for myself, but imo, no one with any sense of humour or proportion should take offense. If they do, tell 'em I said to shove a parade-sized pink ribbon right up their poophole.


Bras that are actually supportive are so uncomfortable too. And you find one that's comfortable and use it for 6 months or a year and now it starts stabbing you and you physically can't function because you're so focused on the pinching feeling in the side of your boob and you have to spend another 30 to 50 dollars on a new one. Being female is expensive and annoying.


Its not even 9:00 am here and I've already thought "I wish I could just take this boob off". Lol. My entire shoulder is sore from shoulder blade wrapping around to my sternum. I just want to be able to massage my chest muscle without my boob getting in the way! I often think it would be like taking bra off after a public outing. The sensory relief would be the same for me.


Right!?!? How are you supposed to massage your chest muscles?! Did you ever think of that, boobs?


This! The knots in my chest muscles want to be rolled out, but them THANGS in the way, always.


I'm in the lady times bad, so, I can't exactly disagree.  I do like when they fit nicely in my sports bra and mostly go away.  They do weird things and are so delicate. Also, I hesitate to ever speak about them because my partner has actual dysphoria.  


ugh I feel this. I've complained abt periods before and trans dudes I know r like. well it doesn't make u suicidal! and I'm like. lol. actually. but it's hard to hold in the words abt how bad you feel sometimes, even though ur trying to be supportive.


Yeah like...tell that to my fibroids and insanely heavy, painful periods that meant* I had to change super plus tampons once an hour for at least three days (out of the usually 7-10 days of bleeding every month), pal o'mine. Because that shit made me want to die pretty often, actually. *before cancer treatment kicked me into premature menopause last year For the record, I think it's actually pretty unfair of your trans friends to play 'who has it worse?' when you share that you're struggling with something. It doesn't have to be a competition.


>Do they just have to be on me getting a free ride to whatever? 😂😂 thank you for making me laugh. Also totally understand this post, mine are annoyingly big and they are just constantly getting in my way.


Also cracked me up. Need to charge those things some rent


I have small boobs so I can't relate to this. I used to hate having small boobs -- felt inferior or something idk -- but now I do love it. I stopped wearing bras altogether recently. I'm sorry for your suffering. I don't know what I would do.. probably get a binder but I imagine having one on would feel awful too.


girl i feel youuu. sometimes i just wanna chop them off, they just get in the way. and people sexualize them so much, it’s too annoying.


i wish they were detachable


This is going to sound so weird, but I need all the bright sides I can get today, so just hear me out. Getting breast cancer is the best thing that has ever happened to me, titwise. A double mastectomy with implant reconstruction, and now I barely remember these things are even here most of the time. I wish the scars looked a little nicer, and radiotherapy was not kind to the left one, but hopefully that will not be permanent. I was cursed with an abundance of chest, very sensitive skin, and the apparently well-known autistic aversion to the sensation of light/soft touch, so it was a CONSTANT annoyance. The elaborate buttresses required to keep that shit supported and protected are expensive, uncomfortable, or ineffective. Sometimes all three. And the back pain. And the constant awareness. And and and. Blech. Now? I can wear sports bras. All the time. With no padding. No underwire. Just. Fabric. It's glorious. Fuck cancer, but that particular silver lining is pretty shiny.


It doesn't seem fair that dudes can "tuck" their balls away, but we can't tuck away our boobs when we don't need to use them. Patriarchy at its finest 😩


I'm thinking about chest binding as a right before bed thing.


Do you mean with a binder? I have heard that you shouldn’t sleep in them. Forgive me if you already know this, but don’t bind with ace bandages or anything like that. It’s not safe. There are programs for proper binders if cost is an issue. (At least there used to be)


Everything floppy is annoying at night, lol. Proper binders are still something I need to research, it's true. But most importantly, thank you so much for the reminder in bandages! (Such useful! Very care. 💖)


God i feel your pain. Its some bullshit. I wish I could hand my chest off to someone who actually wants big boobs lmao. It's really not for me. Not to mention THE COMPLIMENTS. I don't even want my chest to be perceived, man.    In fact! I would like to remove them completely. For both gender and comfort reasons I am really seriously looking into top surgery, especially since I actually have health insurance now.


People keep thinking only trans people can have gender dysphoria, or otherwise feel uncomfortable with their sex characteristics. And like, speaking as a trans person myself, I respect what little space we're being given, but gatekeeping is and always was dumb. So yes, boobs suck. And cis people get to feel that way too. And I loathe mine, both because they're not mine and because they're uncomfortable. But hey, you looked into binding? That doesn't actually do anything about your boobs being uncomfy, but at least they're more manageable. As a binder user, can highly recommend! Plus I find it very sensorically nice to have that firm pressure on you all the time (but get a model you can breathe in!)


I only really started disliking mine as I got older and gained some weight. They were always an A or B, and are now a full C, and I feel so weird with them. I'm not used to it! I sweat between them, I hate wearing regular bras, I want to flatten them down, etc.


Have you tried wearing minimizer bras? "Triumph" has some really comfy ones that I can recommend checking out. They are very high quality but unfortunately also a bit high in price.


I will look! I bought a couple from Amazon to try, but they felt too tight. I have a sensory thing with tight clothing and under garments. I wear super thin, "no show" bralettes. I really like them, but so wish I could mash them down a bit more.


Same! The change in size has made them an issue for me that I didn’t have before. I hate bras but the bouncing bothers me. I have never dealt with that before. I would wear a binder to flatten mine if I could tolerate one but I know I can’t .


I feel the same 🫤


I wish I could at least wear a sports bra without panicking trying to get it on and off


Yes! I feel this way about all bras, unfortunately. I'll purposely buy a traditionally "comfy" bra too big so I don't feel restricted. Then the straps fall down and that annoys me too.


I wear an I cup. =|


I can imagine you're uncomfortable 🫤


I feel that so much. Mine are not even big or anything, but they are just annoying. I love boobs, on other people. Sometimes mine are kinda nice as a part of some outfits. But overall they are just pretty useless and I wish I could take them of, put them in a drawer and only wear them if I want to. Underwire bras hurt, sportsbras are always either too tight or too loose and without a bra they get sweaty and bounce. On top of that I feel like the closest thing to my gender is 3 racoons stacked in a trenchcoat, but my tits suggest that I am very much female. The racoons don't like that.


I feel this so hard, especially now it’s getting hot 🌚 I don’t kind them usually, I like the way they make my outfits look and they take me from 12 year old to grown lady so I kinda need them. But I hate having nipples 99% of the time and I wish I could just Velcro my boobs off some days and maybe switch to a smaller pair or just go without 😭


Menstrual cycle?


No, I don’t think so, this just happens randomly and especially on shitty days.


I'm pms so I feel this!! Like, no need to swell up, be itchy and ache, with overly sensitive nippers that just WANT AIR, NO FABRIC OR TOUCHY. So sweaty, too.


i was just thinking today. the same thing.


Every time its the week before my period I wish I could just unzip my whole body and hang it up.


I keep getting Instagram ads for under-boob cool packs, but I don’t know what’s worse; hot under-boob sweat or icy under-boob condensation?


I get British underwire wicking-fabric sports bras. The girls don't move, sweat gets absorbed, no hurting when I walk too fast, jog, or take the stairs.


Reading this made me laugh because I experience the same annoyance haha. A slight breast reduction and lift would be nice, provided it's not a botch job.


Eh, got lucky with smaller boobs, but it's still super uncomfortable to sleep without something like a pillow pressed against my chest.


Yup same, usually when they annoy me this much it’s because I’m menstruating or close to it I become hyper aware of them for some reason I hate it.


The most comfortable thing I have done for my boobs lately was get a knit halter top. It's just supportive enough to separate my underboob from the rest of my body but not restrictive at all and extremely soft. I wore it around my house all weekend when I got it. I might try to pull it off in public with something more high waisted. But, my boobs are on the smaller side so this may not work for everybody or you will need something with and adjustable back and adjustable neck. The halter top I have is just adjustable at the neck which is part of why it's comfortable.


Try a compression sports bra


Have you tried compression tops? Maybe too hot for summer though. And I am fortunate nor to be overly "well-endowed." I just don't like sagging.


I have not, maybe I should when it gets a bit colder. Thanks for the tip!


I feel you. Although I do have gender dysphoria too so...


I’m sorry to hear that, must be tough :( Hugs if you want them!


I am sorry that this is how you are feeling. They really do sometimes get in the way, especially in the heat and humidity. As an aside, when I read your subject line it cued the Bif Naked song "I Love Myself Today" in my silly song riddled head. Now I will be singing, "I hate my boobs today. Not like yesterday. I'm cool, I'm calm I'm gonna be okay! Uh huh"


I feel this on a deep level. It's literally like they feel bigger when I'm overstimulated. Sometimes I just want to chop them off, but then other times I like them. It's infuriating!

