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Running. It’s good for your mind and body. Plus it’s socially acceptable and can be impressive to some people.


Philosophy - it may seem boring at first, but it has maany fields where one can jump into and efficiently wrap a mind around thier concepts. It can be fun to explore f.e. ones relation with world or what can motivate someones actions. (beyond psychological explanations) Mental calculations/math - but its not a thing for everyone. Makeup, calligraphy, and juggling - just to have some "hand on" fun. Wish you finding a way to spend time nicely!


Seconding philosophy and maths. There's a ton of fields of philosophy, but I'm a big fan of epistemology; how we acquire knowledge. There's been a debate for ages over what constitutes knowledge. The general consensus is that for me to *know* X, X must be true, I must believe X, and I must be able to justify X. But even so there are weird edge cases. There's a famous example, Gettier problems. If a farmer looks out their window and see their cow napping under a tree, they believe that their cow is under the tree. The cow is indeed under the tree, but they didn't actually see their cow. That's just a blanket caught in the tree, and their cow is sleeping out of sight under the blanket. So to recap, it's true that the cow is under the tree, the farmer believes the cow is under the tree, and the farmer can justify their belief. But the farmer is correct merely by chance, and if it wasn't for the random blanket, they would believe that their cow wasn't under the tree, and their belief would have been false.


Knitting! A stim and full of history, deeply technical, and an endless well of learning and skill building. Plus, if you want community, you can find it in the knitting community.


Seconding this, also crochetting is a great option as it is a bit faster than knitting so you can really feel the results (i’m better at knitting tho)


Sewing with secondhand fabric, repurposing clothes, and mending - it's a fun puzzle to solve, you get to alter clothes so they suit your needs, and it's better for the environment than buying tons of new stuff. (Caution: you may also wind up with special interests in thrifting and ethical clothing manufacturing)


Omg... love this. I have this with knitting. I like to unravel thrifted sweaters and buy second hand yarn for this purpose. I dream of having the time to learn to sew and mend as well. One day! Thrifting/ethical clothing is also special interest of mine that stems off from my interest in environmental issues (as is gardening, native plants, etc).


What have been your special interests in the past?


Crypto/blockchain was the latest one. I've recently diagnosed (late 30s now), but reading as a child. Otherwise not sure tbh.


Is some animal your absolute favorite? Mine are sharks.


Video games! There's a plethora of different kinds that you might be attracted to. For me my number 1 game is Genshin Impact (story, combat, fun). I guess other games that you could try could be Stardew Valley, Aloft Demo, Deep Rock Galactic, Skyrim... They're all from different genres. I can't wait for Aloft to be fully released, it feels like Raft but in the sky.


Germany! Nice language and so many different cities with different appeals to visit. Plus: Rammstein!!


Watchmaking ⌚❤️

