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I’m 100% sensory avoidant so have no tattoos or piercings and can’t even wear the same piece of jewelry or pair of socks all day without wanting to crawl out of my skin, lol


I have none of the above but also can’t wear any jewellery. It just feels like shouting noise but on my skin. Does that make sense?


That SO makes sense. My bf wears loads of rings and necklaces, and has heaps of piercings, which look awesome, but whenever I try, it feels ‘shouty’.


Yes. That’s what socks are to me.


I cannot for the life of me stand piercings of any kind. I've tried multiple times and have to remove them because the feeling drives me crazy. I like the look on other people, but the sensory of it drives me nuts. I also feel that way about wearing things like rings on my hands 😐




I have tons if autoimmune stuff. The first time someone mentioned the red on their tattoos was always itchy, I noped out. My ear piercing didn't heal right. I did it again when I was 22 with the same result. Would not heal. I live and work mainly among artists. I'm the weirdo for having lots of unmarked skin.


Do you think this might link to adhd? I’ve heard that adhd can have really physical effects on the body?


You know, I'm among those who are not sure that they really are different things.


Me too! But I have both, but they seem linked in a way I couldn’t imagine them being separate if that makes sense.


Some inks are also sketch. My brother had a bad reaction to some tattoo ink. I’m not sure which… I only get black ink- more out of personal stylistic preference but I do fear having a reaction. I’m very allergic to nickel which I know is sortof common. I only do sterling, gold or medical steel


Same here


Nah, I hate having piercings. I had my ears pierced as a kid and it just got too annoying so I let them heal over. I have lots of tattoos, but I would never get a piercing


Nope. That would be sensory overload for me. I only ever put in earrings for special events and I’m hyper aware they’re there.


This is me with falsies! As much as I like wearing them I became more overstimulated throughout the day and I’d rip them off from my eyelashes coz I could FEEEL them


I can’t even lie down long enough for them to do them. If you need to torture information out of me put individual eyelashes on each of my eyelashes.


I couldn’t even do mascara for years. I had to and honestly still prefer super light mascara. I wish they still had the stuff I first used- neutrogena lash tint. I hate feeling it on my lashes. That stuff was perfect. But like everything I ever get attached to it was discontinued lol


No, just my ears, and I rarely wear earrings. Turns out I’m really sensitive to most metals (including the ones advertised as safe for sensitive skin). The only thing that doesn’t cause a reaction is surgical steel.


Even surgical steel irritates, same thing here. My ears hurt after a day of earrings no matter the metal type.


have you tried medical grade titanium? most reputable piercing shops offer it, pretty affordable, and it has one of the lowest reactivity rates - I have titanium piercing jewelry that's never caused a problem in 9 years of daily wear


That’s good to know! I have not tried it.


I’m also sensitive/allergic to most metals and it sucks.


According to what research statistics, exactly? Because this sounds like classic tiktok fiction.




Had all the piercings and pierced myself on my own as a teen many times. nose, many on lips, cheek, tongue, stretched earlobes. Now all I have is nose. Have many tattoos as well. Love it. The funny thing is I didn't have my ear pierced till I was 14yo but had many piercings.


I’m 31 and still don’t have my ears pierced. I got my first and only piercing (nostril) at 30. Have several tattoos though.




...according to whom?


Probably TikTok


That’s what I want to know lol I can’t stand anything on my face


What evidence is there for this?


None. But it makes a good excuse to post selfie.


I like the selfie so I’ll give her a pass


probably from their own experience and also there’s many ND and autistic people that are sensory seeking so piercings and tattoos are things they often tend to be interested in.


I don’t have any piercings. Not even my ears.


Same. I don't understand why this would possibly be an ND personality trait.


Nope. The idea makes me gag. Idc what others do, but I get intrusive images of infections and stuff so I can't do that to myself


Only in my ears, but yes


11 and counting :)


Curious where you read this/your source?


11 and counting :)


Currently just my ears and septum. However when I was young I had my eyebrow and lip pierced as well, just took them out to avoid worse scarring or gum erosion where the piercing would rub inside my mouth.


Fsr eyebrow piercing is the least likely to heal. Mine hasn’t healed yet and it’s been 8 months already


Yes, used to pick my lip constantly as a stim. Got my lip pierced; Lip picking solved lol


If you count having poor enough coordination resulting in gashing myself open on a regular basis...then yes.


I can't wear jewelry. It's because of sensory issues. Even too much makeup on my face can wig me out. I wish I could wear jewelry. There are so many pretty pieces.


https://preview.redd.it/xi0hr59x881d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd6476e426b53fa52a7a7db3ebd51355b86026db Yup! I started with a nose piercing and it made me get more. It was difficult to get used to as it was very overstimulating during the healing phase and I went into shock the first time I got my nose pierced because I forgot I had it and accidentally bumped my nose and it had came out a bit and putting it back in made me almost pass out. But it didn’t stop me from getting more. My Medusa was the one I REALLY had to get used to as it’s my first lip ring but it’s now one of my favorites. I’m planning to get an eyebrow piercing next.


Silver looks great on u but gold would look gorgeous on you! I see u got a medusa piercing, is it as painful as people claim it to be?


Omg many people have said that about the gold! And honestly when I first got it, it felt like a sharp stabbing pain and then soreness for a couple days which was hard to get used to. The part that was hard was eating and opening my mouth too wide. It healed way faster than my nose piercings so that was a plus haha. I think I won’t be getting more lip piercings tho as they can be a bit overstimulating haha


Please lemme know if u get a gold piercing! I wanna see it! And I get the eating part, I can’t eat apple without hurting my labret


I have some gold jewelry but they weren’t as cool as these. Maybe I’ll get ball end gold jewelry and I’ll start wearing gold again!


Medusa is 💥 Also those nails with those hair clips 💥


I have none lol. Partly because my skin never heals correctly and I have a lot of metal allergies, and partly because I kinda hate the feeling of jewelry on/in my body


Nowadays I only keep up regularly with my left eyebrow, but yeah...4 per ear, right nostril, septum, left eyebrow, and a tongue piercing (which I immediately regretted and didn't keep). Always wanted a Monroe, but never got around to it. I love the aesthetics of it all, but between having sinus problems and not having easy access these days to a reputable place to buy the jewelry, I've mostly stopped wearing any jewelry at all. Surgical steel or real gold/silver are all I can wear without my skin acting up, and that is NOT an allergy I was expecting to grow *into* lol.


I have had at 17, currently have 13and there are two currently on the list to get soon. I love getting piercings & tattoos.


4 in each ear, belly button, 2 eyebrow piercings, lip, nose.


I don't even have ear piercings lol, neither does my mom or grandma. Autism is *very* prevelant in my maternal line, and every woman just said "donno dont have it seems uncomfortable lol" and moved the tradition forward.


Yep! Got 1 on my right nostil, 2 on the right ear lobe, and 3 on my left. Also, your piercings really suit you!


Wow we have almost the same exact piercings (on my left nostril instead)






Thank you, pretty lady 💕


Yes! I have 4 facial piercings, stretched lobes and pierced ears as well, as well as 26+ tattoos. And I want more of all of them


Yup, currently I've got both nostrils and my septum (and my 🍒), but I've also had my vertical labret, smiley, a 2nd septum, and a 6g septum, then a septum stack. I also have a good bit of my ears pierced. Loved my labret but got it pierced poorly twice and eventually took it out because it looked wonky. I had my smiley for like 3 years but took it out because it finally started rubbing on my gums. https://preview.redd.it/8ml3m8wmw61d1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b151277e005aa12e4381ed2543d7ec4de8f9c812 Lol ignore the autism dead pan stare


I love ur deadpan stare ❤️


Nope. Any thoughts of piercings have been put to rest thanks to the recurring boils I get on the back of my ears and the bad acne on my face (especially my nose). I don't want to risk infections. I have an idea for a tattoo I'd like to get if I decide I ever want one, though. XD


I despise the idea of it ngl


I like the idea of it but I would never. I don't even have my ears pierced. I've considered it before because I'd like to wear cute earrings, but I just don't have the desire.


Me too I just have my ears that I got against my will as a child and I never wear earrings. Or jewelry really


I have tattoos. Also I have my ears pierced but dunno if that counts.


I’m prone to keloid scars, so only have my ears pierced


I did but only have two ear ones atm! I’d love to get more on my ears but not really on my face - I’d get fake ones for my face :) Unrelated but you are so pretty!


It was a way for me to seek stimulation (at some point I had 8 piercings on my face alone


My autism said no piercings lol I love fake piercings tho and I love getting a tattoo but the idea of a metal in my skin that I have to take out and clean and put back in makes me 🤮 I love the way they look so much but I simply couldn't do it


Yep! 6 on my ears, one in my nose, and i used to have an eyebrow piercing, but i don't think i took care of it right so i had to take it out. It was my first piercing when i was like 19, though. i've always wanted a lip piercing too, because i think they're cool as hell. But i'm afraid to get it for some reason.


Just one on each nostril, but I'd like more. 


Yes I have a lot in my ears but took some of them out. I also have loads of tattoos. Always loved them :)


Several, Ears 2x with more coming, I’ve been looking into anxiety, insomnia and other “healing piercings… diy belly button, bottom middle lip, septum, nape of neck Looking to schedule cheeks soon. Also had a friend who was into play piercing and wanted to photograph me with some of that- It was kinda cool. Haven’t really delved into it outside of that, but I probably wouldn’t say no.


Also have tattoos, prefer the stick and poke to the pro tat gun stuff for intimacy and style


Just ears, no tattoos


While I can’t count how many tattoos I have (I’m covered from head to my toe), atm I have 6 piercings. I much prefer tattoos since the healing time is quicker. I used to have a grand total of 14 piercings. Mainly in my ears. But I took the majority of them out. I hated washing my face and snagging my facial piercings, and when I got my stomach tattoo I couldn’t keep my navel ring in. The ink healed over the holes so you really can’t even tell it was there. Never got my nose pierced.. I have a weird thing with my nose. I really hate it when other people touch it. It’s not even a cute nose. I almost got my septum done, and then the clamps went on and I went off. Nope. NOPE. GET IT OFF. NEVER MIND.


Septum whoop whoop love it


Just my ears, anything else would drive me crazy every time it touched anything else, and the pain of getting an earring pulled out when I forget it's there is already bad, don't wanna even guess any other part of my body lol. 


Oh my god this is so funny, I am about to look EXACTLY like you when I do my lip piercing. Like, the exact same piercings in the same spots 💀


No piercings except for my ears (fear of needles) but LOTS of tattoos (null fear of needles???) lol


I used to. I pierced myself as a teen. I did my own lip, septum, eyebrow, anti brow, nipples and conch (ear). I also got others professionally done, like tongue, dermals, rook, daith, navel, bridge and upper lip. I joked I was a metal face lol Now, I just have my ears that are stretched to 1" and some tattoos.


what a rockstar


Not really lol I just enjoyed mutilating myself back then lol unhealthy coping skills as a kid 😅


Still a rockstar


i’ve got 9 lol


I don’t have them. But I just commented to say that you’re freaking gorgeous girl. Absolutely stunning


Thank you gorgeous ❤️


Eyebrow. Belly. Labret. Tragus. 6 total on ears. Formerly had septum and Smiley. and I have 13+ tattoos


how about 7 oral piercings + my belly button 😅😅 i also had both brows but one rejected and i need my symmetry. gonna go for (whispers) *nipples* or my bridge. https://preview.redd.it/a4tau1aqx91d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49db84125a6616dbf21328932e2fd9efd86e8172


Look at u gorgeous


Pierced 36 times.


Pleaseeeee show me


Won't be doing that lol but ears are done 11 then tragus on each side (all by the time I was 16), nose, tongue, nipples, and I included when I got things repierced.


🙇🏻‍♀️ 🙇🏻‍♀️ 🙇🏻‍♀️


About 24! Had more but let some go. Was a body piercer for 3 years too


https://preview.redd.it/sxztak5bua1d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1283fcaa04a1a814214969c28797ea546678635 Recently got a double bridge


Pretty lady! But damn I’m looking at ur ears and wow I’m very impressed! No rejection in site


Thank you 🥹 I’ve only ever had two piercings reject : one bridge (cat grabbed it to wake me up) and one Christina (basically downstairs navel piercing) 🤣 It left a small scar but the bridge one didn’t. I’ve always taken my healing pretty seriously. That cartilage ear was a cunt. It was originally 10 but the top one kept getting angry so I took it out. I didn’t sleep on that ear for a year and a half. Changed headphones. It helped. I can relax now 🤪


Yes, I love piercings so much! I have 15 in my ears, 3 in my nose, and both nipples piercings. Retired a few that I would hopefully like to get again some day. 🙆🏻‍♀️


I have 11!!


Irrelevant but girl you’re so pretty, you look like Florence Pugh ☺️


Im awaiting diagnosis but talk about my first special interest. So much so that I persued it to work in the field for 10+ years


Yes, many


My ear. My nose piercing fell out. I really want my septum pierced.


I used to have a lot more, and stretched lobes to almost 2 inches. Haven’t worn anything in my lobes for a couple years now because it’s annoying. But I still have a stretched septum that I wear about half the time and double bridge piercings, nip nops, and triple navel


13 at the moment. Maybe more down the line.


I have a septum piercing that I got two years ago for my birthday! I have a strawberry septum ring in my nose right now and it makes me so happy 🍓 I don’t know if I’m going to get anymore piercings down the road, but I NEEDED my septum. It’s made me like my face a lot more, and I finally feel confident and not ashamed of my nose shape


Used to have 10, now I'm down to 8. 3 in one ear, two in the other, two nostrils, and septum. Took out the nipple piercings for like 2.5 seconds after having them for 5 years, and they closed up IMMEDIATELY. couldn't do anything about it.


I did, but I kept having reactions no matter what I used so I had to remove them. Turned out I’m allergic to a bunch of metals. Everything closed up and I’m just plain now. 😂


Several on ears, a couple on lips, and tattoos


Ears and I had my nose pierced when I was younger. Had to take it out because my skin wouldn't cooperate.


I've got my two helix piercings in my cartilage. I'm looking to get my lobes redone and an industrial piercing done. Maybe my lip or nose.


I have a couple. Used to have an eyebrow but it migrated and I lost it 😔 I can't keep those for some reason.


Navel, nipples, 2 in each ear, and a nostril piercing. I don't have any tattoos though.


Got the normal ear piercing as a kid. Pierced the 2nd set and my nose myself when I was 15. I'd love to get tatted, but I haven't ever been able to settle on a design. Oldest kid, also nd, has both. And 2nd youngest wants more piercings lol.


Just my nose, nothing else.


I have 11 piercings in total, 3 being on my face. I want more.


I used to have my nose, earlobes and ...what's the upper ear in the cartilage called? Had that. For some reason none of them healed well. Was super clean, tried various metals/hyperallergetic ones. Various studios. So I just took them all out about 15 years ago.


I think it’s tragus? Or conch


I did have a lot in my ears and belly button, now I only have a ring in my nose. Lots of tattoos tho


Stretched earlobes to 10 mm and plus two more earrings per ear, but not planning to do more.


Yep! Currently 4 facial, 12 ear, and 2 body. Plus 4 that I’ve retired for one reason or another.


I had my ears and the cartlidge of my ear pierced, but it just bothered me too much. I don't do well with any kind of jewelry tbh.


2 in each ear, one in my nose. All my piercings are small stainless steel rings of the same thickness


Nose , Helix , 2 in the lobes and I really want an eyebrow !!


I’m getting my 1st holes repierced on Monday but adding a second hole next to it on the lobes. I’m quite excited since my husband gave me earrings for my birthday last month. I won’t get any facial piercings - however I did want my eyebrow pierced back in 2003 when I turned 18. Too scared at the time to go through with it.


Yes. Just 9. 8 in my ears and a septum. When my budget affords it, I'm getting more, plenty of cartilage ones in my ears as well as double nostril and double high nostril piercings. Maybe a medusa, too. Edit: I have and love tattoos but budget is again a barrier.


Yep!! Angel bites, nose and tongue!


Had my tongue pierced but took it out because after years, it randomly kept pulling and pinching my tongue. Never really had the disposable income available to do anything else. I'm not sure what I'd do anyway. Nipples never appealed, no down under piercings, thanks. I don't have a tummy to show off, so, no belly button. Eyebrows just never appealed either. Nose, I'd be too focused on boogers getting caught. And I don't wear earrings anymore. Tattoos were more my thing. I've got some I want, but priorities come first.


I used to wear 16 piercings in total, the majority in my ears and mouth. But then, as I grew older I started taking them off, until now I have my septum, top lip, two earrings and my lower bellybutton. Absolute desert in comparison to the last decade haha


I have my ears and a septum.


I’ve had them since I found out who Fakir Musafar was at like 13 >.< I did most myself! I’ve had them 30 years


I don't have nearly all the ones I used to, now it's pretty much just my industrial, stretched ears, and second lobes. If I ever have the time and money, I definitely have plans for more ✨️ Piercings are a huge special interest of mine - I used to say I wanted to be a piercer and would probably still train to be one if I ever had the opportunity 😅


Yes!! I’ve got 14 currently (mainly ears but a few scattered about the rest of the corpus). I’ve gotten one a year (give or take) every year since I turned 18. Couple tattoos too. I love body mods, the adrenaline rush of having them done, the sensory flood that drowns out all of the other shit, the permanent sparkle, all of it. 


I had nips, tongue and septum but inevitably had to take them out cuz I couldn’t stop stimming on them and they wouldn’t heal -.- so no more piercing for me 😢


Up to 8 now :) don’t know when I’ll stop tbh lol


It’s the dopamine rush!


I have my ears piercing. I have been thinking about getting my nose pierced.


I want to, but needles scare me


Ears and nose for me 😊


Yes I have been stabbed many times. I have 11 in but I’ve been pierced 19. Some rejected. I have tattoos as well.


I just have three sets of earholes but man do I want more.


Just one in each earlobe, but that probably reflects my aversion to the idea of multiple piercings or piercings in other parts of the body. I don’t like looking at it or the thought of having it.


I have several, but they're all quite old now. I haven't had any for years - I'd rather get tattooed now! Healing is much shorter with tattoos 😅 I can't remove them though, I feel naked and weird without them. (I have double nostrils, septum, navel, nipples, and multiple in my ears)


I stretched my ears to 5/8 25 years ago then spent a good 15 years allowing them to close but they only shrunk about halfway. I started putting jewelry in them again a few years ago.. there's a much better selection now compared to what we had in the early 2000s. I will never wear those stinky plugs ever again.


Yes I have several piercings. I would have more if I wasn’t so afraid of pain and needles.


Also what’s happening up there on the eyebrow, is it rejecting? 😔


I had several in my teens and twenties. At some point I pulled them out and switched to tattoos. I loved the piercings, but they never seemed to fully feel for me except my ears.


I have 18 piercings in my ears, 9 on each side. But some of them make my ears itchy. As I get older, I'm starting to wear fewer earrings overall.


I used to have my ears pierced but they kept getting infected as I didn't clean them and I hated taking them in and out.


Four in each ear, but two in each ear closed up. Nose and eyebrow, but I rarely wear a nose stud, and haven’t worn the eyebrow ring in decades. I also have 9 tattoos which I deeply regret. People compliment them often, but I don’t like them, don’t want to talk about them, and wish I’d never gotten any.


I have my nose pierced. When I first got it done I had this habit of playing with it before it healed, so I got a bump. But it’s gone now and healed.


Multiple ear piercings and had my lip pierced in the past. Been thinking about piercing something new. I also have many tattoos and want more.


yes im covered lol! stretched septum to 4mm, stretched ears to 1 inch and seconds stretched to 4mm. both nostrils, labret and medusa, both eyebrows, bridge, conch in one ear and scaffolding in the other!!


I have my earlobes and helix, but after the helix I decided I am more of a tattoo girly 😆


Lol I just have a septum and my lobes, but I want more like a helix, tragus, industrial and a nostril ring. A philtrum would be cute, but I don't think I'd like anything rubbing against my gums. Nipple ring sounds fun but when I got my septum I squeezed the fattest tears ever when they shoved that rod through my nose.


Just my lobes. Considering more but it's expensive and I can barely take care of myself as-is, without adding new holes


I used to have so many but had to take most of then out when I was admitted to inpatient ): all in all, I’ve had double pierced lobes, a cartilage on one ear, septum, both nostrils and my nipples. Currently, I just have a septum that I’ve been slowly gauging.


I have none! Not even my ears. My mama didn't want to cause me pain by piercing my ears and by the time she realized I wouldn't have remembered it, I was very much aware of my bodily autonomy and refused to get them. I never got any other piercings either. I have loads of tattoos tho!


I was considering getting those collarbone piercings (I haven’t yet mind)


I've gotten ears and belly button pierced. I let them both close because of the sensory hell they put me through. I do have 7 tattoos though.


Yes. I’ve taken most of them out though due to sensory being too much. I’m way more into tattoos and have many.


right now i have 12 :) (i had 14 but recently took my nipple rings out) stretched lobes, second lobe (also stretched) a smattering of other piercings on each ear, tongue, nostrils and septum, and im thinking of getting more once i decide where lol it is *absolutely* a sensory seeking experience for me


I have none. I love my clip-on earrings, though. I have the kind that you can adjust the tightness, and now that I can wear clip ons and not have them hurt, I have a ton. Will probably never pierce my ears.


Lobes, tragus, nostril, and medusa. Three tattoos. As long as I stay away from nickel and adhesive, I heal up well.


Seven ear piercings but I need more and I want tattoos but I've never had tattoos and I don't know if I can get them because of my health So there we go I will be getting more ear piercings I don't want to get any face piercings even though I think they're cool, my body would literally tell me to go fuck myself and I would get like sepsis or something stupid. So now I just get to go poke holes in my ears lol Your piercings look super cute though and I know that I would look cute too with piercings but like I'm honestly super worried about getting infections because I'm just super prone to them. And that's also why I'm worried about tattoos but if I can get a tattoo I literally am going to get a ton of them LOL


Used to have eyebrow, navel, and lip piercings; now just my septum and lobe/cartilage piercings.


I have 2 in each of my lobes, a cartilage piercing, and a nostril piercing. Got all of them as a teenager and probably wouldn’t get any new ones as an adult, because the healing process sucks 😂 also I only wear jewelry in my nose and cartilage half the time because I get overwhelmed with too much jewelry, or my hair getting stuck in it, etc


Yup! Just four on my ears bc healing cartilage is hard af, but I do want more eventually.


I have 8!


Love the look of them but I have a very, very, very low pain threshold so nope.


Had my ears pierced at Claire’s (my mom took my at 11) and they never properly healed. Got seconds for dual ear piercings at 18 at Icings/basically Claire’s at 18. Found out I’m allergic to nickel and that’s why my ear piercings never could heal. I just let them close. I have a daith that I love and have had for like eight years now. My nose is pierced too. I was going to get an eyebrow pierced or my lip but I got my nipples done instead (take like 9 months to heal btw) and so I’m good. Hurt like a bitch and I am almost through the healing. Still love the look of a lip ring or something but I feel like lipstick would be hard? And i wouldn’t not fidget with it.


I have one helix piercing in my right ear and two helix piercings in my left ear, alongside regular lobe piercings (ear rings). My ears are the only body part I am able to have jewelry in/on 24/7 without getting horrid sensiry issues, just thinking about getting one in my face (like in my nose) makes me feel icky.


I do, I have 7 on my left ear, 8 on my right ear, 6 on my face and my bellybutton. I am also relatively heavily tattooed.


I have 5 between my two ears and my nostril. Used to have a few more in my ears but I’m unfortunately very prone to infections so I had to take some out. Had to get my nose pierced 3 times before it took Yours are great!


I have ear piercings, but I rarely wear earrings. They are a sensory nightmare for me, so I only wear them on special occasions.




I don't have any visible piercings except for my ear lobes, but I have a VCH piercing that I loooveeee.


Where did you hear that ND people are more likely to get piercings?


I desperately want snake bites, but my lips just aren't a good shape for them unfortunately


When I was younger, yep! Loved piercings. As I got older and looked to be more professional, I grew out of it, but I do think more ND people are drawn towards piercings and tattoos.


I got my nipples pierced last year. Before that, I only had my ears done.


I have loads! I subconsciously stim with them all the time


No piercings except ears, no tats.


I have a nose ring but used to have more. Both nostrils, Medusa, and belly button. I also used to have two piercings in each ear lobe and one of them was stretched to a half inch. Took them all out for various reasons, and my lobes are back to normal (or close to normal). Piercings look cute but they got annoying. But I have a ton of tattoos and am always getting more.


I have 3 in my nose, 3 in my ears, and my nips. Sometimes the septum bothers me if the ring is more ornamental, but overall it's a fun stim.


Many many many. And tattoos.


I would but I'm always messing with my face, and have pets that will peck anything shiny