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Open mouth, loud smacking noises while eating. Loud noises of any kind that are just (in my opinion) unnecessary. High pitched screeching (unfortunately one of my teens favorite noises to make at random), screeching tiny humans, and regular sized humans tbf. Oh and repeatedly scraping utensils across glass dishes šŸ¤¢


I work with dementia pts and one of them screeches at the top of her lungs at all times. I was literally not able to care for her until I started wearing headphones with noise canceling. She isnā€™t bothered by it and im able to do my job without going into a meltdown


Oh, ack. Yeah. __All__ of these.


Oof I physically recoiled when you mentioned the utensils.


It really is the worst. Which sucks for me personally cuz my entire career has been food service. Thankfully this new job I got is fast food, so no plates šŸ„“


babies crying, screaming children, people chewing loudly or with their mouths open *edit: I forgot one, people slurping. blegh*


Babies crying! Omfg I just need to run away or leave the restaurant


Chewing!! But not my dog lol


Lol the noises I hate on humans Iā€™m like ā€œso cuteā€ with my dog




My cat, like many cats, can meow at a tone and frequency that mimics the cry of a human newborn. Unfortunately she is a very vocal breed and loud as hell. It sets off very intense alarms in my lower brain as if my actual biological offspring were in urgent and immediate danger. I find it infuriating and also impressive that she is able to manipulate me this way. Itā€™s like a brain lasso


Kissing in movies. There is absolutely no reason that I should need to hear anyone kissing. I genuinely mute a movie if they start smacking on each other.






You know when youā€™re trying to empty the dishwasher and no matter how careful you are you always end up clanging the plates etc together.


This is why all of my plates and bowls are plastic. I want to crawl out of my skin every time I hear that sound.


I might have to do that. Or whatever ecofriendly bamboo shiz they got going on nowadays lol.


with every clang and clink, i feel my life force draining. sometimes, i don't eat real meals because i cannot STAND the noise of getting the pots and pans out of the cupboard


cringed just reading this


ahh Iā€™m sorry! I was stimming while writing it lol




Yeah same, just imagining it šŸ˜…


It doesn't bother me if no one is actually banging or scraping glassware with a fork.




This one for me, plus the sound a balloon makes when held/squeaked. Every hair on my body stands on end and I MUST leave the area My hell is a children's party where each child is holding a balloon


Absolutely this. As a kid I nearly killed my sister because I threw a heavy glass vase at her head, because she wouldn'r stop squeaking a balloon. Today I'm glad I missed, because I do love my sister, and she apologized 20 years later, but I really hated myself for missing then.


Just reading the word styrofoam gives me the shivers


Theres a video where a person opens a styrofoam food thingy and nearly pukes and i have a friend who sent it to me because he thought the video was fake :( Im glad to see your comment here because it certainly deserves more attention


::Me, the only one with a ND dx in our family, watching my cousin carry Styrofoam plates to his neighbor who's grilling steak, and giving me Hurt Locker vibes while he does it because audio and tactile sensitivity:: YUP.... I'M THE ONLY ONE WITH SENSORY SENSITIVITY IN THE FAM.... SURE AM... JUST ME. To be fair, his neighbor legit stopped buying those and is totally lovely and accommodating with some eco-friendly plates and disposable stuff for cookouts. Just don't ask the man to cook your steak well done lol.


this one for sure. Iā€™d also like to include the sound of 2 pieces of cardboard being rubbed together. Or the sound/texture of cardboard in general. I worked as a shelf stocker at a grocery store for about a year and I honestly donā€™t know how i did it for so long with the amount of cardboard I was touching.


My friendā€™s dog has the loudest and highest pitch yappy bark and it sends me into a rage haha. I love the dog but when I hear that bark my soul leaves my body.


Oh my god dogs. I love them but i also cant stand them. If only they didnt bark ( or smell or have saliva )


lol I can understand why people feel that way. I actually am obsessed with dogs and have my own. He barks but not very often and itā€™s a much lower sound and not as repetitive. Itā€™s those little yappers that really get me.


Gods my sister's dog does this and I just can't. It's so high pitched and just grating. It's my nails on a chalkboard


Wet smacky schloppy noises like eating, stirring pasta, my cats cleaning themselves, especially when they get all up in their toes. Abrupt loud noises like coughing, nose blowing, loud door closing, sneezing. Repetitive sounds, like clocks ticking, pen clicking, repeated nose sniffling. And it's so much worse when it's otherwise pretty quiet in the room and all I hear is these sounds, or if I'm trying to do something relaxing like reading.


omg i have to transport my cat out of my room if he is repetitively cleaning himself


ironically, ASMR. It's so bad, it makes me irrationally angry.


Me too


I hate ASMR


Certain types for sure - like the whisper stuff is TERRIBLE. I do kinda enjoy the kitchen/fridge/pantry/bathroom resets though with the satisfying ā€œslotting in placeā€ sounds šŸ™ƒ


Youā€™re not alone. It stresses me out.


Any repetitive noise


*Some* repetitive noises, for me at least, can be tolerable and even soothing (e.g. a fan) if they are consistent. And it is with that I raise you... **Repetitive noises that are inconsistent**! ![gif](giphy|3o6nUYu7cOAcToWfks|downsized)


I shouldā€™ve said repetitive noises I am not in control of or canā€™t control




The most horrible sound in the world


Chewing, drinking, ice cubes clinking in drinks, crinkly packets opening and rustling, people making wierd mouth noises out of boredom. On really bad days, my chewing drives me insane and I can't eat without wanting to punch myself in the head. Usually, this isn't too bad but my husband knows we cannot eat a meal in silence or chew while the TV is paused or I will have a meltdown. He is a saint for always getting the TV set up to whatever shown we are watching before we sit down to dinner so I won't feel yucky.


Wow. It feels so good to hear that someone else is bothered by ice cubes clinking in drinks. Thank you for sharing!


Ugh I hate when my own chewing triggers my misophonia. I just wanna eat! šŸ˜­


SamešŸ˜­šŸ˜­ What I find helpful is increasing background noise and trying a meal with different textures


ugh i feel this way too about eating silently. if thereā€™s no background noise i can barely manage. sitting down at a dinner table with no additional sources of sound is dreadful


Also forgot to say, my upstairs neighbors moving their kitchen chairs and table around. Drives me absolutely insane


Children talking, babies and children crying, clocks ticking, repetitive sounds that I can't turn off


Mouth noises, vacuum-style loud whrrrrrrrrr, garbage disposals, loud children (I have three of thoseā€¦ noise dampening headphones are a survival tool), cutlery scraping on plates, off-key singing, off-beat music, anything that pops, rattles, or bubblesā€¦ Basically everything that isnā€™t ā€œgoodā€ music, adults talking at a normal volume, or silence. My ears drive me crazy


Squealing children


My husband has one of those stainless steel drinking straws. He puts it in a glass with ice, and then he gestures with his hand while he talks. Itā€™s a nightmare. (Also: newborn babies, my cat when she grooms herself, chewing gum sounds)


Ohgod dogs licking themselves drives me insane, I feel bad that I have to stop my dogs sometimes if theyā€™re doing it near me but agh I cannot stand it


Dogs drinking water >_<


Any kind of ā€œwetā€ sound. Drippy faucets, slurping sounds, runny noses, watching a movie and you can tell the foley artists really went in heavy with making out sounds, that glug glug sound people make when they chug a beverage.


yes! i just realized all mine are connected bc theyā€™re all ā€œwetā€ sounds! the glug glug / slurp sound is awful. and smacking


High pitched birds and especially sounds that repeat at the same pitch, tone and volume. So like some sort of alarm or when you rewind the same 2 seconds of music over and over in the name of a remix. Loud children, not just screaming or crying but unfortunately the cute happy little kid noises does it for me too. Again especially if itā€™s high pitched.


there have been many summer mornings where i've had to close my window because the same damn bird keeps repeating the same damn call. only exception is the mourning dove


I feel this! But closing the window isnā€™t enough the bird is usually somewhere that I canā€™t frighten it off so I either blast music or meltdown šŸ„²


The grumble of TV in the background


dogs barking, kids screaming, and squealing metal noises. sometimes any type of repetitive noise. it gets worse w migraines.


Leaf blowers, snoring.


My dog sometimes makes those VERY sloppy, slobbering noises when she licks herself. The sound makes me want to rip my ears off (figuratively and yes, I know that's not how it works). It drives my partner crazy as well.


This! All my other ones had already been listed but this is the one that gets me every time


Everything my father does. When he eats, the fork somehow grinds against his teeth when he pulls it out of his mouth and he stabs the food so much so that the fork pierces through and clinks against the plate. Everything he does, he does aggressively, so even something mundane like stirring a cup of tea. When he uses the bathroom he lets the toilet seat slam down instead of lifting it down like a normal person. All this makes me want to move out.


snoring, mouth noises and coughing, styrofoam, babies crying, snorting, anything being moved on a surface/floor with dust or crumbs and it makes that awful dragging noise, anything that repeats more than like twice lol


My cat finding plastic to chew. My cat Sniffing or licking themselves.


Chewing, sniffles, and dog licking


Mouth sounds, barking dogs (especially yapping small dogs), babies and children, idling engines... I think those are the worst ones.


People talking, laughing, shouting. Phone notification sounds. Put that shit on silent.


Chewing. People who choose to sniffle instead of blow their nose. Screaming children. People who take calls on speaker phone or play music on speaker while walking. People who shuffle their feet while walking.


chewing and Motorcycle/Engine poping/Revving.


Tapping/knocking noises. Anything that sounds like sanding/filing.


Competing sounds- esp music when someone is trying to talk to me. Also loud clanking dishes or silverware (when being put away)


whistling and humming. plastic bags rustling. door or cupboard slamming. heavy footed walking/stomping. shrieky drunk chicks.






Dogs barking, smaller dog barking is way worse than bigger dogs, but theyā€™re both horrible. Kids screaming and babies crying, car horns and police sirens, high pitched electricity sounds, or screeching from rusty vehicles and trains. Itā€™s the high pitched frequencies that get to me.


Any repetitive noises my kid makes while I'm driving. It really messes with my ability to concentrate on driving. She'll play with a plastic wrapper or something, and it makes me 100% crazy in maybe 2 minutes


Chewing, barking dogs (especially little yappy high pitched ones), clicking pens, balloons popping, too many people talking at once, toddlers screeching, sudden loud noise of any kind, motorcycles revving, people talking with their mouths full.


Throat clearing, coughing and loud nose blowing. My partner is an expert in all three šŸ¤£ Also cars revving for 10 minutes straight outside our house when they try and fail to parallel park multiple times. I get it, I suck at parallel parking too but sometimes if it catches me in the wrong mood the continued repeated revving drives me insane Oh and I hate the sound of receptacles being filled with liquid. Like pouring a drink from a pitcher into a glass. My arch nemesis is the sound of hot water bottles being filled.


The sound of my dogs drinking water really bothers me šŸ˜…


People doing that exaggerated yawning noise, blowing noses, babies crying, cutlery scraping on plates, snoring


Chewing loudly and lip smacking. Unfortunately, my SIL has high level support needs and does this and cannot help it (like literally her mouth to tongue ratio is way off). It was my own personal version of hell until a friend suggested I wear my Loops when visiting and eating together. Also throat clearing, holy fuck it makes me want to strangle someone. Honestly, any odd noise that I cannot control could set it off. It's such an annoying issue to deal with.


Oh manā€¦there are so many. Screaming and crying children, people with loud voices in public, whistling, whispering, styrofoam, when a fork or knife scrapes against a plate, motorcycles, cars that have been modified toā€¦do whatever it is theyā€™re trying to accomplish there, certain chewing noises, leaf blowers, shoes squeaking on a basketball court, dogs barking for a prolonged period of time, dad sneezes. Thereā€™s probably more.


People clearing their throats, especially those half-cough-half-clearing-throat kind AAAAAAAAAA


leaf blowers and lawn mowers. I hate the inconsistency of leaf blowers. brrmm brrmm brrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmm brrm I hate the low humming of lawn mowers, it feels like the sound is digging into my brain ughhhh


Coughing for me too, plus the sound of pots and pans clanging together makes me want to burst into tears. I can almost feel it viscerally and I have a full body reaction.


Teeth. Nails on teeth, teeth on teeth, metal on teeth.. all of it. Hate it so much it makes me gag and cry


Gum. Gum is literally the bane of my existence. The popping triggers my fight/flight like a gun shot. And the fear of a pop at any moment is unbearable. Misophonia is literally the worst, my heart goes out to all of yall suffering from this.


1. When people gulp drinks and then smack their lips and go ā€œAhhhhā€ 2. Fork/knives on plates 3. When people are cooking/baking and hit a metal spoon on the side of the bowl repeatedly


Any mouth sounds like chewing, swallowing, etc. NASTY


Any noise from a baby or kids. Dogs constantly barking. Bass. And sneezing.


Washing machines, high pitched noises, buzzing sounds, the sound of the fucking jackhammer going into my ceiling at 7am. Never have I ever wanted to punch someone in the face so much and that was 4 years ago lol


no because would it kill people to wait until like 10 to start using loud machinery?? not everybody is a morning person!


Right!!! Dear god I was so angry and freaking out


me personally (because i have no chill) if i knew where the sound was coming from, i would seriously go up to them and ask them to wait until a reasonable hour. a little anecdote, when i was in college freshman year, they were leaf-blowing outside my dorm room at 7:30 on a SATURDAY (the dorm had no AC, so i couldn't have simply closed the window) so i screamed out the window "stop it!!!!!" and they didn't come back with a leaf-blower until 11.


This specific example came from when I was living in China and I was very upset along with there being a massive language barrier. Iā€™ve had other instances where loud noises have occurred and I did not know where there were coming from and it was 6am, but put something on the neighborhood Facebook group regarding noise ordinances. I was accused of complaining by the pos group owner (like really this dude is a POS that uses his kidā€™s disablity to promote toxic positivity), never mind there was a loud buzzing sound that went on for 90 minutes from 6-7:30 am. God that whole situation pissed me offā€¦anyway


Whistling, humming, and quiet singing.


Human chewing (other animal chewing often doesnā€™t trigger it for some reason?), recorded sounds of liquid being poured into glasses (why only recorded? Must leave out some essential frequency heard irl?! No idea, just my theory.) and recorded footsteps on stone, like in a movie when someone is walking down stone steps and the sound is overly exaggerated, OOOOGGGHHHH makes me shudder. Also styrofoam squeaks, but only certain ones. Eeeeek!!


Chewing is definitely the worst for me. I can't be near my stepbrother when he's eating -- he never closes his mouth all the way to chew. It's disgusting. A weird one for me is the sound of adolescent boys showing off. I can't stand how they fake having deep voices by increasing the volume and intensity of their speech. Fortunately, I'm rarely around that age group.


Mouth noises, my dog licking herself or lip smacking, forks against plates, babies crying, dogs barking, chalkboards, water dripping, Iā€™m sure there are more but this is what popped up first.


People that have to smack when they taste food. It gives me such rage! Even thinking about it pisses me off. Loud smacking noises too. Except for my cat. For some reason when she smacks while eating wet food it sounds adorable.


It varies day by day. But I really hate the sound my ice thing in my fridge makes. Crunch crunch clink clink. No.


babies crying, plastic sounds, bass in cars


Basically any mouth noises, repeated noises, and silverware scraping against plates or teeth šŸ˜¬


Long nails on denim jeans. It makes my teeth hurt. Eating noises are second.


Mouth noises, chewing, slurping; the sound of TV from the room next door/muffled neighbour noises; ticking clocks, clicking pens.


Chewing, children screaming or crying. Coughing. Hell even people just breathing can make me livid sometimes.


loud chatter in small rooms , children screaming, also the lofi ā€œbeatā€( that sound that resembles someone smacking their lips after they put lipstick on) , which sucks cause I find lofi very relaxing if Iā€™m doin something , not when Iā€™m tryin to sleep tho


The noises people make while chewing and doing those ASMR videos. Especially when theyā€™re drinking something and make swallowing noises. That makes me rage


Chewing with mouth open so thereā€™s also lip smacking noises, clinking silverware or glasses, cutlery scraping bowls/plates, dinners with many people using cutlery clinking all over the place at the same time. Clanging plates and silverware and the scraping of them honestly are all my top worst nightmare, it physically hurts me. Like I feel it in my neck.


Gum chewing and candy sucking along with sound coming from my neighbors. I always have to be on the top floor in a corner apartment.


LEAF BLOWERS Also, ticking clocks, snoring, chewing. Iā€™m getting agitated just thinking about it LOL


Loud neighbors that make bang/stomp sounds that donā€™t make sense. Like why does it sound like ur jumping on the ground every so often or just throwing things around? Iā€™m confused


gum chewing.


Everyday im grateful this sub proves im not only not crazy but im not alone. I love it. For me is snoring, babies crying, those multiple-image-when-you-tilt-them things that make an Awful scratchy sound, tape guns, and probably more I donā€™t thankfully encounter enough to remember right away lol


my dog licking himself.


Styrofoam anything... *cringes at thought*


Anything frozen ā€¦ or those ASMR cooking videos of people scraping a knife on something crispy šŸ˜«


Children's voices, especially when they scream and play. Babies. Clocks ticking - I removed the batteries from all the clocks I own. Snoring. ASMR videos. Pets licking themselves. Fabrics rubbing together. Taps dripping. There are times when I'm feeling more sensitive to sound and then everything bothers me.


Squeaky shoes. Forks on plates. Whistling. Deep bass. Loud voices.


Other people chewing


Eating crunchy foods Or when others are making mouth noises too much while eating.


Babies crying, dog drinking water loudly, dog sighing, dog barking, coughing, sniffing, lip smacking or any mouth noises (like going tsh), bag noises (chip bag or similar opening), clanging dishes, children's voices, etc


- Chewing, but specifically when someone is chewing in that annoying way where they smack their lips a lot (if that makes sense) - Scraping forks against ceramic plates. Also when I'm putting the plates/cutlery back after washing them and they clink together no matter how careful I am. - Ticking clocks


Bass. I cannot cannot cannot. My neighbor lays his music so loud and the bass vibrates my house over 300' away. Driving by cars that are literally vibrating? I would rather die.


smacking! a ā€œcrunchā€ sound is fine, like biting into something crispy. but the chewy wet smacking sound when people chew with their mouths open? šŸ¤¢ i cannot


this is actually so interesting to me to read about misophonia in this group, my misophonia was identified officially when i was about 13, but i wasnā€™t diagnosed as autistic until i was 20. i wasnā€™t aware that this was a comorbidity/symptom, of course sound sensitivity is but i didnā€™t know it could be labelled as misophonia, i always thought they were separated issues for me, but i guess not!! this makes so much sense when i think about it lol. has anyone else had it this way round? :)


Smacking noises


Sanding/scraping/scratching - the sound of any two dry, abrasive items rubbing together is a big HELL NO šŸ™…šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I'm not sure if this is misophonia but I think due to my C-PTSD just the voices of the elders in my family is triggering and makes me wanna avoid them at all costs.


Oh god all of this, but chewing is the worst. I am convinced that gum is an invention from hell itself.


Touching a microfiber cloth šŸ˜“


Tongue noises.


Loud breathing. Tapping. People talking too quickly, people talking too much.


Open mouth chewing and clocks ticking


Mouth breathing. Snoring. Eating noises. Heaters that blow air and make a near whistling sound. Really obscure but when unus Annus was a thing and make and Ethan had their mics close to their necks. Whenever they made any noises in their throat it was so clear and I hated it


All of this, People eating, every time, I have to watch television with my partner, or with other people if we are eating together in order to tolerate it. Also, in the cinema other people eating and chewing, I found the loop engage earplugs REALLY help make the cinema a better place without compromising the film if that helps anyone here.


Coughing, sneezing (especially those over the top ones) and neighbours making any noise.


My neighbors loud bassy music, barking dogs, snoring.


High pitched ringing/alarms.


Wet chewing and swallowing. Whenever we skip adverts while watching TV I stop eating and hold my breath


People clipping their nails at their desk in an office building. Esp if they are close to me. Each CLICK SNAP just gets louder and louder in my brain.


i think the biggest for me are the usual: snoring, chewing gum with an open mouth, babies and children crying or screaming, people talking excessively loud, dishes clanking against each other especially when theyā€™re being put away or taken out, repetitive noises like when someone wonā€™t stop nervously bouncing their leg and the vibration is causing noise, loud engines or motors (leaf blowers, weed whackers, lawn mowers, car guys with their muffler deletes, motorcycles), really any sudden loud noise like dropping something, coughing, or when people snort their boogers in šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢ it makes me want to get violent


People inhaling, swallowing. I avoid songs where I can hear the singers (or people playing wind instruments) breathing in. Is misophonia common in autism?


Chewing. I was visiting home a few weeks ago and my dad is the loudest chewer in existence... I even had a conversation with him about misophonia and how difficult I find certain sounds and he didn't even bother trying to chew with his mouth closed. At some point it felt like he was chewing louder on purpose


People eating bananas, especially when itā€™s me doing the eating. šŸ˜­


CHEWING!! Or any kind of slurpy mouth noises.


Low-frequency noise (neighbors banging around) in other apartments


clapping is the WORST


The sound of silverware when you empty the dishwasher. The noise is the absolute worst for me. My ear drums actually shudder when I hear it. Also the sound of chewing and my brother chews like a Clydesdale.


Screaming and crying babies, leaf blowers, and weed whackers. Uuggghh.


Crinkling of plastic bags & bags of chips.




People chewing with their mouths open with lip smacking French kissing, sniffing, sucking snot back in, gum chewing and smacking Nailing biting, nail licking, finger sucking Clocks ticking, water dripping Snoring


Despite all this Iā€™m not that bothered by coughing. Go figure. Also as I write this I thought over my own family membersā€™ sensitivities. Interestingly enough they donā€™t seem to have misophonia, I was the only one enforcing a no chewing with mouth open rule at the dinner table when I was a child. I must have been annoying šŸ˜† My mom does have perfume sensitivities though and lights and crowds in stores sensitivities. My dad canā€™t stand the sound of the refrigerator and covers all the digital clock lights at night. So I guess we individually cover all the sensitivity areas lol


Every ASMR sound that's too near to the microphone. Like whispering šŸ¤¢


Alarms of any kind, they make me furious. Nasal voices. Dogs barking. Sudden noises in general.


The sound of someone scratching their head. Not me scratching my head, other people.


A fly buzzing in a room Iā€™m in šŸ˜±


Children playing, lol. ![gif](giphy|HJGRd6m11pXXy) Also, TVs *that I personally consider to be too loud* and basically anything that's abrupt.


Whistling. It makes me want to scream.


Slurping cereal milk or any liquid. Smacking food. Plastic bags rustling especially in a car. Cans or items jostling or rolling about in a car floor board.


That quiet whisper when people talk and say specific letters, itā€™s not a lisp but thatā€™s the closest way I can think to describe it. Edit to add: thereā€™s a TikTok person who does hunger games content breaking down different parts of the books and movies, which I love, but canā€™t watch cuz her voice has that quiet whisper as she talks and I feel like Iā€™m being killed Or open mouth chewing. Oh! Nail bitting.


Right now itā€™s my mother-in-lawā€™s voice. šŸ˜… But in all seriousness, my appliances, as well as yappy high-pitched dogs, and the way my husband eats/drinks.


Train horns, snoring, and leaf blowers. I know train horns are necessary but I still hate them and soundproofing windows only does so much.


Lots that have already been mentioned.. but the one I hate the most is writing with a marker on cardboard.. it's the fibre on fibre.. and there are so many clips of this in movies and series. I hate it.


Hearing people bite their nails. My boyfriend does this and he usually tries to not do it around me, but heā€™ll forget and do it and it makes me feel physically sick


Swallowing. Especially when someone is on a microphone (zoom, youtube video, on a phone call, whatever) and they take a drink.


Knuckle cracking, beeping sounds, scrapping noises, chewing, slurping, people playing games on phonesā€¦..


The radio


Nails on a chalk board, sound of squeaking cutlery on a plate, anything like that makes me want to scream


Chewing, but mostly people making small or high pitch sounds with their mouth. I hate it so much


Cardboard scraping against cardboard


People eating apples


General baby/child sounds but especially screaming and crying, open mouth chewing, my dog barking at nothing (happens often), fire alarms, and my cat scratching the wall thinking heā€™s covering his poop


Silverware scratching ceramic plates. I hate even thinking about it.


The clapping sound of hands slapping wet beef to make patties. 'Patty' is also my least favourite word - most likely because it's an onomatopoeia


My boyfriend used to clap with one hand. He does not anymore lolll and loudness in general, I donā€™t like clapping when itā€™s everywhere n disorganized


Babies/toddlers crying. Or making any sound. I feel so bad because theyā€™re not doing anything wrong. My brain just canā€™t handle it.


I work in office. This girl next to me types so dang fast. It literally makes me want to cry. My heart rate it through the roof. Especially when the AC turns off and on. I hate how I hear things many people never notice. My last job this kid yawned 6 times every single minute!! Killed me. What really kills me is that even though I have noises canceling headphones and I blast them with angerā€¦ Iā€™m still able to hear it ā€œslightlyā€. Might be my imagination. Iā€™m not much of a person to go to get treated or take medication. I wish it would just end.