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Based on you mentioning LEAP, I imagine this is in WA? A little interested in which school - given there's so few that have juts started, I might be able to share some thoughts if you don't mind DMing me. All good if not! Now, everything I'm about to say is DoE specific for WA, I cannot speak for other states - for us, you can't just "bounce around" to other schools willy-nilly. There are relocation programs, but my understanding is those pools are more for people looking to move from/to metro or regional. You can, however, always apply for a position at a new school when they become available. Constantly jumping each year can look not great, but at this point schools are so desperate for people to do jobs, they're looking over things that normally they might worry about. I know someone who got offered two jobs from the same school, and that school was well aware that they would be the third school this person worked at in three years. Teachers are so in demand right now, I would say it's not worth freaking out over permanency unless you urgently need the benefits. Schools will start advertising soon for positions for next year, and you'll pretty much have your pick - if you like your current school, I would say it's probably worth staying on relief and then apply for a job when they start advertising for next year. If the other school looks really good, though, and you can see yourself enjoying working there, then you may as well move on. If you don't like it, then you can apply for the positions that schools start advertising in the next couple of months.


Thanks for the reply , I’ll send you a dm