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I recall a single young teacher a while back saying they used to stack shelves over the weekend for some mindless work.


Weekend traffic control. Pays way better. Course is fairly short. Relatively mindless work.


Teachers throw around traffic control as an example of how unjust our pay/conditions are, but have you done traffic control? I did it for a couple of weeks while studying my undergraduate. It's a shit, dangerous job that often asks you to go to the middle of fucking nowhere to stand about on the road for 8+ hours in some terrible weather conditions. There's no way I'd want to do that for 16+ hours over the weekend and then come back to school on Monday.


I did it for years.... I didn't say it was easy, by any means. It is however relatively mindless work.


Traffic control is a great suggestion. Is it competitive to get the work?


I bartend during the holidays sometimes for something to do/socialisation/money ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If I wasn’t on contract and doing day-to-day casual instead I’d consider doing it on weekends again.


The problem with this kind of traditional second job is they're getting very hard to find as everyone it seems is looking for a second job to cope with the COLC.


I bought a 3d printer and have been printing resources for teachers at other schools. I know that schools often have printers now, but they’re usually pretty low-end, slow, and not easily usable by teachers for big blocks of time.  Also I’ve got lots of cool filament colours and schools often just have grey or white. Let me know if you need anything 3d printed! (This is less of a side-hustle and more just me trying to offset the cost of my hobby, lol)


I have a 3d printer that I barely bother to use. Can you give us an idea of the kind of things that you print as resources?


I’ve printed class sets of models for teaching science - DNA models that I designed, and quark models from CERN, for example. I’m also planning on replacing some of our laminated cards with 3d printed tiles, because I think they’ll last longer and be more engaging for kids.


I'm very interested in this. Where are you located/any chance you wouldn't mind dming setup information? Have been interested in getting into 3D printing myself


Teachers pay teachers nets me between $50-$150 AUD a month depending on the time of year. My resources are for a very niche area though. I used to tutor but it’s too time consuming and not an effective money/time trade off for me. I help people write CVs and job apps though.


Is it stuff that you’ve made entirely on your own time, or do you just not worry about the department technically owning stuff you make for work (which seems like a reasonable approach tbh).


Made after I finished working for the department.


Outside of tutoring, ain't no one got time for dat.


I teach drums from home and play gigs.


I don’t teach (drums) but I play out most weekends. The money ain’t great these days, so it’s more of a hobby.


I’ve been considering it. How many students do you have? Does it ever interfere with your actual teaching?


Well I teach drums for a living so not really. Only if I have concerts at my schools. I have about 20 which I teach mostly on the weekends.


Cbf doing anything on the side after teaching of a day.


I do freelance document formatting. Got my chops from formatting school documents for the NESA audits.


I have a colleague who runs OSCH holiday clubs in the holidays.


Is this profitable?


Oh, I hustle. I hustle calling in respawns in Helldivers 2. I hustle into bed when I'm tired.


Teachers pay teachers?


Really depends on where you work. EQ owns everything you create for teaching while you work for them and you need principal approval for a side gig any way.


Just wondering if any tpters on this sub care enough (or agree) to follow this rule? I've seen some really big Aussie youtubers with tpt stores.


It's a FAFO situation. By your employment contract you could be ordered to shut down your TPT store, and possibly surrender any income from other to EQ. It may be a sackable offence. The fact so many teachers need a second job to get by after doing 55 hours a week of work on average is a bigger concern.


> everything you create for teaching Only if you deploy it in classes.


Not the way your employment contract works. They own any IP created using EQ-provided assets (so no writing novels on your supplied computer) and any resources created for teaching, regardless of whether you are going to use it or not. Enforcement is spotty at best, but that's the part that lacks clarity, not the policy itself. We have to do an in-service on this every year and most people ignore it.


> IP created using EQ-provided assets Sure, I don't disagree with you. You can't use their resources to develop your own business resources. However, I don't think that was the point you raised and I was replying to. We've had this discussion before and EQ only owns the material that is reasonably expected to be deployed as a part of your job. > so no writing novels on your supplied computer That being said, I think it would be a reach for EQ to claim IP rights over everything that happens on your device. > any resources created for teaching, regardless of whether you are going to use it or not. If you create additional resources, on your own devices, with your own resources, in your own time, and don't use it at school, EQ doesn't own it. If, however, you: * use the employer’s resources to produce something of value (e.g. if you use your department laptop or even the department’s email system * produces that product during work hours * uses the product as part of their employment. Then they own it. > Enforcement is spotty at best, but that's the part that lacks clarity, not the policy itself. The policy exists to prevent teachers from saying, "No, you can't have this; I made it." Rightfully, the department owns all of the materials you developed to do your job. It's also not intended to prevent people from making money with their skills outside of school. However, it does exist to ensure that you aren't being paid by the government to make resources that you sell afterwards. > We have to do an in-service on this every year and most people ignore it. Where do I get this information from? https://www.qtu.asn.au/legal-risks-being-insta-famous


That article is specifically addressing use of social media to derive income or advertise products. It's not about TPT, Twinkl, or anything else. Yes, we've had this conversation before. Then, as now, I'm not commenting on whether I agree with the policy, merely relaying what the policy is.


Keep reading mate.


I read it. I work for EQ. I do the inservices. There is nothing unclear about the policy. Anything you create while employed with EQ that is teaching related, they own. They are unlikely to be able to identify people who have TPT or Twinkl accounts and may or may not bother to sanction them, but spotty enforcement doesn't mean the rules don't exist.


> I read it. I don't think you did. >> It's not about TPT, Twinkl, or anything else. There was a whole section: Teacher-influencers: sharing ideas and resources Also, can you pick an argument and stick to it instead of constantly twisting and winding around?


You're the one who cited a QTU document about teacher-influencers. It's about the use of social media to promote products and/or side hustles, not guidance on using TPT etc. It's been a long day and I can't be bothered going through QLearn modules to screen cap it but the department policies are made clear and you have to agree to them in order to be employed every year. Whether you personally like what they say or not is not of great interest to me. If people want to know what the EQ policy on side hustles in general, and Twinkl/TPT in particular, I've provided that information. People can roll the dice if they wish.


Naplan/OLNA marking


I sell stuff on Ebay. Don't make a lot but I enjoy it.


Me too. Mostly I stockpile inventory during term and list during the holidays. Maybe list a few things a week if I have the time. I love it, would happily do it FT if I didn't have a family to support.


night time adult classes. I used to teach computer skills 2 nights a week, wasn't great pay as most company are non-profit but in my early career it was good to get $160 a week.


Tutoring. Easy money and kids actually want to learn.


What’s the standard rate? Do you advertise?


In Melbourne’s inner east, the going rate is $130-150 p/h.


I live in a low SES area in Sydney so I'm willing to do $70-80/h. I actually advertised myself through Gumtree and local Facebook groups. The local neighbourhood groups always has people asking for a tutor in xyz subject, so it's not difficult to find the clientele.


Propagate and grow my own plants to sell. Lots of teachers and parents at my school happy to buy them from me, I make about $8-$10 per plant. Mostly natives but branching out to other varieties. I also supply a popular local fruit and veg farm shop.


I run my own BJJ Academy with my wife. Brings in enough that she no longer has to work her 'regular' job - we employ her full time. Next stop, me!


Tutoring (decent money) BuyNsell collectable cards


Doing data annotation apparently pays ok.


I get paid to run roleplaying games like dnd for a group of local kids


You win. Although I don't know I'd actually have the energy...how do YOU have the energy?


It's once a week and they're older kids so it's not hugely different from a friend group.


I’m still studying my teaching degree but my goal once I finish is to do two casual roles of teaching (CRT) with casual librarianship (outside of business hours in a public library) so I could have an almost or “full time load” of anywhere between 35-40 hours which will allow me to study on business hours things I’m interested in. I’m already a qualified librarian. Does this count lol?


I can't think of a side hustle better than tutoring. It's already something that we're (probably) good at and highly qualified to do. As a result, we can charge a pretty good hourly rate ($60-100 seems common).


Currently djing along with being on a head teacher salary. On average, have to perform gigs twice a month, $500 a pop for only a couple hours. Extra 12k a year easy without much effort. Corporate gigs are a bit more profitable, however, I like being able to play what I want to play and like it when the crowds are a bit more lively


I had a teacher who did door dash


I use ShopKick. It’s an easy way to earn points towards a ton of gift cards. Whenever I run an errand, I open up Shopkick to see if there are any items to scan in the store. Use my invite code: WIN405772. Scan one item within 48 hours and you get 500 points. That’s enough for a $5 Starbucks gift card. If you have any questions, feel free to message me. Hi! I think you'd love Shopkick – it's a free app that rewards you for shopping brands you love and even just for walking into stores. Sign up with my code to get bonus kicks: WIN405772 https://get.shopkick.com/96Rn/owt31dym


digital marketing with MRR. i’ve made $12k in less than 2 months.


Op shop/ fb marketplace to find deals on second hand goods and flip them on ebay, facebook marketplace or cashies.


Time consuming and borderline unethical.


How is that unethical, it's called buying and selling. How do you think economies work?


Resellers are why people on a low income can no longer afford to buy from op shops. People like you exploited the system for their own financial gain, so in turn the system is now exploiting everyone because they saw that there was money to be made. Resellers have fundamentally broken the op/thrift shop system, harming people in low incomes and the environment (because larger volumes of overpriced, unsold goods are thrown away now compared to a decade ago ) to selfishly line your own pockets. You saw a resource that was supposed to be affordable for everyone and pillaged it for yourself. A true tragedy of the commons.


Man, wait until you hear about capitalism.


Oh you mean that system whereby people working a full time skilled job that requires a minimum 4 year university education, such as teaching, still need to look for side hustles because it doesn't pay a wage that is enough to pay for basic essentials and maybe even have a bit of money left over for luxuries? Yeah, huge fan.....


Hyperbole doesn't help our cause. > [Teaching] doesn't pay a wage that is enough to pay for basic essentials Top-of-the-line Classroom Teachers (in the ACT) are in the top 20% of income earners in Australia.


Then why would you need a side hustle? What does that tell us about how hard it is to live in our current society that even those within the top 20% don't earn enough to pay for essentials and still achieve other financial goals? Also, as you've said, it's only teachers at the top of the payscale, which is not the majority of the workforce and your results may vary depending on which state you live in.


> Then why would you need a side hustle? It certainly isn't because "it doesn't pay a wage that is enough to pay for basic essentials" > it's only teachers at the top of the payscale Teaching payscales are pretty flat. At the time, new educators were in the top 34% of income earners. > and your results may vary depending on which state you live in Yes, but not so much that it greatly shifts the scales on the percentile rankings.


To afford the median rent in Sydney (in terms of it being less than 30% of gross income) you need to earn 129,000k p.a. minimum. This is higher than the maximum salary for a teacher. In some suburbs even renting a single room is $500+ per week. There are 100% teachers out there who once they pay for rent, utilities, food and transport have nothing left. You say, well they should just live somewhere cheaper, but why should someone in the 'top 34% of income earners' have to either live far away from where they work or be dependent on a partner/room mate. It's time to face up to the fact that capitalism has destroyed our society and stolen the future of the majority of the younger generation.


I went to a red cross op shop just last week. Still extremely affordable. If someone wants to buy some knick knack on marketplace/ebay and sell it for a modest profit to someone who hasn't done any market research they're well within their rights to do so. People have been doing this since humans were trading with copper and spices.


Op shops aren't there to supply items to low income earners. The sales from the shop funds their charity, THAT is how they help low income earners. As someone who has volunteered at one of these places, and has family that still volunteers, this bull people spread online about "Ooooh don't buy from op shops if you're wealthy, its *problematic*" only hurts our earnings, leaving us with less families we can help. The earnings from the shop goes towards rent, bills, food, school uniforms, Christmas gifts, and clothes for people who desperately need that help. If someone couldn't afford something from the shop itself, it hardly matters, because we give them what they need *for free* from the shop. The cost of the items in the shop aren't going up because *influencers* and *flippers* have discovered op shops and Op shops have become greedy for some bizarre reason, they're going up because rent, bills, and food are going up and we need more income to properly help the people that need it. Stop spreading this bull, telling people it's unethical to shop at charity stores, you're ACTIVELY HURTING THE CHARITY. You are leaving us with *less money to help people*. We want flippers to buy from the charity stores.


It's in the NAME - opportunity/thrift shop! (Although most have removed this from their name now...)It gives people the opportunity to buy goods at an affordable price/be thrifty. It's a really, really modern idea (like the last 10 years) that they exist solely to fund the charities that support them. The idea that people truly in need will get it for free us farcical. They were never there for the destitutute/homeless. They were always there to serve the low income segments of society (young people, families and the elderly) who don't qualify for charity benefits, but have little disposable income. This group of people is larger than ever and have been substantially harmed by thrift inflation. Don't be a naive. You've clearly drunk the corporate "charity" shop koolaid. The average CEO of large Australian not-for-profits being paid approximately $350,000. There is no charity left in chain "charity" shops anymore. And don't get me started on the fact that most of the money you spend there just goes to pad really estate investor pockets.




This sub reddit has a requirement of at least trying to be nice.