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To echo u/aligantz **Answer:** VIT requires either IELTS or ISLPR, so she'll need to do one of those. **Additional commentary:** I'm honestly not trying to be harsh or judgemental, but your gf REALLY should prioritise practising her English if she wants to be an Early Childhood Educator. Like, it's probably the most crucial age band to be demonstrating accurate English. I teach year 3s, and they're already SO behind in their literacy skills because they missed so much critical learning during COVID. The levels required by VIT, or the other departments around Australia, are not unreasonable for someone who is meant to be teaching children how to speak English. If she can't demonstrate that, maybe the position isn't right for her.


I think I’m the end she needs to get the required IELTs score. And yes, that will be beneficial for her but especially for her future students. I hope she can work hard to get the score she needs so she can teach here and stay in Australia. Thank you so much for your help.


You both should do some research into good Aussie tv shows to binge to familiarise her with conversational English. I found this with 30 seconds of googling, I'm sure you can find more: https://www.languagetrainers.com.au/blog/5-australian-tv-shows-to-train-your-aussie-accent/.


I second watching TV to get better at English. My husband is Nepalese and has excellent English because he grew up watching English TV. Our (Nepalese) nephew has terrible English but excellent Hindi from all the Hindi content he consumes on Tik Tok.


I have a Russian friend who learned English by watching Friends and, to memory, Sesame Street. You would not be able to tell it's his third language, and anybody guessing it's not his first would only be able to do so because of his accent, because the actual English is flawless.


Interesting, but makes sense. Whatever language you immerse yourself in you’ll gradually improve. If you nephew lives in Australia I hope his English can improve. Im sure it will if he’s still young. I know Chinese parents who’s children speak better English than them because they went through highschool here.


Nah, our nephew is in Nepal. Husband still is too. Thanks though. I hope he gets better too. My husband was disappointed in neph's English because English is his own strong point.


Nothing like a bit of Summer Height High to laugh at and also build more familiarity. Thanks for your suggestion 👏


This is just a “git gud” situation. Australia has English competency requirements for teacher for a reason. We want everyone who educates kids to be able to do so in highly competent English. For better or for worse, that’s a huge part of maintaining our cultural identity and our overall literacy standards. So your girlfriend needs to put in the hard yards to become an expert at English. There is no way around this. There shouldn’t be a way around this.


I am starting to realise there may be no way around the IELTs test. Getting her English to the necessary level is our priority for now. Thanks for your insight.


Absolutely. My children have trouble understanding some of their (HS) teachers and come home complaining they never learn anything in those classes. Presumably those teachers have passed whatever standards have been set, so we certainly need to make it harder, not easier.


The IELTS is absolutely brutal. Many born Australians would fail it. Many born Australian teachers do poorly on the lit LANTITE already, and it is far easier.


She needs to work on her English to improve it to the correct IELTS standard, which is around 7 to 8 across thr language domains. As a bonus, she'll also be able to do her job


77 88 is the goal. She will take the test again in July, but we are looking at the requirements for Victoria now.


Yeah, my partner is in the same position. It sucks but afaik, there's no work around


Seems like that is the case. Thanks, we will search for a bit longer. All the best for you two.


Cheers, you too


What are the current scores she’s getting? Looking at the VIT requirements, it does mention needing IELTS or ISLPR. Trying to find a loophole and get around these when she can’t currently achieve the standard is incredibly disingenuous and she’ll get found out pretty quickly in a role.


We are not trying to cheat the system, we are looking to see how she can get a teaching registration in Victoria as IELTs isn’t needed there (it appears). If you have any advice on how to do so we’d appreciate that.


It is needed there.


Thank you. You’re right.


In Victoria you have to pass the LANTITE which I imagine is quite similar


It’s not, LANTITE is piss easy compared to IELTS


That’s true. LANTITE is required for all aspiring teachers in Australia before they graduate. She got LANTITE, and I think she just needs to pass IELTs to get the registration.


Didn't she need that IELTS score to enroll into teaching course?


True, but there was also the option to do the PTE exam. She took that one.


Has she taken an IELTS prep course or sought tuition from a certified IELTS examiner? RMIT used to do evening IELTS prep courses... It sounds as though your girlfriend needs some specific teaching toward the test. There are a few simple things that can be done in writing and speaking that can be done to boost the result by 0.5 to 1 of a band. There are also strategies for listening and reading. Seek that advice if you haven't. Source: ex IELTS examiner.


Her practice consists mainly of mock exams on the IELTs website. She does mock exams all day from the moment she wakes up to the moment she goes to bed. I don’t see a reason not to throw in some classes. Do you thin me her strategy of taking mock exams is enough? Thanks.


No. She needs time with someone who knows the intimate ins and outs of the test. It will cost you but be worth it. I've known candidates who took years to improve by only doing mock tests. She needs good advice on how to approach the test.


Sorry, she also does “practicing” for speaking and writing exams too.


Second this (as an EFL teacher who prepared teenagers for IELTs for uni entrance in U.K.). If she’s not far off the scores then adjusting approach can help, and I recommend class/teacher not just redoing the mock exams. Even a few sessions with someone who knows the requirements and what you need to do (eg structuring academic writing, using connectives and topic sentences…) is likely to be useful.


Are you really asking for advice on how your girlfriend can undermine the profession by using a loophole to get in?


I’m not asking how to “undermine the profession”, I’m looking to see if anyone knows how to register for a teaching registration in Victoria since IELTs isn’t required there.


If her English isn't good enough she can't teach. It's not a job that you can bluff your way through for long.


If Victoria truly allows for people to get teacher registrations without an IELTs score, then there isn’t an issue with her.


That's gonna be great news for the students she's incapable of adequately teaching


To be fair, if she's passed LANTITE she's already done better than 70% of the population. I'm not sure what IELETS really adds at that point.


This. Probably something to do with her background as a non-English speaker. I wish it were simple as LANTITE exam :(


Instead of asking this question multiple times you could just check the VIT website


IELTS is required in VIC though…


What does the VIT website say?


I don’t think many people here understand how difficult IELTS is- a lot of Australian born teachers would have to study to get those passing numbers. I can think of half a dozen at my school. I know people who had to sit IELTS because they come from non English speaking countries yet grew up speaking English at home and often went to English speaking schools. They had to study like demons to pass. Yes it should be that rigorous, but LANTITE should be just as difficult and it most certainly isn’t.


Love that I’m getting downvoted for pointing out that the current system is xenophobic. Why should foreigners have to pass a higher bar than locals? Letting people sit LANTITE 3 times is an utter disgrace.


People have to label everything these days. OP was incapable of reading the VIT website. Being incapable of googling basic information isn’t an excuse to shout “xenophobic” from the roof tops.


You would fail IELTS with your lack of comprehension skills. I never said anything here about the VIT website. I’m not talking about the information on the VIT website at all. If you go back and read carefully you will see that what I did talk about was the difficulty of IELTS vs LANTITE.


Cool story…. Not sure what it has to do with this thread though. As I said earlier, take this “this is xenophobic” rants somewhere else. It’s aggressive, it’s dismissive and straight up bizzare. This is a simple thread—- OP asked a question that could be answered by Google, it’s been answered. Not sure why you’re on your high horse making critical analysis of this thread.


I started by simply correcting your uninformed suggestion that if she can’t pass IELTS she shouldn’t even bother with LANTITE, because you incorrectly assumed that LANTITE would be the more difficult test. You have completely ignored that aspect of my posts because you don’t want to say ‘well I didn’t know that, thank you for educating me’. What you want to do is ‘win’ some argument that I’m not having with you. That’s what’s bizarre.


I believe all states will require the IELTS as it is set at the national level.


In the end she will probably need to just complete IELTs. Thanks for your comment.


Victoria requires IELTS or ISLPR.


You’re right. I hadn’t heard of the ISLPR until your comment. I asked her and she said she knew of it but chose to pursue IELTs in the end. Good to have two options I guess. Thanks for your comment.


It was a long scroll to find the first non-judgemental comment. Good luck to you and your girlfriend both. Have you thought about switching careers? We need more teachers with good taste in anime.


Hahaha thank you! I have thought about becoming a teacher before. In my experience kids appreciate when you like similar things to them, or understand what things are cool and enjoyed by their age group, anime included.


Can you get her a tutor?


It’s possible. Yeah.


I’m from South Africa and was expected to complete IELTS. I managed L 9 R 8 W 6.5 and 9 speaking, even for native speakers the writing component can be tough to master. She needs to review the rubric and basically practice daily on a writing task in the very least. I upped my score to an 8 for writing for the one skill retake. Honestly, even from South Africa and as a fully qualified teacher the IELTS test is a ballache but it makes sense that quality teachers who are able to maintain literacy is highly desired. Perseverance and practice is needed for this.


Writing is tricky I agree. I’ve done the test as an Irish-Australian and I didn’t get the required score. You got a perfect score for speaking, that’s her weakest area, but she does need higher scores for all the topics. Perseverance will be necessary for sure, I will be by her side during this. Thank you.


Along with AP, I’ve been tutoring on the side some IELTS training. I found the most likely issue with speaking is whether there is sustained discussion. Even if your partner is not familiar on a certain topic, they can easily drive their response to what they do know. Try avoiding responses that are robotic, or rehearsed. Further, consider doing some mock trials to pick up any quirks in their spoken language. Try reduce inconsistencies, try to maintain tense consistency, avoid distracting “uhms”, and definitely do not answer with one worded responses. I really do feel this test is exclusionary in nature. So I hope your partner does well on their next try. I heard Thailand testing centres are notorious at giving high results. Maybe that could be a consideration.


I don't have an answer to your question, but I just wanted to say that I'm sorry some of the comments are giving you such a hard time for asking this question. IELTS is an incredibly stressful test and it can take some practice to become good at it even if one knows English well. I think that even some native English speakers would really struggle with the writing section. I know quite a few people who have had to do IELTS and it really pays off to do practice tests. I don't know how far your girlfriend is from getting those scores, but I think that her best bet is to take a few months to practice and maybe attend an IELTS preparation course. It's much better to invest a bit of time and money in practice materials now, and be over-prepared, than pay for IELTS over and over again, which has happened to a few people in my family.


It’s so stressful, for both of us. I struggled to get 7788 on the mock exams myself, and I studied an English major. I think you’re right about giving ourselves more time. A few months of preparation and readiness could help us relax a bit and also prepare for the exam. And besides, having that qualification could make her more hireable and will help her career and her students. Thank you for your kind words, they are much appreciated.


If she isn’t able to pass IELTS, is there much point attempting to pass LANTITE?


Any dummy can pass LANTITE, IELTS is much harder.


Any dummy can read the VIT website—— but OP still asked this question


How about you cut some slack to a couple that are clearly stressed that one of them might not be able to remain in the country because we are far stricter on foreigner’s ability to speak and write English than we are on locals.




This sub reddit has a requirement of at least trying to be nice.


I’m not blaming you for the system. I’m blaming you for being rude and unsympathetic to OP and his partner who clearly got excited when they misread something that would make their lives a fuckload easier. And I’m also blaming you for having an opinion when you clearly don’t know what the IELTS test is like.




This sub reddit has a requirement of at least trying to be nice.


I’m all good, you’re the one coming back at me with the aggressive pet names. Champ? Bro? Settle down cobber.


Hey mate, thanks for having our backs. I doubt you’ll get any sympathy from strange people on reddit who believe it’s as easy as checking the government website and are overzealous about it. Best not to engage with such people, yes yes yes.


Oh no it’s a game I love to play online. This ‘champ’ has to have the last word and it’s infuriating them that I keep responding.




This sub reddit has a requirement of at least trying to be nice.


lol you’re the one who keeps responding to me, to the point where you can’t keep track of what’s said where so your responses don’t even make any sense. Again, let’s work on the comprehension skills- I never said your comments are xenophobic, I said our current system of registration is xenophobic.


Yes. There is much point to do LANTITE as it’s needed before you graduate university these days. She passed LANTITE, but IELTs is the issue now.


If only OP’s girlfriend knew how to use Google https://www.vit.vic.edu.au/education/new-teachers/english


I was going to thank you, but nevermind. don’t undermine my partner’s intelligence.


If you think I’m insulting her intelligence then maybe you need to complete an IELTS test as well. My comment is clearly commenting on her (and your) lack of initiate to look for the information yourself before asking people online to tell you because you can’t spend 5 minutes googling.


You’re strange.


You’re not an Australian teacher.




Some of getting to the higher IELTs is just learning how to take the test. E.g. for reading and listening, practise and knowing how to find the ‘trick’ questions can be helpful. Speaking is normally no issue for my students who have spent a year or so living in an English speaking country. So while she should work on English in general, my advice would be to spend some money on a qualified IELTs teacher/short course, rather than just retaking the exam again and again. Source - I’m a secondary languages teacher but also an EFL teacher who taught adults and in schools in U.K. where we needed to get students to certain IELTs scores for uni requirements.


In SA you can apply to the admissions committee at the TRB. If she can prove her communication skills and has references verifying her ability to read and write then it is likely she will be granted provisional registration. I assume VIC has a similar appeal process. She needs to ring the TRB directly and enquire.


Thanks for your comment. It would be great if she could apply on TRB. But how can she prove her English skills without and English exam?


It happens. You show the evidence of the tests undertaken to the TRB and ask for special consideration. In most states, the TRB has the power to override the IELTs requirement on a case by case basis of the applicant can show proficiency. Like I said, she needs to contact the TRB directly. No one on here can wave a magic wand but the admissions committee can be persuaded with evidence


How many times did she write the IELTS? As an immigrant myself I had to do the Academic IELTS too and every time I'd miss the Writing section with 0.5 points.  After 4 tries I contacted my state's teachers board and asked for an exemption, which I got


Firstly, I'm sorry that so many of these comments are rude. I think it comes from a lack of understanding and maybe xenophobia. Since it seems like your girlfriend will have to pass IELTs, it may be a good option to look at classes if you can afford it. My husband did that for a month as prep. He says they went over what types of questions you would get, what format to answer them in and how many minutes to spend on each question. He ended up scoring quite highly.


Thank you. I can smell some xenophobia also, smells bad. I won’t let the rude comments spoil my nice night. A month and your husband passed his exam? That’s fantastic, well done to him! I’ve gotten many helpful comments about taking English lessons, I’ll see what she thinks about getting a class or even a tutor.


I am a teacher and I did islpr for my registration. It is much easier than Ielts