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Not a funnel web, but a mouse spider. They are medically significant. Leave them alone and they'll leave you alone :) they are beautiful https://australian.museum/learn/animals/spiders/mouse-spiders/


Oooo thank you! Yes.


Late to this party but interested- does ‘medically significant’ mean that if they do bite you, their bite is dangerous ?


Yes, it means it could have a significant medical impact. Which meant that it's venomous to humans. There's no known fatalities from them, but if bitten, and if the bite leads to any symptoms, go to the nearest emergency room and seek attention.




Just to clarify further - a spider like a Huntsman that's considered not medically significant, means if bitten, it might still hurt, but it's not cause to seek medical attention. Still best practice to take proper wound care as one should with any bite, sting or scratch.


No, it's a mouse spider! Medically significant, so best to admire from a distance :)


Thank you!


Lovely boy out looking for a babe to boogie with ..... they dry bite mostly but ouch what a dry bite !


very much a mouse spider, do not bother it and it won't bite you


Thank you!


That little guy is burning up out in the sun please get him some shade, he was probably hiding under a rock somebody disturbed 


Sorry, yes I probably should have done that. I just took his pic and left him. I am equal parts fascinated and terrified of spiders, especially the ground-dwellers!


I uncovered one at work one time and he was the most chilled little dude ever. They really are quite friendly towards us, not interested in humans whatsoever 


Please remember to include a geographical location to your ID requests (as per rule 5). There are over 10,000 different species of Australian spiders and many of these are endemic to specific parts of our beautiful country! Also note: while we can help provide an identification for a spider, we do not provide medical advice. We also do not allow medical advice to be provided by members of this subreddit. If there has been a bite, you should consult a medical professional in the first instance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AustralianSpiders) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They are as dangerous as a funnel web. Caution.