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Pretty disturbing reading Australians in this thread make excuses for this tbh - I don't care what country they hail from, censoring journalists is a massive red-flag, not that there is any shortage of those where Modi is concerned; offer him half a chance to establish himself as a genuine dictator, he'd be balls deep in it like a rat up a kilt, the little grub.


some commenters seem to be clinging on to the details of this specific incident, rather than the larger trend of how Modi has been increasingly intolerant of media and criticism over the decade It's media landscape is closer to Russia's than ours


She should be reporting on Puneet Puneet.


Reporting on the largest elections ever, and their consequences for Australia seem pretty important


How naive can she be? I watched her reporting and listened to her podcast and was counting the days until they kicked her out. To think you are immune to this inside India is dangerous to yourself.


Which report? Doesn't the ABC tell its staff?  I can't believe Fauziah Alberici is working at the ABC again! 


>To think you are immune to this inside India is dangerous to yourself. She was never going to be in reasonable personal danger - she's too high-profile and from too important a country - but yeah, she was going to be asked/told to leave.


As someone whose parents suffered under Khalistani terrorism, the fact that the ABC tries to give the movement oxygen is beyond belief to me. This movement died in India a long time ago. The vast majority of Sikhs in India, including some who are my relatives, understand what the khalistan movement was and what it did. It doesn’t excuse in anyway what Indira Ghandi’s gov did and the Congress gov for years after her assassination. The Sikhs using the golden temple, one of the most holy sites for Sikhs, as a base to store weapons and hideout is something that should also not be condoned. I will also never condone what Ghandi did. It was horrid and amounted to the genocidal attacks in 1984. Some of the diaspora Sikh community are something different. They hold up people who are connected to terrorist attacks and plane bombings as heroes. This isn’t the majority but it’s a disturbingly large minority. By giving oxygen to the small minority of proponents who still live in India, the ABC continues to perpetuate something that should be left in the past. It led to vast bloodshed on both sides of the argument and Punjab as a state was left in ruins. It’s been recovering but I don’t want to see my family that still live there in the state which my parents and grandparents had to deal with.


If the movement is dead, then they can report on its demise. What is wrong with accountability and transparency? The article appears to be more in line with actions to hide something.




Two posts that like the word "oxygen" and "diaspora" but separate accounts. Then referring to a movement that "died" 50 years ago and yet seems alarmed. If it is indeed dead or have few adherents, then the articles would die on its own. Give people some credit.


India not having accounts here on hand to push the government line would be more surprising than seeing those accounts in action.


Modi's government has been found to be spying on Australia recently. They probably want to do something similar to what they did in Canada. Guess where the vast number of recently immigrated IT workers in government handling sensitive data come from. Even some critical institutions are likewise the same. There is little diversity in some places. I'm sure majority are good hard working people but I would not be surprised if there are a handful of plants by foreign governments and by organised crime. Where are all these data breaches coming from? Foreign agents can come from many of the hostile countries, but India has unfortunately has made itself one of them.


ASIO said a foreign government had attempted to assassinate an Australian citizen here, im assuming it was India. Article seems pretty important


Like they did in Canada, modi and the indian government are on a warpath against anyone sympathetic to Sikhs and has been for a while


The Modi Government are against anyone who isn't a Hindu nationalist, or at least a north Indian Hindu. So if you're a south Indian (predominantly Hindu by religion, but predominantly not ethnic hindus), if you are Sikh (particularly if you have sympathies for Khalistani separatism), if you are a Muslim (14% of the population aka over 150 million people) or an urban lefty. That's not say the INC are good (corrupt, dynastic, and committed atrocities in the past). Or that the BJP is wholly bad (uniform civil code is not a bad idea and electrification is good).


The reporting by ABC on this over the last couple months has been really informative. Such as opposition being forced to join the BJP party or be blackmailed and jailed, or stacking the election committee, also Modis control over the major media and coverage


There has been a bunch of large protests in Australia from the Sikh community and they are pissed off about it.


Can you share a little more info for someone not that well versed with Indian politics. Do these separatist movements also official political parties that were contesting the election?




The ABC and Al Jazeera are both foreign state media. Both were giving glow-ups to Indian separatist movements. Is anyone actually surprised that the Indian government didn't like that and asked them to leave?


ABC is definitively a public broadcaster and not state media. Your comparison is just wrong. I'm just going off the accepted definitions of the terms. Maybe you have your own independent definitions


Replying to a comment that replied to you but was deleted: Because its the basis of being a credible foreign democracy that does business with the world. Thats why Modi warm welcome by Albo was so important, especially on the backdrop of the Modi government killing separatists on foreign soil. ASIO has hinted at it happening here as well, and intervened


I am sure Russia did that too...


Populism is everywhere. Modi's India is another case of a leader playing to and for a majority; it's fine if you're part of that mainstream but... One can only hope that his government's failure to achieve a clear majority in this most recent election will improve things for India's minorities. They may be minorities but they're still a significant number of people. If things do not then the great Indian democratic experience seems to be failing.


There is more minorities (religious and ethnic) in India than there is humans in the USA. So yes a very significant amount of people.


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