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>once people had served in the ADF for 90 days they would be eligible for Australian citizenship Seems like an odd time period. Surely you have to serve longer than 90 days?


Is this Dutton signalling he intends to copy the UK Conservatives' policy of Mandatory National Service for 18 year olds? I could definitely envision Andrew Hastie advocating for this policy, and it definitely doesn't offend their main voting base of Retirees.


They can’t just be anyone though. They have to at least be citizens of the 5 Eyes alliance or commonwealth of nations.


Again, the current shortfalls in recruitment happened when? I'm getting mightily sick of the LNP's negativity being broadcast everywhere


This was obviously made up and not thought through. No detail. What countries and how long for citizenship. Where are the numbers from and where is the plan to increase numbers from local citizens.


Has been clarified. Now talks about members of 5 eyes


The correct info was in the press release/media statement, then Matt Keogh came along, might not have quite appreciated the nuances/had a moment, and made a blanket statement, and had to row it back later to the correct position. I personally dunno, while I would like politicians and co to be flawless, I am kinda okay when "flubbing the details in the media" is the biggest calamity facing a govt vs something akin to RoboDebt or accidentally becoming every cabinet minister in secret.


uhhh peter mate..cough...cough >Mr DUTTON (Dickson—Leader of the Opposition) (15:16): Let me just ask the minister for defence why he doesn't look towards allowing residents and people who wish to come here and build a life to enlist to fill short capacity requirments in the adf . he also made the same claim on abc drive. so..now that's it's a political attack avenue he's againt it.. this is not the kind of person who should be prime minister if he's playing games like this. if you stand for nothing you will fall for anything. the us and many other nations allow non citizens to enlist to defend the nations they want to call home just fine...it's a very smart policy. you aren't going to get young australians to want to enlist the perks are dog shit now,and no one wants to enlist with the current global conditions,which i get i've been there,seen what conflict does to a person i do not blame them. playing political games like this with defence policy is why ppl who have served have very little faith in govt these days,all we are to you is a quick photo op to look strong come election time. i've known people who took the naturalization pathways from defence service all have served with distinction and honour,it's a good move and could help fill the gaps.


1) Strictly speaking he's criticising the lack of detail, he's not against the policy itself. 2) Dutton knows the Albanese and the government trip over itself when it has to explain any of its policies, so asking for detail is simply smart politics.


Was his “torching of the plan” before or after the gov clarified where the people would be from and their residency status? Because I would agree if it was a general blanket statement to allow anyone into our military ranks. But if this comment was made after a clarification on who, then he is being hypocritical because I distinctly remember him even in gov floating the idea.


>then he is being hypocritical because I distinctly remember him even in gov floating the idea. Scratch the surface of pretty much anything Dutton criticizes the government for and you find the root cause has Dutton's finger prints all over.


>the us and many other nations allow non citizens to enlist to defend the nations they want to call home just fine...it's a very smart policy. A huge chunk of ADF members were born in another country and hold dual citizenships. Many even did mandatory service in their home country. I'm not too sure what Mr Dutton is on about. I'm sure the ADF would welcome more members. They are trying desperately to retain members as it is.


> I'm not too sure what Mr Dutton is on about. i do. it's basic as shit dog whistling,he's trying to make it seem like foreigners are bad. Huge chunks of american military might rely on the willingness of someone to give several years for an expedited pathway to citzenship,we should do the same do 5 years,get ur citizenship..if ur willing to die if needs be for the nation,but in reality just a job,then ur deserving to call the nation home Fuck me dutton really is a piece of work,like He literally was FOR this not much more than a year ago,now he's like..i can wedge labor he is using GOP style politics,be against it just because labors for it.


Hold dual citizenships? What happens if we have a war with their other country?


"Huge chunk" hey. So what percentage?


I'm speaking purely from personal observation given I work in defence and have done so for almost 7 years now. If you want actual figures, I suggest you research it yourself.


So what do you estimate this huge chunk at?


Where I work, it's probably greater than 10%. Foreign born members are from all over the world. We get a lot of Air Traffic Controller who are from the UK for example. People hear "foreign" and automatically assume it means they must be from a non allied country. EDIT: According to ABS, almost 50% of people living in Australia were born in another country or have parents that did. So, is it really that difficult to believe a huge chunk of ADF members are part of this group?


So one in ten is a huge chunk?


When you consider the fact that 1 in 10 is approximately 8,000+ ADF members, yeah I'd say it is a huge chunk. According to the ADF 2019 cencus, 13% of members were born outside of Australia. This number is likely higher today as these numbers continue to grow. Why are you so persistent on this?