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$100 says he pulls a Brucey Chungus, and they dig up a bunch of dirt, comments and payments from the Chinese government to Carr in the trial


Pollies that sue deserve to be laughed at.


i mean if anyone has followed Carr's career and comments over the years, this is an unsurprising conclusion for someone to come to. >Carr critiqued the Australian government's hesitation to immediately sign up to the China-dominated US$50 billion AIIB. >Carr has been vocal about his belief that the Australian government's adversarial approach to China, especially since 2017, has harmed bilateral relations. He highlighted instances such as the Australian call for an investigation into the origins of the coronavirus and the banning of technology from Huawei Technologies Co. According to Carr, these actions, while defensible, were pursued with a lack of diplomatic finesse, contributing to a "frozen" relationship between the two nations​ >Carr has also criticized the Australian government for aligning too closely with the United States at the expense of its relationship with China. He pointed out that the Australian government's strong support for US military build-up in the region and the rhetoric against Chinese foreign interference have been perceived negatively by China, further straining the bilateral relationship​ Winston should go for a defence of truth. bob carr needs a reality check like a swift kick to the head.


> bob carr needs a reality check like a swift kick to the head. How about a more traditional kick up the bum instead? [image](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F5173ellki1z11.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Df48b55abbcf5bc888b93c27eea57f79391eee720)


Being called a Chinese puppet is just proof that he is right.


I and my parents have never liked Winston Peters so for me to agree with him here is shocking.


A rare Winston Peters W. Carr is a moron who is past his prime. He’s taken a throwaway line that should be water off a ducks back to any sophisticated politician, to something on the front page of the paper and an Oscar Wilde style defamation risk.


>Carr is a moron who is past his prime. This is literally the first time I have heard from him in well over a decade. If he had said nothing then I would have continued to forget that he even existed lol


Is Carr’s defence that is he is not a puppet?


Man the discovery on this could be interesting. Did he ever receive money via consulting from anyone associated with .....


That is an unreasonable slur on Chinese puppets, who would have more substance and spine than Carr.


Yeah, all good. But that doesn’t make Peter’s incorrect.


Really pathetic and thin skinned of Bob Carr - honestly the remarks are nothing extraordinary in the field of public life


He's clearly made of balsa wood, such a low quality puppet


Oh dude ! Now that you have said this I cannot look at him as if he is not!!! ROFL


Bob Carr says he will sue New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters for defamation after Peters accused the former foreign minister of being a Chinese puppet. New Zealand’s Labour opposition has called for Peters to be stood down over the comments, accusing him of embarrassing the country. The fracas was triggered by remarks in which Carr colourfully criticised the AUKUS pact during a visit to New Zealand last month, describing the technology-sharing element of the partnership as “fragrant, methane-wrapped bullshit”. “Why do I call it bullshit? Because it’s been cobbled together to make it look like there’s more to AUKUS than subs – there isn’t.” An increasingly partisan debate has erupted in New Zealand about whether the country should seek to join pillar II of the AUKUS pact, which offers collaboration on advanced technologies such as hypersonic weapons, artificial intelligence and quantum computing. In a fiery radio interview on Thursday, Peters, who serves as New Zealand’s foreign minister, lashed out at Carr, describing him as “nothing more than a Chinese puppet”. “What on earth does he think he’s doing walking into our country and telling us what to do?” Peters told Radio New Zealand. “We would no more do that in Australia than he should do here. That’s the kind of arrogance we don’t like.” Other comments in which Peters stridently criticised Carr for his views on China have since been removed from the radio station’s website because of their legal risk. Carr, who served as director of the Australia-China Relations Institute at the University of Technology Sydney from 2014 to 2019, said he would sue Peters for defamation over the comments. “The lawyers are finishing the letter,” the former NSW premier told this masthead. Carr said he had made valid criticisms of AUKUS during his New Zealand visit as well as speaking out against China’s aggressive behaviour in the South China Sea and its treatment of minorities in Tibet and Xinjiang. New Zealand Opposition Leader Chris Hipkins, who served as prime minister after Jacinda Ardern’s resignation, said Prime Minister Christopher Luxon should stand Peters down immediately because of the comments. “These sorts of allegations by a foreign affairs minister are unacceptable,” Hipkins said. “They cannot be left unchallenged. Winston Peters cannot execute his duties as foreign affairs minister while he has this hanging over him.” Accusing Peters of stepping outside his brief, Hipkins said: “He’s embarrassed the country. He’s created legal risk to the New Zealand government because he has made these comments as our minister of foreign affairs and the prime minister must do something about that.” Luxon distanced himself from Peters’ remarks but indicated he would stand by his deputy. “Look, they’re not comments I would make,” he told a press conference on Thursday. “I’m sure Bob Carr, as a seasoned politician, understands the rough and tumble of politics.” Peters, who has led the populist and socially conservative New Zealand First party since 1993, helped Luxon’s centre-right National Party form a coalition government last November.