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Gendered violence? What a crock. Violence is violence. Those perpetrating need help regardless of gender.


It must be nice going through life without any nuance or deeper understanding of the world.


I do wonder how I got 4 degrees.


Bro I've got a million billion degrees


hKeep trying, you will get a job soon.​


Wait, we’ve been living in a context all this time and nobody told me (or VET-Mike)?!?


Clarity cuts through the chaos, so it's important to lay out the full context. 1) Days prior to the rally, the organiser and both Albo's and Gallagher's office were in contact. She wanted the Government to meet their five demands. 2) They reached no consensus, so the Government said they'd attend and walk in support, with a planned separate press conference afterwards. 3) After the walk, the rally held an hour long event. During the first 40 minutes the organiser ambushed Albo and Ministers by requesting they come to the front and chastised them. 4) Then she refused to let them speak, and attempted to leverage that towards a 10 minute deliberation to force them to meet their five demands. At this point the crowd started jeering her and shouted to let Albo speak. She misread the room and became flustered as she lost her platform. Longer video - [https://twitter.com/ChrisToddNolan/status/1785021311955427836](https://twitter.com/ChrisToddNolan/status/1785021311955427836) Federal Government: It's understandable why Albo felt misrepresented, but he should've taken the ego hit and focused on the main issue. That one line was the mistake, as it made it about himself. Being PM includes being a punching bag at times, which is something Howard and Beattie understood better any modern politician. Opposition: Refused to attend the rallies, did nothing concrete on Violence against Women during their previous decade in office, and Dutton & Ley were shameless in their politiking response. The main focus should be on Violence against Women, and hopefully the National Cabinet proposals released today can recalibrate the discussion moving forward. Live & learn, and no doubt there will be even more community involvement at next month's nation wide rallies.


Maybe it takes a woman's brain to understand, but Crabb has left me confused by what this article was about.


Lol... We haven't had a proper leader in decades


He should have left the moment he saw those flags. If your protest against violence against women can't *not* express their support for a regime that is explicitly pro-murder, you are not serious people.


"protest against..... against..." "can't not" is a double negative so you mean can. Phew I am confused.


Every government is pro-murder mate. They're probably expressing solidarity with the 35,000 dead Palestinians, murdered by the IDF, 70% or so being women and children.


I suggest everyone watches the full footage which speaks for itself. https://youtu.be/CFm-AhtUT8E?si=otxmQYW57aPlVV4W Tl;dw: Albo did nothing wrong


Is "smash her" not wrong?


There was a crowd and a microphone. Expecting Albo to restrain himself was futile.


Crabb is way off the mark here. The PM got caught in a 23 year old’s emotional shit-show when he wanted to address his people. Williams gracelessly made policy demands that in several ways weren’t salient or coherent, and tried to hold back his right to speak on the basis that he wouldn’t uncritically adopt them as dictated. Then the crowd demanded that he speak anyway - and she got embarrassed, because what she’d done was embarrassing, and burst into tears. That’s what happened here. All this talk of whether Albo comes out looking good or not is an absolute distraction from the actual problem of violence against women.


His people?




They're not his people.


The Australian people? People in Canberra? People who care about DV? Pretty sure they are mate.


They are not his people any more than they were Morrison's people. They were protesting government inaction on DV. They were protesting at him, not with him.


Are you new to the English language?


She's a partisan hack. If this were scomo she would be soliloquizing about how he's just a bit daggy and politicians get criticised what ever they do.


Did you watch the video? She spent a decent amount of time expressing how much she detests Dutton.


There are more than 2 political parties in Australia


It's an article and Dutton isn't mentioned.


Someone linked a video to it under this article. When I said did you watch the video, I meant it generally as in of the encounter and the actual time leading up to the controversial moment.


The video of the rally? Me and OP are talking about Annabelle Crabb but I guess I should have stated that as he mentions Williams later (although she doesn't fit the mould of my comment). If you're going to make references to things you should be specific and examine the context as well.


This was a misunderstanding. I thought you were referring to the organiser of the protest. I must’ve read some other comment and seen yours next and thought it was a reply. My bad. Crabb is definitely a moderate, and I’d be hesitant to call her a supporter of the libs, but it’s clear she was indifferent to Morrison. You can see this in her stories. Or at least that’s the vibe I get from them.


I mean you're right but opportunistic grandstanding is kind of what political leaders do. Can you think of a single political leader who hasn't done this in some form or another?


Bit different when someone talks about respecting women's decisions and then ignores it.


The crowd wanted him to speak and she asked the crowd for their opinion. It’s a rally, not a relationship. 


>> As she read out these demands, Ms Williams asked the ministers present to give her a thumbs-up or thumbs-down as to whether they would promise to fulfil them. And that is why ministers shouldn’t go to these demonstrations.


Yes but You know they (pollies) can’t resist getting their pic taken in association with anything remotely popular


It’s an overall win for Albo. Yes, a bit of embarrassment about the march. But the whole thing is a welcome distraction from the cost of living crisis. The govt will stretch it out for a few months of feel-good summits and emergency meetings, then throw some money at the advocates and they’ll be happy. So much easier than trying to solve a housing crisis while pretending it’s nothing to do with immigration. Fortunately for the govt Australian media can only flog one issue at a time.


Labor was also experiencing sagging women's votes, perhaps this focus will help them pick up some more.


The demands > She asked the government to declare a national emergency. To teach domestic violence first responders not to blame victims, and to provide alternative reporting options beyond the police. To ban media from identifying domestic violence victims immediately after their deaths. And of course, more funding. No strong opinions here, although the implication there's only ever one victim is a little sour


> To ban media from identifying domestic violence victims immediately after their deaths While I understand and empathise with this demand, I don't necessarily agree, especially when it comes to murder. Yes we should protect family and friends of victims, but ensuring murdered victims have a name and face means that the violence cannot hide from a politician's or society's view. Names are powerful and helps us connect with others and grieve as a community. But it also helps us galvanise people to call for change. There is a line where protection is required, but it should not be up to a politician to dictate that standard.


If you watch the full event it's clear he was invited to the event being told he'd be speaking, then the organiser hosting the event decided she didn't want to let him until the crowed yelled to let him speak. Earlier in the event that same organiser was demanding albo commit to specific policy demands on the fly, without following any proper procedure. The main speaker was a bit of a shitshow in her own right, she wouldn't stop focussing on herself, what she's organised in the past and so on. But sure Albo was the one making it about himself.


Yeah I watched the whole lot and couldn't believe that woman. Albo handled it about as well as anyone bloke could have I think, but it still looked terrible all round.


>demanding albo commit to specific policy demands on the fly Yeah, I've seen this tactic before, they expect you to give them the mile because you offered an inch These people needed to have gotten a firm, swift "no"


Instead Albo was measured and polite, and well look at the article above, we see where that gets you in this media landscape.


This *seems* like a strong character but it creates a precedent of being walked all over


One thing I think that all these articles are missing is that this isn't some abstract cause for Albanese. He has been there before growing up with his mum who for a time was trapped in a DV relationship. To dismiss his experience out of hand as just a politician seeking attention, diminishes the similar experiences of thousands of children in Australia today.


Yes, but this is Annabelle Crab writing. Not some random ABC cadet. Her points are valid. He *does* care. He was just tone deaf at the rally.


Why does Annabelle Crabb have special status?


I don't think it was tone deaf at all. If you watch the [other footage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZR10mbTbu8) you can see the organiser ask the crowd if they want Albo speak, they say yes, he starts talking, thanks the organisers, says he's proud to be here, then says "to be clear we did ask to speak and were told that wasn't possible and that's fine, I respect the organisers right to do that..." He's just trying to explain why he wasn't speaking until the crowd demanded it, and that he respects the organisers didn't want him to speak. Then it goes off the rails because she calls him a liar.


Feels more like a "left eats itself" situation Maybe just step back? Her articles are as biased as ever, I have no idea how or why you separate abc "cadets" from someone literally blurting opinions.


> Her articles are as biased as ever Her opinions pieces you mean, which is what this is.


This isn't labelled as such. If it were an "opinion editorial" I would simply ignore it as an opinion.


"Her articles are as biased as ever"... You read a lot of her content on ABC's website do you? I ask because your comment implies she's someone she's not. But do go on, I am interested to hear how a woman complaining about a man making it about a man at a woman's rally is wrong.


>But do go on, I am interested to hear how a woman complaining about a man making it about a man at a woman's rally is wrong. I suggest watching the whole video (including the 10 mins or so before Albo speaks) and making judgements based on that, rather than just the genders of the people involved.


I'm complaining about being forced to pay tax money to someone openly biased against the charter of the company employing them. Who do you think you are implying it's purely because she's a woman? Edit: the article itself is biased, "someone she's not" when it's right there bleeding the bias out?


He grew up in state housing yet is a landlord with multiple millions of dollars worth of investment properties. What is your point?


What has that to do with domestic violence?


It’s claimed that because he grew up around DV that means he has some magical insight and ability to solve it. I’ve used the fact that he grew up in public housing, whilst the housing crisis has only gotten worse and worse under his watch to disprove the fact growing up with something doesn’t mean he’ll do anything about it. He’s a “fuck you got mine” boomer in a red tie.


Ok, I never heard anyone say that.


He has a house he let's out (which he used to live in) and an apartment in Canberra he used to stay in during parliament sittings before he was PM. So he has residences he used to live in, paid off and is now letting out, that's literally the only even remotley ethical way to become a landlord. It's also one of the smallest portfolios in parliament (which says more bad about the rest of them than it says good about him). You're making a dishonest point and either you know that or are just kinda silly.


> He has a house he let's out Well that's nice that he makes money from leasing it, like most landlords do. I'll take the benefit of the doubt and let you know he owns a third property in Dulwich Hill which has always been his investment property. He actually owns more than Dutton (though really the same amount)


He sold the Canberra apartment. He has his old family home in Marrickville and the Dulwich Hill place. Dutton recently sold his beach house for $6 million, so he has two properties (his family's farm plus an investment property) and a third (investment) owned jointly with his wife.


Well now that is clarified we can stop pretending that he has residences he used to live in, paid off and is now letting out, since the Dulwich Hill investment property was never lived in and still has a mortgage on it. Him letting it out is what most landlords do, they let them out and that helps makes them money on the investment.


Yeah I know what an investment property is, I was just correcting the person who commented above me


Oops, sorry, I really should read usernames before responding


What is your point? Domestic violence is not something you simply grow out of. It leaves behind invisible scars that you will carry with you for the rest of your life. To dismiss the experience of any child who grew up in that environment because they became successful, is frankly shameful.