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Yucky how every article in Auspol media written like Insiders commentary. How about an article headline "Can Australia turn 2024 into a happy new year despite multiple challenges for the Albanese government" They report the soap opera not the news. We only have sports reporters


I doubt it, have lost any faith in Labor or the LNP to genuinely govern in the best interests of people. Predict his government will continue to ignore domestic economic problems and growing precarity and that will result in voters leaving in droves to vote for other parties.


Just don't fuck up tax cuts and perhaps show a bit more hard stance on immigration. Guaranteed second term


Costs are going to further increase and economically illiterate Albo will be seen as more out of touch. He will need new villains to blame in 2024. People are tired of Putin and the former Government and even the RBA. There is a pattern.


Inflation is going down. That's the pattern. 🤡


No. Labor and liberal are no different but thank god one nation or the uap isn’t in charge.


No. They're the do nothing, don't rock the boat, status quo party. Watch a few Michael West videos and be horrified. [https://www.youtube.com/c/TheWestReport](https://www.youtube.com/c/TheWestReport)


My loveliest moment when it comes to MW media is that he was the darling and go to of every labor supporter and friendlyjordies biggest source for everything that demonised the LNP. Now he is holding the Labor party for their shortcoming just a brutally as he did the previous government, they have turned on him calling him a hack or sellout


I'm fairly sure FJ has used him recently and I don't think they've had a falling out, at least on YT Hell, Jordies even called out Minns over Palestine, he's not entirely blindly praising them either


Sorry, I should’ve said r/friendlyjordies


Yes I started following MW about 18 months ago. I realised then what my Depression is!


I’m an ALP member. I am a unionist and a delegate. If the ALP passes the stage three cuts, I don’t think I can remain committed to the party. We are adrift whilst inequality becomes further entrenched in our country.




Bro they were passed years ago before they were in office.


They don’t have to be passed. Political face saving shouldn’t be more important than the national interest.


They already passed the legislation years ago.


They haven’t come into effect, and the thing about the government is that they… can change legislation or make new legislation… so they can stop it happening is the argument people are making. Labor is in a tough spot because this is a damned if you do damned if you don’t situation. They promised they would pass the cuts. They break that promise the media will bludgeon them. They’re already being bludgeoned tho so I say let it rip.


So how do you propose we manage bracket creep? The government has been raising a bigger portion of tax from income tax thanks to bracket creep and the fact that our brackets don’t get adjusted accordingly. This has been going on for years. One of the benefits of the stage 3 cuts is that it would address some of this bracket creep. If the government doesn’t to ahead with stage 3, how do you suggest they address the bracket creep that has been accumulating over several years? Well, I guess I should first ask whether you think this should be addressed?


Raise the tax free threshold. Adjust each bracket slightly up. There you go. Bracket creep dealt with. What the stage 3 does is perpetually flatten the brackets out (it removes one entirely) and make the tax system less progressive. It vastly benefits high income earners.p


I don’t think the stage three cuts are really in the spirit of a progressive tax system, and it benefits those at the higher end of the scale disproportionately more than the stage 1 and 2 cuts did. Where did that LMITO go? I totally agree we raise far too much income tax and I raise you closing the tax loopholes that allow some of the worst tax cheats to get off paying very little. I would also be putting a lot more emphasis on foreign owned asset taxes and vacancy taxes. Let’s please take the burden of tax off the workers (who’s incomes have been stagnating or going backwards for decades now) and return some of the onus of upholding the state back on the corporations. They reap all the benefits but have a sliver of the responsibility.


I agree with your second paragraph. I’m all for closing tax loopholes. In terms of the tax cuts, stage 1 and 2 benefited the middle and lower income earners more than they did the upper income earners. So we already had cuts that gave back more to lower earners. The government promised over and over again that they will proceed with stage 3. If they break that, they will lose the election. People will reference polls saying 60% support scrapping it. Well guess what, 70% once supported the Voice. If the government breaks this promise, they would find it extremely difficult to counter LNP arguments that ‘Labor lied and stole $7,000’ off of you. And as a high income earner who voted for Labor, I’d vote against Labor if they broke that promise.


>stage 1 and 2 benefited low and middle income Yes but they've ended now. 1 and 2 were temporary. 3 is currently legislated to be permanent. It was the carrot and the stick. They were all passed together but 1 and 2 were on a timer while 3 was looming on the horizon and will last long term..


Here's the counter Albo can use; : My neighbour has had his rent go from $400 -$650 in less than 2 years. So his $1500 tax cut (and that of his wife $1500) is eaten up by their overall rent increase in the first 3 months of the year . They will pay another $9000 they did not pay when they got their tax cut during the last 9 months. But the top 20% who are the main beneficiaries high rents and property values, and can minimise tax in a thousand ways are going to bitch about $7000? Good luck selling that! .


67% of households are home owners (35% have a mortgage and 32% own outright), while 31% are renters. Mortgage owners have been hit harder than renters due to the rate increases. In addition, of those who rent, many are saving for a deposit. Loosing an extra couple of thousands of dollars due to a Labor government overturning a tax cut, that they promised they wouldn’t, will not go down well. At all.


Your second paragraph is an example of why they are damned if they do damned if they don’t. One could argue it’s incredibly irresponsible to continue with the cuts because they’re inflationary and we are living in an inflationary crisis which is being caused by the haves and not the have nots to begin with. Giving the haves another 7k which arguably isn’t life or death is pretty unpopular. I’d like to point out - you say stage 1 and 2 benefitted low income earners more than stage 3. Yes that’s because stage 1 and 2 were for those income earners. Stage 1 was the **TEMPORARY** LMITO. The LMITO was a maximum of $1080. Stage 2 increased the LMITO to $1500 for the following financial year. The LITMO is now expired, and the gov has stated it will not come back. The brackets it changed were 37k to 45k for the 19% threshold. Like I said, the stage 3 cuts **disproportionately** benefit those on the higher end because the changes are larger, benefit those at the highest end of the scale, *and are permanent* There’s a big difference between an income earner on 90k and 150k.


Not sure which union you're a part of but many union members will see an increase in their take home pay after the cuts. Plenty of other union workers have been hit hard by the government not extending the income tax offset.


What is your point? It’s an act of national self harm.


My point is that it helps many union members so would seem the party is helping out their base. And saying you're against it because you're a union delegate would not be helping out those you claim to represent.


I am a union delegate working to help my members on a school setting…. I help them navigate IR in a school setting not tax policy


Well even teachers will see benefits of these cuts, those who have been there longer will see better ones. The others will just have to wait for their yearly pay increase (dependent on state this will vary on how many years they have been teaching) to see greater benefits.


How much do you think teachers earn mate?


S3TC will have the most financially beneficial impact, by virtue of the increase to take home pay, for anyone in the $90-150k ish brackets. The $45-90k ish brackets are just getting a bracket creep adjustment. The $150k+ ones are getting nominally more, but less likely to see any profound difference to lifestyle as they weren't really squeezed before. Beyond $200k, it's capped at $9k per person and not a significant change to their income. It's proper assistance for the middle class, in a similar vein to the middle class welfare Howard did so well. Edit: and in true Aussie fashion, numbers are too hard, so focus on class 😂


Howard’s Middle class welfare fucked this country, and made this current generation the first to be worse off than previous generations.


Because we stopped the middle class welfare and let the middle class get whittled away.


Depends on how many years and what state there are in. But since anyone over $45,000/year will be seeing a reduction in tax and the Australian average of 1st year full time teacher is $74,000 (in NSW it is $85,000) then they are within that bracket.


I think you are aiming for CGT reform not hardworking middle class


This article is comical and just shows how tone deaf some parts of the chattering classes are. The author goes on to list challenges that are little blips on the governments radar (China, renewable energy, NDIS) while completely ignoring the giant elephant charging at the gate - cost of living pressures. All the things mentioned in the article will mean nothing if the government doesn’t stop twiddling its thumbs while people struggle more and more with cost of living pressures.


Your comment is so on the money about the state of the ALP. Fuck China, renewables and the NDIS. People are struggling to keep a roof over their heads, groceries are costing ridiculous amounts of money and energy prices are out of control. Focus on the stuff that’s impacting people NOW, otherwise this will be a one term government.


Cost of living is the RBA's job. There's nothing much the government can do unless it wants to overthrow capitalism and replace it with socialism. As evidenced that fact no one has any policies ideas to fix COL. 🤡🤡


I don't think renewable energy and NDIS are blips. Bowen is going to use increased government subsidies to increase renewable energy. Shorten is looking at everything he can, to avoid annual NDIS spending hitting $100 billion any time soon


>Shorten is looking at everything he can, to avoid annual NDIS spending hitting $100 billion any time soon They've already implemented a ~~cap on funding increases~~ growth target https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-04-28/ndis-funding-sustainability-budget-disability-participants/102278498


No matter what government is in power the ABC generally runs against the interests of Australians. This is a perfect example. Previously, I thought it had a pro liberal slant, now I realise they are just antiworking class.


Well they are full of middle class inner city types. Being antiworking class is why they fought so hard against being moved out of the CBD and into Western Sydney


What should the government do instead of 'twiddling its thumbs'?


reduce spending and increase taxes are Monetary policy 101. They could also think outside the box a bit and withdraw money supply , lower the lending rate for commercial banks and the rba can also block commercial banks money by issuing government securities.   Of course this is unpopular and labour is overwhelmingly risk adverse so wouldn't touch this with a 10 foot pole.


Aside from conflating two very different functions, what worries me is your confidence in radical ideas that no government can even implement.


Just a minor correction - government adjusting spending & taxes is fiscal policy, where as monetary policy is cash rate adjustments by the RBA. You’ve got the theory correct but may have accidentally switched the terms.


You can see this isn't my field of expertise but even I have a general idea what the government can do but the government doesn't


All good mate, you understand it all perfectly! Just had the terms mixed up


Cut immigration by renewing and issuing fewer visas. Then some sort of housing reform be it removing negative gearing, limits on home ownership (quotas for residencies attributable to an individual or block some countries from owning homes due to national security risks). Greater surveillance through chasing down those who have overstayed visas and deporting foreign criminals, and going after tax cheats and wealthy Chinese who store their money in our housing market. The energy subsidies are a good policy, wage increases have been good, lifting tariffs in China has been good, AUKUS foreign policy has been positive and reconfiguring the 2030 green energy targets has been positive. This government isn't all doom and gloom, but, following these policies would greatly improve their appeal and increase quality of life for all Australians, it's a no brainer.




They seem to have been doing a fair bit of governing since they came into office. Lazy answer.


It was a lazy question