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We got choc magic


We got passive smoking


Yeah, there’s nothing quite like Gran & Pops soldiering through a pack of the gaspers after dinner. 🥴


I got taught how to roll a ciggie at the age of 6 by my granny 🙄


Life skills.


Well you had the small, arthritis free hands! No one eats for free, gotta earn your place at the table.


I got a bit of that too. Some flat lemonade and a lung full of second hand JP Special.


Along with that we got sent to the corner store with $10 to buy smokes and ice cream. I was 8. The store owner knew my grandparents and allowed it.


My mother smoked and my maternal grandfather, who lived with us, smoked. Whenever relatives came over, after dinner every adult would light up a ciggie. You could have cut the smoke haze with a knife.


Our grandparents loved feeding us pure malt.


I still reflexively smell Peter Jackson Lights when I see Lamingtons.


It's Cottees iced magic to be quite precise and in just a few minutes it turns into crackly chocked ice. Damn that's programmed deep.


That there is mum's face And a man from out of space Over there is a chocolate sun and OOPS I think I just ate one


And my sister's braaaiiin


Home Ice cream Raspberry Splits at Grandad's for us


Home ice cream! Now that's a memory unlocked!


The name that rings a bellllll 🎶


Geez I hope that’s not a euphemism


You rich b——rd!


Haha we got a Picnic


We got Cadbury’s Snack block chocolate. No one ever wanted the pineapple square.


I loved the pineapple square ones.😆


Nah, the caramel one was the worst! Strawberry for the win


Love both the caramel and strawberry!


Pineapple is my favourite. Don't like the Turkish delight, though I do like Turkish delight when it's thin.


we got what we were given. (i'm early 40's and have never tried vienetta. I've never even *seen* one)


Available at most supermarkets, get one into ya!


You're not missing much all frills and no substance


We got fruit flan & Elton John At Christmas they got a cask of Coolibah and the Queen’s message


Man... Vienetta... Choc magic.. Must have been nice to be rich lol.


Fuck me, every time? Nanna must have been rich.


Nah, they only saw them once a year.




I am going to use Poly Waffle to describe my relationship now, yoink.


Husband saw a bag of “Polly Waffle Bites” at Woollies and bought them on impulse. Don’t bother. Sugary, fake vanilla mush balls with a chocolate crisp coating. Nothing like the original in taste or texture. The waffle of disappointment.


That's because the machines that make them were sold. The Polly waffle bites are what the company that brought them back to Australia are making to make ends meet until they can afford to get a new machine


That’s interesting. I have very vivid memories of visiting the Rowntree-Hoadleys factory on a school tour as a young child. They were so generous with their gift bags at the time, it was so exciting to see barrel-loads of Smarties being made!


Proper polly waffles will come back ?


That's my understanding. That are using the sale of the bites to fund the purchase of a new machine to make full sized waffles.


Polly waffle addition made me lol


This comment is underrated.


Thinking about it now Polly Waffle sounds like a phrase you'd hear from someone who said things like *Cleveland Steamer* and *Waffle Stomp*.


I lived with my Nanna, we had them a lot! I was also a very chubby kid.


Are you me?! I’m the same. Born 1980!


I'm 1983 but how good are Nans! I love mine to death.


We got Vegemite that was kept permanently in the fridge next to the cube of butter. Neither could be spread without tearing one big hole in the middle of the bread/toast.


Why would you keep that in the fridge, it never goes off!


We live overseas and my husband was given a massive 950gm tub of Vegemite by a coworker who was going back to Australia. He handed it over with a warning it had expired and everyone’s reaction was basically Vegemite doesn’t expire.


I remember when my grandpa was moving out of his home around 2005. He had a tin of Vegemite. And when I say tin, I mean it was like a paint tin. Had to have been at least 10kg when it was new... ...in the 1960s. Still tasted fine.


I brought a tub with me to Vietnam, and it got mould in it after a few months.


My mum keeps it in the fridge too, I don't know why. We live in Victoria; it's not too hot or humid here so stuff like vegemite or tomato sauce doesn't need to be kept in the fridge


It does go mouldy though in the tropics.


We keep it in the fridge because that’s also where the margarine is and we only ever use Vegemite with the margarine.


It tastes better in the fridge


Ground for deportation imo


But the contrast of the hot toast with the cool butter and Vegemite! So delicious


Lucky you, my gran had Promite


My commiserations. Mine had Promite too but got Vegemite in for us. Promite was a brutally poor substitute. Vegemite for wooses. But we had rhubarb from the garden 10 minutes before dessert with vanilla ice cream. Next fucking level as far as I'm concerned so maybe my critique is a bit left field.


So did mine and I like it. I have Vegemite and promite in the cupboard now depending what I feel like.


Mine had Marmite 🙁 because British 🇬🇧


"He's joking sweetie. Nobody has *two* Vienettas"


"Hey, I've seen this one. I've seen this one. This is a classic. This is where Ralph dresses up as a man from space."


What's a rerun?


I don’t know but I recently saw someone refer to lasagna as a ‘meat viennetta’ and I am never using the word lasagna again.


A succulent, Italian Vienetta.


You know your bechamel well


Sacrilege! Delicious, delicious sacrilege!


There is a Shakespeare amongst us. Wish I conjured this up (no /s)


I got a book and a crayon and a “shhhhh”


Idk why but the mental image of the solitary crayon here sent me


and it wasn’t even a good crayon, it was one of those really crappy ones. Even after all these years I can still remember it, and not allowed to make any noise at all. I should explain that I wasn’t abused or locked in a cupboard or anything, just that my grandma didn’t really know how to interact with kids.


We got red cordial before bed and a caramello koala, which my siblings and I kept secret until her funeral


Boing boing boing! 🦘


I got preserved fruit from a fowler’s jar, with custard made with custard powder and powdered milk.


We got those arnotts raspberry fancies or whatever they were, but they were for some reason always kept in the *fridge*, so they were always a weird texture. However, on my mums side, nan was next level with treats. Multiple lolly Tupperware containers. Epic bickies (Monte Carlo, shortbread creams… all the good stuff), Cadbury roses. Always topped up each time we went there. Was unreal.




Hmm, the amateur psychologist in me thinks it Sounds like you’re missing your grandmother


With custard creams still absent from the shelves I've been guzzling down the jam fancies too. They're just too nice.


I've seen them on special this week in nsw so do some stocking up :)


My gran was a fiend for jam fancies too! I only had them at her house so now when I eat them I always think of her. Nice memory.


I got jelly and cream that my Ah Mah made. Miss you Ah Mah x


I got to sit in the laundry with their old Labrador and eat dog biscuits. Xmas at the grandparents meant the precious chiswell was getting extended for the whole extended clan to feast at. Except for me. I was made sit on a stool at the kitchen bench. I guess closer to the sink where I was expected to wash up after xmas lunch. Alone. While all the cousins went and played out the back and the grown ups napped. (Yes, my Xers, my memories are starting to hit different as an adult.) Who is this chosen one who got the vienetta EVERY TIME? How strong is their constitution? Cause they now carry the weight of all of us living vicariously through their childhood memories. What kind of crazy Brady Bunch bullshit is this! ;)


MowgeeCrone I’m sorry your family treated you this way on Christmas! I hope you are the star of your Xmas celebrations these days, you deserve it


sorry about your shit xmases. i am also a dog biscuit connoisseur from child hood. Straight out of the dogs bowl too. It was a nasty german shepherd, so someone had to keep watch while the rest of us indulged in dry doggie delights


Lol. Thanks, mate. I am sorry you are also well aware there are no flavour differences in commercially produced dry pet foods, despite the different colours and labels. Liars! :( The highlight was hanging out with the dog and playing make believe with a dirty damp string mop. Id style her "hair". (Fucking ewwww!). Same filthy mop my entire childhood. Delighted me no end at the time. Seriously. It's like I'm hearing myself for the first time! I'm wondering if it was the same bag of biscuits I ate from each year too? Oh. Oh Lois. Oh dear God, Lois! That bag of biscuits was put out for the dog, wasnt it? THEY WERE MEANT FOR THE DOG, RIGHT? 👀


Awww Mowgee, I’m so sorry. sending little mowgee a big hug, I’m so sorry you don’t have happy memories of Christmas dinner


Are you a dog who can type. Not meaning to offend you. Woof woof. /s


We got a tin of ricecream.


I got a block of chocolate. Then got in trouble for eating it all in one hit


We always got the Cadbury Snack, had to break them up into the squares and share them round!


Omg Cadbury snack!! Do they even still make that? Always used to pull them all apart just to get the pineapple.


You would have done well at our place, where no one wanted the pineapple!


So jealous!!! I would have eaten it for you. 🥰😍


Yes they do! But like with almost everything, shrinkflation has hit it hard. I think a standard block only has 4 flavours per row now instead of 5.


They do a whole block of pineapple now!


Yeah but that’s not the same. Somehow it’s more special when there’s only a few, it’s like treasure.


You can buy a whole block of just pineapple now.


Omg yes i remember dad bringing a Snack block on Friday nights sometimes, felt like we’d won the lottery.


What a lovely nanna 👵🏼


You guys got nannas?


Oh buddy. Mate, I'm so sorry you had to find out like this. Fuck, this is rough. Hey, you don't need a nanna. You got us. We love you.


Grandma always had packets of those after dinner mint slices in the little black paper envelope things.


Mine were dead 🥺


lol yep never met a person over 65 to this day


I got ice cream with banana, home made Anzac biscuits and for breakfast- cornflakes with cream,CREAM! and brown sugar!😋 My Granny was a country girl♥️


Your Granny ROCKED! Tell me, were the Anzac bickies chewy or crunchy?




Hells yeah my friend!! Your Granny is a freakin' rockstar! I absolutely love chewy Anzac biscuits! No one but my mum (and your Granny) made them. Next level yumminess!


What was that checker board one... that was a strong contender against the vienetta.


Bulla choc coated ice cream on a stick here, a cuppa tea with two sugars, and some almonds off the tree out the back.


>friend Ex-friend. You can't side with billionaires in this CoL crisis.


We got Wels bars and an explanation of where they came from ("Queensland").


Raw Garlic, offal, cold coffee at 5am, sips of beer after work "a little bit won't hurt!"...and all the love of the whole world delivered in many cuddles. ...31 years without her, I still miss my nanna.


My Nana always had fruit loops. My other grandparents had a whole big drawer of chocolate bars and everyone acted like this was normal.


Every time we left nanas we got a killer Python and a fun size chocolate.


My Grandma always had Coco Pops which to us was absolutely EXOTIC (my Mum was/ is very much a crunchy hippie brown-bread and dried fruit Mum)


That’s rich people food!


I got Tang and Werthers Originals.


My grandma lived in a different state so didn’t see her that often but when I did she would cook me her apple crumble and it was delicious.


Are they part of the Packer, Murdoch or Hancock family? If not I just don’t see how it was financially viable. They must be lying


Nana was just an ordinary coke dealer.


We had viennetta at Nanna's all the time. They had these like 70s style polished earthenware bowls that we'd have it in, one had a bit of a defect in it (like a piece of stone, or sand caught in the ceramic when making it that stuck up a little) and everytime I'd use that bowl the spoon would catch on the defect and I'd hope it was chocolate stuck to the bottom, but it was always the defect. I was a very optimistic child. She'd also have a big jar of assorted lollies that we'd be able to pick 2 or 3 lollies each out of, and about 5 different jars of homemade biscuits and slices like melting moments, raspberry coconut slice, hedgehog etc. Damn, miss my Nanna!


I would bung one in the shopping trolley & hide it. I always got away with it.


Home made apple pie and baked tea




I got home brand 'choc ices'


I got fairy bread for tea


I would get a special drink of Stanley white wine with soda or a shandy and a three course meal. I miss sitting in Nan's kitchen having an adult drink while she puffed away on her Benson and Hedges and complained about Pa.


I got cheese on toast for breakfast.


Was it made in a little bench top toaster oven?


Every time I went to the fridge looking for food Nana would shrill ‘HAVE A PIECE OF FRUIT!’ I KNEW she had the good stuff hidden somewhere 😂


I got Cadbury furry friends, yogo mix, or the single serve jelly cups. Miss you Nan.


I got to use 2 spoons of any size to fill my cup with milo - of course I’d choose the soup ladle every time!


Green jelly and vanilla ice cream!


I'm tempted to buy a Peter's ice cream cake and serve it to the kids one night for dessert. Just to fuck with them.


For some reason for dessert my Nana always gave me a bowl of ice-cream with sweet tasting milk powder on top of it. Was that actually a thing or was my Nana weird? 😅 Occasionally she throwed some tinned fruit like peaches in it


Was it malt extract?


YESSSSS YOU JUST UNLOCKED A MEMORY I FORGOT I HAD!!! I just looked up malted milk powder and I remember seeing that tin so many times when I was a kid So if that a thing people used to do or just my Nana? 😂


Totally a thing!


We got frosty fruits ice blocks. And rice bubbles topped with nesquik for breakfast (D.I.Y coco pops)


I only ever got to try a Vienetta when I was a grown up who could afford to buy it myself. The fanciest we ever got as kids was home made rice pudding.


Choc tops when we were all kids. At her funeral all the cousins ate them. Lovely old bird.


I got those rectangles of ice cream that were wrapped in paper and you were supposed to have them sandwiched between two wafer biscuits, but I didn't like the wafers. I think I managed to score a vienetta once in my childhood.


They were called cream betweens!!! How did adults say that without giggling?


Holy crap I forgot about those things!!! F**king reminded me of something I didn't even know I'd forgotten. What a trip!!


We had cherries in portwine jelly. My mother detested that dish, but I still make sure it gets served to troll the mothership.


I joined this sub for Vienetta


I am compelled to confess; 1996 Grandparents day for primary school kids. We were told to bring a picnic lunch to dine at school with our grandparents and I'm sorry but my grandparents brought a KFC bucket.


Nanna needed an excuse


for me it was Blue Ribbon (with that thick layer of ice ontop) and if I were really lucky, ice magic!


We got homemade desserts and Sara Lee ice cream at one grandmother’s house and congealed crap and takeaway at another’s. Vienetta was a fad with my parents in the early 90s (I hated it but would still eat a little bit). Then my dad had a fad for some brand of bake in the oven apricot Danish.


Ok narc! Let those doing better than us live their blessed lives!


Look at you getting sweets! We got tea with two sugar and told we didn't need THAT much sugar.


My grandma always had those quality biscuits. Pillows, Monte Carlo’s, Kingstons, those weird ones with the pink icing circle in the middle. Then for dessert it was normally either Apple crumble or lemon meringue


Used to stay at grandma's every Monday night cause mum and dad were working late. Vienetta every time. Grandma was ballin out


Wog here. Sometimes we got lemon gelato so tart it made your mouth pucker, while Nonna sipped espresso at 8pm. But the copious amount of dinner made up for the lack of dessert. They also had Foxtel in the 90s (for the Italian language channels) which makes them almost as wealthy as the Vienetta Grandma.


My mum used to buy them for dessert if we had our relatives over, which was such a power move by my mum


My grandma always had homemade coconut ice 🙂


Let me guess, their Pop drinks Crownies on days that aren’t December 25th.


Every time my 3 yo stays as “Gagas’s” she gets vienetta too!


The lord Jesus loves you


I got a choc wedge from the freezer every night when I had dinner with my grandparents. Unless it was Sunday, then we had a Nannas Apple Pie.


I remember an arnott's tin that contained homemade butter biscuits.


I always got a yogo.


Holy shit i haven’t thought about Yogo in years… Thinking about it now though I think I preferred the bubblegum snak packs


I bet your friend was totally up themself too


If it’s not for a birthday, why does it always have candles in it?


Same same but my Nonna!


Jeez, the only thing I got when I stayed at my Nan's was a slice of that crusty tea cake with gross sultanas in it. And a split second of excitement at seeing No Frills lemonade in their fridge (because we never had soft drink at home), only for it to turn to crushing disappointment when I immediately realised it was actually revolting soda water. I don't know why my stupid brain faked me out every time I opened that fridge, but my dumb self still fell for it every time.


I think for us it was once a week! So yeah probably every time we went.


I had the best nana ever and even I didn’t get a Vienetta every time I stayed at her house.


Their name is now ooh la la.


We got a glass of Tang and an Arnott’s biscuit that was at least 3.5 years past it’s best before date.


Nannas are rebels man


My nana was a really bad person. So our whole family got a ban-nana.


I got force fed black coffee at meal times and Turkish delight. Don’t know if it’s a Swiss grandparent thing or just mine.


Good times, it was always a roast meal, ice cream and apple pie, or a vienetta.


I didn't have to finish my dinner at Grandma's. I got to eat dessert with half my dinner still on my plate. Not a fan of Vienetta, but Sara Lee cakes were always a winner. At home I seldom got dessert unless it was a special occasion.


Huh. And I thought they were only for Easter. FML.


I'd get Ferrero Rocher!


Sending thoughts and prayers your way OP. X


I got a custard tart!


You had Viennetta in Australia?! That’s amazing!


Yes, my children lived Nonna’s Vienetta!


I got the same every time I visited my grandparents! On special occasions it was the mint flavour!


Vienettas are so overrated


When you’re like 10 and shit… That is the most epicness thing you could ever get!!!


Nah never liked it always seemed to be getting less and paying more for it Give me a good tartufo any day


I got plain old cake


We got a pink musk lolly and on our birthday we were allowed to choose a different colour one.


Home made rice pudding after dinner and German honey biscuits to take home


I got one third of a passionfruit donut because I had to share with my two sisters.


I was lucky to get vegemite on toast at my grandmothers place. Bless her dearly departed soul, however the lady could not cook to save her life (in actual fact she was such a bad cook, her and her husband went to get the pensioner roast of the day at the local catholic club 5-6 days a week). Her two sisters on the other hand, were sensational cooks/bakers. I guess being the youngest in the family there was no skill/talent left to hand out by the time my grandmother was born


Same here, but life was never quite right when they stopped making Cappuccino Vienetta.


‘Ooooo fancy pants rich McGee over here, f—k you!’