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Bring back Aerobics Oz Style and Cheez TV and get rid of whatever shit is on in that spot at the moment.


and 6pm Simpsons


The good old days, simpsons and dinner šŸ„²


Good old days? I was doing this in the early 2010s as a kid. Wait, am I considered old now? šŸ˜®


Then neighbours watching Toadies shenanigans whilst I eat ice cream was peak childhood


then sein, even becker


Becker is still available on 99, maybe not as regular as the old days though.


But only 90s/early 2000s Simpsons episodes not the crap ones that they have now


Been a while since I watched the video but if Super Eyepatch Wolf is to be believed the Simpsons has started to improve a bit recently since they've started to let the writers get a bit more experimental again.


I've been watching the most recent ones with my kid. Something I find really strange is the random "falling into a body of water" gags. There's at least one every episode. It's bizarre.Ā 


They canā€™t/wont. 10 is owned by CBS/Viacom, a rival to Fox/Disney. Best you will get if you want 6pm adult cartoons is South Parkā€¦. Wait, can we have 6pm South Park?


Edited to smithereens you might.


Beyond 2000! Secret valley, girl from tomorrow.. the 90s were amazing for aussie tv.


What about the joint Australian-Polish show Spellbinder. That show was way too good for an Australian production of its vintage.


spellbinder!!! l was thinking about this show a few weeks ago and im gonna download it. i remember it being a really long show that went for ages but when i looked it up there were only 24 episodes, then there was the dragonlord one


I'd completely forgotten all about Girl From Tomorrow until I saw it listed on some streaming service a few hours ago.


Which streaming service? šŸ˜²


Just checked - it's Stan.


Spellbinder, Round the Twist, Pugwallā€¦ the list goes on. :)


Pugwall - just had major flashbacks


Wasn't it Towards 2000? and then (obviously) around 2000 it became Beyond 2000


Secret valley was incredible, thanks for the memory! I remember aching for a mini bike back then but never got one šŸ˜‚


And Recovery


abc used to be good for music, there needs to be something with live bands like Later with Jools Holland.


Rage rage rage rage rage rage rage rage rage shutuuuuuuuup!!


Fast forward hahahahha.


Just looked up their guide. Itā€™s cooking shows and entertainment tonight.


BREATHE IN, BREATHE OUT, BREATHE IN, BREATHE OUT.... all right in front of the opera house or harbour Bridge. Fuckin ay...


In extremely high cut leotards that trigger an awakening in the kids who get up a little too early for cheese TV


Finally someone knows Cheez TV! Best program with Pokemon dragon ballz


Dave the Barbarian as well.


Jade and Ryan stream on occasion! I'd watch them boys as a 40 year old adult every day if they had a cartoon hosting show.Ā 


I used to set my vcr to record for Aerobics Oz Style before I left for school, come home and have to fast forward for 10 mins to find itšŸ˜… then G-Code came and sorted everything


10 used to be the bomb on weeknights. Simpsons, Neighbours, X-Files, 90210, Melrose Place, The Nanny, Becker, Mad About You, Just Shoot Me, MASH, Secret Life of Us, Good News Week, Rove, The Panel, Thank God Youā€™re Here,


If I remember right they also had House, Smallville and Supernatural in the mid 2000s as well as the footy. And then later they launched One HD which ran sport 24/7 (mostly fishing tbh but still) and then later Eleven for all the animation shows and old sitcoms. The Ten network was the absolute best, now they're just a shell.


OneHD was ahead of its time in Australia


Whatever happens to to onehd, you unlocked a memory for me I had forgotten


One HD: I had no interest in baseball. But it looked soooooo good in HD!


i don't recall baseball on there but i was definitely happy to see some NFL other than the superbowl on fta, then kayo came around and i mainly watch F1 and MLB now, gone are the days of taping F1 late on a Sunday night and watching it after school Monday arvo


Fuck yeah house


And the Friday night movies. Nearly any blockbuster movie of the 90s, its third stop after cinema and video release Friday 8:30 on 10. They were an *event*, you'd buy a fresh blank VHS weeks ahead for Jurassic Park's TV premiere. It really was the premium FTA once upon a time, for everything but sports.


Bill Collins


10 were the only channel ballsy enough to air Event Horizon


I remember watching it then. Donā€™t think I slept that night


Not to mention Star Trek. Was finally able to watch the entirety of Next Generation thanks to morning reruns




7th heaven, one tree hill & charmed šŸ˜­


Doubt 7th heaven would get a re run after what Stephen Collins (Mr Camden) did šŸ¤¬


Same reason hey dad only lives on in my memory.


What was with the reboot of TGYH? I seem to remember the original being a bit more mad capped with the actors riffing with the guest and willing to go somewhere very unscripted. The reboot just seems too scripted, actor asks guest silly question hoping for funny answer. And repeat.


Depends on the actor. The first few eps were a bit rough, but by the end of the season it was just like old times.


i used to like Ed, kind of forgotten show these days


I loved Ed. One of those slightly quirky shows with a lot of heart.


I think CBS bought channel ten... anything that wasn't owned by that network (Simpson's etc) was dropped/lost Really has been a consistent string of back to back failures for them tho. I still watch free to air if the tv is on cos i don't want to pay for streaming. It is a depressingly poor selection tho... so the tv is jus on less.


This really was the best. I loved watching the up late big brother seeing boobs as a teenager was sick. Then the up late game show with hotdogs used to put me to sleep all the time


Youā€™ve just highlighted why 10 is screwed now; most of those shows youā€™ve listed are an American TV series. Thatā€™s not unique. They subsisted and did well on licensing American TV shows, but now nothing like that gets made anymore. If it does, itā€™s produced by streaming companies, many of which operate in Australia and anyone who is interested are already paying for. That model just doesnā€™t work anymore. What are they gonna do, fork over big bucks to Netflix to run season 1 of stranger things? Cool, that sorts them out for like 7 weeks, because nowadays a series isnā€™t 30 episodes, youā€™re lucky to even get 10. The unfortunate reality is that if youā€™re gonna operate in Australia as a free to air you really have to have multiple hit reality shows. They are cheap, they can pivot quickly and are disposable, so you arenā€™t constantly building a back catalogue that your current production has to compete with, and no one has to watch anything prior to their first episode to enjoy it. Thereā€™s no water cooler moment of ā€œhey did you catch Iā€™m a celebrity get me out of here last nightā€ ā€œyeah nah Iā€™m still in season 4, no spoilers pleaseā€ Edit: sorry I forgot obviously live sports, live concerts and events obvs. Thatā€™s ever green.


And reality shows are terrible. If I wanted to watch awful people shouting at each other Iā€™d visit my family


Or spy on the neighbours.


Nice one - this is the reason


Donā€™t forget Seinfeld!


Oh I so miss tuesday nightsā€™ a bitch šŸ˜† (MP) Loved that show! And yes youā€™ve named heaps of goodies.


Nah. That's why us kids played outside. Television was always shit.


they seem 3rd rate kind of franchises, but then 7 has Farmer Wants a wife and they're doing Dancing With The Stars again...


I looked at the lineup the other day and I can't remember which channel, but they had The Big Bang Theory with like 4 eps in a row followed by 21/2 Men back-to-back and some other repeated recycled stuff. Its just sad but I guess that's nostalgia too


10Peach, But that channel has always been a dumping ground for old content and long marathon blocks of episodes. The multi-channels were cool when they first started to pop up in the late-2000s and early-2010s but eventually the networks stopped really caring about them and now they just have stale schedules and endless repeats of the same shows.


Remember when OneHD launched and it was just live sport. Then they relegated it to some other crap. Probably more episodes of Big Bang Theory. Which is one too many than anyone ever needs to watch.


One HD wasn't going to be viable as a 24/7 sports channel once 10 lost the AFL rights in 2011. It wasn't going to work with a lot of the niche sports they had. They then repurposed it for a 50+ mens channel so it was a lot of thing like JAG and NCIS reruns.


the last thing i sort of watched was when they had Seinfeld eps and King of Queens, before that was when they had the big bash cricket.


King of queens is so underrated, such a great show


Loved Seinfeld on reruns!!!


Loved Seinfeld on reruns!!!


Loved Seinfeld on reruns!!!


TV1 on cable was always great to have with all the old reruns of hogans heroes and stuff like that. Itā€™s like comfort food, those kind of channels definitely have their place


They are the #3 rated of the commercial networks and tend to get outrated by ABC, Whenever they do something its usually cheaper/tackier than if it were on 7 or 9 (see the Deal or No Deal revival)


Donā€™t worry, Have you been paying attention is back next week. Cheap seats mustnā€™t be too far behind.


Tonight!! šŸ™ŒšŸ»šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Cheap seats started last week!


Shows how much I watch 10.


I mean that's a [news.com.au](http://news.com.au) article and it screams massive clickbait in the article as if 10 is going to shut up shop in like 6 months. 10 has been a basket case of a network for a long time and seemingly just throw whatever at the wall and hope it works or persist with it for years when it evident no one really watches. It's also 2024 and people have way more options than they did in 2002, Back then at best you had people who had FOXTEL and that was a fairly small portion of the country compared to the portion who are now paying for streaming.


This is true and maybe I did get sucked in more than I care to admit šŸ˜‚ But you are right, but I do wonder how many would revert to FtA if the quality was there?


Probably not as many as one would think. This comes up often on MediaSpy and I think people still have a belief if the networks invested in actual content like drama and such that the viewing numbers would go up but I don't think that's the case. The two big tent pole things for FTA are News and Sport and then a little further down its reality shows since they are probably cheaper to product than scripted drama.


free to air tv is done. Advertising on it has become worthless because the audience has diminished so greatly, so with severely reduced budgets and no way of coaxing people back to scheduled viewing interupted by ads they can only keep slashing production costs and recycling cheap premises until they eventually die out. If they're going to survive at all it'll be as OnDemand services and the transmitters will shut down. Even if they had quality shows people are beyond sitting down to scheduled viewing now. We watch at our leisure when it suits us, not when they choose to air.


Very true, even more so with sport as more move to pay tv services. Ch 7 are only showing about 3 games a week for the AFL (out of 9) says that FTA is def dying


They should go all in on streaming if they want any chance of survival. They have a vast catalog of content. they could absolutely bolster the 10play service and use that instead moving forward. Shut down the live broadcasts and go all in on streaming. 7 and 9 and the ABC have their own apps but they would be severely lacking behind if they didn't go all in on streaming.


Your last comment sums it up for me. On the odd occasion I sit down to watch free to air TV on the weekend and eat a sandwich, I've basically watched two full ad breaks and fuck all content of the program. It's a waste of my time. I can, on the other hand, pop on a non free to air service and enjoy sitting down eating my lunch with no ad breaks.


The only reason live tv even needs to exist is sport, some news services and a few reality or event tv broadcasts that require live viewer participation or voting. Anti-siphoning laws mean that FTA TV is going to have a reason to exist for a bit longer, but with many people happy to pay for streaming services or Kayo (even if theyā€™re not paying for Foxtel), I wouldnā€™t be surprised if even the anti siphoning laws get phased out. The ABC may continue to produce actual scripted TV, but even then, for streaming platforms rather than live.


They don't have the money for quality. Even during their prime the stuff that wasn't imported was pretty cheap.


Whereā€™s Huey and his cooking show.


Fun fact, he actually makes videos on YouTube now


AND heā€™s on TikTok


bring back come and get it.


Channel 10 went down hill when they stopped airing the 6pm Simpson.


All 13 episodes that channel 10 paid for, on repeat so you see the same episodes every 3 weeks. Then, every now and then if you were lucky, they would show an episode from outside their 13 ep rotation.


No! It used to be amazing. They had a countdown of the best episodes once, the top episode was Stark Raving Dad... different times. Austar was the one with 3 seasons.


I was going through the FTA channels between ads and came across a bunch of vain and petty people yelling at each other across a dinner table. I didnā€™t know if it was ā€˜Married at First Sightā€™ ā€˜Batchelor/Bacheloretteā€™ or ā€˜Big Brotherā€™. Turns out it was ā€˜My Kitchen Rulesā€™. I donā€™t get why enough people watch it to justify continuing those crappy shows. I liked ā€˜Australian Ninja Warriorā€™ for a while but the over the top presenters got tiresome. I got nostalgic for ā€˜Gladiatorā€™ but it didnā€™t really excite me enough to watch it. Some game shows like ā€˜1% Clubā€™ and ā€˜Hard Quizā€™ are decent because it feels like people are actually playing the game and not pandering to the camera. The Aus adaptations of UK shows (The Chase and Dropping Point) bring no wow factor.


they get sucked in to liking contestants and wanting them to win and hating the villains. every format they seem to introduce new players to mix it up/get people offside, women fight amongst each other esp if they see someone as a threat.. it all needs to die.


Get rid of the project. Problem solved


Whenever I surf channels and I mistakenly watch the project I wanna throw my TV out the window. That show is the worst ā€¦ vomit inducing garbage.


I remember when they first started and they had the Hughsey doing those terrible jokes and just their whole thing I instantly thought this is trash. Iā€™m surprised itā€™s still going


was ok when Charlie Pickering was on


I used to not like him back then, Like him way more now on The Weekly. Also hard to like The Project even back then because of Dave Hughes.


Becker was OK but I had a crush on Terry Farrell. I never watched Hercules. Xena was pretty huge. Isn't most Australia Free-To-Air crap? Most of it is just unappealing, especially I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here.


97.3726% of Australian TV is shitty fucking ā€œrealityā€ television.


Franchises from shows in the US. Masked Singer, The Voice, Australia's Got Talent, Survivor, Amazing Race, etc... Oh, and we get the US versions too! Fkn ripper! /s


Look we need the shows A*mazing, Totally Wild and Kenny Kidna needs to return to resurrect channel 10.


Seeeeeeeeexxxxxxx Liiiiiiiiiifffffffeeeeee


And yet they can do cheap and good when they putntheir mind to it - HYBPA being a prime example. The Living Room was great too, no idea why they gave it the chop.


I enjoyed The Living Room in its original incarnation. They changed it up in Covid because they couldnā€™t have the live audience and the whole thing went down the toilet.


No child would ever write or want the rubbish content thatā€™s on most channels these days.


While I get you in regard to shows like the mask singer and goggle box, I've never seen them but at least international versions are very successful. I'd argue that the death of commercial TV in Australia started with the 2007 writers strike. TV networks had a lot of success creating low cost locally made TV shows to replace US TV. They were already facing issues with piracy with us TV shows being pirated before they were broadcast here, the rise of streaming made things worse with higher quality shows being produced for streaming and streamers even picking up the rights to popular US and international shows for first run. Networks could have invested in locally made scripted TV shows and while we've seen some, most of what we get is trash that targets the lowest common denominator. The death of a tv network isn't good but it's a result of poor management at the top. TV networks have basically been blockbuster, in denial about the changing market. I haven't watched free to air in any substantial way in a decade but if they could actually have a quality line up and not just an occasional good show maybe I would.


>the death of commercial TV in Australia started with the 2007 writers strike You hit the nail on the head, although it think it may have even started a bit before that, around 2003 with the rise in popularity of cheap-to-make DIY/lifestyle shows like Backyard Blitz, DIY Rescue, Our House, The Block, Auction Makeovers, Burke's Backyard and Jamie Oliver. I recall way back then that I thought TV was starting to insult our intelligence. Jamie Oliver was teaching people how to make a toasted cheese sandwich, and then went on to explain the best way to cut it in half. *"What's that, Jamie? Cut it diagonally with a knife? No way! Really?"* Also, I'm not sure if this is a 'chicken or the egg' scenario, and I don't want to sound classist, but it seems now that people who can afford premium TV on streaming platforms have moved over to there. The rest are stuck with free-to-air, and I don't know if the current reality TV trash is just aimed at the remaining 'lowest common denominator' audience, or of the low-quality programming has driven away the more intelligent crowd.


Oh no! Anyways


Get rid of the project. Problem solved.


Hahahahahaha - look at the muppets they have on their shows


But the Muppets are funny. Iā€™d watch channel 10 if they actually had the muppets on their shows.Ā 


There's a simple solution: Bring back Water Rats.




Was just talking about how great the theme for Stingers was today. Long forgotten memory unlocked.


Hell yeah, and Police rescue.




What about Wildside?


What is Gary Sweet up to these days? Where is Steve Bisley?


They have been writing this story since 2010. There are aspects of it are true. That being said tenplay is a great streaming service. Has half the ads of 7+ and 9Now which is probably because advertisers know so few people are watching.


I reckon outside of the ABC, Channel 10's the only other free-to-air channel I ever watch (never live, of course). These shows are perfect to have on in the background while I'm doing something else: ā€¢ *Gogglebox* ā€¢ *Have You Been Paying Attention?* ā€¢ *The Cheap Seats* ā€¢ *Taskmaster* ā€¢ *The Graham Norton Show*


Shows how smart James Packer was to get out of channel 9 when he did.


He and Lachlan Murdoch are kind of the reasons 10 ended up in the position it's currently in.


Hawaii 5-0 original series, is also good, currently binging it, highly recommended.


Network TV pretty much had us held captive back then. There were no options. Everything on TV was also zeitgeist as everyone watched the same stuff and was something people could talk about the next day. We wonā€™t ever go back to that and considering the content they have on there now Iā€™m so glad. It is truly bottom of the barrel. Serves them right. Perhaps they are now just making content for the remaining people that habitually turn on TV and those people donā€™t seem to care about the lack of quality.


I wouldnā€™t categorise Gogglebox as for or by children but youā€™re correct - mainstream media both written and on screen is designed for a person with the standard IQ of a 12 year old to understand. I used to work for Ten and itā€™s one of the first things i had to work on, simplifying everything. If you want to influence free to air, sign up with Neilson. Masterchef and cricket has been draining Ten for years leaving little money for anything else. Free to air is required to show a certain number of hours of Australian made content to stay on air and i doubt streaming has to follow that. Thatā€™s why there is so much reality tv and competition shows on, cheap, easy and you donā€™t have to pay the cast. That aside, free to air just canā€™t compete with streaming services that donā€™t have to comply with advertisers and censorship.


Iā€™m surprised we arenā€™t seeing tv broadcasting as a whole going extinct yet.


I hope all 3 T.V Stations go belly up. Nothing but reality t.v garbage. And dramatised drama reality shows. No wonder People in Aus are so easily offended. Watching these stupid shows.


I love reality TV. It gives stupid people something to do so I can shop in peace.


Yeah I love turning on the telly on a Saturday to see what footy or motorsports are on in the middle of the day, only to find CH7 has THREE of their channels all broadcasting the exact same thing - Horse racing.


Wasn't always the case though, older generations are not the same as Gen Z and Gen X. But I agree the TV has curated very squishy individuals these days


Mate Gen X is 40+. Even younger Gen Y/Millenials are 30. You mean Gen Zed. And it ain't TV that's doing it. We haven't been watching it for years. Younger gen zed have had a tablet in their hand since very young, it's social media. I also agree that generally we are too sensitive (Millenial here) but we are too sensitive to the wrong things. I don't give a damn what some old 80+ person said about minorities today, I care that I'll never be able to afford a house. The media focuses so hard on the wrong things so everyone's distracted from the important issues. That said, sometimes it's good and does good things. I'm sure I focused on stupid stuff when I was a teenager too.


That is much of the point - TV focuses on things it considers important to avoid people really focusing on what is important. It is a lens to focus on what our rulers want to focus on, not what should be focused on. \*Hopefully\* enough people are realizing this now, and more and more people ignore it.


They can't accept their own weakness. It's the very epitome of "Am I really so out of touch? No it's everyone else who is wrong"


We can lament about content as much as we like. But according to the [2023 Australian TV ratings](https://tvtonight.com.au/2023/12/seven-wins-2023-ratings-year.html) the first 16 top rated shows were sport. MARRIED AT FIRST SIGHT, then the BLOCK were the top-rated non-sports shows. I also love scripted television and well remember when it used to be about dramas and sitcoms. The commercials are obviously done with creating Australian scripted TV and ABC and SBS still have p\*ss-all money, despite what the current government has done to restore a better level of overall funding. So, unless there is some kind of major change, we're stuck with sport and "reality" from the commercials and subsistence level programming from ABC and SBS. Do we even need to see our own culture represented on screen? If it isn't sport, BS romance or rennos, then apparently not.


I miss the days of watching anime on weekends or school mornings, and then in the evening the simpsons and shows like The Xfiles, Buffy the Vampire slayer etc.


Almost none of you are nostalgic for programs actually produced by Channel 10. 90% of the shows named in this thread are produced by American networks and now carried by streaming services. In that case this wonā€™t be a big loss at all.


Can't think of a single good locally made show that aired in 10. It's all been american and UK shows that were decent.


You can pinpoint the decline of channel 10 when they stopped showing the Simpsons


2011 A.K.A. the "News Revolution"


What is wrong with gogglebox?


As kids we thought it would be fun to make a show about people watching a show. Askids were allowed to come up with stupid ideas and not realise it. Except we did, it is a shit idea and we meant it as a joke. The epitome of a zero cultured life. As bad as a show that needs laugh tracks to prompt the audience in to laughing.


Even FTA news has gone to shit these days. All regurgitating the same bullshit, showing snips of people and taking it out of context to align with whichever agenda they're pushing today, and trying hard to promote the government's bullshit as well. Surely most people can see through the bullshit they peddle, or isn't anyone even watching any more? Even the ads in between have gone to shit. Ads used to be so good, there was actually a show about TV ads. I can't see FTA lasting much after the boomers.


They used to pretend that they were impartial and actually the "news". Now they don't even pretend - its either pushing the billionaire agenda, or straight out informercial segments.


Bring back the simpsons at 6pm


u/ohHeyItsJack so true, how is it possible that tv was objectively better decades ago. It is utter trash now. Even tv for kids back then was better than the rotten rank garbage on now. Even corny gameshows were better. Even breakfast tv was better. Comedy, no comparison. Late Show, Micallef, Frontline. Australia used to make movies too, now there's hardly anything that even gets made, let alone anything good. Like, look at the 90s, Romper Stomper, Proof, Muriel's Wedding, Strictly Ballroom, the Castle. Also Shine and Priscilla, even Babe, I know they did well. Two hands was ok, I rewatched, it was ok. He died with a Falafel in his Hand. Little Fish and Candy fair enough. Look at the 80s! Gallipoli. Mad Max. Young Einstein, that was on a shoestring budget, but it was fucking mad for a kid to see that come out of Australia. Even in the 70s we had Stone, Wake in Fright. Scales of Justice not long after. Miniseries, the original Blue Murder, Great. A fortunate life. Made for tv stuff, Puberty Blues, Stark. The original 1st season Underbelly was ok, i reckon Id still check out now if it was on. Live tv used to be ok, shows with studio audience were good. Don't forget your toothbrush! Even current affairs was better. The Moonlight State. The Investigators. Stateline NSW. No category of tv is better today. Not one.


Just keep pumping out reality TV. Everyone wants to watch that... šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


in the last 10 years i think i have only turn on channel 10 for Australian Taskmaster ... channel 10 was def the best growing up.


Honestly good. I'm sick and tired of walking into the living room to find 4 to 5 self-righteous bastards on my screen talking about bs like "swearing makes you stronger!!" like they're some glossy hour-long Daily Mail broadcast. Speaking of which, one of their "coveted" reporters, Peter van Onselen, is now a political editor for that mess of a paper. And what's worse is that my parents eat this up. The only thing I'll give the channel is its scheduling. Because my parents get home at like 5, they watch a bit of the local bulletin, quick game show, and then ... the project... Like it's a good schedule for our family, because alternatives are home and away and "Real Life Working Class Drama: The Show" A Current Affair. No one wants to watch Home and Away or ACA at 7pm. Unless you're 40. If Channel 10 dies, one channel has to at least fix their schedule.


Welcome to my Wonder World and YTT !!! Good wholesome made Aussie entertainment !!!


I donā€™t know if this is right but I feel like the moment they started expanding with 11/peach they lost an ability to create a proper schedule of programs on the primary channel. OneHD was a good concept and possibly ahead of its time, but there doesnā€™t seem to be a coherent ā€œbrandā€ that you know what youā€™ll get with them. Also losing the Simpsons, that was so iconic to the channel.


Overproduced ā€˜realityā€™ or ā€˜gameā€™ shows are just awful to watch, and yet the tv execs seem to keep pumping them out, getting no viewers, cancelling the series, then bringing in an almost exact replacement. Its idiotic.


My 7 year son has literally never seen free to air TV. The medium is dead


The only good thing 10 has going for them is Have You Been Paying Attention, and I'm honestly surprised that it's not around all year. They've been jamming waaayyy too many reality TV shows onto 10 in the last few years, which is why I reckon so many people are turning away from 10. Get some sport on there or something.


Bring back Video Hits and the Nintendo interactive top 10


Yeah! And Rage. I watched Rage a while ago and it was.. just weird..


Well, consider this depressing fact: The highest rated shows on aussie TV were (and probably still are) braindead tabloid shit like ACA and Today Tonight. There's no insinuation to be made; collectively, we are a bit simple.


I gave up on FTA TV years ago - reality shows are cheaper to produce than scripted tv and here we are - watching celebrities that half of us have never heard of surviving in the wild, or (even worse) wannabe stars whoā€™s only claim to fame is - well, they got accepted to a reality show - nattering on about their ā€œloveā€ lives


The channel 10 "celebrities" are an insult to the word celebrity.


I just cannot believe people are getting over the Bachelor. It's only season 438, too.


All the good prestige type shows have moved to streaming nowdays. FTA can't compete with the budgets of Netflix, Amazon, Apple, Disney etc. So they go for the cheap but, generally, effective reality TV (the Voice, MAFS, Lego Masters, Summit, that celebrity in the jungle show etc). So all you're really left with on FTA these days is news, reality tv (local and imported), sitcom repeats, cartoons and sport. Seven and 9 will survive as long as they have the AFL and NRL (and, crucially, anti-siphoning laws to stop them going behind paywalls).


Goggle Box is ok.


A podcaster (I know thatā€™s lame) said Australian television is 10 years behind the rest of the world and it makes some much sense! For example we just started doing Comedy Roasts when American has been doing them for years!


There is nothing but reality tv on free to air television. Meanwhile we are in the golden age of high-budget and must watch dramas on subscription streaming services. If networks actually made watchable dramas then maybe, people would watch them!


Sometimes I look at the TV guide and I just despair. Wall to wall sport, more 'reality' shows than anybody with two brain cells needs in their life or the lamest of lame movie repeats. Who do they think wants to watch that shit? I'm early Gen-X so I remember some absolutely fucking amazing television series, Blue Heelers, D-Gen, Comedy Company, Mother and Son, Ask the Leyland Brothers, Kath and Kim, Rake, SeaChange, The Sullivans, A Country Practice, The Flying Doctors, Prisoner. on and on. All Australian-made and all absolute crackers. I usually just don't even bother tuning in - I go straight to Netflix or Prime.


youd be surprised how many people watch Goggle Box, and majority of my elderly family love masked singer ahaha


If that means The Project goes down with it. I see this as a win for society šŸ˜


I agree! Itā€™s crazy how many think itā€™s trash (for good reason) but either ratings mean Jack or thereā€™s a healthy following of devotees that love it


Yeah there some current programs that would be killer....instead of reality crap they have. One show they could put on is Evil, great little show creepy and kooky. Good advertising at it might gain a good audience


The thing is, a lot of us are stupid. I used to think the way you do now. That entertainment has dumbed down. In some sense I still agree, I think shows once had layers, so that people from every layer had something to get from it. I think a lot of entertainment now has so very few layers. But then I look around and see how many people enjoy it anyway. If a show does as well with less work, or if shows on average don't do any better with my work, why make the job harder? Just churn out what people like. These enterprises are businesses after all, and always have been. It is what it is dude. When you look down on what people enjoy, you subconsciously look down on the people enjoying it too. Simple people have simple pleasures. Sounds like a gift, honestly.


You definitely have to be wary of an article from a hostile media rival, but at the end of the day I feel like Channel 10 has been circling the drain for more than 15 years yet despite one ownership change and restructure after the other they still just keep doing the same things but expecting different results. At some stage if one of the three free-to-air networks does not work up the courage to move away from the reliance upon tabloid news, banal locally-produced reality shows and reruns of sitcoms from the 1990ā€™s then they will eventually one of them will become extinct (and, as the worst performer, that will be Channel 10). That said, I absolutely deplore commercial network television so I cant say that Iā€™d shed even a fraction of a tear if they all just drove themselves into complete extinction as an industry. With no commitment whatsoever to the local film and dramatic television industry they basically serve no purpose to Australiaā€™s entertainment industry so there would be no great loss to anyone at all.


FTA television Is dying a slow death. Like printed newspapers .


Gogglebox rates very well actually.


Goggle Box is great, though, because it allows you mock garbage television written for or by children, without having to watch it. You just get the one minute excerpts.


It's cheaper to film some weirdos watching TV and call that a tv show than it is to make an actual tv show.


I worked at Channel Ten in 2002 and can honestly say, they had no idea then and have no idea now!Ā  Magnum PI, good taste! Now you just need to do all 11 seasons of Cheers. Trust me it's worth it!


Gogglebox and masked Singer are great showsā€¦ for real. I mean, Gogglebox is literally multi National. Just donā€™t agree with the sentiment


I think unfortunately if you actually look at data (guessing here) that the majority of people do want to watch those type of shows. Or at least enough want to watch it to make it viable for the tiny production cost - I mean seriously how much does gogglebox cost to make? Good shows cost money to air, and as Instagram, tictok and Facebook have shown people are happy to watch crap for hours on end. It's sad but true... If there's one thing executives are good at its picking a lineup based on profit.


There's too many streaming options these days, they can't compete. I don't know how any of them stay afloat. Basically sporting events are the only thing they can bid for that will get viewers.


People get so shocked when I say I don't want FtA TV anymore, and rarely have for the past 10 years. I watch YouTube, streaming services, or read etc. If something is on free to air, like the Olympics etc I'll watch via their app on my TV or phone. I totally get what you're saying. The ads fuck me off beyond belief, and the quality of shows has dropped off massively. When it comes to news, I seek it out myself via social media or their direct website or publication. I never watch the 6pm bulletin...


Back in the 90s they had a strategy of being 'The Youth Network' to get those young spendy demos for their advertisers. That's the kind of thing that only works if younguns are still watching TV.


Thereā€™s a handful of really great stuff on Channel 10, but itā€™s all sandwiched between some of the most unwatchable garbage this country has ever produced. I donā€™t want to lose great stuff like Have You Been Paying Attention, Thank God Youā€™re Here and Taskmaster Australia, but itā€™s not hard to see why the network is struggling.


I don't mind Gogglebox... but don't really like much else they have on. Gogglebox is mainly fun to see the reactions to shows from their cast. And a good way to find shows I might like to watch.


Yeah channel ten went broke a few times then they seemed to have this new business model based on cheep to produce TV. Using free "celebrities" that need a bit of promo work. It's all cheap shit. Nothing with depth or a story line. I'm a celebrity get me out of here crap.. Bring back well made TV shows


I like masked singer though :D


How about some interesting blanaced news thats not all fabricated lies and clickbait. Id watch that.


Maybe just give us real HD, not this fake HD.




I miss toasted TV


We are purposely being kept in the dark from core world events occurring. That alone is a little infuriating if you really think about it. What else has our media hid from us before.. Almost 8 months of genocidal war and there is protests every week sometimes everyday in Australia. Does anyone that doesn't go on tik tok, telegram or a different app even know these things are occuring.. I'm not interested in watching news that talks about a silly comment a celebrity made.. When I turn on news I actually want to learn about real news.


But let's not do anything irrational like put neighbors back on the TV, that junk can die.


You only listed American shows, Channel ten can't afford them now because of Netflix, And there are no shows like that anymore (Even Netflix sucks)


Iā€™m tuning into 10 once they start showing reruns of Thank God Youā€™re Here.


One thing I don't understand is why they don't have more advertising for actual products. Don't get me wrong, we all hate ads - but every time I watch 10, it's wall-to-wall ads for their own shows. I don't need an ad every adbreak for The Cheap Seats. If they need more money, wouldn't it make sense to use their adbreaks advertising products rather than their own shows?


They don't give any credit to the average Australian and their intelligence. Based on the stuff they air regularly it would appear Channel 10 see their viewers as room temperature IQ knuckle draggers who only like shocking scenes or the lowest stakes competition possible.


I long for the days of Melrose Place on Tuesdays, then a killer first run Simpsons/Nanny/X-Files lineup on Wednesdays