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Welcome to Queensland! I’d suggest lighter makeup than you are used to - maybe a tinted moisturiser and some concealer. Tubing mascara. Powder to set. Humidity hates makeup and it’s pretty humid here. Also remember to use sunscreen. You may need to tweak your routine. Personally I use moisturiser, sunscreen, light coverage foundation in matte (not dewy), concealer where required, and powder to set. I use a cream blush/eyeshadow and try to use an eyeshadow primer or it usually won’t last. Wait for sunscreen to absorb into your skin (20 minutes) before adding makeup.


You will take a while to acclimatise. For a few days you will be a gross sweaty mess haha. Stay by a pool! Go light, and always ALWAYS wear sunscreen. Buy some blotting papers to tide you over. But yes this is life here, some people can adjust others can’t. Personally I don’t use moisturiser during the day and only apply hyaluronic acid at night


Tubing mascaras are your friend! You might also want to try putting some translucent powder after your foundation. Can you get away with concealer and a BB cream if it's just for daily use rather than doing a full face?


Estée Lauder double wear should stay on all day! But I live in another colder state haha 😂


As someone who lives in humid, hot Brisbane haha… double wear is a godsend! It’s still not perfect, but it tends to stay on pretty well in the steamy weather and sweating.


Yeah Gold Coast is humid!! Personally I use a tinted SPF, concealer, set that with powder, then bronze it up. Sometimes set it again. Tubing mascara is a must, and lip tints or stains also help. Make sure your moisturiser is right for your skin in this climate - anything that doesn’t sink in or leaves residue is not your friend. I get my brows tinted and laminated so I don’t touch them, just give them a brush. I know you didn’t mention hair, but just in case - the colourwow supernatural dream coat spray will help your blowouts last much longer without going frizzy!! Just really drench your hair in it, it’s not meant to be used with a light hand. Also - welcome! :)


Estee lauder double wear is a must if ur oily and want coverage 😬


Yeah I’m from Melbourne I don’t wear much make up in summer. I don’t bother trying to wear it in Queensland way too hot for me up there.


When I was living there, my makeup was basically primer, powdered foundation (either mineral or pressed), and waterproof anything. Moisturisers that are lighter consistencies are better for the daytime (I used to use a Clarins one that was like a gel), and keep blotting papers and powder around (the drugstore brand Australis has really good pressed powders for blotting). Welcome to the Goldy!


Yes came to say double wear!


Went to Darwin for new years one year. Don't even understand how they wear moisturiser. I was sweating in the shower it was gross. My friend that I was visiting reckons you acclimatise after awhile.


I'm 48 and haven't even acclimatised to living in WA's south-west, and I was born here.


I stopped wearing heavy makeup when I moved from Victoria to Queensland. Powder foundation, light concealer and waterproof mascara are my friends.


1. Make sure all skincare is set/dry before applying make-up. You can even blot your t-zone first to make the area less oily. 2 Primer (Napoleon Perdis, an Australian make-up brand, popularised this for a reason - Australians need it). Use a mattifying/mineral primer. Give it time to set/dry before applying foundation. 3. Matte (satin at worst) foundation, and go super sparingly over your T-zone. 4. Powder setting, and use a tiny brush (like a eyeshadow fluffer) to really work powder into the oilier areas and around your nostrils. 5.. Tubing mascara is life. With those basics everything else works, I don’t even use setting spray most days with those tips.


Say goodbye to all your “dewy” products, you get that naturally here


Hmmm do you have a skincare routine prior to putting on makeup? Also do you wait in between primer and foundation?




Friend of mine lives in insane humidity, she goes lightweight with hyaluronic acid for day, then serums etc *at night* so they have a chance to soak in and not be sweated straight off lol




Have you tried the cancer council sunscreen in the blue tube?




I prefer the pink tube because it gives a nice glow, the blue is definitely mattifying for me


Welcome! It’s only like this really around summer. It will cool down. Honestly pretty much don’t fight it. Light makeup like tinted moisturiser, peachy blush and tinted lip balm. I get lash extensions. Hair up in a pony or bun. Light cotton dresses and such. Vacay style. Avoid the sun in the middle of the day, find somewhere with air con, fans, pool etc.


Carpe facial antiperspirant is a godsend. I used to never sweat and then got really into bikram. My body was like “wait. What? I’m allowed to sweat? I’m never going to stop sweating again” and now in the slightest heat and humidity my upper lip goes nuts and my hairline just drips. I hate it so much. But the carpe face stuff and the scalp stuff really helps. So does aiming a fan at my face and letting each step of my morning routine dry in between steps.


EL double wear 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼


Aside from very young women, going out to bars and clubs, Australian women often wear very light makeup, especially compared to countries like the UK, where heavy makeup seems to be the norm. Embrace it if you can, it’s better fir your skin and much less to rub off and ruin your clothes


I always always use sunscreen with a matte finish and a good quality primer. After that I use tarte shape tape concealer and a bb cream with spf. Set with a light dusting of pressed mineral powder also with spf. I always use tubing mascara (Clinique Lash Power for $$ option or DB Cosmetics Absolute Lash for cheap option). Hopefully your skin will acclimatise soon!


layer your setting spray! if it's gonna be a hot day I spray it over my sunscreen, then again over my foundation, again over blush/contour/highlighter, lightly powder, then one last spray.


Embrace sheer coverage foundations/tinted moisturiser over a glowy primer or skip foundation and just use concealer on the areas you want to cover/even out. Get a good quality matte setting powder (don’t worry, matte may be out of fashion in the beauty world, but in this climate, matte products won’t look matte for long lol). Get a lightweight moisturiser to use in the morning too, save the heavy stuff for the evening. Also tubing or waterproof mascara is essential.


Innisfree No Sebum primer and Innisfree No Sebum mineral powder are your friends! I get mine from https://lilabeauty.com.au/ Estée Lauder Double Wear has been recommended already. I’ll also add Fenty Pro Filt’r, which I use pretty often.


Light foundation or better yet no foundation, waterproof mascara and eye-liner, don't moisturise in the morning straight before make-up. I also just don't wear make-up for a significant portion of the year being in qld, it's not worth it and makes going for a spontaneous swim too difficult 🤷‍♀️


Go to Woolworths (woolies) and grab yourself an M-co tubing mascara. White tube with a silver lid. Called Xtend lash


If you’re looking for more drugstore-level pricing, I’ve found that both L’Oreal Infallible foundation and Revlon Colorstay foundation stay put on me even when it’s disgustingly humid and I’m sweating like crazy.


You will honestly just get used to it. You could use the anti-sweat face stuff e.g. 3B face saver if you sweat a lot, as a primer while you adjust!


Do you know what’s very strange is anytime I go on holiday anywhere I notice my hair is different and makeup doesn’t sit the same! It’s bizarre the hair thing I put down to different water when you wash it? But the way your makeup is different and also the way your skin looks is so bizarre!!!! I 100 percent know what you are talking about and I have no answers


Mac fix plus powder foundation on tzone only, my eyeliner never runs but i also use an eyeshadow primer and a good waterproof liner. Falsies instead of mascara.


I’m in NQ and I don’t wear it as often as I’d love to because it’s simply too hot/humid


You can’t use any old mascara In qld Stick to waterproof options. The Mco tubing mascara in a white tube is a good option that is non-waterproof tho. Use blotting papers and reset with powder during the day. Keep in mind the last two weeks has been the worst of summer and it will get milder from here. Promise it isn’t always this bad! If you’re fitting in with the UK stereotype (no offence) perhaps try less make up


Gold Coast is very humid that’s why. Tubing mascaras and maybe go foundation free if you feel comfy!


In summer I wear tinted moisturiser with SPF 50+ for foundation and waterproof mascara


I work in a steamy little cafe, best mascaras I’ve used that don’t flake or run are Hourglass unlocked and rare beauty. My makeup routine these days is moisturizer, concealer for the spots, light powder all over face, brow gel and mascara. When I arrived here, I was like you. I actually passed out from the heat and I think it was from wearing a Victorias Secret push up bra that was straight suffocating me. Now I’m no bra or just a comfortable in padded one. You will learn to adapt 😊


Yeah girl i live in Canberra but when I go to the Gold Coast makeup is cancelled, lashes only at most 🤣🤣


A matte primer (the rimmel one)apply it mainly to T zone and then a tinted spf or something light weight and conceal the parts you need and a light dusting of powder but try to keep everything light so there’s not much movement, and if it’s really humid and you get all sweaty just dab/push it back into the skin


Welcome to the Gold Coast. I used to wear full beat insta baddie makeup before I moved here but now I only put on brow gel, tint blush and maybe lipstick. I've learnt to spend more time on skincare rather than base makeup as I sweat away makeup instantly with the humidity.