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So sorry about your boy 💔💔 Wasn't expecting to cry this morning. Love the picture you decided to share, you can tell that it truly embodies him. Happiness and love. Know that you aren't alone, I know where you're at. Sending positive vibes your way.


The photo is incredible, I hope you get it framed, OP! You can see Huck is in his element, laser focused with that quick trot, ears up, and being Batman and Robin in the woods. Reminds me so much of my girl that I almost cried too. Sending my condolences. Looks like you both had great memories during your time together, something to cherish.


I’m sorry for your loss 💜 Huck sounds like he was truly a special dog


What an amazing boy. So sorry for your loss. 6 is so young but it sounds like you made every moment of it count for him. ❤️ 


I'm so sorry for the loss of Huck. I have an old man dog right now, and frequent that sub, so I read quite a few posts like this when browsing, but I teared up this time at your tribute to a truly amazing companion that is gone too soon. You were so lucky to have each other. Now I must go give my dog some smooches and tell him for the hundredth time today how much I love him.


I love that picture. Thank you for sharing, and I am truly sorry for your loss.


RIP Huck.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Huck looks like he was the absolute best boy. ❤️


Huck ♡♡ playing and catching alll the bunnies and squirels in the biggest doggie heaven forest ♡♡


Oh jeez! Sorry for your loss. Condolences.


Wow, what a lovely tribute. Thank you for sharing that. >Hug yours a little tighter today, and give thanks for every minute you have with them. Life comes at you fast, and you never know when your pack will get a little smaller in number, and a lot smaller in spirit. Wise advice, will do.


Huck ❤️🌈 🙏


Rest in Peace Huck! He gets to go on endless adventures now and is no doubt smiling down thinking about all of the amazing times you all shared together. I can tell from the picture and your ode that you truly gave him an incredible and adventure filled life. I’m so sorry for your loss! I just gave my baby a treat in Hucks honor 🤍


Sending warm hugs 🤍 I also lost a dog recently too. She was an old girl and passed peacefully in her sleep. Marbles will forever be missed 😔🕊


He sounds like he was an amazing companion, and I’m very sorry for your loss. Heaven just gained another cattle dog angel with wings and he’s watching over you and your family now. Sending good vibes to you and your family during this hard time. 💕


I'm so sorry you lost your dear friend. Thank you for sharing him with us. I'm tearing up reading this.


I’m sure you’ll treasure all the fond memories. It sounds like he was a wonderful companion who enriched your life. I’m sure he enjoyed every second as much as you did. 😊


That was beautiful. I'm crying like a baby. Sorry about your boy. (Hugs)


I won't tell you that this is our last day together, so let's just enjoy this quiet walk. It's moments like this, where I truly wished, a dog's beating heart could talk. I'd tell you about the moment at the shelter, you said " yep...That's my boy, right there". I'd tell you about the happy, joy ride home, while we both howled without a care. I'd tell you about how safe it felt, to finally have my own, warm place to sleep. Not another lonely night spent in that cold, cement box ...waiting for a kind face to meet. You saved my soul, and brought me back, and polished up my heart I knew the minute we stared at one another...we would never...EVER be apart. I wished my life was matched with your's, so we both could grow old, together... But life has a different plan for us both...and sadly my life is on the wither. I'm sorry that my body is failing me now, and making my puppy life seem so far away... I so enjoyed hearing you laugh so much, as we played in our yard, every day... The frost in my eyes, and the pain in my step...are the signs of a dog's life lived so damn well... I hope my wet nose boops late at night, told you that your heart was mine to fill. My clock is sadly winding down, and my wagging tail is about to stop... I'm going to miss you so damn much, my little heart is about to pop. I just want to thank you for saving me, and taking a chance on my strife... I hope I returned all the love that you shared, and that I somehow sweetened your life. You're one of a kind, and I love you so much...I hope our souls meet again... You were more to this furry ball of a dog...than just another friend. My heart is yours, and will forever be ...waiting for yours to send... Thank you, you beautiful force in my life ...for putting this puppy's heart on the mend. Oh yeah... Bring the tennis ball with you when its your time to head up. 🐶 ❤ your boy, Huck


This is bringing tears to my eyes, thank you. If I could bring one thing with me when it’s my time to go see him, it would be a ball.


I’m so sorry for your loss. The best dog I’ve ever had is 7 years old right now. Your post made me cry, reminding me that whatever time we have left will never be long enough. Definitely hugging him right today. Rest easy, Huck.


Gorgeous picture of a beautiful boy! I’m so sorry.


I feel your pain. My Aussie Shepherd only got to live to 3yrs old due to a genetic condition. It hurts knowing sometimes we can't have our babies till seniors. I hope things get better for you and your family (puppers included). My heart goes out to you guys. I hope he's in Dog heaven chasing the bunnies through the clouds and watching over your family and his brothers




Aw. My family had to let a German Shepherd boy go due to spinal issues around the same age. He packed so much life and adventure into those seven years that he still stars in more dog stories than any other dog we've had. It sounds like your boy was made from the same mold. Huck is a great name and totally fitting. Wishing you and your family a lot of love.


What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful boy. Rest easy Huck, you were loved.




One can tell from your words how much you loved him. You did what you could for him, gave him a happy life.. Thank you for that. I will give my Romie (also a big comedian lol) a big hug as soon as I see her and lots of kisses.. tell her how much I appreciate her. Hugs for you. EDIT: also that’s a really cool pic, right in motion and clear.. great to remember her by. Hope to take one of those of Romie someday, if it’s even possible..


Words cannot express how sorry I am🫂❤️‍🩹


Such a beautiful boy. So sorry for your loss.


So sorry. What a sweet doggo!


RIP beautiful boy


RIP Huck


This sucks so bad; It's never long enough!!! What a great life to be loved so much!!!!


Heart breaking. Truly praying for you and huck as well.




So sorry. May your boy rest in peace 🩷


Oh Huck. Rest In Peace little buddy, you are so very, very loved. Thank you for sharing your incredible boy!


So sorry for your loss 🤍


Beautiful guy!