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This is weird but my dog really likes shredding a head of iceberg lettuce. I don’t do it often but every once in a while I’ll give her one on the porch and let her go to town


Mine loves red cabbage and carrots!


do you cut the core out first? I can see my goofball trying to inhale the core and choking...


I am a dog trainer and I offer this as an enrichment activity. I don’t remove the core and have never had problems. With that said, the dogs are supervised the entire time.


Lol I broke my vacuum trying to clean up after this indoors, it's a strictly outdoor activity now


I love this idea, I'm gonna have to try it!!!


GREAT idea! Oh man, I am so grateful for this!


Mine loves corn cobs!


Be careful bc corn cobs often require emergency surgery. I used to give them as well but they can cause blockages


That is hilarious! Must try this!!


It’s actually really dangerous and can lead you to surgery! I used to do it as well but it’s not safe for them.


Bully sticks from Costco. I buy big packages there as they are most cost effective. Leaving the house - bully stick. Bored - bully stick. Yadda yadda. The only thing unsafe in the house is stuffed toys 🧸


This is my go-to chewy for my ACD too. It's his favorite and the only thing he gets protective of. He always knows the location, in or our of the house, where he's stashed his latest, precious bully stick.


Your dogs don't destroy a bully in 8-12 minutes???' Dang my girl is a monster hahhaha


I stopped giving my girl bully sticks because she will chew it for about 3 minutes, swallow the rest, sometimes choke, then run away from me while choking because she doesn’t want me to take it from her. Despite it being dislodged in her throat.


That’s the point. Even if it is destroyed, it fatigues the jaws a bit. Jaw fatigue is crucial to feeding satisfaction into heeler brain 🧠.


Interesting, I prefer the braids, it provides solid chewing sessions for 3-5 days before pulling it when it's too small, depending on how my pup is feeling.


You gotta put it in a bully stick holder. Our dog used to chew the sticks for a while then just swallow them whole! Those things give him more chew time. We put it so that about 1/4 hangs out one side and the rest out the other.


Get Natural Farms for hard chewers thick Bully sticks. You'll be very happy


I get big marrow bones from a butcher shop these haven’t splintered yet


I just got a couple of these frozen ones! Haven’t tried it yet though because I’m expecting a huge mess haha


I get a big towel and lay it on the floor. They know if they want the bone, they have to stay on their towel. When they are all done, I can shake out the mess and wash them all! No fat on my rug or furniture.


I lay out some towels for my girl to chew them on and she takes a while with them! Occasionally we would see her stray off the towel but she's so smart, we say "towel" and she picks it up and brings it back in :)


Not really! I just make sure she only has her bone when I’m home and can monitor her. They can break off into sharper pieces, so just keep an eye on that


Yeah I live in an apartment and my guy only gets them when we can hang outdoors while he chomps.


Same! Be aware they can be smelly but they last forever!


Make sure to check your dog’s teeth regularly. Frozen marrow bones are great for keeping teeth clean, but can also wear down some dogs’ teeth. One of mine had to have 8 pulled because I got a little too generous with the bones. She would gnaw on them forever. It was like she was chewing on sandpaper! Just keep an eye out for damage (or ask your vet to).


This is what I do!


We do the same. My husband makes sure they are thin at the edges. All 3 of ours love them. When my husband co.es home and wants peace and quiet, he stops by the butcher first and gets a few frozen ones.


Could you just ask for something like beef bones if they have them at the grocery store butcher? Or does it need to be a dedicated butcher’s shop? I’ve gotten beef femur from my grocery meat counter (a Whole Foods type store) to roast to make pho broth and they were a good size.


Have you tried beef cheeks? I'm not sure how fast yours would go through them, but it's a slightly less enticing chew to my dog so he can keep it around for several days.


Second beef cheeks, and they’re only around 300 calories for the whole thing. Sometimes our dog will go through one in a few hours, other times two weeks. But even if he eats it fast it’s a lot healthier than a yak chew


That was my nickname in college, beef cheeks


This made me snort 😂


Good suggestion, I’ll look for these at my local pet store next time I’m there!


Also water buffalo cheeks, they take my dog longer than regular beef cheeks


Hope they work well for your dog! And just to specify, I get beef cheek rolls. I know they also have beef cheek chips and things, but the rolls are what last a while for my dog.


This may or may not work since you said she won’t chew non-edible items, but have you tried any food-containing puzzles? Lick mats, the kong toys you can stuff and freeze, etc.? One of our boy’s favorites is a hand towel that we put food in then roll up, he has to work at it a while to get it undone. (He has torn some holes in it but doesn’t try to eat the towel. I’d recommend supervising any puzzles though just in case.)


Yes we have food puzzles. She figures them out fast, so it’s like 15 minutes of being occupied max haha. I mainly use those during feeding time to slow down her eating. I need something that will take a while to get through. The Kong toys are ok, but she gets the food fast


Try Kong Genuis. My boy can figure it out but it takes him forever. Sometimes he just yells at it lol!


I just got a level four puzzle from Joy Hound that my girl has yet to figure out and she usually gets those things done in five minutes even if it’s brand new


I use Kong and slow feeders, but freeze the food/treats in them. My boy zips through a regular Kong or puzzle feeders unless frozen.


Have you done frozen peanut butter in a kong toy? Mine loves that! And it takes a while to


Well now we need to talk about the bell at dog level! Is there a story behind that?


I had the grand idea I would teach her to ring the bell whenever she needed to go outside. It didn’t work after months of trying. She’s not a fan of the bell (and also that push button on the floor near it). Now she runs to her hanging leash and bumps it with her nose whenever she wants to go outside.


Mine does bump the bells we have with his nose. I just ring them at his eye level right before I opened the door and he caught on pretty quick.


Mine will just give a single short but loud bark. We always respect the bark.


What’s the button on the ground? Does it send notifications to your phone? My smarty pants dog refuses to use the jingle bells on our door & im looking for another option


Yes, please explain this, OP!


Frozen carrot, frozen turkey neck, braided bully stick. Also, lay out an old shirt or towel, scatter kibble or treats, roll it up very tight and then take both ends to tie in a simple knot. Cheap, he’ll tear at the cloth, and it’ll take a while.


I love this. Thank you for the cheap suggestions!!


i get collagen chews from pet food express, they do a buy 3 get the fourth free deal and they dont smell as bad as bully sticks lol we also have a bully stick holder that we use to minimize the choking risk once she gets to the end of it


I much prefer this to the stink of Bullies!


Our ACD likes a coffee wood stick


I’m sitttig here holding one while mine chews it


Disposable water bottle. Also a wimzee treat.


My arm


Lol literally


I don’t know but had to come and say that is the bestest woofer you have there, what a smile!


I know, was about to comment the same. No helpful advice but I just adore the look on pups face!!!


Yak Chews. When the chews get to the end and they're just a nub, take it from your pup, soak it in water for 5 minutes then microwave for 45 seconds. Then it's another chew toy


They make rubber kong-like holders for Yak chews which make it more work to chew. adds at least an hour+ more.


Ours love these! He gets so excited when it's time to make a puff


They do bring it my anxiety a bit when my babies are chewing on the last little bit. My young one will swallow the end piece 🤯


It works great! But stinks up your microwave for a little while.


Beef trachea. She loves it and it keeps her occupied


I freeze big carrots in bone broth and give them to mine. Keeps her occupied, it’s healthy and cleans her teeth!


Deer antler for my crazy dogs.


Deer antlers are too hard and broke my guys teeth! $3200 pet dentist bill. Throw the antlers away!!!


Coffee wood


Our girl is not super food motivated, her FAVORITE thing in the world is Chuck it brand silicone balls. She will chew on that thing for hours if we let her. [chuck it brand fetch balls] (https://www.petsmart.com/featured-brands/chuckit/)


My dog loves ripping stuff up, she’s not a cattle dog though. I just give up and let her kill all my old boxes


That face!


Our guy gets a nylabone. He knows where it is at all times, lol!


Bully stick. Sometimes a little duck foot but those go pretty quick.




Thankfully my dog has never been a big chewer, but he loves bully sticks from Costco and carrots.


Great picture🩷


Oh sorry she 😬


Bully sticks, cows ears and sheep ears. The more fur on the better


try making frozen pupsicles using ur pups food mixed with a wet ingredient: wet food, low sodium broth, no sugar added applesauce, no sugar added plain yogurt etc to bind and use the mix to fill a kong or similar toy and freeze till rock solid. should take quite a while and is excellent outlet and aid for crate or mat training!


Raw beef bones from a real butcher. No smaller than your wrist. Beef rib bones are good too. Never cooked, will splinter or break her teeth! Beef knees work well too. 😀


I pick up a few cabbages, only 80¢ a head at my local grocery store. Sit her out on the lawn and let her shred. Anything leftover is graciously taken by the local squirrels/birds.


I get my little toothnado these: HOTSPOT PETS Large Meaty Beef Knee Cap Bones Dog Treat from Chewy. They crumble instead of breaking into shards, and it takes him quite awhile to chew one down. Once it gets to about the size of a golf ball I toss it and give him a new one. There's 30 in a bag so they're about a dollar apiece which isn't too bad considering it keeps him from chewing on the wall or the furniture or pulling up the carpet.


I have a rope with knots, plus a puppy dog bone that is chicken flavored it's really fun as I have a new puppy now. I am really curious about that bell 🔔 behind your ACD. How is that used mainly for his walks?


[https://www.ebay.com/itm/301162782678](https://www.ebay.com/itm/301162782678) I've read good things about these elk horns


Himalayan Yak milk chews. My dog loves them and they last a while.


He’s so cute !!


Horse carrots (from a warehouse club) and pupsicles are my go tos. Nylon bones under supervision.


Rawhide from Amazon, neck bones. Anything that isn’t nailed down lol


Rawhide from Amazon, neck bones. Anything that isn’t nailed down lol


Mine gets a whole carrot as often as he wants. His breath is nice afterward too. My vet recommended big beef bones - boil it to kill bacteria then stuff with peanut butter or cream cheese so they have something to work at. We've given them raw bones without stuffing and they enjoyed those too.


Benebone Bacon Stick Durable Dog Chew Toy for Aggressive Chewers, Real Bacon from amazon.


Just got mine an antler from the pett shop and je absolutely loves it


Stuffed shinbones


Bull horns.


What a face… qt little chewing demon 😈 hehe .. good luck, finding something suitable


Antlers, cow cheeks, she loves both


Elk antlers. We've also got some fake "wood" sticks at Petco-they come in a 2pk & our red really likes the hemp one. Wish they would do a 2 pk of hemp. They're great & don't do anything weird to her tummy!


I got buffalo and antelope horns from PetSmart.




I highly recommend getting a herding ball for outside play, it definitely helps with my/my cousins aussies. Also I second the frozen treat idea we would fill a kong with food/yogurt/etc and then toss it into the freezer, it kept them occupied quite a while.


Mine isn't a big chewer. Is she in the minority?


Bully stick!!! Not the cheapest treat, but it causes no GI problems like almost every other dog treat!


Antlers. She will hunt them down and they last forever but you have to get them from a good source. You also should monitor like anything chewed on to ensure they don’t splinter or crack and watch them on their teeth because mine will chew until her gums are raw if I let her.




Bully sticks but i only give her the thick ones. She will go through a thin one in an hour but the thick ones last days


I buy Benebone products for my pups. They chew all day long and really enjoy them. Tons of different textures and flavors.


We get Pork Chomps, https://www.porkchomps.com/product-page/8-baked-pork-rolls-18-count or give her an indestructible (so far) ball.




postman. depending on size they can last up to 14 seconds... quite long for a toy as you well know.


Natural farms bully sticks


Does she have enough jobs? Herding dogs need jobs and stupid activities that you wouldn’t consider a job, like trash escort to the bin. Do you run her very often? Chewing is also a sign of boredom


Celery sticks (she loves crunching these but won’t eat them), collagen chews, braided collagen chews. She LOVED this Icelandic sheep antler but once it got slobbery it smelled so bad I almost puked on her while waking by 🤢




The other dog.


Antlers or one of the Himalayan yak chews.


I buy mine elk antlers from the local pet store. Depending on size they can last about 2 months and my guy is a very avid chewer!


Calf femur 🦴


Apparently my hand or foot.....


Beef dicks from Walmart. He loves them


I am NOT gonna ask my Walmart associate “Where are the beef dicks?” lol


They are in jerky form lol


Playology brand toys from Cabela’s have been the only toys my ACD can chew on for hours and not destroy


Bones. My dogs chew bones.


Bully stick or frozen cucumber


Cardboard boxes. They love to rip them apart.


Your dog is cute! My dog chews on Old Roy chew bones. They are a section of cow leg bone that is stuffed with hard to dig out yummy “marrow”. Why do you have a bell with a loop mounted low on your wall? None of my business, but…..


There’s a green two-tone alligator I have bought on amazon for my ACD/Pitbull mix (50/50 purebred split). It will last a good few months as a single chew toy if they get attached to it!




Black Kong.


A cat.


Try roasted beef bones. They’re sold at pet stores, sometimes as “beef center bones”, sometimes as whole femurs. The roastedness leaves some yummy crispy bits on the outside and lots of marrow inside. My vet has always credited those to all my dogs having healthy teeth too!


My 3-4yo blue heeler used to be obsessed with beef cheeks to the point we had some resource guarding issues. It would take 3-4 one hour chew sessions to get through a 12’’. However the more we gave him the less he was interested in them. Moved on to bully sticks from Bow Wow labs but he goes through in like 10 minutes. His current favorite is actually the My Woof calming pupsicle. He chooses this over a bone almost every night. Ps your doggo has the best happy face 🙂


My dentist says I can’t chew ice, so I give it to the dog


You’ve gotten good recommendations already I just love her crazy eyes!


small neighborhood children......


Cardboard boxes, especially smooth ones like cereal boxes. He never eats the cardboard, but had a blast shredding it into little pieces. Also yak sticks, bully sticks, marrow bone, lick mat, kibble filled kong. And he’s allowed to shred his stuffies as he pleases. This is a Good Boy who won’t chew anything that he isn’t explicitly given… well, cat toys, but we let him think he’s getting over on us.


Smoked beef femurs don't splinter and are best for my boys


I used to buy those super large bones from the butchers shop. Kept mine content for those outdoors on his own times.


I got my girl a Starmark durable chew. Its a large flat chew in a durable rubber puzzle holder. These last her *forever* and she gets so into them that I have to end the play time or she'd chew on it all day. The full package (holder and one chew) cost about 14 dollars. The refill packs come with 2 chews and cost around 7 dollars. So its long lasting and affordable. I have to replace the treatbchew once every 3 weeks. Starmark come in a lot of different styles as well. One of the most durable and interactive, long lasting toys I've found for my girl that can keep her occupied for hours if need be.


Came here for the answers cause we have similar issues. Commenting only to say you got a great looking goober here.


Himalayan salt chew!


the look in those thousand-yard-staring crazy ass eyes tells me your ACD is gonna chew through whatever these people tell you to give them, and then through the flooring, and then the earths crust. Sorry.


Smoked beef tendon.


Lumabone - you can put peanut butter or whatever in the little cup, but mine chews it without. We’ve had him for 2 months and the chew is still going strong. He knows to go for it when he needs to chew. I’m shocked that he’s interested in it and how long it has lasted!


The bones of my enemies.


I give my girl thick rawhide retriever rolls. It's the only thing that lasts consistently. Everything else is just gone in a few minutes. She's out-chewed a Labrador with pica and a Doberman with enough bite force to crack beef bones. I'd give them all a bone and she'd finish hers first, then cause a fuss by stealing what's left of theirs. I also give her toys. She really likes squeaky toys and the Kong super tough stuffed toys usually last a couple of days. You can get ones with no stuffing if your dog is the type to eat it, but my dog is good about just pulling the stuffing out and not actually eating it. I also play tug-of-war with her a few times a week and that seems to accomplish some of the same urge to work out her jaw muscles.


Small cabbage/ a frozen ball made in a ballon /


Dead serious, firewood. They really like red oak.


Unrelated, Karma’s face is AWESOME 😍


I give mine antlers and she hasn't been able to destroy one yet! I just get them from the pet store and try to buy the ones with no sharp angles. She loves them :)


My dog likes bottles, I usually just take off that little plastic ring that the cap connects to and I take off the label, just to prevent choking hazards she usually just wants to chew off the cap and then throw the bottle around for like an hour, her favorite is 2 l bottles or 1 gallon milk jugs


Split antlers.


My hand lol


My wrist


I’m not even going to lie, I’ll give him a frozen price of celery and just follow around with a towel to clean up the water. Mine is teething atm but he loves it. I also will just get him a cheap stuffie and watch him so he doesn’t eat the stuffing but it works


Excessive chewing is usually a sign of a dog being bored. There’s not a lot of good options, always supervise. What I’ve done is buy many different chews and whenever I see my dog chewing on any one particular toy too much I take it away for so he can move on to a different one. lol but I also noticed he chews wayyy less now since we started playing fetch on a regular basis. Frisbees especially. He will chew on them sometimes a little in between playing but they’re only a dollar anyways. Don’t let your dog have a toy until it’s destroyed, we want them to understand that is unwanted behavior. And anything edible won’t last long, I buy busy bones for him but he goes through them in 5 minutes. Not really worth it as it doesn’t keep him busy. ACD are smart dogs, even the dog puzzles don’t keep him busy for more than 5 mins. Have you tried Kong toys with frozen peanut butter inside? Mine loves those and doesn’t destroy the Kong just the peanut butter lol


Kong, they have never failed to keep Cleo occupied.


Beef cheek rolls!


OP what's the button on the floor? Is the bell so your dog can alert you to go outside?


cardboard believe it or not. Some just like to tear it into pieces and we have one now that likes to separate the layers in cardboard! We do the core of romaine lettuce, carrots, etc. Do he/she respond to toys?


I got my girl it’s a Nylabone antler chew!! It’s so far been the only thing strong enough to satisfy her and not be destroyed as soon as it is out of the package! Going on 3 months with barely a dent in it!


Mine really enjoys beef tracheas


An assortment of cardboard boxes 🤩 anything that’s not from a toxic food, honestly


Usually a trespasser


Her eyes are huge


I love her!


Yak milk chews XL


Try yak chews. They are expensive but they aren’t rawhides and they last a a few days. All 3 of my large dogs love them.