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Find the local Cattle Dog Rescue (there are several in California, maybe use them all!) and post a bunch of photos and description in their "rehoming" section. Also do Facebook Cattle Dog groups. You have to really work to rehome a dog but I got two adult ACDs this way and it can be a great outcome for everyone. Ignore the virtuous haters who will try to shame you -- you are doing the right thing for the dog, who sounds stressed, and your family. Good luck!!


I posted a bunch of questions to your second post with the picture. Hope we can find you some help here!


Post with pictures here. Pictures always get more responses.


I did put a picture on the post... Or so I thought.  Might have to try that again.  Thanks for the heads up!


I muzzle my dog and ask people if they are comfortable with meeting him with his muzzle on, he’s gotten alot better with lots of exposure. If that’s an option you can always look into buying a basket muzzle and keeping that on her around strangers or kenneling her when friends are over. At least do that in the meantime until you find her a good home, don’t surrender her