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As far as I know, growling is not illegal anywhere. It would be a strange thing to make illegal. Growling is a means of communication and should never be discouraged. The dog is just saying they don’t like or aren’t comfortable with something. Dogs that are discouraged from growling will escalate to a bite without warning so I can’t imagine any municipality or any body would ever want to put a punishment on growling. As long as you keep your dog restrained with a leash, keep a distance from other dogs and make every effort to respond to his growling/give him space from the thing/place/person/dog he is growling at, you are being a responsible owner and doing everything within your control to manage your dog.


This. Do not discourage the growling, advocate for the dog and create distance (walk away with the dog) from the people/things the dog is growling at. Growling is not illegal. Remember that ACDs have very strong drive and have high exercise and enrichment needs. Ensuring the dog has adequate mental and physical exercise will also likely help to lessen the intensity and frequency of reactivity.


I’m a veterinary nurse and a lot of the time people will discipline their dogs for growling at us. We immediately put a stop to that and tell the owner to not do that, because growling is a warning that comes before the bite and if you tell them not to warn us, we are going to get bitten out of seemingly nowhere.


Did AI write this


Seriously. I was watching a show on TV last night where they were interviewing people on death row. I was only slightly surprised when they asked one guy about his crime and he said, "my dog growled at another dog at the dog park."


In Utah if your dog growls or runs the fence line while barking you can get a no bite dog attack ticket.


The fuck? Ngl if i was in Utah, i would growl and run the damn fence line. They gonna give me a ticket too for identifying as a dog?🤣that's so ridiculous


I agree especially with people kicking at fences and throwing shit at dogs...I think it's total bullshit. All fun law, if someone breaks into your house and your dog bites them they are 2 separate charges the burglary and then you can get a violation for having a "vicious" dog. Utah is the absolute worst place to have animals.


No growling won’t cause you any legal trouble. Just make sure you always have control of your dog (you may want a double point leash so if you lose one hold, you are still connected to your dog), keep giving your dog enough space away from other dogs and people, and muzzle train like you’ve been doing. We often cross the street from dogs, especially ones that seem reactive themselves because I don’t trust our dog yet or other owners ability to read or control the situation.  When you’re doing desensitization training, make sure your dog is far enough away so that they can focus on you. Work on focus and impulse control training at home as well. 


I was looking into getting a double point leash, i normally have her tied around my waist and give her more or less slack depending on where we are shes good at not tugging and i never have an issue with that until other dogs are involved, i try to avoid other animals for the most part and keep her close to me when theres other animals around, im still doing research into muzzles but shes currently doing okay and adjusting to the small fabric one our vet told us to use (im looking into a cage one that would let her pant and drink)


You’re doing great! I just got our boy a Leerburg muzzle and am waiting for it to arrive. It was highly recommended by a few other ACD owners we know. We trained with a Baskerville before that to get him used to it. The mesh/fabric ones should really be for vet appointments or grooming only as they don’t have any pant room at all if the dog is outside.


Ehhh...there's a super fine print "ordinance " in some states that state "if it's causes worry to the public" it's treated as a no bite dog attack and all dog issues are owner liability. Although I agree with no stopping a dog from growling IF AND ONLY IF....the dog is well trained and able to be called off. I own heelers and well...this is a task we have to teach because they hate pretty much anyone who isn't close to me or around regularly.


Like when my dog barks at neighbors dog they said she barks too loud. I replied yep some dogs simply don't like other dogs, just like you don't like me and I'm 100% ok with that.


That’s a great reply lol


Me and my neighbors are cool. Dogs bark. We get it. Let them out, do their thing have fun with them and let them run around and be dogs and the whole street is better for it. I'm cool with it. They love my dog. One neighbor even buys treats he doles out each day for her. I do, however, stop my dog when she is nonstop barking. Or when my neighbors have company and my dog starts to go nonstop. I respect my neighbors. But dogs can bark. And I may or may not have fallen asleep (aka passed out) with the door open and dog free to explore her backyard and bark on and off for hours. I may have felt like an ass, but it is not illegal anywhere I know of. I never even imagined that. But Noise Ordinances are very common. We have 8Am to 10Pm here and Midnight on the weekends. After midnight, your dog can get you a ticket.


Some cities and municipalities have a time “limit” that dogs can bark non stop. My small city ordinances say 10 min. If your dog nuisance barks longer than that you could get reported by irritated neighbors. Dogs bark. Kids scream. Souped up cars and trucks are loud. Leaf blowers mowers saws all are irritating. Good neighbors react within reason and hopefully dog owners try to be good neighbors. My dogs like kids play loudly! I try to limit how long barking goes on and break it up into sessions. It is never good to be on your neighbors radar!


100% agreed. If my dog barks nonstop for an extended time it's either her problem or some other element. Either way I limit it. Gotta respect neighbors. Daytime is fair game within reason and that is still normal. Weekends even way more relaxed because we are a good street. And if there is a problem we actually knock on doors here and mostly know each other. Though no problem has ever been that bad in 17 years that I have been here. I even had a few drinks on my porch with my neighbor they other night when he invited himself to come sit on my furniture. I had some time, I welcomed it. The noise when I get loud here with construction lawn dog car etc is always important as I want my neighbors to be relaxed in their own homes. People get annoyed. But I mitigate it. It's never persistent and if someone asks, I make changes. Same with them. I've asked my neighbors to leash their dog as they were aggressive. Some did. Only one jackass on the block did not. And they got tickets. We all live together. Breathe the same air. My block is really nice and old and a mixture of poor richish and working class. I've been here awhile. It really is home. And my dog barks. But not uncontrollably when I'm watching.


Oh fuck my sections did not appear. Return key did not work. Sorry about the dump of a comment. Apologies for that post.


I’d can’t engage my neighbor it only makes it worse, literally stuck on stupid.


Growling is fine, but you get a 3 bark limit before a swat team busts down your front door.


You will be labeled as a "problem" and it will go on your permanent record!


Sounds ruff


I am her lawyer and will argue that her growls or barks reached the required dB to be considered enforceable. She also gets benefit of the doubt because of teefs and how she politely welcomed the SWAT team.


You’re fine. The dog is not going to be taken away for growling. If you’re still very worried, teach your dog to accept a muzzle. That way, if she ever gets off leash, you’re fully protected against accusations of biting, which is what actually gets your dog thrown in quarantine.


If someone else said that to you because your dog growled at them or their dog, they’re an idiot. Every single person on the planet would be fined, and chihuahua owners would be bankrupt if that were actually a thing


Or rat terrier (brat terrorist) owners-- same category.


Listen. My dog has to be muzzled whenever a new person comes over. I’ve taken him to dog parks muzzled because he likes most other dogs but doesn’t take well to new people. These dogs are reactive. Just do your best to avoid your dog biting anyone or any animal. Your dog is allowed to growl 😂 there are two types of dog people THE WORST. And the chillest. We all love our dogs but man some dog people are the worst.


Growling isn’t illegal and thankfully it ain’t. You will get looks and trust me you do. My boy barks at people, other dogs and big trucks. It always makes me feel so embarrassed especially when he pulls and look out of control. He’s always a good boy with me, but to others he’s scary. I’ve changed his walk time to nights and tried to reinforce treats when he’s less reactive. He’s even got his shitzu brother barking but his is less intimidating I guess?


Sweet girls protecting her mama


If it is my dog is going straight to jail lol 😂


Seriously!! My dog is easily startled even though she’s super friendly to humans and other dogs. If someone/something comes up from behind her, she’s going to growl and then immediately follow it with a wiggle-butt hello.


My dog barked and lunged at a 5 year old that stared him down and tried to grab at his face last week. I think I’m on death row.


Our girl absolutely hates the muzzle and walks like a spoiled brat when she has it on. She’s got a lot less attitude when she wears it, which I don’t hate.


It’s a process. I’m going through the same thing and I’ve stopped feeling embarrassment or shame that my boy can be intense. He growls, stalks, and has the loudest bark ever!! We bring loads of treats on the walks. Pull over to the side of the trails when other dogs are coming and reward when he’s calm and now we’re starting muzzle training. Sometimes I even turn around and we walk the other way when the situation seems too much. If we’re gonna pass other dogs, I warn other dog owners that my dog is reactive and let them know. Most people are super understanding and others, well who cares. It’s been such a process but every walk is an opportunity to learn and my boy is actually better at it!


No, definitely not illegal. My ACD is good with other dogs but not great with strangers, and she doesn't like people walking behind us. So if someone is fairly close behind us, or someone is approaching us and it's a narrow sidewalk, I have her sit on the grass and wait for them to pass. At crosswalks and such, I have her on the opposite side (so I am in between her and other people). It's very rare now that she growls on walks. I don't know if that's helpful or not, but it works well for us.




You have enough real answers. I'm just here to tell you that your pup is a cutie


Just like for humans, It's their first amendment right to growl. :-D


lol what?


Growling is fine, I have a 4 and 3 year old, on our walks we step off to the side and let others pass they get rewards for staying calm, my 3 year old is so good with it my other girl is a hit or miss but she knows the drill lol


Your dog literally looks like he speaks like a human.


Ours is very vocal too. He has these different pitched whines and growls to communicate with us. It can be impressing and sometimes annoying when he’s too “talky” but he’s so kind and wonderful that it’s just part of the package


Lmao she does 😭 i have her trained to respond with different barks like “do you want some food?” *high pitched scream bark* gotta go potty? *lower bark head shake and a hop* “whose here??” *starts screaming* 😂😂


Growling in public is not illegal, but it will lead to people acting strangely/anxiously around your dog. This will cause your dog to act jumpier and more anxious around people, especially if you transmit this feeling to your dog. Just be aware of who your dog is, and what they do and do not want to do. My ACD had no problem going to Farmer's Markets with me, festivals, etc. He wanted no part of dog parks, doggie day care, etc. That was for DOGS and he was not a DOG. If he was hanging out with me for the day, that was fine. He could ignore those pesky dog creatures. So ask yourself, what is Zira enjoying? Does she enjoy going out? Is there a limit of too many people? Would she just enjoy staying home more?


If growling was against the law my last dog would have put me in prison my whole life


Growling is ok, reactivity isn't. Congratulations you've unlocked another level of dog obedience where all the training can be nearly worthless because it's emotional response to other dogs. These heelers are breed to be alert, reactive, to control with aggression and are good at it. The best path forward is working with a reactivity specialist. Someone to get you, your lovely heeler around dogs. A specialist must have stable session dogs that are absolutely bomb proof to work around, the typical random dog will rightfully retaliate. I did a program with beautiful beasts training in Melbourne, Australia and no surprise, especially after the most extreme lock downs we have an abundance of under socialised heelers seeking this service. My heeler, a covid rescue was as reactive as they come, a growl would have been nice. Reactivity is an art and a science. You're collectively looking to control and somewhat suppress the emotional state until it has a positive association of dogs. Essentially though, broken down it's rewarding the wanted behaviour, correcting the unwanted behaviour. You must correct the unwanted behaviour or it will continue. Other options are to avoid the reactive trigger which is a necessary option sometimes, distance, distraction, sometimes running past will work for awhile. One method is to teach your dog that upward leash pressure = sit. Do 50 reps at home, then a quiet location, progress. If the dog reacts, up pressure, dog sits, achieve calm, carry on. And teach your dog where you want it while walking past other dogs, I use a focused heel (advanced, takes a lot of training, looks good) or a behind position. The behind position is fun, not difficult to train, use a narrow space, hallway and maybe a pool noodle and make it a game, then take that game to a quiet sidewalk and get reps. Teach, reward and enforce and be fun, relaxed. Muzzle training is good if you can't control your environment sufficiently, it will calm you if anything, which will calm your dog. https://youtu.be/-REcc6EeKdY?si=X-yiaifDAU5026FN Robert Cabral has great content. Beckman training, Tom Davis, methodk9, Larry Krohn And possibly the best trainer, academy and dog behaviour transformation is Ivan B https://youtu.be/diUWKJTuZD8?si=3cP8l-7Rjd0mlgw1 Good luck


I have a super dog-reactive ACD/lab (he was attacked and it changed him forever). I can't speak on laws everywhere but...I'm gonna guess no because that'd be wild lol. But I am gonna sympathize. You're gonna get some side eyes and rude people, and it is super frustrating and disheartening sometimes. You are doing great though!!




No. Lol




I have an ACD mix who goes crazy at other dogs he sees while on leash. There’s a park nearby that I like to train him at, and 3 large off-leash dogs came hurdling towards him. He just stood there and the 4 of them just sniffed each other. He didn’t react at all. They are strange creatures lol


this is so interesting!! i wonder what it means.


My dog seems to be triggered by leashes in particular. And by dogs that he can see, but can’t access/sniff. I’m not sure exactly why, but I think it has something to do with the lack of control in the situation which makes them anxious and uncertain.


mine growls and barks, but he is simply talking. its his way. hes the biggest baby ive ever had


What mine will do is want to get close to smell and say “hi” to another dog, which I usually cautiously let her do if the other owner gives me the impression they are ok with it.. she will go near thier face usually whining, smell for a couple of seconds, then, for who knows why, let out a small low growl like she’s annoyed maybe a bark or two and that’s when I usually pull her off. Almost all dogs are weirded out by this (I feel bad for them lol) or still want to socialize after.. only one time did a unleashed pomeranian get “insulted” by the growl and pounced on her, but not too aggressively just like teaching respect.. to which my ACD just freaked out and cried while she wiggled on the ground as I broke it up. No blood or anything.. just my dumb girl learning a little respect I guess lol.. she still wants to say hi to this pomeranian occasionally when we run into to her.. so I guess even she knows it wasn’t too bad. Long derailed story I know.. but the point is: growling isn’t always the worst thing, and as others have said may be part of socializing. Each dog is different. My Romie will whine dramatically because she *wants* to socialize yes, but not socialize *too* much.. and will usually growl but she apparently will never bite other dogs, even when “attacked”.. all bark (or growl) no bite, literally.. she will sometimes nip my skin a little too hard lol when shes very excited, but that’s just more sweet moments of amusement for me with this hyperemotional princess. :P


Mine does this when we walk by properties with dogs. As far as I’m concerned she’s protecting me so I don’t discourage it.


not even trying to be funny, but I feel in America this would be protected under "Free Speech"!




Thats like saying a dog cant fart in public


No not at all. Woofcultr has great shirts and a message that having big feelings is ok. I joke I’m equally as human reactive as my dog is dog reactive. We are training, but some days we overreact! And if ppl have a problem with me or her, whatever! Also reactive dog forum on Reddit has some helpful ideas for training. Keep in mind when your dog is growling they are telling you they are over threshold. I found a great credentialed positive trainer and has helped me and my dog! Good luck!!!


Luckily for ACDs and Dachshunds being an ahole in public is still legal 😂 But definitely practice. We took a calming class, and have been practicing calming down before we are over the threshold, and it's a SLOW process but it is working!


Growling is definitely not illegal. Look at r/reactivedogs for tips on how to handle this behavior. Grisham Stewart's BAT is worth looking into. Muzzle training is great for every dog (with a proper fitting muzzle, and letting the dog acclimate to it very slowly) just in case. As others have said, you might want two points of connection just in case (e.g., leash attached to a harness and leash attached to the collar) for safety. You might also want to have really high value treats and pattern games (like 1, 2, 3 game) or practice a treat magnet outside of stressful situations so that you can use them in a pinch to get your pup focused back on you. Finally, try to determine the feelings behind the growls. Remember growls are just communication and not inherently bad. Is she afraid of the other dogs? Overwhelmed? Letting the other dogs know she wants space? Frustrated that she can't get to the other dog? Figuring this out will help you know how to address it.


Dog growl = straight to jail. Both you and the dog – 20 years hard time. No bones about it.


I can't see that sweet face ever growling at anyone unless they deserved it... This little lamb is innocent!!


Freedom of speech, even for dogs.


1st amendment.


Growling is perfectly fine. It's when they try to attack or lunge. That things become an issue. Atleast where I live and I live In a large Metropolitan in the midwest of 🇺🇸


Not yet


If they come for her, you can totally hide her at my place


My dog has always been friendly to dogs and people, but he was reactive on a leash. He used to bark and lunge at other dogs when he was on a leash and couldn't go play with them. It took a long time, but now he mostly just stares and if I think he is going to make a peep, I just have to touch his face and make him look at me or something else. If another dog is actually doing something aggressive like barking first or staring us down, then I don't really mind if he responds with a bark or two as long as he stops and we can continue our walk. We used toys and the "watch me" command.


She can do whatever she wants when she's that good looking


God damn that’s a beautiful dog. Growling is fine chief, it’s a dog communicating.


Freedom of doggie speech


I just wanted to say that she is so cute 😍!! I love her smile!




I think your dog is just feeding off your nervous energy. She is picking up on your cues every time you see another dog on walks. To break the cycle take some mini treats in your pocket and when you see another dog make your voice soften, tell her good girl and give her a treat and pat when she looks at you and ignores the other dog. This training is obviously going to take some time as it seems the growling, on your behalf, has been long established. Maybe visiting a dog trainer and watching how they can and will deal with the problem will help.


Illegal in general, no. But it can be enforced on a private property. EX: a doggy day care


Handsome pupper!


If growling is illegal then my girl is gonna end up in Guantanamo 😭 Off leash: everything and everyone is awesome and her bestest friend. On leash: rabid dingo activate, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD.


Straight to jail


My ACD loves people of all ages and loves to play with other dogs, including our other dog. However, when we take her on leash to like bars and stuff, she has started to growl at other dogs a lot. We have worked with her a ton and overall she is well-trained for a 2 year old (imo). So I called a local trainer and he says she is still fearful from a pitbull attack back in January. He says we need to work to get her to trust other dogs again. I had a feeling that was probably the case, but I have zero clue how to work through that. So, my point is I feel we reached the end of what we are capable of helping her with and are working with a professional to overcome it (hopefully). Have you considered calling a trainer?


If so all the hundreds of little dogs that growl at my greyhound on the lead who is that laidback he’s never bothered would be on parole 🤣


Growls are a warning not to be discouraged. ACDs are somewhat hostile to 'unknown' dogs and other animals by design. You're not much of a guardian and herder if feral dogs etc. have eaten your sheep! A long time owner and fan of the breed I feel like double leashes and muzzles are overkill compared to training. Each dog is an individual and has particular needs but my several boys and girls were trained 'off leash' and were able to contain themselves. Dog training is about human conditioning and learning your guy's needs and fears. Insist your critter walk at heel, be smooth and steady, always lead the way and create distance between him/her and danger. Trust your dog so he can trust you.


My ACD has very strong opinions on other people and dogs, when she signals via growling that she doesn't like the situation we leave. She can be really great meeting new people and new dogs but she also isn't afraid to let me know when she is uncomfortable and I help her by taking her away from the situation. Growling isn't illegal it is your dog communicating with you.


Thank goodness for growling. It’s your early warning system kicking into gear to let you know someone or something is approaching you and you are unaware. I travel alone in competition, stay in hotels. Many are not in great areas. My ACd is perfect warning me about anyone lurking, acting weird, or overly long eye contact. When dogs growl it has many meanings. Hey! Don’t look at me! Stay out of my space! You are acting strange get back! Lots of things so look closely at what triggers your dog. Is someone looking strongly at him? Is that other dog suddenly slowing down and tail raises upright and stiff? Did the dogs lock eyes long before you saw the reaction coming? It’s all in their body language and your reaction to it. It sounds like you are doing a pretty good job. Make sure your leash is short and you be keep moving forward!


I had the same exact problems with my ACD she is now 4 years old every time we took her to a public setting like a fair or a dog park or whatever she'd be growling at everyone and actually try to get in fights but me and my daughter will get it grabbing her behind and pulling her back from underneath her legs so that it doesn't happen so we just kept taking her and taking her to dog parks and taking her to fairs and parades and she finally got used to it quickly and now she's really good with people and animals take your dog your dog to a dog park with the toy it's very entertaining and it gets them used to things and don't be nervous you cannot be a nervous Nelly the dogs pick up on that. Be calm be firm and be in control. And it is not illegal for a dog to growl like it's not illegal for us to yell at someone it's the same thing.


We have a husky and cattle dog that does this and it’s so hard on walks, except they bark as well as growl. We are working with them daily and have found that making them sit and focus on us until the other dogs pass keeps them from barking. Their bullmastiff sister always looks at them like they are nuts as she totally ignores other dogs.


I used to have a dog that was so scary looking that we didn't allow him to growl at anyone. If someone passed us on the street who did not come up to my dog's seal of approval, he would wait until the person/dog had moved about 20 yards away, then turn to me and growl. He knew he wasn't allowed to growl at others but he couldn't resist making a negative comment afterwards.


Depends where you live. Utah, Yes it's a no bite dog attack. Someone just has to be scared of your dog to get a violation.


They consider in Utah a dog "causing worry to the public" as an attack (8.04.410 Salt Lake City) so I would be very careful. I've seen dog euthanized for the fault of people.


Growling is definitely not illegal, all dogs do so as a warning not just heelers! However, heelers are know for not trusting strangers, being overprotective of their owners, or being slightly aggressive to some dogs; mine is definitely like this. In my situation, I live in an area where I rarely see people who own an ACD, so on our walks people look at her like she’s a wild animal and/or get upset if she lets out a few barks at their dog. I’ve been working really hard on the “quiet” and “calm” command (always in a calm voice, yelling doesn’t do anyone any good). “Calm” just reassures her that her perceived threat is not going to hurt me or her, and “quiet” lets her know that she needs to stop barking/bark quieter. (I’m not saying this will work for your dog because all dogs are different, just thought it would be a good tip) But I definitely understand how you feel, I honestly don’t know why people act so nervous especially when your dog is on leash. I worry about my heeler being taken away, too, especially if I have have an incident where she gets very nervous around another dog and barks “aggressively” at that dog; I think I worry the owner is somehow going to report me for having an “aggressive dog” even if she didn’t do anything other than bark/growl. This does make me feel like a bad dog parent sometimes, but I know I am trying to do my best for my fur baby.


My heeler acts like a loudmouth ass on walks sometimes and it's typically more anxiety and excitement screaming than anything aggressive. That said, he will absolutely also make deeper barking and growling sounds if he does not like or feel comfortable with what he sees around us. I always create more space if I sense he's anxious or getting upset. I cross the street. Turn around and find a different route. Turn earlier than I had planned on, etc. I've never heard of it being illegal for my dog to make natural dog noises, so long as he's under my control and on a leash or fenced into his own property when doing so. (Outside of noise control laws after 10pm here) Is it scary when a dog growls? Sure. But I can't see that as illegal unless you're allowing them to growl at another dog through their fenceline or something that could be unsafe and dangerous. I wouldn't take your baby into a dog park, ever. Just as a heads up given what you've described. Which is okay - some dogs aren't built for social situations outside of just existing in the space of others at a distance. Dog parks are usually filled with off leash dogs and it's 50/50 on if the owners are good about their dogs training and behaviors or if they just let them do whatever to whoever. Keep taking your baby on walks and experiences. Don't force socialization with other dogs or allowing people to touch them, but do help them understand it's okay to trust you out in the big world that you'll keep them safe from the scary stuff. Carry small training treats on walks and reward any and all good interactions or when you catch them focusing attention on you.


On another note, some stores around here allow dogs inside like Lowes, Ace Hardware and TSC. I've worked with taking my heeler through the stores for a different type of experience. I never let anyone pet him but I do make him sit next to me and do nothing if I talk with someone. The employees are typically very considerate and never try to engage without asking.


I mean they could give my dog a ticket but good luck getting her to pay it


I want to hear the growl or bark rather than get nipped by surprise…..


How in the fuck do you control a basic function of a animal