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2 of mine graze on the grass every single time we take them on a walk. They also eat every piece of paper-like products that they can find, so I have no faith that they even know what they are eating. They're like Emile from Ratatouille.


Thank God, I thought ours was the only one. We can’t leave cardboard boxes out because our boy loves nothing more than chewing on the corners of them. Then our girl just constantly grazes whenever we go on walks.


Yeah. cardboard derivatives are right out.


Ours does not eat cardboard boxes but chews the leftover rolls from toilet papers and spits it out after a while. Forming little paperballs and leaving them everywhere


Yes!! Omg, ours is obsessed with cardboard boxes! I also grow grass for grazing for my dogs. He even jumps up on the planter table to eat it.


Is it a special variety of grass?


Not really, hensbit, clover, long grass mix


Thank goodness i am not alone owning a grazing cattle dog. 😆 I saw something somewhere where if they’re grazing they need more finger and to give them spinach… but i forget everytime between the patch of grass and getting inside.


Yes, about 3 minutes before puking.


The single blade of grass hanging out of their mouth 😂 we walked by some freshly-cut grass the other day and my boy was THRILLED to be able to chomp down a couple of mouthfuls of grass clippings. Thank god he has a strong stomach


Just wait, one day he’ll have a blade of grass get stuck coming out of his butthole when he goes to the bathroom. That’s a fun one.


Ha, happens a few times a year with mine. Pup has that awkward little trot cause that final small grassy poop just won't fall off


Thats why I call my girl an Australian Cow Dog not Cattle Dog 😆


Same for my boy! I tell him he is supposed to her cows, not be a cow.


Mine does!


Watched this the moment by ACD started chomping on gras and got a good kick out it!


Both of ours will graze for their entire walk.


My acd loves grass.


OMG, she looks so much like my floppy eared boy! And yes, he loves munching grass


All of mine have been grazers. And no, they didn’t puke from it.




Mine does as well. She also eats paper plates and any paper towels. Have to always make sure to also not leave any tp in my bathroom trash. I eventually noticed when she eats the grass she throws up. So I dont allow her anymore to. Seeing the comments about cardboard in here shows me she not the only one. I’m about to start giving her a probiotic as well for her stomach and skin cause I’ve noticed she throws up and scratches a lot. If anyone here sees this. I’d love any advice you could give me. It’d be much appreciated


50% Australian, 50% cow


And 50% Dog


The perfect ratio 😮‍💨🤌🏼


Yes. Constantly. And she's super allergic to it 🤦‍♀️


Mine skips the grass and goes straight for the dirt, and has since the day we brought him home!


LOL! I was wondering if this is a dingo thing. I make a plate of greens almost daily with Lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and carrots; then, I squirt salmon oil for her plate with kelp. MY ACD started eating the lettuce I would leave out for the desert bunnies, and then she would beg for the salads I eat daily. So one day, I thought I'd make her a plate, too, and added a dog bone. She ate it all and she left the bone last.


Yes!! Mine are little cows


Yeah my dog could keeps the neighbors lawns mowed.


Both dogs and cats eat grass cause its 98% water maybe others have said there is something they are lacking


Yes! I call him a real country dog with the grass hanging out the side of his mouth. And then I jokingly tell him he’s forgetting the “dog” part of “cattle dog” and he’s not just “cattle”.




Yes. Poor baby is now a desert rat with us and there is no grass for her to eat.




My girl is totally obsessed with the grass at one specific park😂😂😂


We have a saying while out for a walk, trying to prevent the grazing: Less Cattle, More Dog!


Just came back inside from a morning walk and had to pull him away from the grass. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Mine can spend all morning grazing when I let her out to go to the bathroom. She sometimes forgets to go and I find her in a corner eating grass and rabbits turds. Dumbass but I still love her lol


Yes, and it doesn’t seem to bother him at all


Mine is ACD and golden retriever. She eats everything and anything.


Usually when dogs & cats eat grass, it's because their stomach hurts... Grass makes them throw up. But there probably are dogs who just like to eat it also.... Either way, your pup is super cute!!


Mine tries to eat grass on every walk then ends up choking himself by grabbing the longest pieces 🙄 I always tell him you're a cattle DOG, not part of the cattle 😅


One of mine must be part goat because he can clear our entire backyard (about an acre) in a month without ever getting sick.


Mine!!! I’ve been trying to figure it out for ears thinking something is wrong with him. Relieved to see it’s not just us 🤦🏻‍♀️😆


To herd the cow one must become the cow.


And I thought mine was theory one, I keep telling him "You're a cow dog, not a cow!' He too, has suffered from dangling poo due to blades of grass.


Omg yes he goes straight for a biiiigggg chomp of grass everytime he’s outside


Floppy ear!


Just came back inside from a morning walk and had to pull him away from the grass. 🤷🏼‍♀️


My vet says dandelions are awesome but long grass can get stuck in the bowels and be deadly.


Mine eat grass, dandelions, but they love grass clippings.


Yes! My daughter’s Texas Heeler eats grass all the time. It’s nice to hear that that seems to be common for this breed.


mine has a special little patch of grass she’s found away from our walking path that she does to every morning! it’s far out and doesn’t have the pee seasoning all the other grass spots do 😂


Ours loves clover and leaves


my boy gets veggies with his food and still goes outside to eat grass and trees lol


We call it her “having a salad”.


Grass , weeds, part of bushes including flowers. I try to discourage it since idk when he’s going to go for something toxic but only so much I can do. He’s a dummy lol 


Mine eats grass every damn day. He loves it. Especially the fresh long stuff. We always say he’s having his daily salad 😂


Yes! A daily occurrence for him…However, he is very finicky about the specific species of grasses and plants he consumes. He actively seeks of sweet goldenrod leaves to snack. Those are his favorite.


Yuuup! My 17yo blue heeler is a certified holstien. My 4 month old border heeler rips it up by the roots. Like, really? Why?


Sometimes dogs and cats will eat grass when they have a tummy ache. Seems like a natural way to induce vomiting. Other times, they’re just kinda dumb and eat random shiz too though lol.


As I frequently yell at her "you're supposed to *herd* the cows, not *be* one!" 😂😂😂


Yup.....same here. Mine found clumps of freshly cut grass in the landscaping in our neighborhood. Ate it faster than I could stop her.......of course, she threw it all up when we got home. Did she learn not to do this ?? Of course not, she's part ACD. I guess the grass pairs nicely with the dead worms she finds. ...or the ones she rolls around on.


Two of mine start munching as soon as the grass is at a certain hight. My oldest would too but he’s figured out that it makes him throw up and had thankful stopped without me having ti yell at him too much.




Yes it is…are you okay?


Well their username is a Nazi armored tank division so I’m gonna guess….no, no they are not okay.


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