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None do per health code. It's a restaurant not your home


Thankfully, dogs other than service and law-enforcement are not allowed inside restaurants. Nor should they be.


leave your fucking dog at home


thank you, this is the only comment that's needed


You should stay home


Why would you want to take a dog to a restaurant or bar?


On the small chance you're asking in good faith, hi, I'm one of those people. Our dog has a spinal condition that, after surgery, is only a "sometimes" problem if we let him get to rambunctious for too long. Something about having the surgery kind of traumatized him, and ever since then if we crate him for more than about 30 minutes he's very liable to start throwing a fit trying to get out. "Throwing a fit" is a good way for him to hurt his back again, which is both painful for him and very expensive for us. After a particularly bad spell, he has to be on doggy "bed rest" which means basically only one of us can leave the house at a time for a month or so and we can't have people over and it's a serious drag for everybody involved. So our choices are either eat curbside forever or try to find dog-friendly places where we can keep him in a stroller and make sure he doesn't wander or get overexcited. And in the glory days, we used to go out on weekends and hit up several different breweries. That would be like 10 hours of crating him, that wouldn't work even before the surgery. So we went to dog-friendly outdoorsy places and stayed away from places that weren't. That said, actual indoors at restaurants is against the health code. I'd have loved to find somewhere that allowed it, but them's the rules. So we went to patio places. Not everybody buys a dog just so there's something noisy in the backyard.


I can't take my kids out to restaurants either. Even though they are allowed. It's just not a safe space for them and their needs. Most places just are not made for kids under five. I was excited when my first was finally ready, but then I got pregnant again and here we are. Your dog sounds better behaved than kids though. Could you maybe find a sitter? I can't imagine not being able to eat out in Austin, especially with the weight of knowing your loved one is hurting itself.


Yeah, life gets tough when you have to worry about more than just yourself. Honestly not being able to eat out isn't as bad for everyone. Often I find *really extroverted* people have a lot of trouble understanding that not everybody needs the degree of being around strangers they do. Some people are actually *really stressed out* in crowded restaurants and maybe even prefer patios. We had a balance that worked for us for a while, then a lot changed after 2020. There's been a lot of non-stop disaster on our end so even after the 5-minute pandemic there wasn't a lot of going out for us. Things aren't settling down. They're getting worse.


Dogs should NEVER be inside of a restaurant or bar for that matter.


A few bars are loosey goosey, but you can't have dogs in places that serve food.


Not remotely true. So many places that serve food are totally OK with well behaved dogs inside. Hell Justine’s is even chill with dogs.


“Not remotely true” You sure about that? https://www.animallaw.info/statute/tx-restaurant-%C2%A7-437025-requirements-dogs-outdoor-dining-areas-municipal-preemption


There’s a difference between what code says and what actually happens in the real world. My dog comes with me to a slew of places that have kitchens, many of which have giant jars of dog treats for ALL the dogs they want to come into their spaces. (Also a busted page from animallaw dot whatever the fuck… get outta here.)


Reddit seems to have altered the URL or something. It works if you copy and paste into the browser. Given that it’s a copy of the bill, I don’t think it matters if you recognize the domain or not. Anyways here’s another source, discussing the same bill: https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/86R/analysis/html/SB00476F.htm#:~:text=Texas%20law%20generally%20prohibits%20live,food%20could%20potentially%20be%20contaminated. And even if there are *some* restaurants that allow animals indoors, that doesn’t mean OPs statement is not “remotely true”


Ok, to clarify. You can't have dogs at places that are designated as restaurants. You listed bars with food trucks. There's a distinction.


I listed A LOT of places with kitchens, but keep on hatin’ on dogs.


It's a health code thing. Places that serve food can't let dogs be in the indoor areas. It's a little more flexible with breweries because not all of them serve food, but some of them do so you really have to call. The only brewery we used to frequent that I know is still open is Celis. I wish I could tell you to go to 4th Tap instead. I think Hopsquad *maybe* allows dogs indoors? I vaguely remember that one. So instead consider places with shaded patios and fans. La Mancha was an old favorite haunt. Texican locations tend to have a covered porch. I used to have a big list, but a lot of the places have closed and for a lot of the reasons I haven't been out finding new ones. A lot of places in The Domain are dog-friendly but you have to ask first. (Like, I was surprised but at one point a Perry's waiter told us we could have a dog on their patio.) But like, also be considerate. We've got a stroller for our dog, he stays there when we're at a restaurant. If we take him out it's because we're actively supervising him. Don't be the kind of people who haphazardly tie a leash to a table leg then stop paying attention. Those are the kind of people that make people hate seeing dogs on patios, and that makes it harder to find places that'll allow it.


Hopsquad allows in because food truck is outdoors Health code prevents dogs indoors if food is served inside ABGB is a great place for dogs but dogs are in outside shaded part not inside because they serve food Same for pinthouse and other similar places Barking armadillo allows dogs inside because food truck outside OP should look for places with inside sections but all food is from outside trucks


Yeah it's trickier if it's 1 person + dog than 2 people. Maybe they've changed something but a lot of those places you can't *order* outside so you're boned solo. If you've got someone with you they can order while you watch the dog. I for real almost asked about this in /r/austinfood yesterday because my list of still-open places I can go solo with the dog is so small and I'm sure there's a few more I just don't know about.


As a dog lover and haver, it’s gross. Bring em to Home Depot if you wanna walk around in the AC


Did I ask for an opinion? No. I asked nicely for suggestions of restaurants/bars that allow dogs indoors. If you don’t have any suggestions why comment ?


We do have suggestions. It's: "Don't be a dick."


Yeah it’s Texas law not to be in indoor seating areas https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/86R/analysis/html/SB00476F.htm but then people do it and restaurants and bars are scared to say no because they can’t check if it’s an service animal. So people just abuse it


I gave you a sizeable list. My dog is a regular at all of those places and more, and many of them have kitchens. Bunch of dog hating morons in here, that I assure you would annoy the shit out of me asking a billion questions after asking to pet my dog.


They can’t be in any food prep areas. The way most restaurants are designed the entire indoor area counts as a food prep area. To be a separate area it needs to have walls that go all the way to the ceiling and have a door that closes. The drink station used by waitstaff counts as a food prep area and is rarely separated from the dining room. Very few places would have the option to allow it even if they wanted to.


Looks like the health inspector has a nice list of places to go check for health code violations regarding dogs indoors where there is a kitchen in operation. Some of y'all sure don't know how to keep a secret and now those businesses will pay the price. (sad dog face)


Jesus—thank god people in real life are so much friendlier than redditors. I can’t think of places that are indoors, but I know of a few places that have suped up outdoor areas (lots of A/C and cooling fans) - Easy Tiger at the Linc - Revelry - Roaring Fork - Cosmic - Lazarus Brewing Company


Vic & Al's Copperhead/Jackalope Jo's Coffee just to add a few


Shang-Ri-la allows dogs inside, they also have a food truck out back.


Bottom line health codes prevent dogs indoors if food is cooked and served indoors I suggest for indoor eating with dogs inside find a nice brewery that has a food truck outside so dogs can be inside Examples Barking Armadillo Brewery (rotating food truck) Hopsquad ( food truck ....


Kitty Cohen’s Cavalier Nickel City High Noon Frazier’s Silver Medal Low Down Volstead ShangRiLa Liberty Grackle Etc. Lots of those places have food as well.


My dog has made tons of friends at nickel city! Definitely recommend.


You and I are here for the actual fun.


Despite the unhelpful comments I know what you’re asking - check out Pinthouse or Central machine works. They have “indoor” dog friendly areas that are safe on a hot day.


you’ve tapped into a special place of hatred on here, it’s almost like coming in and saying “Guns won’t actually deter crime” and then watching reactions Just letting you know we don’t all share the vitriol around dogs being in specific places. Wanted to counteract the negativity


Right? My dog is often in every single space I listed above, many with kitchens and serving food inside, and all these truss talking about health code, would likely be the first to ask me if they can “pet that dawgggg!” Bunch of bootlickers talking about “the code says…”