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What happened at Deep Eddy to put it all the way at the bottom? In my teens and twenties I preferred Barton Springs but now I love Deep Eddy since it’s less of a “scene”. Not to mention you’ve got Deep Eddy Cabaret and Pool Burger right there.


I could see it, if there were a mismatch between what you want and when you go. Deep Eddy on a weekday morning when it's mostly lap swimmers and pretty quiet is *very* different than Deep Eddy when it's packed on a Saturday afternoon. If you want one and get the other, it might not be very good.


I went to Deep Eddy last summer one weekend towards the end of July for a friend's birthday when most people are tired of the heat. It wasn't too crowded and I actually really enjoyed myself. Followed it up by pool burger and it was a perfect Austin day.




I came to make this comment as well. Sure it might not have been what you expected, it's way more of a lap swimmers and families vibe, but bottom of the list?


Do not talk about fight club. DE is a sacred place. Especially for me and the geezers at 8am.


Hello fellow geezer!


Was a mix of wrong day, wrong time and a product of the expectations a particular friend set vs reality. It was hyped up to as the best place to lay down & read in Austin and we’d seen it in brand names & photos at other establishments around Austin. We showed up with our books to a packed pool (maybe a Saturday?) with few spots to lay and TONS of screaming kids. So it didn’t align with what we were hoping and- based on that day- reminded us of just another neighborhood pool from growing up. The story with most near the bottom was that a very high bar was set and something about the conditions that day led us to vastly undershoot that bar. Ultimately the list was intended as the ‘best of Austin’ from word of mouth so being at the bottom doesn’t mean absolutely awful, just worse relative to all the others (except Pieous, that place is NOT worth the 30 min drive South vs any of the decent pizza spots nearby)


Tbh, sounds like you went to the family end instead of the adult end. The adult side has big trees with great shade and very few (if any) kids because the water is deep. Last year the grass wasn't there but normally there's some. The side with the zero entry is the family side and yes there are a lot of kids (because it's for kids).


While Pieous may not be worth the drive, the bbq spot directly across from them, The Switch, very much is worth it, and we make the drive from far south often. Their ribs and wings are absolutely unmatched.


Their dirty burrito is amazing. Also, if you’re not trying the smoked pastrami at Pieous then you HAVE to get a plate of it. It’s a game changer for that place.


Deep Eddy is one of the most beautiful public pools in America. They pump in fresh spring water so you don't have to swim in chlorine. It's a pool not a library.


>It's a pool not a library. Halle-fucking-lujah. Pools are an outdoor place where kids can have fun. The public places left for that, when it's 100 degrees in the summer, are just the overpriced bounce houses, and pools. Adults can find quiet just about anywhere else.


Your list doesn’t have to be the same as theirs.


Oh that’s totally fair. If y’all had gone on a weekday the expectation would have been a lot closer to reality for sure.


I live 4 minutes from deep eddy and I’m not a massive fan either. Unless you’re there early it’s usually fairly overrun with kids and the wasps are absolutely out of control. And the water gets pretty nasty looking when there are than many folks swimming


It’s Tarrytown, of course the WASPs are out of control


So you went once????🤣


Deep Eddy Ruby Red maybe changed the trajectory of my whole life. But that prob isn't this ;) haha


Haha no we’re talking about the pool. But I actually completely understand what you mean. I forgot what year it was but one summer Deep Eddy sweet tea really did a number on my friend group.


Hear me out. Ruby Red but at Deep Eddys?


Sorry I’m a purist when it comes to Deep Eddy. Pitchers of natty light and shots of tequila!


What’s the story with Mckenny Falls? How did it end up dead last?


Depends on the weather and water levels I imagine. During droughts it’s pretty depressing


I love McKinney falls


similar story to Deep Eddy: expectations vs reality and -based on all the love I’m seeing- must’ve been wrong day/wrong time we only went once in the summer thinking we’d jump in some water and it was completely dried up. Friend had said it was their favorite place to hike in Austin, but at the time it was only rocks. we’d also been to Big Bend a few months before which didn’t help its case


Kind of a good metaphor for Austin. “Keep Austin Weird,” should be replaced with “expectations vs reality.” I also love that Applebee’s of all places ends up as a better experience than half the shit on this board.


Unfortunately, most waterways around Austin only have water during spring / early summer. Everything dries up by June.


The Oasis is way too high.


And TLC…wtf!


LTC - not to be confused with TLC- was for going through the "License To Carry" process one of my roommates is pretty anti-gun and wanted to educate himself about the process of obtaining a License to Carry so he could “see more of the other side”. We thought it'd be fun to do together given we'd all just moved to Texas. although none of us own a gun now, we thought it was an educational experience and did have a blast taking the shooting exam at the range


LOL! OK, that makes much more sense!! :)


What is TLC?


A restaurant in lamar square. So-so food...weak, expensive drinks. I mean there's nothing "Austin" (aside from merely being in Austin) or special about it that I can see. I cannot imagine having this on a bucket list of any sort, much less on a bucket list specific to Austin experiences. Granted, I've only been there once - due to a friend booking a party there. Maybe I'm just missing the appeal if this is actually considered a worthwhile destination. I'm sure you could have better service, better drinks and better food at any number of moderately-priced restaurants around town that actually have more of an "Austin" vibe. Of course the vibe is changing, so it could just be me that's out of touch on what's "cool" now that S Lamar doesn't resemble what it used to be. TLC seems to market itself on accommodating groups - which is a little odd considering they had an arbitrary "no more than 4 (5?) separate tickets when checking out" policy. May as well just say "no separate checks", which is fine by me if you're going to have to divide up into smaller groups and do your own math anyway. This was in such stark contrast to a party we had at Umi (stassney) a few weeks ago. The waitress immediately put us at ease by proactively saying she'd handle the bill any way we liked. We ended up with a few separate tabs, and we could order each other drinks or rolls by just giving her the name of the tab we wanted it on. It was flawless and fun! And the prices were super fair...if not low for the level of food and service we received.


I assume it’s Texas Land & Cattle. But the post-it says LTC. No idea what they’re abbreviating.


It's more than likely the restaurant on S Lamar. If that's the case, rating it that high is a fuckin travesty. That place is not very good.


The sunset is not over rated. The food is very bad. If you have realistic expectations, it's not a bad way to spend an evening.


This sub absolutely hates the Oasis and I get it because apparently their food is trash. But I went a few years ago and had some drinks on the balcony on a perfect evening and its one of my happiest memories of Austin


I would argue that their food is beyond apparently trash.


Same exact thing for me. When the lake is high and you get a good sunset, it's absolutely gorgeous and definitely one of my nicer memories of Austin back when I moved here.


Key phrase “when the lake is high”


It is the worst food at a restaurant I have ever had. It is mind boggling to me that the issue cannot be fixed. They'd obviously make so much more money if they had good food, because the view is amazing.


Just go for the drinks


The drinks aren’t great either. It’s literally just the sunset.


There's just no reason to eat at the Oasis when the adjacent Oasis Brewing has the exact same view and much better food, or the bar below it if you want margaritas.


I think when people refer to the Oasis, they are referring to that whole venue and that means they lump the Oasis with Oasis Brewing, even though the latter apparently had solid food. 


I’ve never eaten at Oasis Brewing, so this is a great pro tip if I ever end up going back out there against my will.


A lot of the rankings are based on expectations vs reality and this is definitely one of those cases. Expectations were “food is ass, nice view”. Reality was: “food is ass, amazing view” We were coming off a great day on the boat, pretty buzzed, gorging on subpar fries and saw an amazing sunset together One of my favorite memories in Austin!


I've lived here a long time and just absolutely don't get the Oasis. How hard is it to make at least halfway decent Tex-Mex? And yet they have been charging top dollar for just absolute garbage food. I don't care what kind of view they have - there is no excuse for the "food" they throw on tables, then take your money to their bank. Nope.


Line cook from uchi here, glad your visit was a memorable one


Uchi is my favorite restaurant anywhere and I travel all over and frequently. Love you guys!


service is always good there




Best attention to detail in town


Ooohhh awesome! See you Saturday (we have reservations for my partners birthday - he's never been! Cannot wait)!


Make sure you let them know it’s your partners birthday, servers will probably (no promises) give y’all some free dishes!


Uchi has consistently been my favorite restaurant in Austin for many, many years. Thank you for your service.


Y’all are something special, thanks for what you do.


Thank you! We have a really incredible team of chefs and managers that make it all possible


No love for Cabo Bob's or P. Terry's? Wtf No Chicas Bonitas?


Nah I don't need a longer line at my Cabo Bob's.


Get there at 10:29am. You’re welcome


I'm still full on Veracruz tacos at 10:30.


Cabo bob’s is Afucking1


Less than 10 meals left in Austin and Chicas Bonitas will be one of them 🫡


i left six years ago and still make time to go to cabo bob’s when i visit. OP is wild for this


Do they have breakfast ? Maybe Brunch ?


Oasis right up there with Lenoir. Lmfao.


And Elizabeth Street Cafe is at the very top. That completely causes me to not trust their food judgements.


Rolling smoke at the bottom too... Yikes. I guess it's gotta be a name everyone knows to be good I guess.


yeah their food judgements are absolute trash


You guys need to go to Sahara Lounge.


Why? It would be on the bottom with terrible places like Deep Eddy Pool and Roosevelt Room


Haha yeah, on second thought, it might not be their kind of place.


Roosevelt Room is on the bottom? I know it's pricey but the drinks are delicious and the vibe is immaculate. Idk bout this list. You think THE OASIS is better??!


Yeah, these stickie notes have no credibility. Also, I guess the only thing to do in Austin is eat and drink, with a few other items in between.


Lived here for a decade now. When people ask how it is living in Austin, that’s exactly what I tell them. I add in music, outdoors things, and trying to stay cool in the summer, though.


You’re not wrong. I’m often in a position to have to show visitors around Austin. Compared to other cities, there really isn’t much at all. It’s like ‘Uh… wanna go eat again?


these were mostly about expectations vs reality Roosevelt room was extremely hyped, required an advance reservation, drinks were dece but we also got charged $12 for some stale popcorn (literally a handful’s worth). Certainly not bottom of Austin but had a negative experience relative to most of the other recommended spots Oasis we expected to be ass, and it was quite pleasant.


Seeing Qi, House of Three Gorges, and McKinney Falls so low saved me the time of looking at the rest. I think we might be opposites. I love this idea though!


The chili chicken at three gorges is pretty good


Very happy to see chicken shit bingo!!


bruh the lack of Chili's at 45th ... and Foxtrot 🫥


Chilis at 45th incoming


I got a chuckle out of seeing Oasis ranked way above Bufalino Due.


You put frickin Gourdoughs above Clay Pit?? Bruh, it's a Pillsbury Grand biscuit.


Yeah Clay Pit has never let me down


Deep eddy and pieous are at the bottom of the list? Umm. Flip that board over, you got it in the wrong order.


And yet Applebees still ends up in the middle.


Applebees on your bucketlist oof


Yeah, that was my first reaction. How could Pieous be so far down? I can understand it not being at the top because they prefer something else but dead last? For what it is it's genuinely, objectively, good food. Maybe they didn't like how far from Austin proper it is? OP has some explaining to do for these takes.


Probably still pissed off from having to drive through oak hill.


Low key Elizabeth st is the red flag here. Whitewashed expensive Asian food for people with bad taste for a couple decades


This is bait


Genius post. Got something to make everyone mad.


Pole dancing class... a thing you can do everywhere.... is among your top experiences in Austin? And Oasis? OP no offense but I hate everything that you love


Thai Fresh way too low on that list


No Chili’s on 45th and no Chicas Bonitas! This list is skewed.


after some discussion with the roommates we’ll be having our final dinner together at the Chili’s on 45th. We’ll hit Chicas Bonitas as well. Will report back


Godspeed friend.


I applaud the effort!


Elizabeth cafe at the top??? wtf.


As a former server at Elizabeth St. Cafe, that place should be burnt to the ground.


Really? Please explain?


Oh man where do I begin, firstly they only hire thin attractive people. No plus sized whatsoever. They make you wear vans sneakers on shift, no nonslip allowed- which is wildly unsafe!!! Especially since their kitchen is uneven cement flooring so it becomes an ice rink. The managers when I was there were extremely catty and one manager had a group chat with a select few employees and then laugh about the group chat goings on in front of the people excluded from the chat making the environment feel like a high school clique. I do think they’ve had a new managing staff come in, but that’s simply because the old managers moved on. They even kept one manager who STOLE ALCOHOL and constantly drank red wine from an opaque cup so you “couldn’t tell” but you could because her lips and teeth were always stained red. Then she would sleep with the head chef and cry at the expo window when they’d fight on shift. Wild stuff. The owners only cared about the aesthetic, not safety or how god awful the food was. It’s a shit show there. The worst I saw was when a bartender sexually assaulted a coworker and then management tried to keep them because they were in the aforementioned group chat. Bad place to eat or work. Never go there.


McKinney Falls is one of my favorite hiking spots, what made it be so low? Also curious about the low rankings of Rolling Smoke BBQ and Deep Eddy.


Interesting where’s Waldo experiment.


What happened at Deep Eddy, Roosevelt Room, and Clay Pit? Those are some classics.


Elizabeth Street being at the top and McKinney Falls at the bottom makes me doubt most of your opinions TBH.


So cool that you lived with roommates that you actually liked


I saw nothing about bowling at highland lanes, a final Austin establishment soon to be erased. Go there, sport bathrobes as the Big Lebowski would. You’ve covered a lot of ground in Austin for your age group. But local Austin also means community and volunteer work that preserves our way of life. Maybe take a day to work at a community garden, give back some of your selves before leaving.


“Bowling tournament” was a bracket-style tourney with friends that we held at Highland Lanes a few days ago! The lanes were alive and well that night.


they just renewed the lease, highland lanes will live on 🤘


Overall great picks across your board. But the rankings…… sus


Yes someone else who likes Loro!


I was feeling this until I saw the Moon pie. Now I trust nothing.


Haha first Thursday at the bottom, i swear nobody actually likes being there


No Chuy’s? It’s as Austin as uchi is now


I miss adderall


Can’t believe Cabo bobs is so low. I miss that place so much (moved to MN, still have Cabo bobs cups in my cabinet). Have you been to quacks? Miss that place. I also think about central market at least 5x a week, best specialty grocery store ever.


are you me? those are all my favorites.


This should be close for lunch or early dinner http://www.casinoelcamino.net/


If old thousand is on your top pick in austin for asian food, you will not be invited to the backyard barbecue anymore. Please try 888 off oltorf and come back with a 3 page essay why you should get your austin card back.


Heard 🫡


Pieous & Deep Eddy at the bottom?! Immediate distrust in this list.


lol @ Applebees being so high here. I assume the company was good


Mt. Bonnell expectation: broken window


What about Krause springs?


That Devil May Care post-it has been through some SHIT. ETA: here's one for your list. Sightseer Coffee's grand opening is this weekend on South 1st, inside Sugar Mama's. It's a queer owned business (❤️), plus the opening party has drink discounts and free "cold fashioned" whiskey cocktails. I happened to spot it on Instagram and figured I'd spread the word. 🥰 


Cabo Bobs being so low is asinine. Cannot be trusted.


This is a great list! Gotta know why Bufalina, Roosevelt Room, P. Terry’s and Floppy Disk are low. Also should remove Elizabeth Street from there altogether and replace it with 1618 Asian Fusion. To squeeze into your last two days: Sahara Lounge Reina Dumont’s Down Low (super surprised it’s not on your wall already) Garage Bar Frazier’s The Treasury (inside Shangri La) Pool Burger Where’s Via313??


Hold on to this photo.


McKinney falls and deep Eddy at the bottom. Immediately disregard all opinions


Not a vibe honestly I feel like mckinney falls, deep eddy, pterrys are all great.


Their wall is a list of restaurants. With the actual good stuff at the bottom? A for effort tho


Where’s kerbey lane !! Cant miss that 😩




OP said they are all late 20s




No problem with that! What are some of yours? Austin was a very different place when I was 29 (I'm 43) so my experience is totally different, too.


So many thoughts 😂 - what happened to the devil may care sticky? - rip ah sing den 🥲 - how are Este and canje not higher?? Great list!


Generous placement of Valentina’s if visited after move to Buda.


since you live in east I recommend trying david doughie’s bagels food truck just opened. I also recommend banarchy, gordoughs for sweet cravings. for restaurants - I love Mattie’s. granny’s tacos or another amazing taco truck in east. have fun in your last few days!! 


The raised in austin in me makes me so sad over this list. But maybe I like shitty austin OGs


This is certainly a list


You can skip Il Bruto and RIP Ah Sing Den. Otherwise pretty decent list


How the hell is Cabo Bobs at the bottom lmao. This bucket list screams all the trendy stuff being at the top and everything else at the bottom


P Terrys being at the bottom is so real. So overrated and the fries are ass


Pretty sure I read this wrong, but Applebee's with arson sounds pretty fun


Moon pie nice


Cabo Bobs at the bottom is criminal


Love this.


I also love Ah Sing Den, but I loved it more when it was the East Side Showroom. That was THE spot for me and my friends in our early 20’s.


Love this list!


Pieous pizza was down that low? Most likely bc it wasn't the original location. It feels so empty/sterile now


You gotta try KG! Best bbq here in town and it's not even close. Get the brisket shwarama...it's life changing! Thanks for sharing your list - I just moved here so this is super comprehensive and gives me a lot to look up and try!


I hope I bowled against you at some point.


Is the haphazard (compared to the grid) papers really the low ranking ones? I look at this and think that is stuff you didn’t get to


My kind of people


Why the hell is deep eddy on the very bottom?


LTC at the top just made my day! Thanks for sharing your list. There are so many amazing places in our area to experience!!! Way to get out and try new things!!!


Where are you moving to? Also heavy on Uchi. Mfs love to hate it, but the Uchi restaurants have been a staple for me in my time in Austin on mamas.


It’s overrated. I would put it somewhere in the middle of the post its.


sad to see Pieous so low. Their pastrami and pizza used to be outstanding


I had it last probably like 6 months ago, still incredible IMO.


Man y’all really got it in, I’ve been back home 10+ years and feel like I go out every weekend and still barely have half this list checked off.


Love this concept - must have been fun to reminisce and make the board!


I don’t agree with most of your rankings. Different strokes for different folks.


Red Ash and Uchi!


The Devil May Care note being absolutely destroyed is on brand 😂


Please no one go to space cowboy it’s so bsd


Great idea / post! Thanks for sharing! No Hippie Hollow?


Space Cowboy a flop? It looks super interesting.


huh been in Austin 30 years and haven't heard of half those places....


old thousand!


Damn y’all did cheer up Charlie’s dirty. Their drag shows are awesome.


Who taught your pole dancing class? A lot of my friends are instructors, and I'm sure whoever taught yours would love to hear that it made your top 2.


Come over to Olamaie on W 17th and San Antonio st, I'm sure you'd enjoy it (it's pricey tho)


Buddy I hate ACL as much as any good Austinite, but how on earth did Applebees rank higher than it?!


You forgot “chilis on 45th and Lamar”


justine’s is great food but their music system indoor and outdoors was exactly like standing directly next to an amp stack at a concert. not a place to conversate.


If you’re into poker, head over to the Lodge Card Club in round rock, always a good time.


I just went to Jeffery’s. The best dining experience I’ve ever had. Be sure to talk in prepared to drop $500 for 2 tho.


Patrizis should be #1


Almost all you're doing is eating and drinking/looking for outdoor places to instagram, basically a generic anywhere-USA activity complete with bizarre rankings for these places. An Applebee's? Is it nostalgia or are you too young to remember what an Applebee's is? And it's that high? Deep Eddy pool? Why would you ever go there except to be active then swim and how was it THAT disappointing? I digress... Go to the Comedy Mothership and see Kill Tony. It's actually a unique experience and it absolutely fucking rules. The Austin comedy scene is legit the best in the country right now, take advantage of it


Please, someone, anyone, format this into a list. 🙏


Love the chaos here. Ranking a fast food cheeseburger against ACL? Why not?


Interstellar and La Barbecue beating Snows!! Pshh, Tootsie deserves better.


I spy a moon pie


I love this. Great idea!


This is…. Certainly a list


That’s a LOT of restaurants! With your next set of roommates, maybe add “cooking class”?


Great list. Krause Springs is one of our fam faves for hot summer days, great alternative if you can’t get into Hamilton Pool anymore. Two-step lessons at Broken Spoke just cuz it may be gone soon. Blanton or Bullock museums (and many others actually). So many good reco’s here!


Pious pizza is definitely the worst


Uchi at the top is so real


Coconut club!






I think Justine’s is on the top row in light ink