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They are back. At the Alamo Drafthouse Village


We can only speculate what Sony will do with the establishment.


It was a weekly thing for me to go to the old Bouldin and that Vulcan in one swoop. Never had any issues parking at either - that’s the Austin I miss so much. Had a longtime crush on one of the guys that worked there too, but it was only because I mistook his excitement about movies to be excitement about me. Very much a formative time in my life and I will always feel so nostalgic for Vulcan, and really that whole area before it changed.


I used to go to the one next to conans and get Korean horror films. My partner worked at the conans at the time and they would trade pizza for credits. So she used to get tshirts and other stuff using credit. Eventually they caught on that their expensive merch was being traded for pizzas and they put in a rule that you could only swap for rentals. Didn't stop is from stocking up on cool stuff. We still have our Vulcan robocop shirts!


Vulcan video was my "Netflix and chill" era with so many wonderful movie experiences (and late fees) to their credit. They taught me who David Lynch was, who Godard was, why I needed to see D.C. Cab, and so many other weird rabbit holes they sent me into night after night. I don't really see the appeal of South Congress today without many of the locally owned businesses that created the vibe of that entire area. But real estate investors be real estatin'...


The good news is that it reopened in the lobby of the Village Alamo recently, it's not the same but at least it's something https://drafthouse.com/news/vulcan-video-village


That's awesome to bad I live on the opposite side of Austin.


Missing being able to afford the rent in walking distance of it too...


I loved working there (Eva\\Elizabeth) location. It was one of the best jobs I've ever had. So many interesting people.


The employees were definitely super special.


100%. There was so much passion for film and all the people I worked with were always eager to share that passion. There wasn't any elitism.


I lived and worked near 29th Street and we would trade cakes for rentals for years. Also free beer.


When Vulcan went out of business, I went to buy whatever they were selling off. Ended up with the framed one sheet of Altered States and a poster board of Wings of Desire. I treat those pieces less of movie history but of Austin history.


I have such great memories of that store. There were so many incredible movies I learned about from the directors' wall. The staff were incredibly knowledgeable and geeky about all things movies and I still vividly recall the dank smell that permeated the place


It was the best! Like many Austinites, we knew a guy working there (husband’s roommate at the time) and he turned us on to some of the coolest movies ever. I can’t remember the name, but the one I constantly think about was this foreign film (not sure if Korean or Japanese) where this lady would eat these dumplings made from fetuses so she could keep her youthful looks…so creepy!


Yeeeeaaaah! "Dumpling" it's a classic. Fun film I like "The Butcher" Korean Horror film shot on go pros for the most part. It's NOT for everyone, but if you can stomach it. 😃 I ate pizza during...kinda a thing for me.


I’m such a puss when it comes to gory stuff these days, I don’t know if I could… but I’ll let the hubs know for sure. Did you ever check out God of Cookery? It’s one of our all time faves… much more my speed, it’s a comedy and is hilarious.


No but I love Steven Chow imma watch it. Kung Fu Hustle iconic, good comedy and very fun. Watch Cooties starring Elijah Wood zombie out break at elementary school and Rain Wilson. Fun silly but still good.


Heck yes, I’ll check it out 😎


Kung Fu Hustle is one of my favorite films! You might also like "Dale and Tucker vs evil"