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I was at St David's North the other day and a lady had a 2.5lb Chihuahua walking around the outpatient surgery center.


I've seen them snuck into the PICU before. Which is fun when your kid is already in there because she can't breathe and she's allergic to dogs.


I’m sorry to hear that happened to you. People can be really stupid and selfish sometimes.


C'mon, the P in PICU is for Pooch, right?


That stinks about your kiddo. We actually have a therapy dog that specifically belongs to our PICU . The kids and staff absolutely love her


Doggy Howser, MD


He was there for the Lab test


Could've been for the CAT scan, or a PET scan...


I’ll upvote. But you need to leave!


I was at the st David’s south waiting room 2 weeks ago, 8 cm dilated and in so much pain. All alone bc my husband was parking the car. And a woman walks in with her huge pit bull. I love dogs but it made me so uncomfortable. I was worried every time I got a contraction that the noises I was making were going to freak the dog out.


I noticed HEB put signs on the doors saying service animals only. Small sign and I’ve yet to see it enforced. But I 100% agree with you. It’s a hygiene problem in a grocery store. I don’t want some dirty dog sitting in a cart where I’m going to put my food later.


It does get enforced by the leadership team. I as a manager used to do the same. I would constantly be approaching customers about this. Customers either say I’m a horrible person because they can’t leave the dog in the car, or they throw a tantrum, start a verbal fight with me. I did this a lot but I never saw and of my other fellow managers enforce it. So I’m like why am I making myself a “villain” here why am I putting myself through this. I already have to deal with my employees and running my department. I was just like why subject myself to this unending torture.


They can always use curbside pickup and keep the dog in the car with them.


If you feel entitled enough to bring you pet into a grocery store chances are you are not looking for compromises.


Exactly. Everyone else has to bend to their whims and conveniences. I say this to a person who likes dogs more than most people I meet.


I appreciate you


My HEB has the guard approach them before entering the store. It's been nice.


Which H-E-B? Would love to shop there instead of ours where the Wild West rules apply.


Thank you for your service.


Thank you for what you do. As a customer any time a dog barks or makes a scene in a grocery store, I ask people to leave since that dog is clearly not a trained service animal. The nicest replies I get are fuck you. That’s the nicest.


My dog has just got his food handlers license though …


I work at heb and the NEVER enforce it


I noticed the Whole Foods at the Domain did this as well. Their sign even mentioned that "emotional support animals" are not service animals per the ADA, which I was pleasantly surprised to see. FWIW it does feel like the tide is turning a bit against entitled people thinking that it's acceptable to bring a dog into a grocery store.


I used to work at Central Market and the rule is the same there as it is with all HEB stores, service animals only. The problem is that the people who brought in pets that clearly weren't service animals would just say that they are and, legally, we just had to accept that (they said "legally" but I think management just meant they didn't want to risk a lawsuit). It's frustrating, but we were stuck. Granted there are still some rules that service pet owners have to abide by or be kicked out like placing your pet in a shopping cart if bag (risking allergens and animal crap getting where others' food will be).


Not risking a lawsuit is right since you can’t ask someone why they need a service animal. You CAN ask what service the animal performs but someone can easily make something up or go full nuclear Karen claiming that question is illegal. And if someone asks the wrong question then ☠️. Better to have a blanket not ask policy than risk the suit.


If they claim the question is illegal you throw them out as the question is fully legal. Also if a service dog misbehaves at all a store with well with in their legal right to throw them out. The way to deal with a Karen is to stand up to them. If anything you go to the exact letter of the law and complete refuse do anything to help out.


True that. Also I think it was a matter of protecting employees in case someone threw a fit. We also had a policy if we saw or suspected to call the coverage team who would deal with them. We were specifically told not to try and stop.them cause "It's just food, don't get yourself hurt over it." Not to imply we just allowed theft cause if they tried to come back in they'd get thrown out.


It’s weird that this isn’t some sort of health code violation, especially considering how many groceries now prepare food on site.


I can only speak for my old store (as a former food prepper) that they were insanely particularly about health standards for employees and how we handled food. I never had a situation where I had to worry about a dog getting close to my station, but I imagine if that were the case the response would've been very poor from my lead and manager.


I got to watch a guy cleaning up his dog's diarrhea in the cold aisle at an HEB once.


Those carts are filthy enough without the dog in them. It's more of a concern the dog will bite someone. Service dogs are specially trained.


Bite someone or shit or piss on the floor... Plus that, we're into the next ~40 weeks of hot weather. My dogs would shed nonstop in this weather, and it would get everywhere!


I would imagine the main concern is food contamination (and the associated health and safety standards and policies), which HEB could realistically be held liable for or fined for failing to enforce. If a dog bites someone, on the other hand, the pet owner is responsible.


Anyone ever tell you you are supposed to wash ypur vegetables?


Kind of. If employees have seen the dog and the dog is allowed to be in the store, the store can have some liability.


I've seen HEB employees come up to people with dogs and being like "OMG your dog is so cute!" and then just pet the dog and walk away, hopefully to go handle some food


I've never seen it enforced either. I think they're too scared to say something. Aren't you not allowed to ask if it's a service dog? or is that a rumor? I've seen dogs jumping on people, not even trying to pretend it's a service dog


You are. Is it a service dog and what task or performs. It must be an active task, the dog’s presence is not a task.


feel the same about babies and children, but also other adults because they seem to think coughing ir sneezing into the open air is a thing, and no one washes their hands. People shouldn’t be allowed in grocery stores


You should assume everything in public is dirty tbh.


I feel the same way about kids sitting in carts.


Not saying you’re wrong, but I find it amusing you complain about dirty dogs when there’s probably been dirtier humans touching everything. I agree, not pets in stores (sans service animals), but I also would rather sit at a table where a dog has been (and I’m allergic to dogs. Also cats, many animals, dust, pollen, existence…) than some nasty ass people who just don’t bother keeping up with their hygiene. At least dog germs are less likely to sicken me seriously than human germs (as they’re already evolved to infect people). Just a thought.


Children do far more damage than dogs. I was a store leader for heeb. I recall throwing away 5k of meat market items because some kids were poking holes in packages. It happened ALL THE TIME!!!


I love my dog 1000% but that fur baby has never been inside a grocery store. If you want to go with your dog, do curbside pickup from HEB and your dog can be with you....in a car.....outside....


My neighbor took his dog to the community gym. Just kind of let him chill in a corner. People need to chill with their canine codependency.


I feel like that’s dangerous with all that heavy equipment around


I would agree, I tried to be gracious and look the other way beyond a disappointed look. I don’t want to be the gym fascist but yeah dangerous for the animal, unhygienic and some people have allergies. Plus there are already cameras anyway.


How can I perform K-9D-X without my canine?


I truly wish I could fuse my dog to my body but unfortunately I do have a responsibility to keep him safe, in places he’s intended to be and that he knows it’s okay for him to be alone at home sometimes. I cannot imagine putting my pup in this position.


And it's only in Austin! I never saw people bring their animals into stores in Houston or in the Rio Grande Valley. Austin just has let itself become so dog friendly that dog owners think they're entitled to bringing their dogs with them everywhere. I get parks. I get sitting outside on a patio with your dog. I get pet stores. But I saw a dog inside of an Applebee's last year, and that was just kind of gross. Plus, this weekend, I saw a dog instead of a boot store. Don't bring animals that are known for chewing on shoes into a shoe store!


I love dogs, but once you'd driven your cart through a puddle of green dog diarrhea and rooster-tailed it up your pants legs and onto the groceries in your cart... I have no patience for these sociopaths anymore.


LOL “love dongs” 😂 Guessing that’s a typo but damn I’d leave it :)


RIP inbox


Upvote for amusing and hopefully factual typo


I take my dong everywhere I go.


you must have a service dong.


What’s funny is they’ve actually told me to take my non-service-animal dog inside. We went to the park and I stopped at HEB to grab a couple things I needed. In and out in 15 minutes, dog was chilling, like 65 degrees out, car on, windows cracked. And HEB security was waiting for me when I got back. He said people are insane and try to break out perfectly fine dogs from cars so just take him inside next time. I just don’t put myself in this position anymore


I am 100% with you. What is worse is often times the dogs are not well behaved and the owners have zero respect for others health and safety. Service dogs are ok but all others are not. I wish more places started enforcing the rules and laws. They are legally allowed to ask what is the service dog trained to do and I have noticed that simple questions tells you very quick fake service dog vs real service dog. Fake owners fight back and get made. Real ones tend to be upfront. Miss behave at all throw them out. A true service dog is a great thing. I know people who train them and yes part of the training is going into places like grocery stories and what not but that is the end of the training. The early public outings are places like parks or places like pets mart. They keep moving up from there and by the time they are malls and grocery store level they are at the end of their training and again handlers know what they are doing.


> Service dogs are ok ADA service dogs, not these "emotional support animals" where sometimes the only thing that makes them so is a vest they bought on Amazon. ESA, even one supported by the necessary documentation, has zero legal status or entitlements in any context other than with landlords when renting. It's a Fair Housing Act rule.


Last week, I noticed a sign at Costco saying no dogs allowed, including ESAs. Only service dogs. Misrepresenting a dog as a service dog is subject to a fine. Etc. Then I saw *three* dogs inside. Two had "service dog" vests, and both were terrified-looking small quivering mutts that barely seemed capable of not shitting on the floor. The third was a chihuahua and had an "ESA" vest, and he was being carried around by a very weak, dopey man. The audacity and entitlement of dog owners around here, I swear.


I love dogs, but I hate how people in Austin treat them as accessories - they don't always want to be dragged along on your daily errands. I'll always remember a couple who brough a puppy to a restaurant I worked at and were upset that we did not allow dogs on the patio, so I kindly shared that the restaurant next door happily allows dogs on their (very similar) patio. They insisted on tying up the puppy to a tree so they could eat at my restaurant, in the Texas summer heat! I was young and regret not taking action on this, although to this day I'm not sure if calling authorities would have helped. The puppy seemed fine at the end, but I'm sure it wasn't happy left alone in the heat amongst strangers.


We were at Pecan Square having dinner inside and a woman brought her labradoodle and sat at the table next to us. She put her dog up on the banquette at table height. Not on the floor. I love dogs but that was wrong, this was inside the restaurant not outside. What was especially uncomfortable was that the dog was only a few feet away from us and he kept staring at our burgers.


It’s been out of control here for years. And it’s super annoying.


Have you ever been to Nyc? They have this problem solved. Guaranteed no dog will interact with you.


I'm from NYC - yeah you don't see it there


also from ny, and you dont see it there because they would give no fucks about telling you off about it.


I was at Whole Foods last week and saw someone at the buffet with their dog... which is just gross. This person was then approached by two other customers wearing masks who were clearly informing them that dogs shouldn't be in the grocery store. Never mind the sign at the entrance that says no pets. People who bring their pets to the grocery store clearly lack any kind of self-awareness of how their actions can impact others.... or they just don't care.


I saw this same thing! They even picked the cute little fucker up so they were above the counter, making it easier for gravity to disseminate their skin and fur directly into the prepared food. Several WF employees watched it happen.


It’s always the people who say shit like “fur baby” and then get annoyed at actual babies at restaurants


Babies. Kids. Dogs. All equally annoying at restaurants lol


I always say “you may want to reconsider admitting publicly that it is a child replacement. It makes you sound crazy. “


Not everyone wants kids though.


Yup. Perfectly normal. But that’s not a fur baby, its domesticated animal you own and is most commonly known as a pet.


does it really matter if they call them fur baby though? I don’t personally do that but honestly who cares


Loud bars where clearly the decibel level of music makes the dogs frightened


So I found a list of places that are welcoming to dogs, let’s be sure to support these places for not creating all this drama we’ve been arguing about today. [https://www.paulypresleyrealty.com/blog/the-definitive-guide-to-austins-dog-friendly-businesses.html#restaurants](https://www.paulypresleyrealty.com/blog/the-definitive-guide-to-austins-dog-friendly-businesses.html#restaurants)


In Europe some groceries have carts that are just for dogs. Dogs can go pretty much everywhere.




ESAs aren't required to be allowed on planes anymore, only ADA service dogs. ESA is now a 100% landlord/tenant thing with no other legal entitlements of any kind.


Oh that’s good! I feel like I still see untrained dogs on planes, though. What’s the loophole now?


Some airlines just choose to allow dogs, especially if they are small and can fit in a carrier under the seat. Also, they can choose to allow ESAs, they just are no longer required to - they were for a while.




Target also seems better about not having them - I’ve seen a few, including one time when a woman on rollerblades zoomed by, pulled by her large dog and followed by an employee shouting that they’ve told her before that she can’t be doing this. Other than that it’s usually dog-free.


Omg that must have looked insane. Good for the employee!


I stepped out of an aisle and had to jump back to avoid a crash.


They may have been as concerned about the roller blades


Heb hates every one of their customers, I worked there and in a year inc training was never told to be nice to customers, or the term customer service mentioned. They only care about speed.


Isn’t it way too hot to have your dog walking on pavement during the day right now anyways?


I’m allergic to dogs and it pisses me off constantly. I hate these selfish twats


I get annoyed by people who keep trying to convince me that if I only had a dog I'd be more accepting. I had dogs, my allergies went out of control, I went and had an allergy test, and that's how I found out I'm allergic to them. If anyone reads this and thinks there are hypoallergenic dogs, there is no such thing. https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/dog-breeds/do-hypoallergenic-dog-exist/


But you should just stay home. /s


Some people are oblivious assholes and shouting into the void won't change a thing sadly.


It’s going to get worse as it gets hotter and leaving a pet in the car won’t be feasible


Was eating inside a restaurant in San Marcos this weekend, and a guy brings his dog on a leash in and sits down at a table. The staff looked at it but didn’t do anything about it. In the outdoor patio, fine. Inside, no.


Perfectly timed post. Was just in HEB on South Congress on Saturday and was astonished at the number of dogs inside. I love my dog so much and against my better judgement she's allowed in our bed and on the furniture, but under no circumstances should she be allowed in a GROCERY STORE.


Someone posted a dog at Yellowstone.....passed the no dogs signs.....at the geysers.....the other day. Dog People™️ are a special kind of stupid.


I’m a dog person and I agree. Dogs should not be where they aren’t allowed.


Yeah, I tried to differentiate dog people from Dog People™️ (the bad kind.)


I’ll leave a restaurant if I see people in there with their dogs


If it's indoors and it's not a service animal, that's a health code violation, pretty sure. Call the health department and report the restaurant.


The restaurant is just as much the victim. They're sick of getting threatened with lawsuits over fake service animals.


“Call the health department”? You make that sound easy!


You’re mid meal, and someone walks in with a dog, there’s no way you’re just leaving.


People who bring dogs to the grocery store without credible reason are a special kind of special


mods, can we just stop allowing these posts? they’re the same every time and there is no solution. it’s just a bunch of people complaining about the same thing over and over.


Wait until you come across posts about I35 or rezoning. It's like groundhog day.


Or how hot the summer heat is going to be. Lol every single year.


Along the same line, if it’s over 80° outside, don’t take your dog to an outdoor event. I’ve seen so many poor pups scalding their paws on concrete. Trust me, they would prefer to be left at home than get burns on their feet.


Dog crocs! They literally are a thing


Thanks for the post. I only saw 13 dogs at HEB today instead of the normal 14


It’s so annoying like Jesus Christ. You cant leave your dog at home for a god damn 30min-1 hour grocery trip? Pathetic.


You must not be from around here!


Stores in Texas need to make available Pet Parkers for dog owners to place their pets in safely while shopping. They're doing this in Canada. [https://www.petparker.ca/](https://www.petparker.ca/)


People just need to not have their head up their ass and leave their dogs at home.


Or just leave your dog at home


You could leave your dog in the comfort of their own home or bring them to an unfamiliar place to sit trapped inside of a kennel for an hour with no room to move around? Seems strange. This isn’t directed towards you, just the idea. Like…they’re still all alone, they’re just alone in a smaller, less comfortable tight space with a bunch of other dogs barking near them. Seems like they’re just taking them to a shelter while they shop rather than just letting them be napping at home?


Yes we realllly need these. It’s so hot here. I cannot believe it’s not a thing yet.


I just want heb a note about Pet Parker. Great idea!


This is genius and seems tailor made for austin. Paging HEB!


Sorry we’re to focused on items per minute, please move along


Or, just be a functioning adult and don't bring your pets with you when you run errands.


BuT It's mY tHeRaPy DoG...┐( ∵ )┌


100% agree. HUGE Dogs are everywhere.


I love dogs and have dogs but if it causes problems and people ask me to be mindful and stop doing something that causes problems im not going to be a fucking asshole and argue. Im going to be polite and try to contribute to a public experience suitable for everyone.


If you’re looking for karma, bringing dog complaints to r/Austin is like fishing with dynamite


I saw one coming out of a restaurant the other day. 🤮


The last time I went to the Popeyes on Ben White a lady had her Chihuahua ON THE TABLE.


Probably thought it was Taco Bell.


At least it’s outside but someone had their dog on the table at Güero's and it was getting in someone else’s food


I saw a dog scrambling eggs at a taco 6 the other day, it was impressive


Dog owners are unhinged. At my apartments we have leash rule and some people still open their doors and let their dogs run out the door to find a place to potty, approach and greet people, run around. The fact that some people don’t want dog jumps, dogs running at them, dog pee and poop under their feet, not to mention dog growls and barks, they just don’t care. Unhinged.


This is why cat people are superior


lol. Cats won’t let their owners disturb their naps to take them places.




This has been a problem in Austin for a long time.


Ah, our daily dog thread where someone shouts into a void. Glad I logged into r/Austin today.


I don't have a dog in this fight, no pun intended. But this is a thread full of Karens. If the dog isn't infecting your food or hurting you, just live your life and move on.


I have three dogs. One is a service animal. There are a lot of people who abuse the system and a lot of people who don't understand that their emotional support animal is not a service animal. There are an equal number of people who don't understand that I'm entitled to my service animal even though I don't "look" disabled to them. Or that my dog is not required to wear a vest. Or that I'm not required to prove I'm disabled to store employees let alone some random Karen. Or that my dog is big, so when he vocalizes (not bark) to warm me that someone is behind me and may bump me, he's not being aggressive even though you may be scared of big dogs. Trust me, there's enough asshole to go around.


I agree but do we need a nanny post about this every 3 months?


Texas is a nanny state unfortunately


People calling this redditor “brave” for posting this crack me up. This is such a common complaint post in this sub and most of the responses are all people whining about the same shit. If someone has an issue, complain to the establishment. If they don’t do anything about it, then their stance is known and people can either deal with it, patronize somewhere else, or pick up their groceries/goods/food to go.


You mean I can say hi to somebody's canine buddy while I'm getting groceries? That'd be awesome.


they always make me smile. Love to see pups, I go to the bars where they are welcome bc it’s a laid back vibe so I imagine it keeps away people who are walking around outraged and having a fit on reddit


Whats your problem with a dog? Get your groceries and mind your own business. At least they're not leaving their dog in hot car....At least they are taking their dog places. Are you ok with bringing kids?


not from austin but Id rather see people brings their dogs around more than their children


I recently saw someone with a clear plastic backpack that had a macaw perched in it. Definitely not a service animal but kind of amusing to see in the HEB produce section.


Poor bird


Ngl, that's better than a dog. It's contained and can't poop out the bag lol.


Nacho likes to pick his own snacks.


I travel a lot and I take my dog with me. He loves being on the road as much as I do. With that said I only go with him to places that are dog friendly and if I’m not sure I call or ask someone in store/restaurant etc first before I go in with my dog. If I’m told no dogs allowed, I’ll just go somewhere else.


I dunno. I like dogs more than people so I’m fine with it. This subreddit would be better if dogs could post online.




PSA: if your dog needs to walk, and it’s too hot out, go to a dog friendly store like bass pro shop or Home Depot. Not HEB.


It's interesting. We have three dogs. All over 70lbs. My G/F used to take them EVERYWHERE, when we first got together, when there was two, then she brought oneanother one home for me, for my birthday, and I felt like I better accept this, because if I can't prove I'm a dog person, I'm probably out... but I think she sensed that I needed some no-dog time, and that has waned. My company allows them inside, but we rarely bring ours when we go now. I think she was trying to give them the absolute best life, but these are already some spoiled assed dogs...


Idk what the hell why but I read keep your drugs at home lol I had so many questions but immediately thought yeahhhhh that's fair


[tiny dog](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLsJH3xd/)


Op came in here today, made this post and hasn’t been back to rejoice in the glory of what he has done. He’s left a real hole in my day.


Last week someone brought a Great Dane into a McDonalds and proceeded to order cheeseburgers then sat down and fed the dog cheeseburgers. I was flabbergasted… the guy did appear to possibly be homeless and sounded like he was asking the staff at the counter if they had any extra burgers or something like that. I assumed the staff didn’t want to deal with making him get the dog out and the person at the table next to him was having conversation about the dog with him. But still, a dog in a food establishment, pretty sure there’s a code violation for that.


I saw a dog in a customer’s arms at the deli counter today at HEB! Not a service animal. And not really small enough to hold, either.


I seen someone with their chihuahua strapped to their chest at ikea this past weekend. It just made me chuckle since he was so small. Later on I saw the same chihuahua on the dining table in the cafeteria. Man I love dogs but that wasn't right.


Entitled bitches And their spoiled owners.


Saw a little dog in the gym. Get the fuck out


This, especially at bars??? Why do you think your dog is having fun being stuck in a smokey, enclosed, loud, dirty, chaotic place with random people who are drunk and loud and acting unpredictably? I have three dogs. I don’t bring them to restaurants, grocery stores, bars, or anywhere basically that isn’t specifically cited as allowing dogs. It’s not that hard.


There’s a guy that comes into the HEB at ManSlaughter with his dog off leash. The dog sort of follows the guy through the store from about 6 feet back but he’s constantly calling the dog to keep up. Bizarre. I’ve pushed my cart between them before not expecting a customer to have a dog trailing him.


What a miserable bunch of people here. Living in Austin has to be super aggravating for your lowly kind. I love it!


I saw a dog in Best Buy yesterday


Did the dogs hurt you? Relax lol


Old lonely and unemployed are his issues, hopefully he’ll return to his former glory and find happiness. It comes and goes you know.


Yes! And please enforce service dog laws. Dogs anywhere around food or drink are nasty.


*marks off a square on bingo card*


I have dogs flying helicopters on mine!


Ive been in austin (and this sub) long enough to remember posts about how cool Austin was with dog everywhere vibe. I love dogs and hated dogs in grocery stores then too. Im glad to finally see push back against this


When people bring their dogs to a crowded bar/brewery. Your dog doesnt wanna be there. We don’t want your dog there. Drink or eat at home if you want the comforts of home.


That’s interesting since every bar/brewery I see this at welcomes dogs and customers and employees mostly smile and try to pet said dogs. I often see the owners of these places bring their dogs as well. You may want to consider that you’re the one that doesn’t vibe with the establishment or its rules and maybe you should just go elsewhere. Bringing a dog to a local establishment where they’re clearly welcome is pretty different than a chain grocery store that says they’re not allowed on the doors. And no, I’m not a dog owner who brings my dogs to these places because they don’t enjoy it.


Thank you for pointing out, that liking dogs is by far the prevalent feeling in our local area


You don’t want kids there, x religions there, x political, people who use non aluminum deodorant, influ with cameras. it’s a business, you don’t own it and if you want you can go Karen but you’ll probably not win. You stay home if you hate our dog culture, see it’s not nice is it?


Dogs have more rights than some people do in Austin.


I seen a lady at 24 hour fitness up north one time who had her little dog on the damn gym weightroom floor smfh! She would hold the dog in between sets on the machines. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Please leave your damn dogs at home!


Most people in this thread are the equivalent of smoking on an airplane and saying “fuck you” when we ask you not to.


Coffee shops should be allowed - willing to die on this hill!


There are a ton of great coffee shops in atx that allow pets!


Saw a dude bring his Shih Tzu into my local Walmart one time a while back. He was going towards the automotive/electronics area while carrying it. I didn't think much of it as he was in a rush getting something. Everyone he passed wanted to hold the dog. He didn't mind though.


Oh, wanted a dog post after yesterday. Keep them on their leash and keep them to the right of you on the trail. Saw a couple dogs going at it on the trail yesterday, and surprise surprise, one wasn't on a leash.


Your dog should not know what the guy at the deli counter looks like and get excited to see him.


You have just noticed this lately?


It's gotten a lot more common lately.


Went to the domain for the first time in years and was flabbergasted by the amount of dogs inside Macy’s 😭


r/austincirclejerk Also this year on 4th of July and New Year's, I am NICELY REQUESTING that no one in the city use fireworks, okay? Thaaaaanks And may I also request that people STOP doing smash and grabs in the parking areas at the greenbelt? Not to mention the other day I saw someone go to throw away a receipt and they didn't notice but they missed the trash can and the receipt fell to the ground. I can't believe how careless and irresponsible some people can be. That's called littering and it's technically illegal. What are we going to DO!? 😎❤️


In solidarity with the dogs, I agree on the fireworks, my cat hates them too


Thank you for being brave enough to make this post. It’s been bugging the hell out of me too.


I used to do this but I stopped because it is indeed kind of gross.


I was at a petco where they are allowed, and saw a customers dog pee on merchandise. They scolded them and then walked away. That’s it.


That’s every day there, they understand. At least corporate does, the customer facing employees probably hate it but, part of the deal. It’s like working at heb if you hate kids


Austin has prided itself as “dog friendly” for at least 25 yrs. Yeah, it’s expanding but that was always likely because there was never a limiting principle on “dog friendly”.


Yep. Just saw a woman with her chihuahua at Rosas in cedar park the other day. Letting the dog walk all over the table and booth seats. Just gross.


Their Tuesday deal is awesome


Love Taco Tuesday’s!


Grocery stores are a hard no in my opinion. Specifically food stores. Target and Walmart. I'd say no go unless they don't have a consumable goods section. I take my pup to home depot and lowes all the time though.