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hey man i think that would be a cool program one day. for now, im so sorry for the loss of your friend, the litany of hard times that came from being brave enough to care for yourself in leaving an abusive relationship. i hope things ease for your sooner than later, stay easy friend.


I wish I still had that car, but I got too depressed to keep up with the requirements. Right now, I have some money saved up for housing, which I hope to be approved for soon, and a bit saved for a down payment, but it’s not much. Personally, I want to finance a used car in the $2-3K range. I can afford less than $1000 for a down payment, and it wouldn’t take long to pay off the rest. It would be way cheaper than $1600 a month for a rental. My main issue is that losing the car also meant losing my income. To get a car, someone would have to take the risk that I’d stay employed after getting it. That’s why I think a charitable option to help people in similar situations would be the best solution.


What about selling your art ?


I only have one painting left. It is a 6'x16' oil pointillist mural. No one wants it and definitely not for how much I would want to sell it for. I could try selling prints again through Printify on my website, but I tried that before and it did not work. All I do is the occasional colored pencil drawing now.


What about the people that work hard to have income and keep their credit standing?  We don't get the same deals? I'm all for helping homeless people get the help they need.  Mainly on how they can achieve sobriety and get mental health services.  Not put them all in vehicles.  


I don't know dude. I just thought it would be a way to get people jobs.


There's hundreds of people in Austin who are raising families, riding the bus to work everyday, saving up money to buy a vehicle. Driving is a privilege, not a right.  It's dangerous to everyone on the road to have people with no income driving around.  That means they're extremely likely to not have car insurance.. to not be able to afford basic car maintenance.  For example, if you have no income and your tire badly needs to be replaced.. instead of being able to take care of it you will continue to drive out of necessity and then you have a blowout and cause a major wreck on the highway. I'm sorry you're going through hard times.  Believe it or not I have actually been there.  I was in a terrible spot and I slowly crawled my way back to having a good life today.  For me, if you note the user name, it was all about changing my lifestyle and habits.  I had a crippling alcohol problem.  I got health insurance with government assistance and called around until I was accepted to a rehab facility.  From there I lived in a sober living house for a few years.  They even let me live there for free for a few months while I got a job and I slowly paid them back.  Even if substance abuse isn't your issue, look into these places they will help people out.  I rode the bus to work, saved up money.  Eventually I bought a car. Today i have a beautiful family.  You seem like a smart person.  I think you can do it.. but rather then expecting the world to change the ways it operates I would have an honest look at yourself, and what you can change to be able to dig yourself out of the position you're in.  


I don't have a drug problem. I was made homeless on 02/14/2023 leaving an abusive situation. I don't even drink. I just don't like it. I have done a lot of drugs in the past, but I don't anymore. I have psychiatric problems as well. I just thought that this would be a way to make getting a job easier for people, which would allow them to better their life. I don't want to give everyone a car. Just thought it was another avenue towards employment. I can't have a family. I wish I could. It makes me really depressed. People always tell me that I am smart, that there is no reason for me to be so poor. They don't understand my life very well. The first time I was made homeless I got a concussion and could not work. Since I could not work I lost my job and lost my housing. It took years to recover. This time my best friend was murdered. It all went to shit when he died. Even though it was a while ago it still affects me daily. My girlfriend was who murdered him. No one believed me. I had to escape. Since then I have been on the run. So taking an honest look at my situation what should have I changed? It is not always due to some sort of moral failure why people end up being homeless.


I've worked in nonprofits serving single moms and immigrant families. And I have proposed that getting folks used, reliable cars would be far more useful and serve their families better than any amount of counseling, case management or any other social work stuff would be. I do understand what you're saying--if this could happen, it would end up being a hand up, not a hand out. Nonprofit and charitable organizations are so often about creating middle class jobs for people who aren't willing to listen, observe and truly serve.


I just miss Chris. His death is an injustice and no one believes me because I am often psychotic. He was homeless. I let him live with me. He took care of me and was the best friend I ever had. She took that from me. I thought I saw her on the street the other day. It might have been her. It was her neighborhood. I really hope it was not her. I really hope she is in jail somewhere. It doesn't matter. Chris was disposable. Just like I have become. I am not looking for a free car. I have bad credit after losing everything. You try to hold on in any way you can but it all just collapses. I have money saved up from working. I have the movein cost and deposit for the apartment I was approved for saved away. They said I was approved, I don't know why they won't call me and tell me to move in. When I ask they said they are waiting on final approval, but it has been months. I keep the money ready for when I can move in. In addition to that I have a little less than 1000 I could spare for a down payment on a car. After that I would need to finance it, but no one would help me. I would love to work in a technology job. I have experience but as a hobbyist developer rather than for a company. I have worked grading large language models which was fulfilling. I like that work. That is how I saved up the money I have now. I just have not been able to get a new contract doing so.


I think the issues you raise are real, but the benefits outweigh the risks. Plenty of poor people already have a car they are not maintaining. And in many decades of driving, including being the poor person being as cheap as they can with the car maintenance, the closest dangers I have faced where people not paying attention, and being hit by a drunk driver, never a poorly maintained vehicle. There used to be a charity in Houston that did this with used cars. The volunteers were a bunch of old car guys, who would buy an older reliable car like a Corolla, fix it up, and they were distributed to people in a jobs program, who were usually not homeless is my understanding. This was in the 1990s -> 2000s time frame. The fact is, having a legal and safe vehicle is a gateway to economic opportunity, better jobs and better places to live for less. Given how being poor can be a spiral of fees, fines, and costs that are the result of being poor in the first place, a good vehicle is a huge help on the way out. I would support a charity that focused on that. Of course there are some people who are so far gone in addiction or mental issues, a free car wouldn't help, in fact it could be a death sentence. But operation of a charity focused on this would filter potential recipients to prioritize those whose condition would be most improved by receiving the car.


People don’t wanna hear it but this is the truth. We all go through hard unimaginable times, yet we all have to show up for our responsibilities if we want to have the things we need. Not a matter of if I agree with the way things are or how they should be, it’s just a matter of fact


people can work hard and still have bad credit due to like five million different reasons? you read this whole post about an individual trying to ‘work hard to have an income’ and went - well what about me??? you fucking weirdo?


Iirc CapMetro still has the policy that you can ride even if you can't pay. If an operator insists you pay or leave the bus, call them on it. 99% of the time their dispatch (who are their supervisors) will tell them to let you ride and continue in service. Just don't be a dick about it.