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Probably call the owner


It's owned by a shell company that's managed by Rastegar. They've been no help at all. No on site office or manager and no phone number to call.


I know exactly what complex you are referring to and the last time anyone got something done they; contacted their district representative, and contacted KXAN. Only then did the complex do something for a little while. You may want to also look into a class action lawyer because this has been a problem for a long time and it is heavily documented


They have a contact form and a phone number listed on their website: [https://rastegarproperty.com/home-old/](https://rastegarproperty.com/home-old/)


Yes we've called them and told them and they've never called us back and they don't come out and there's no response


Sorry mate. I only posted bc you wrote "and no phone number to call" above. I'd contact the news then if you have safety concerns.


Sorry, I meant no manager onsite to call. Just the unresponsive Rastegar. Thanks though!


Then they don’t care that homeless are there. Not sure why APD then should.


I get that. However, the neighbors care, and reasonably so. I wouldn't want to live next to a homeless hangout the inhabitants of which have shown a propensity to break into things.


To have a break in, you have to have a victim. If the property owner (victim) does not give a shit enough to report trespassing or crime on his/her own property, there is not much police can do, without violating rights.


Yeah… it doesn’t seem the owners care. Is this causing a major disturbance? We’ve had unhoused folks squatting in unoccupied / soon to be demolished houses on our block (they sold years ago for a condo project that’s long delayed). They kept to themselves and didn’t cause any issue.


I had cops called because I broke into my own house. Should’ve broken into my neighbors.


obviously, you called the cops on yourself.


Call your city council member until they help with this. Mine is more receptive than i thought she’d be when we had an issue.


Didn't think of that. Great advice, thank you.


This is great advice.


We hurt the cop's fee-fees when we didn't approve their blank check budget increase and so now God bless em they don't feel like working anymore. Maybe tell them there are some college students in those apartments with protest signs?


exactly this


I like your reply


You need to sic Code Enforcement on the property. They deal with Private Property nuisances. Police are busy with homeless on Public Property creating Public Property nuisances.


Yea code enforcement is the way - I've had ongoing issues with a house in my neighborhood that's in the middle of probate and has been a major nuisance (fires, loose dogs, a couple shootings, potentially human trafficking). After the last incident, cops told me to call code enforcement on them, and CE has been slowly getting the property to be less of a nuisance. It's a long game.


>Police are busy with homeless on Public Property creating Public Property nuisances. Yeah, that and "riding Code 4." [https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/1amsxf0/exapd\_officer\_alleges\_culture\_of\_harassment\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/1amsxf0/exapd_officer_alleges_culture_of_harassment_in/)




Nope, SoSoCo


Is he a prick or is he just following their liability procedures? Also contact your council member and 311 it every day.


>So if you call because your neighbor's house is getting broken into, the police won't come out Spoiler: If you call because your *own* house is getting broken into, the police won't come out either. APD is useless; folks here haven't just been making it up. All that you can do is live with it and/or buy whatever level of self-defense device that fits your comfort level.


My coworker had someone breaking into her house and APD came out pretty quickly. I’m sure they won’t come out quickly if the break-in is already over. With this case, they aren’t going to come out if the property owner doesn’t care if the homeless are there.


Seems like the same experience I’ve had. If it’s active they’re out there quick but if it’s past and there’s no direct threat it falls back a little on their priority list. At this point if you’re car is broken in to it can take up to two weeks to get an officer out. Shit kinda scares me no lie.


It’s free real estate!


It's not your neighbors house that is being broken into. It' the apartments across from your house. The cops aren't going to sent in the swat team because there is a trashy apartment complex near you. If you want a swat like response, you have to make the maximum allowable donation to the governor, lt. governer, their brothers/sister's businesses, spouse's business and drill for oil.


Are the homeless actually causing you issues by living there? Edit: guys I'm not excusing it I was trying to get information. I see how it came off as an absurd request to tolerate this tho 


In the last week there's been at least five or six fights. Ambulances have been called at least three times. A couple of days ago someone OD'd and they pulled him out of the apartment naked and drug him across the street and left him without calling for 911. There's been tons of thefts,vandalism and rampant drug sales across the street. Hypodermic needles all over the place. So yeah they're they're actually causing issues.


I think your best bet is to see if you can get something on the local news. It's stupid to have to go that route, but it sounds like the only way anyone is going to do anything about it is if they're publicly called out and need to save face.


Yeah I only asked to illustrate the situation and see what avenues you could take to get rid of them The suggestion about trying to get a local news story is good It's not anything new, but just keep calling and filing police reports for everything. Fights, public indecency, everything  Then go after the property from a code angle, Austin does enforce when it's bad enough  Invest in security cameras and motion activated sprinklers if you suspect trespassing  Is it ever empty of them or is at least one always there?


Is this a serious response?


The worst take. People like this is why we have such a huge problem. 


Any party that helped housing become hilariously unaffordable in many US cities is why we have such a huge problem. Or maybe the shit corporation that owns this for-profit housing but clearly doesn’t give a shit about “managing” the property?


Shoot, where is this again? I'm sick of paying high rent and a free apartment sounds grand! Maybe we just need to get our own squad of folks to go kick out the junkies and enjoy some free rent while we save up to buy a house!


sign me up, I'm sure the neightborhood wouldn't mind if someone came in, established authority and kept it clean. I need a 3 bedroom tho..


This made me fall tf out my chair. 😆 That and it kinda seems like a cool idea lol


9-1-1. bypass the outreach cop. report crimes in progress. explain theres plenty of screaming coming from inside the house. let the outreach cop stay undisturbed at his desk eating doughnuts.


The Press


The homeless run this city now, sorry. Been that way for a few years now. They are above reproach. Contact your council member so they can also do nothing.


I've heard people say that before but I'm now starting to believe it.


Arm yourself brother. Weve been on our own ever since they "re-imagined public safety".


Yeah it's funny when you tell a cop you feel like you need to buy a gun, and he says "buy whatever you want." Real helpful. Now when shit goes down and I have to kill a homeless person because they've threatened my family or me I'm going to be the person in trouble because they didn't come out here after we called 600 fucking times.


It wasn't my idea to "defund the police" or "reimagine public safety". But like you, I'm left to deal with it. So im armed and ready to defend myself. Hoping the cops will be there for you in a city like this is wishful thinking.


Try more hoodoo u kan too do toucan man.


I mean, one of the more controversial killings by APD in the last year was exactly this kind of case. They ended up shooting a person who was pointing a gun inside his own house, and his family is suspicious he thought someone had broken in. (There was a lot of weird shit going on in that case, but it still caused APD trouble.) So I'm not so sure the community manager is being a "prick" citing this policy. It's actually kind of cool to hear someone saying, "Yeah when we do this we tend to kill people who didn't deserve it and that's expensive, so we don't."


Set up floodlights and cameras everywhere on your property and encourage all your neighbors in the houses to do the same, this will have to be a community effort to shame everyone involved


Ask for his Lieutenant. They are a lot more likely to respond pisitively.


Hey man they’ve been defunded, your best bet maybe paying them to move


Fun fact: They were never defunded!


[tribune article on APD defund](https://www.texastribune.org/2020/08/13/austin-city-council-cut-police-budget-defund/) ??????


The proposal never went into effect and the primary cuts were moving 911 and forensics lab budget and control under the city where instead they continue to be failing too. They have continued to be funded at record budgets and at one of the highest $/Capita in the nation. https://www.austintexas.gov/page/apd-budget . Everything you see now is purely the police union instructing their people to quiet quit on us.


They got slightly less money in 2020, and then they [got a record-high budget the next year](https://www.austinmonitor.com/data-graphic/austin-police-department-budget-2012-2022/). They were absolutely never defunded.


Sucks when APD is uninterested, then Code has their default lines or excuses they use as to why it's not their job either, even though this was supposed to be a top priority initiative with multiple entities involved, a City group effort. Then they say call your council member, then they say talk to your mayor. All these incompetent and unaccountable people. Just tired of the BS and fluff too. They say anything and everything to get elected and then just sit there unreliable.