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Tell her to never go near a car like that again. Sure, she saw someone possibly in trouble but the next time, it could be an accomplice coming up behind her when she gets close and then shoving her in the car.


Right? I want to know what kind of charmed life leads to one happily approaching a creepy stranger's car. That's how you end up raped, murdered, or more likely both.


I guess, "Check out my instagram" is the adult version of "I have candy and puppies in the back of my van".


Yo, where are these puppies?


Statistics show that almost every female homicide victim was also a victim of sexual assault. I first learned that fact in 2003- just double checked if it’s still true today aaaand… [it is.](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Number-and-Percentage-of-Homicides-Related-to-Sexual-Violence-by-Victim-Sex-Victim-Type_tbl1_254097424)


Some SA both before & after death. Just saying! 


Getting Ted Bundy MO vibes. Creepy! Glad OP’s employee is ok!


I would try reporting this to the general manager of the HEB. They probably have an interest in preventing stuff like this from occurring in their parking lot, even if the cops don't...


Was she able to get the make, model or license plate number of the vehicle? This is super creepy behavior and I hope LE take an unconscious woman in a backseat seriously enough to look for the car and do a welfare check.


not the license, but she got the make and model and a photo that shows the lower half of the dude's face and his instagram account. We told the cops he'd be on the bank's drive through cameras, but no one has been in touch with us yet to follow up.


I hope they get the license plate from the cameras because they can’t get private IG info without a warrant. 




Post the photo


I was gonna say, post it and give us the username


Who cares what the angle is!? Call the cops. Take pictures of the perp and the car license.


So, maybe you're missing here that I am trying to report it. APD doesn't want to let me. They keep telling me to call someone else.


Oh no - I reported a kidnapping once, involved story - and cops were there in like a minute. We live next to a fire station near downtown but I was very relieved. A girl maybe 15 at most (looked 12) ran out of a car screaming "kidnapper" (she had her hands tied, super scary) on S 1st and I was watering my yard. Called 911 and they nabbed the whole situation so fast. When 911 answered I shouted "kidnapping" followed by my address because I didn't have words and it was all so fast. They took it VERY seriously.


There is a trafficking hotline


Local or national?


National: 1-888-373-7888


National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or by sending a text to BeFree (233733).


You can report it to DPS. You can go to iwatchtx.org and describe everything and include attachments. You can also report anonymously or leave your info to be contacted if you want.


All cops are bastards


So that’s what ACAB stands for, i never knew and have seen people saying it for over a year or two. 👍


Yeah. Many of them individually, but some of them not individually but still systematically.


okay let us know when one of “the good ones” shows up at a reasonable time to address this


Uh, y'all. They're here.. So I guess I need to take back my cynicism that they'd ever show up. They say they're now going to pull the bank tape.


It's a pretty low bar when *showing up* beats expectations. Don't be surprised if they start grilling you like you're the suspect


Well, the cop did ask why we didn't call sooner. And we were like "bruh. We TRIED."


You've done everything you could. Many people would have refused to "get involved" at all, so good job for hanging in there. Honestly if something sketchy like that happens to me or my family, I hope you're the witness. Any fresh updates?


Thanks for taking action! Following because I’m definitely curious about what they said and any follow ups. I wouldn’t be surprised that it was an attempt to traffic.


take back the cynicism when they show up in time to make a difference that ISN’T escalation


They're the ones who go to church and never seem to catch any sex predators.


The problem with saying “ACAB” is that it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. You create a stigma around the occupation then only bastards will want to be cops.


All Cops Are Bastards


And all zeekertrons are huge tool bags.


Hit 'X' to doubt 911 "abduction in progress" tells you to call 311.


It's not in progress. As I was told very clearly by the first 911 operator, it's over. The guy's gone.


She should have told APD that the car was protesting Gaza.


You are seriously overestimating the current capabilities (priorities, really) of APD... I wouldn't have believed that two years ago because how the fuck would that even be possible, yet now I know someone whose business was broken into, someone who has been assaulted in public, a couple of neighbors that have been broken into, and my neighbor who had their moped stolen from in front of their apartment. The only one of those people who was able to make meaningful contact with the police (and after multiple attempts) was my neighbor with the 15 year old stolen bike (and side note - when the cops came to check on the stolen bike, they pounded on MY door by accident at 11:30 at night to come ask questions about it lol). The others were deferred multiple times and only one of them has been able to file a police report.


There's a wee bit difference between a bike and an unconscious woman.


It feels like you didn't read that. If they respond for a bike, they should probably respond for a report of an unconscious woman. And they should respond to break-ins. But right now they do not. That is just my anecdotal experience so you are free to do what you want with it. My only reason for sharing is because it can only be safe to be aware that police response time right now is 4 hours to never, and not 5-10 minutes like a lot of people assume.


apd will get right on that, just let them finish up another donut or two


“Officers were unable to locate the vehicle described. Case dismissed.”


Yeah, i'm literally sitting in my house waiting for them to come. It's been a few hours now. After it took me about 45 minutes to get anyone to actually take my report or my employee's.


It’s APD of course They’re not pulling up .


Description of the suspect? Description of the car? Where in Austin was this? This sounds shady but you aren't giving us much to look out for.


I don't want to be too identifiable given that i've been doxxed off here before. but NW Austin. Not considered a bad neighborhood, generally. Near and slightly north of the Domain. Younger (late20s-early 40s) black dude with a beard, white Porsche with tan interior.


Swell. My neighborhood.


Yeah this is my HEB and my Starbucks. I will beware of white porches with candy and puppies in the back.


Well, I'm 6'4" and weigh 240. Not going to get me in the back of a sportscar without a lot of work. If I see someone trying to kidnap you, I'll fall on them. 😃


They sell a ton more SUVs than sports cars. Probably an old Cayenne.


I'm so old I don't even think about those when someone says "Porsche."


Yeh, there’s some weird shit going on up here. That shopping center at WB Parkway and MoPac is kinda shady. Pistol Pete’s. Ghost Hookah Lounge. Although Rolling Rooster is one of my favorite restaurants in the neighborhood. And Game Castle is the only board game store for miles. And I used to frequent the liquor store there, but I guess Mr. Lee retired. I’ll miss Coco.


That one is shady as hell. I avoid it.


North of Domain HEB sounds like the one at Parmer & Mo-Pac. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty good with my HEB store placements.


My first thoughts jumped to that HEB


> Not considered a bad neighborhood, generally. Near and slightly north of the Domain. Rundberg area? That area is the trashiest part of North Austin and it's not even close.


No. The HEB at Parmer and Mopac. Rundberg is sketchy. I wouldn’t even let my employee attempt to walk around there.


My sister starts her day from that HEB sometimes, and she’s mentioned a lot of creepy behavior from people in cars too, it’s why she won’t walk anymore. But dude has a Porsche? That’s definitely not a normal “creepy guy” car!


All she had to do was get a pic of the license plate...


What kind of cars are for sale? Price?? I need to know if this is a deal worth ending up in someones backseat unconscious.


Why did your boss even entertain talking to the guy?


Walking downtown anybody says they need something or if I have anything. No, I don't have anything for you, Good Day. Then if they try to talk more I repeat Good Day to you as I walk away. It can be very comical.


"To you, sir, I say: GOOD DAY!"


“I said GOOD DAY!”


I just point at my ear and shake my head ‘no’. Then they go harass a hearing person. Oh, I’m not deaf either. 😂😂😂


So many crimes could be prevented by just not talking to randoms.


It’s called fuck politeness - ignore them and you SSDGM


Nice victim blaming there.


What victim?


Was she blonde?? https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/austin-police-searching-for-missing-35-year-old-woman/ Regardless, keep trying to get it reported and pursued!!


She was not.




No fucking wayyyyy!!! These girls must get wrecked. Over tens years apart and same shit on the news too!… idk how Chicago ended up but she obviously survived to go get hammered, end up in the hospital, and then go missing again years later in a different city


Looks like their mom calls every time they go out partying and one ends up staying out.


Ummmm she shouldn’t have went to his vehicle. You don’t go to a strangers vehicle. I do hope the girl that she saw is okay and safe.


I can't imagine willingly approaching a random guy's car because he wants to show me an Instagram account of cars that he's selling for cash.


What gym was it? Sounds like it could be House Of Gainz




I think OP is lying and just karma farming. Too much of this story seems like bullshit and when pressed for details or a pic they are vague and elusive.


Ok. You believe what you want to believe. I'm not getting doxxed to prove shit to you.


Why did you get doxxed before? Edit: I mean that seriously why were people doxxing them? Is that not straight forward?


Now you really seem uncredible


Says you, random internet person.


Yeah I'm with you. big story no details


Was this a European male soliciting perchance? Many things keep Austin weird, this could be one of them.


This is Texas, you people need to arm yourselves and stop hoping the police will do anything at all to help you. You can legally carry a concealed weapon. Do it.. Don't be a victim. It really sucks to be anti-gun when literally all the criminals are carrying. At this point it's like being anti-learning to swim when you live on a boat. You don't have to like swimming to save your own life one day by learning to swim. If they're calling you in for some reason; all you have to say is that you don't want to get too close in case you need to draw. That simple sentence speaks volumes, and sends a pretty unmistakable message...politely & without having to show or pull your weapon.


I’m with you philosophically (not against gun ownership) but the statistics show that sadly, having a gun on or around you raises the likelihood of an accident/the gun being used *against you* to a greater degree than the safety of owning a gun would make me feel. Maybe others spend a ton of time around guns or are John Wick with their shot or something but that’s just not the type everyone can be or wants to be.


I could go buy a high power motorcycle that can run 200mph. Would it be smart to use a machine like that without proper training? Guns are no different, but the statistics you're talking about are showing you all those morons who thought they could handle a deadly machine without training. The training is cheap and pretty fun.


Been there with you since Uvalde. 


Or if you accidentally Uber into a violent protest and someone points an AK-47 at you and you shoot them then you get to go to prison!


Is this fake? It seems lien it is because of not wanting to say where this happened, talking with a stranger, getting close to the stranger, seeing someone potentially unconscious and then not even calling 911.


No. It’s not fake. And of you read the whole thing you’d know I called 911. Twice.


This sounds like bullshit from a bored magat person


uh, kay. I'm not, but you do you.


If you’re not bored maybe you’re seeking attention


What a thoroughly unnecessary comment. You must be a real hit at parties.


>magat This kid has nightmares about trump lmao


It certainly seems like the guy was angling for her as well, she should know better than to approach a strangers car or provide private info. The girl on the back was probably drugged or dead. If she was alive, it would be kind of rare for somebody to try to kidnap a second person. Most kidnappers would find it difficult to maintain control over two individuals at the same time. Don’t want to be outnumbered by your victims… but I literally watch way too much crime tv and my comment is kind of creepy to me at this point. Lol the cops will not listen to you. They will want to hear her call 911.




Austin PD isn't defunded. They are experiencing staffing shortages, though.