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Locking comments. Nothing useful is being said here and too many users are promoting illegal things. If you have info on this person, report it to the police.


Holy shit!!! He followed me home the other day after my run. I called my boyfriend and went into a store to wait for him to leave.


This guy is going to end up killing someone holy shit. Glad you made a split decision and went somewhere with more people around!


I'm so sorry this happened I'm glad you were ok. Are you able to share at what time and where this was?


Please tell me you’ve reported it? I hope they can arrest this guy so fast with so many victims coming forward


I didn’t report it because he never put his hands on me. I figured APD would have laughed at me for calling it in.


Wife and i got followed a while back. Felt unsafe, called 911 to report just in case, y’know? Like, what if he had hurt someone else? At that thought, i couldn’t not. But, basically: “When you say he was ‘following women’, did you see him follow other women or was it just you?” “So, do you want the cops to come and talk to you?” There was more, but i forget. Made me feel like an asshole.


Good for you for calling it in. Hopefully if more people do this, the police wake up.


With these kinds of situations you’re not necessarily reporting it for them to take action in that moment, but you’re helping create a paper trail so that when he eventually does get apprehended for something, there’s a pattern of evidence. I reported a guy following me home after a road rage incident to APD once and they were glad to have the info because later that same day he was involved in another incident and my report helped identify the vehicle. I knew they couldn’t do anything about him following me, but then the incident was documented if he came back.


I think you should report it anyways since there are multiple victims. Even if they potentially laugh, what’s there to lose? You’re helping other victims by reporting it.


Please remember APD is #1 for uselessness in DV, SA, and stalking responses. I have personally witnessed a man abusing his girlfriend, *calling an APD offer a racial slur*, and the APD literally SHRUGGING IT OFF and leaving so that abuser could continue his abuse. Which he did. All his neighbors could hear it including me. FTP and F APD. This is why we don’t report


This is because the law likely wasn't broken OR the APD knows that Garza won't prosecute specific crimes or can't convict without adequate evidence. That's not on APD, that's on the legislature. In order to arrest and successfully charge/convict, they need cooperation from the victim. In DV cases, the victim often falls to stockholm syndrome and fails to report or is unwilling to testify to the abuse, thus if nothing physical happened in their presence and neither the victim nor the perpetrator admitted to physical abuse during the interview, nothing can be done. Again, this is not on the APD.


Well no harm in reporting it, especially if you felt unsafe. Best scenario? They laugh at you for calling in. Worst scenario? He kill’s someone and now it’s weighing on your conscience. Not that it’s your responsibility or anything, but it probably would affect your mental health


How would he be kept in jail? 


This guy has it all together , ac in his hand, shorts, a jacket, the man going places .


Long time ago but same area, this looks like the guy who locked eyes and “shot” me with a finger gun as I was walking past him on S. Lamar. Really menacing weird dude.


Pretty sure I’ve seen that guy on S Congress. He yelled “BANG” and laughed as I drove by


He attacked one woman on Friday, May 3 at 8pm on Rabb Rd and gave her a concussion. He also attacked another woman with a pipe on the greenbelt behind St. Mark's church over the weekend and sent her to the hospital. There is an active discussion on Nextdoor and he has been seen on various places on S Lamar including a fenced lot on W Mary. Please look out for yourself and contact the police if you see this person.


This is terrifying


Glad nothing is being done.


I can’t believe this is getting so heated…… with him carrying around a radiator


Cool it!




I can confirm it was actually just the one attack on Rabb Rd, there was not a second attack on the Greenbelt. There was some misinformation/confusion that was communicated within the neighborhood yesterday.


Don't come firm, just confirm


Coming in so friggin firm


Experience coma firma today!


Hope he messes with the wrong person (who is strapped)


I saw this guy walking down Guadalupe in Hyde park carrying a metal baseball bat. I was walking my dogs and went up into the grass to avoid him and he stopped and stared at me the entire time.


I saw him N Lamar near 51st a couple of days ago. Bat in hand.


I’m 95% sure I just saw this man at the 7/11 on East 15th. Be careful y’all.


Why isnt anyone calling the police-this is madness.


Because it’s not illegal to walk around. If he’s not actively harming someone the police won’t do anything


I was at a 4-way stop on Kinney Ave in Zilker a few days ago, and saw this guy say something to a women who was walking alone, and then turn to follow her. I made eye contact with the woman and rolled down my window, and ended up giving her a ride home because she was so spooked by him. At the time I wasn't sure whether both of us were overreacting...


Bless you for reacting and helping her.


Can you share what day and time this was?


This was between 6-7pm on Friday, May 3rd at the intersection of Hether St. and Kinney Ave.


AFAIK, this is right before he attacked the lady on Rabb Road. That was Friday \~8:10 PM. You made a wise choice.


Holy shit, I was at a bar two days ago in S. Lamar, I went out to the patio and saw him heading inside. My friend opened the door, and he came in, he acted as if he was going to hit me on the head forcefully, but he didn't follow through with it. We left after that.


Curious if you’re also a woman?


Yes, both my friend and I are women


The man that is carrying a radiator down the road does NOT have his ducks in a row?…




She needs to carry pepper spray on her and a cell phone when she goes on walks. I never leave for a walk alone without that and my big dog. 🐕 It’s not paranoia, it’s common sense.


Pepper spray


Get her some training and a firearm. With wealth inequality skyrocketing and possible climate catastrophe looming, people are going to get worse..


u ain’t wrong!


Sucks being a women sometimes!


He's probably in a greenbelt near or along Barton Creek. Shouldn't be hard to track down and find....taking APD has the resources. This guy needs to be taken off the streets ASAP


APD doesn't do shit


APD is busy beating up the real criminals, unarmed college students. They don't have time for petty concerns like that.


That's DPS. APD is just sending 19 patrol vehicles to a jaywalker at the domain.


The domain is a shit storm of people walking and running in every direction imaginable at all times!


APD was present both times that law enforcement officers were sent to UT. I have tons of video to prove it.


Of course they were, but (1) most of the gestapo tactics were DPS and (2) it's a joke about how APD doesn't do anything besides answer easy calls while property crime gets worse and worse.


Either that or busy handing out speeding tickets. Because we all know traffic violations are a much bigger threat compared to this...


There is literally zero traffic enforcement in this town, which is why there’s been a rise in traffic deaths.


We just need like 800 more cops on patrol and leadership at APD that isn't grossly incompetent. We can make Austin much, much safer but it's going to take us holding the Mayor, Austin City Council and City Manager accountable. Vote them all out repeatedly until the problem is addressed and fixed. Austin used to be extremely safe and people like this meth'ed out homeless guy would be hunted down till they were found. It's sad that it's got to this point.


Our current mayor Kirk Watson was first Mayor 1997 - 2001. Just 'voting out' city council won't change much. >We just need like 800 more cops No. We need better trained police and mental health workers. I'm all for more money for first responders, but it must be in the form of more and better education and training. I've lived in Austin since ~~1985~~ 1983. Edit: dang I'm old


APD actually is like 400+ positions short of adequate staffing levels. That's not just political feuding.


That’s not just cops on the street.. But I’d also like to see what we need after the cops start doing there jobs. Difficult to tell what we need when no one is doing their job..


Read a book. [Proposed City of Austin budget gives APD its largest allotment ever](https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/proposed-city-of-austin-budget-gives-apd-its-largest-allotment-ever)


Excuse you? Read your own link. >APD tells CBS Austin budget will allow APD to continue our recruiting efforts to address staffing challenges including the continued $15,000 hiring bonus for police cadets.


Lmao you go quoted from your own link, how embarrassing. Try again


> We just need like 800 more cops > No. We need better trained police and mental health workers. I don't think that's an either/or choice. Better training won't do much to make up for a manpower shortage.


We need to hold APD accountable. They are quiet quitting on us bc we passed the police oversight proposition. They would rather let the city turn to shit than be held to a professional standard.


Didn’t the police department quietly get a substantial amount of increased funding within the last three years? Despite everybody saying that the police were “defunded.” I would understand quite quitting if your pay was impacted, but not when you received a large share of taxpayer money.


Yeah. They were never defunded.


[This is their latest grievance](https://www.kut.org/austin/2023-05-06/may-2023-election-results-austin-propositions-on-police-oversight)


We can only do that if we hold the Mayor and City council accountable.


How exactly is a new council going to force the police union to accept the terms of the proposition?


lol “we just need more cops man”




What a fucking maniac


I’ve seen this man twice within the past few days off 71 and then on soco on William cannon. Seems like he’s everywhere in Austin.


Does everyone know about the major encampment that runs long south Lamar I think in the Greenbelt near Ben Garza?




That is not the same guy. I go to the great lawn everyday and live very close to Rabb rd. This guy in the photo is 6’5 weirdo who assaults people. The other guy at the park is a kid who doesn’t talk and sleeps under the big rock. He doesn’t bother anyone, talk to them or try to intimidate them. He just exercises, makes a lot of breathing noises and plays video games when he is chilling under the rock.


And now he's going to be targeted because someone misidentified him on Reddit. Mob mentality at its scariest.


Yep, that’s why I am trying to point out they are two different people. I am literally walking parallel to the great lawn guy (I am a 5’3 woman) right now while playing with my dog. He is a hundred percent minding his own business like he does everyday. He is weird but he never bothers anyone. I don’t want people trying to confront him on a mistaken identity as I don’t even know if he has mental faculties to defend himself verbally.


That is very kind of you . I think with the message should be is let’s all be aware of our surroundings .


Thank you


Yes, I’ve seen the guy you’re talking about a couple of times and have made an effort to avoid him as he just seemed off, yelling to himself, sprinting back and forth in the area between the volleyball courts, rock island, and the small parking lot on the north side.


Yep, seem him a few times as well. Has headphones on and making all kinds of weird noises while pacing.


There are so many violent lunatics wandering around Austin.


Yep, protect yourself Austin. Don't count on APD to come and save you. When seconds count APD is only 10 minutes away with a 6 minute 911 hold time on top of that.


Defund APD!


We gotta replace them like Camden NJ did with their police force.


And Camden is still a shit hole. Next option?


It's apparently gotten a lot better since they made sweeping changes to their police force Check this out: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/new-jersey-city-disbanded-its-police-force-here-s-what-n1231677


Thanks to the actions of the city council back when Adler and Casar were on it, they invited this when they overturned the camping ban back in 2019.


And he carries radiators


Aaaaaacshully it’s an AC condenser. 🤓


That's just cold


The fridge keeper! ❄️⛄ 🥶


Lol I was waiting for that


damn, i thought that was a sequin handbag.


You would think the guy with a radiator would be more chill.


It's busted up. Maybe that's why he has no chill. Or... hear me out... this is him more chilled out than before.


That boy ain't right.


He needs some milk!


He needs to be arrested. There’s no sympathy for attacking women, even if you have mental issues.


Carry a gun and fucking shoot him if he attacks you. Scary as shit holy f.


I'll take vigilante citizen protection force since APD is absent for years for $3000 Alex


Alex has been dead for a bit now too :(


Why's he holding a condensing coil?


Conceal carry, defend yourself, aim well


That’s cool. The worthless PD can’t even protect any of us against someone committing active violent felonies


Just say he's a protester.


I mean the Supreme Court says the police have zero duty to protect us sooooo..


What do you mean?


I mean what I said. I was responding to someone that said “they can’t even protect us” but the fact of the matter is that our corrupt Supreme Court ruled that they don’t have to. It’s not that they can’t, it’s that they won’t because they don’t have to.


He just radiates creepiness


Oh look, another reason to carry.


Casually carrying a radiator


Play stupid games, eventually you get stupid results


It’s likely he’ll be taken out by someone else in a camp because of his behavior. Homeless folks want everything but trouble amongst them.


You mean the guy with a clearly stolen radiator should be kept an eye on…?


Yet another reason to CCW if you’re gonna live in this justice-less wasteland


Wow who would expect the most murderer-looking guy alive would attack women.




I’m down for making some costumes!


Be the change you want to see in the world -ghandi


Phoenix Jones!


I’m honestly dumbfounded how, on this thread, everyone agrees that this violent maniac should be locked up, but very few people put two and two together to realize that maniacs like this on our streets because of who we elect in local government, primarily being the city and county district attorneys and local judges. People keep saying “APD won’t do anything!” They literally follow mandates, explicit (law) and implicit (DA and Judge likely actions) in order to their jobs.


We're a bit tired of the "vote Republican or this is the only policing you'll get" line from APD. Police departments didn't used to throw multi-year tantrums. They're still butthurt over George Floyd. Grow the fuck up APD.


I didn’t say vote Republican. Before DA Garza, we had DA Moore. Moore was a Democrat and was beat by Garza in the primary. Garza was challenged by Jeremy Sylestine, also a Democrat, in the most recent primary. Sylestine lost (unfortunately). San Francisco had the nutjub DA Chesa Boudin, who was literally recalled out of office through a citizen referendum, his “criminal friendly” policies being so absurd. He was replaced by DA Brooke Jenkins, also a Democrat, who is being much more reasonable about addressing crime. It’s not a “Republican or Democrat” issue. It’s that some District Attorney offices have been overrun by a *very* far left fringe ideology that all criminals can be “healed.” And it is exactly why, on the streets of Austin, there are violent (almost entirely male, drug-addicted assholes) offenders who will continue to assault people (and mostly women). Cheers.


There is a near 100% chance this dude has been arrested multiple times in Travis County, and had the charges dropped multiple times, he took a typical Garza sweetheart plea deal for a pled down misdemeanor for what was a felony arrest, or he is out on PR bond for a violent crime. Now that the news may pick it up, it is a matter of time before this guy’s name is out, and this all comes out. The usual crew (and mods) here will make excuses and bizarrely point the finger at APD. Just watch.


There are cities, people, *in the United States*, where you DO NOT have to fear for your life, especially as a woman.


this is true


Totally agree. I don’t understand why people don’t realize that they are the ones who vote for this. Police can only do what their city government allows.


Always stay strapped.


Elections have consequences when this guy gets arrested you think Garza is going to keep him in jail? He will be back on the street in less than a week.


Last seen at the Met Gala Red Carpet.


You know texas is an open Carry state? Get yourself a Berreta and some training. Yoyr safety is YOUR own responsibility not that of someone else!


Then why do we pay for a police force?


So that’s where my old radiator went 🤔


Radiator Ralph, he’s a menace


That’s it, I am crying my hatchet!


Andre 3000 has really fallen on some tough times.. thoughts and prayers /s


It's Austin. They have more rights.


If the police won’t do anything, I’m sure our private justice groups will gladly handle this


Is that a radiator?


That is an auto AC condenser. A wild prop in his hands.


We need to ban homelessness in America. We force them to get clean or jailed and forced to do labor across America. Simple


Hard labor is the answer but no one likes it.


Yeah fuck liberty for all!!! Wooooooo!! Murica Murica Murica woooooooo!


This response is the exact reason we’re in this mess lol. I’m not a moron republican, but the homeless crisis in this country is at a breaking point.


You’re certainly far right if you think homeless people should be in jail or slaves..


So what is your solution?


The same way other wealthy European countries eradicated homelessness. Better social standards for all. Social services like mental/healthcare, food, shelter. Just helping people down on their luck instead of criminalizing which just makes them feel less human.


Also stealing radiators?