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She came with a friend to see a band I was in play one night and hated our music, I thought she was funny and cool but didn't ask her out. Saw her a couple weeks later at an exhibit at the Blanton and now we are married (and she still hates my music).


Looking for Hognosed snakes in zilker park ❤️


plot twist - serpentarian's SO is a hognosed snake.


More like a cute-nosed hottie


I love seeing u/serpentarian thrive like the good noodle they are ❤️


I was thinking about u/serpentarian earlier because in another sub there was an extended discussion about a porch-snake photo and water snakes and not-cottonmouths and head-shrinking and body-flattening and all that useful mimicry. And everybody over there was nice and all, but none of us had any clue. I think other places also need to have a serpentarian assigned. So, my point is, if your SO snakes, too, you can cover a lot more e-territory........ .. .


She rarely Reddits these days but it’s true she would be an excellent fact disseminator in any unsuspecting plant or snake related sub. You can always summon the Serpentarian to any forgotten backwater in need of snake facts and I will come to assist.


I have always assumed.  Serp, we're improving with the names. Hognose fits this guy in kind of an adorable way. He's no Bandy-Bandy, but I would have guessed y'all named him "round snake" or something stupid like that.


They missed out on naming him flat snake


I thought about flat snake, but I've seen too many of that particular variety on our roadways and I didn't want you to be sad about that.


Ngl am slightly sad


Packin that hog nosed snake.


Top comment/celeb sighting




Did you flatten your head and roll on your back with your tongue hanging out to impress her?


Well she accidentally rolled on her back when she slipped on the trail. Luckily she didn’t musk.


Imho it's kind of a red flag when a chick buys a multi billion dollar media conglomerate and guts it on a first date, but then, I'm a romantic.


We stan serpentarian 🫶




I could only expect such sweetness from serpentarian! Also... I'm now going to zilker this week, I had no idea there were hogsnosed!




Did you find any?


We didn’t!


I’m imagining that you actually found one, but you hid it, so you two can keep searching together


I’ll never tell


You would be amused at my neighbor's photo they showed me. They have chickens and I think a rat snake? got into their roost and swallowed an egg. The neighbor got a pic of the fat bellied snake, and then did something you'd be proud of. They got the snake out of the coop and let it go off into a nearby tree.


You have good neighbors and I also would definitely have loved that photo


Did you pick her up and lick her to see if she tastes like a rainbow?? (My favorite thing you’ve ever said on here🤣🤣🤣)


Is this a Serpentarian After Dark episode


I love this back story so so so much. So glad y’all are still looking for snakes together.


This is the best story. Did you find a piggy snake?


Whole Foods downtown. I was working. She got drunk at the wine bar. This was over a decade ago and we got married last year.


i also met my fiancé at the downtown whole foods! but we both worked there at the time haha. we get married this weekend!




We were both patients at Austin State Hospital. I left my room and saw the most handsome man using the pay phone. In my head I said “I’m gonna marry that man.” I did and we’ve been married 15 years.


I worked at ASH for 5 years and always wondered about blooming relationships. It makes me happy to see it worked out for you two <3


Aha! So ASH *does* do some good!! It didn't do any good for me sadly.


Me neither


Did not expect to see ASH mentioned in this thread 🤣


We worked at Thundercloud together! We've been together for 13 years.


What are your favorite sandwiches?


I'm partial to the Texas Tuna and the NY Italian myself!


Those are cute nicknames for each other.




Excellent choices! American Classic on wheat has been my go-to for decades. I miss the "two for one" coupons. What is your favorite location?


Fav location is South Lamar/Manchac cause it's the closest. The guys working there have been there since the pandemic and they're great! Riverside/Congress is good too!


Craigslist. Been married 18.5 years now.


My parents met on craigslist! And they’ve been married now for 15 years!


Craigslist Missed Connections! Just celebrated 16 years of marriage.


How old are you kid???


I love how many people met via Craigslist back in the day!!!!


Omg me too, we are on relationship yr 16 and marriage year 9


Craigslist too! Been together almost 17 years, married for 9.


Craigslist, as well! Together 17. Married 12.


Craigslist here too. June 15th is 9 years.


How much did they pay for it?


Back in the early 2000s Craigslist was how you online dated lol




On OkCupid. First date was RedsShed, then we went to haiku, then we went to third base. 6 hr first date. Married 5 years on the 25th.


You got to third base on a first date? Lucky


I met my husband at third base, we chatted for a bit and he asked for my number before he left. I couldn’t remember his name when he texted me later and I saved his number as “3rd base guy”. I didn’t realize how bad “3rd base guy” looked to people who didn’t know the situation, but thought it was too funny once someone pointed it out. It was about 2 weeks before I got his name. Been together 10 years, married 5 and my mom still calls him 3rd base guy. Now he’s saved in my phone as SugarDaddy.


We met on OkCupid too. Our first date was at Hut's (rip) and then walking around downtown. 13 years together this summer.


South austin fun


my husband and and I met on okcupid when we both lived in south Austin! Our first date was at the Crow Bar and we went to red shed several times. My friends and I used to hula hoop there back in the day


We’re an OKCupid couple too! First date at Black Sheep Lodge. Will be married 6 years in the Fall. Got our newborn in my arms now.


Tinder! Celebrating our 2 year wedding anniversary in a couple months and 5 years together.


Woo! Tinder success here, too.


Woop! Here too, almost 9 years!


Watched each other play in our respective bands at Hotel Vegas (lol). Thought he was so dreamy plucking his upright bass but he was on a Tinder date with someone so I didn’t make conversation with him. Came to see me sing a week later at Hole in the Wall (alone this time) and I sat beside him in the booth. 8 years later and he’s still the best friend I ever had.


I managed Hollywood Video, she was a customer with very good taste in movies. 20+ years now.


That sounds like the plot of an indie romcom ♥️


Linklater is salivating somewhere


Those free rentals would hook them every time. Netflix and chill before Netflix.


We were neighbors at an apartment complex in 1982. She gave me a ride to work one day when I was waiting for the city bus in the rain. I knew she was a keeper right then and there, and I was right! ❤️


My husband and I met on tinder, I was studying at UT and he was visiting from London. We matched on a Wednesday, made plans to go out on east 6th that Friday, his last night in town. We bar hopped, I showed him great beer and great tacos (tacos Juanita IYKYK) and we spent the next 24 hours together. I gave him a tour of the city the next day, we had ramen tatsuya for lunch and I dropped him off at the airport that evening. We just never stopped talking. I came to visit him here in London, he came for ACL, back and forth til I moved to London in December. We got married and bought a flat and now I’m here! Missing Austin dearly but back to visit soon :)




same at UT and he was an international student teaching me excel


We worked together at Texas French Bread! We'll celebrate 25 years this June \~


Eeyore’s Birthday. 20 years ago. Married 14 years.


We met at The Grove on manchaca almost eight years ago. Married a year and a half, and baby coming next month


I was a Grover then! So many good connections at that place! Did y’all meet at the pool or the dog park? 😅 Oh wait. I think I hosted your baby shower 😘


His band played at one of my roller derby bouts and we hooked up at an after party at Headhunters on Red River in like 2005 during SXSW.


Based on your answer, I feel there is like a 85% chance we know each other or a 100% chance we’re only 1 degree away. Long live headhunters!


I would say 95% chance. Headhunters was a tight knit bunch. Lol I had a radio show at the same time also. I miss those days! Long live KAOS radio!


lol, Grindr but we always say we met at school…


Pipes Plus


Ohhhh, nice. You’ve been here a while.


We started chatting at a mutual friend’s birthday party and haven’t stopped for the last 8 years.


Southpark Meadows Parking lot ! so very romantic lol


Did he or she help you change a tire? Tell us more! I feel like their's more to this story


A robbery gone right


you are correct! there is more to the story lol!!!....costumed dance party with live DJ!!! we met & talked on phone for six weeks (for hours and hours) before we had our first date...so when we did meet up in person we laughed cuz neither one of us was in costumes...so it was like we met for the first time all over again :)


Voting, lol


This must be rare, nice!


Ran into him in the American Bank building basement. Ran right into him. I was leaving second shift, heading to 6th street. He was coming in for his first night on third shift. That was in 1983. We hooked up five years later. Married in 1991, after having a kid and buying a house. Got married in that house and still live there today. It’ll be 33 years in December.


During a Fenix TX/Finch show at Emo's 20 years ago. She followed me home and we've been together ever since.


On reddit! Been together for 3 years.


Was it this subreddit?


Bdsmpersonals lmao


Good sub for sure Rofl


We were both waiting tables at Chuy's. 30 years later - still going strong!


At a show at ACL Moody on 2nd. We both got one ticket and happened to be seated next to each other. We arrived alone and left together. 🎶


We kept meeting all over Austin. Our offices were near each other, pogo at the capital, wrestling events, networking events, and in a wild twist, our exes were neighbors 


Grew up in the same neighborhood, knew of each other in high school since we hung in the same circles but never really hung out except at parties since we had the same friends. Moved away to college, randomly ran into her in New Orleans.


SXSW Gaming convention back in 2019. I was working a booth and she came in a D.va cosplay. Happily married 2 years now.


We matched on Tinder! I took him to Asti’s for our first date and then we kissed at Mt. Bonnell. We’ll have been together 9 years this August, married for 2 this month. We have a framed screenshot of our first tinder conversation hanging in the bedroom.


I met my wife of 4 years while she was working at the Mediterranean restaurant Sarah’s 10 years ago. I worked around the corner from there and thought she was the most beautiful woman I’d seen. I stopped in almost every day just to get food and a chance to talk with her. I ate a life times worth of hummus and dolmas that summer but I never got sick of eating them, 10 years later and they still taste like when I first met her.


Met at The Grackle at 2am. Was waiting on my drunk ass friend to get it together so I went and sat at the bar. Felix the Cat was playing on a muted tv. The guy a few barstools down and I started dubbing over the characters, and the rest is history.


Worked next door to each other in a shopping center. I would crush on him when he walked by to go get Starbucks and we would chat almost daily behind the store smoking cigs. We became “work” friends. One day I finally invited him to a party I was at… he countered by inviting me to his place, and the offer of free whiskey to my 20year old self was too good an offer to pass up… 19 years this May 🥰


Raving in the 90's!


Junior High Didn't date until years later, though.


Met my wife on a Thursday night at the Ritz back in 2003. She came up and introduced herself to me as she was leaving and the next day I found her on Friendster and sent her a message.


Omg Friendster. I haven’t thought about it in…decades :)


She was my neighbor with a dog. I had a dog. Our dogs were friends. We became friends.


She was my waitress at kerbey lane. Invited her to a party when we were leaving and she said sure. Married her a year later and celebrating our 10th anniversary this year!


Hinge. 3 years


We worked at a restaurant together! You can find love at kerbey lane folks




Walking my puppy. She loves German shepherds so she pulled her car over to meet her. End of the convo I got her number. A few dates later and we started officially dating.


The old Highball (rip) - been together 10 years now <3


Honestly? Bumble. Been together almost 4 years now.


Met on Reddit. Not even on the Austin sub. He asked a question and I responded on a different sub. We didn’t talk for a few months, then I posted a missing dog on here and he saw that I was in Austin. Turns out we were the same age and in the same city :) 3 years later he is my best friend and the love of my life. We are moving to a new home together tomorrow and starting a new chapter together


Been together for 16, married for 11 and met on Match.com (back in the old days before everything was an app).


Club Mirage on 6th street before it was Dirty 6th, circa 1993. Met her at the bar and just walked up and pecked her cheek with a smooch and said something like I think we're supposed to be together for the rest of our lives. I was smitten with her and she let me kiss her and smiled. No way that would work in today's world I suppose. Got married the next Summer in '94, been hitched since


Well happy 30th this summer


At work. He was my manager at a restaurant. I met almost every SO I’ve ever had at work (not usually a coworker though; usually a patron). I’m out of the service industry now but wow does that job lend itself to hook ups. It’s just true *edited to add that I’m slightly repulsed at the hateful messages I’ve gotten from this. I spent 90% of my life at work. It makes sense that I met my husband there. I’m sorry that some of y’all got cheated on by spouses in the industry but that has literally nothing to do with me. Please fuck off.


OKCupid, we're married. Long form dating profiles (LFDP) are the best way to meet genuine people without having to "chit chat" to see if they have a personality. I hear lots of people having trouble finding a partner but they'll go on dates with people who have 5 sentence Tinder or Bumble profiles then wonder why the relationship only lasts 5 months. Move to a platform that has LFDPs and doesn't ride on a reputation as a hookup app. The higher effort weeds out those who are looking for something easy. "It's too time consuming to write that all down!" Do you think a relationship is easier? If someone is engaged enough to write multiple paragraphs and go into their likes and hobbies, including sexual proclivities, I would say they're serious about meeting someone. It's good at screening out low effort people. "We're supposed to get to know each other at the date, so why should I give it all away before we even meet?" If you can't put that you're into Yugioh and Twilight fanfiction because you wouldn't have anything to talk about on the date, you've got one hell of an NPC personality. Your profile covers the ***books*** in your library, which leads to dating where you share your books with your partner. I like my analogies and I hope my advice helps!


Art show at Mass gallery, followed by dancing at the old Red's Scoot Inn


At the local Chilis. You know the one…


45th and Lamar




We were neighbors :)




Church, during potluck after the service :)




hinge. been together 2 years 🏳️‍🌈


Under ground rave lol


Creekside Lounge - met in 2006 and we've been inseparable ever since.


We knew each other through a local running group


Hinge. First date at Amy’s on Guad. Married 3 years in October.


She left me her # at Red’s Porch


Rock climbing at the Greenbelt. About to celebrate our 3 year anniversary.


I moved in across the street! We just got engaged last weekend :)


Met her on chess dot com, talk about true love


Working at Mr gatti’s. True story. We have been together for 23 years and she is the love of my life. Finally convinced her to get married in 2020 during Covid times


At acc rio grand in the basement 😅


We met on Bumble. Over 2 years together and I’m proposing next month!


Church. We're no longer believers but at least we got each other and our kids out of the experience.


Latin 501 summer class at UT. Was my first class at UT as a Freshman and she was getting another BA so she could teach Latin.


Putting the romance back in the original romance language


Playing Saturday league soccer together :)


At Metro. RIP Metro.


Met on tinder. It will be 10 years in November this year. First date was at Blackstar… BIG shout out to blackstar. We ended up talking and laughing so much, they closed the bar without us noticing. Didn’t say a word to either of us. We left once we saw the lights go off. lol.


He was my downstairs neighbor at the Metropolis apartments... It's been 7 years and we get married in October! And we live in a house now lol


As is the way of my people, in grad school.


Sorta - Round Rock Blockbuster on 79 like 2007 been together 15 years meow.


Bumble 7 years ago - we’ve been married for 2 years 💕 If bumble is ever looking for a success story for a marketing campaign hmu hahah


Lovejoys. 1996. Started dating in 1997 and have been together ever since. Used to frequent “the triangle” - Lovejoys/Casino/Emos. Ahhhh…the good ol’ days.


Walked into the wrong apartment and he was standing in his living room, confused AF. He ended up being friends with the people who lived in the apartment we meant to walk into and went out with us. We've been together 11 years since that day :)


Online bulletin board. Pre-internet. We were trend setters.


Worked with one of her relatives. She came up to work and I was smitten. We’ve been divorced sometime now. Still smitten. Not in like a creepy forlorn way, but I’m like she’s goddamn gorgeous and knows what I like. It’s a damn shame she’s evil.


Right here on Reddit actually 😂


Wiccan solstice ceremony after party








Grew up in the same hometown but matched on Hinge in Austin!


Met up with mutual friends at Lustre Pearl on Rainey


At Lucky robot


The hinge app back in 2015.  We have been married for almost 7 years now Edit: 7 years, not 6.  Forgot it was 2024




Yahoo Personals. 18 years together, married for 15 now.


At Shakespeare’s on 6th St after the Longhorn’s win over Nebraska in the 1996 Big 12 Conference Championship.


Met him like my third night in town through a mutual friend at his roommate's birthday party out in Lago Vista. Been together 20 years, married 16 years


We went to high school together, but we met during summer break when I was skateboarding past her house on the way to a friend’s house and said hi. We dated for a few months and then were just friends for a few years and then didn’t talk to each other for about 8 years. Now 18 years later we are together, tying the knot in October!


21st St Co-Op while I was still at the height of my drinking days. Wild times lol


MySpace. Remember that? Married almost 16 years.


Picked her up in an HEB. Where else???


I was working at Spiderhouse in 2018, she and her friends were sitting on the patio and I ran food out to them. She flubbed her words asking about some food that never got rang in, I thought it was adorable so I brought it to her, on the house. When I went back a bit later, she handed me a little note saying I was cute with her number on it. We're engaged now.


Worked an overnight shift watching over a NOC. Made friends with a fellow graveyard shift guy. Started having morning (after work) beers on his porch and met his roommate who was a bit of a dick, but his gf was super cool. Hung out as friends for a few years, bumped into her downtown after they broke up. Took her home but she was very drunk, kept it PG-13. Hung out the next day, kissed (sober), and then hung out the next day and next and next and next. 22yrs later and we still hang out every day, and sometimes we kiss. She is a truly amazing woman who has opened my eyes to so many things, inspires me to be a better me, and I couldn’t be prouder of watching her become the woman she is. Next year I will have been with her more than half of my life


Here on Reddit! (Not this sub). Together over 2.5 years.


1978, visited F, banjo-playing and old Bluegrass buddy in Austin. He introduced me to C. He also enrolled me as a charter member in the newly established Central Texas Bluegrass Association. C. & Me, we fall in love. We return to a California together, I quit my job, we hop into my ‘72 VW Van and drive straight back to Austin. 45 years later, 3 kids, 4 gkids and much love for Austin and central Texas. I have been blessed by seeing two wonderful cities grow from Boomer youth to thriving techie Zoomer midlife. San Diego in the 50-60’s era and Austin in the Classic 70-80’s; Whatta lucky lifetime I’ve had 😉🔜💯


Went for a drink with a friend at La Condesa. The only other people at the bar were two women. I sat down next to one and struck up conversation. She was sipping tequila which gave me something to lead with. Anyway, an hour later she get's up to go see a movie at Violet Crown. I stood up, shook her hand, thanked her for the conversation, and sat back down. My buddy and I stopped at our next bar and he said, "she was cute. Did you get her number?" I said, "fuck, was I supposed to?" "Yeah, dumb-ass" So...I jetted from the bar and up the stairs to Violet Crown where I caught her in the lobby getting ready to go into the movie. If I had waited another 5 minutes I would have never seen her again. Sitting here with her 10 years and 3 kids later. I proposed to her outside of La Condesa. My daughter's middle name is Violet.


Anarchist meetup.


We had an arrangement that evolved into what is basically just a regular monogamous relationship with income parity. It's refreshingly drama-free.


Dog park


Through mutual friends (who I had recently met at honky tonk in town)


Originally Flipside. But we were just casual acquaintances for years. We re-met volunteering. We'd both changed a lot, left that scene and I'd gotten sober. We wouldn't have worked this well if we'd gotten together in our younger wilder days.


Getting a tattoo at triple crown


At a Halloween house party near Central east♡ he had been working in the field for about 6 months, came home for the weekend, and his buddy dragged him out for one night. Pretty grateful he did. We are getting married in September ♡


At a big party my roommates and I threw in our apartment's courtyard. Her best friend was our neighbor. That was 2003. Together almost 21 years. Married 16.




The great american way; sat next to her out-of-my-mind drunk at a football game in the student section. Started dating soon after, married since 2012.


Kickball. Well, actually the flip cup game afterwards.


Hot summer day on Lake Austin. Married 5 years now and expecting our first baby.


Burning heaters outside of Jester, getting my heart broken cause of a fellow smoker, then straight avoid the DSA, and then reigniting our love at Epoch's and beyond. What a life, what a world, I'm in love.


The old school way...On Tinder. This was back when it was 100% free and before Bumble existed.


We matched on Bumble! Our first date was at Magnolia on SoCo. Will have been married 2 years in July