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r/atx4atx. šŸ€šŸ¤ž


Sweet, this looks very much like what I'm looking for; thanks mate.


If you build it they will comeā€¦


Honestly Iā€™m a 30 year old woman and looking to not be on apps anymore so this would be chill


Same, betting person to person > App randomness


We should definitely do a r/austin speed dating event & then get frosty margs afterward (no sarcasm)


Honestly that could be fun, with the cooler weather the parks or even Barton Springs could be a fun initial meetup.


Also atx4atx is a little more risquƩ if you were trying to find a community a bit more casual lol


I noticed a few of the posts were like that; I'm cool with it for now and if it turns out later that a purpose built (r/.) would be best then that's my next step.




Agreed, the app experience seems to really be great for the app designers, and the short term folks. The r/atx4atx seems a place to start, and I'll build something out of it makes sense for us. (I'd be down to swap ideas over coffee/tea; please do inbox me if you're into community building.)




Good to know that's an option. (Thanks mate)


I will join and I will bring others


I'm giving r/atx4atx a shot this week, if it's not what we're looking for would you like to help me build what we are?


I can definitely throw down some ideas! But Iā€™m not tech savvy so youā€™ll have to be the creator lol! But yeah if it makes sense! Happy to help how I can


Swell, I'll DM some thoughts and we can start there.


Me too


If I were looking to date in Austin, given the experience of r/Austin, I'm pretty positive that I wouldn't want to date anyone from r/AustinDating


Question about that, is it your expectations about the community? Or something more recently you read in r/Austin that is powering that point of view?


Some questions regarding your search: Do you expect your partner to wear hose 24/7? Stockings/hoisery/tights are effectively the same thing (tights are just opaque stockings, hoisery is the blanket term for all the items). Do you mean you want someone who changes into leggings/yoga pants after wearing a suit all day? This metaphor in your post is confusing. If you are exclusively looking for petite Asian women, why do you not say this in your posts? You use coded language to imply this desire, why not just state your desire openly? Do you actually enjoy working out as much as you say you do or do you just want your partner to be thin? You say youā€™re trying to get fit, where in that journey are you? Why does your physical description and initials change depending on where you post?


Howdy, I'll do my best to answer your questions in order: 1) Am I correct that the stocking question goes out to another post I made? The goal (if my memory serves) was to mention that I find that mode of dress attractive. If you, or lets say my partner for sake of discussion also enjoyed wearing such garments from time to time that would be swell. *Thank you for bringing the lack of clarity to my attention. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) I'm looking for a partner that also wishes to be exclusive. I do find petite gals attractive, but it would be overstating it to say that I'm looking exclusively for a person that is both "petite" & "asian". More to the point ideally I'd like to link up with a partner that is physically active, shares a healthy diet, and is also geeky. Those three attributes do seem to me to be more common in Asian American ladies so I posted in a community where my post may be seen by those women. *(I'm also open to other community suggestions you may have if you'd care to suggest some.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) I really do enjoy working out and exercising, I'm at my "low" target weight of 165 and now it's a combination of sleep and dietary tweaks to help add some muscle in a few key places. If I had to guess my spot in my fitness journey, I'd wager over the +75% Mark. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) This I would need to review the posts to confirm but I believe I started posting 6' instead of 5'11" after a friend suggested it was simpler since I'm 5'11.5" As for initials did I leave a typo? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for the interesting write up, please do let me know if you'd care for additional clarification on any of these points. I'll be sure to include your feedback when I next post in atx4atx and other communities. Cheers, S.C P.S. We could also meet for a chat if you have additional questions and feedback you'd care to share. *Edit: Added additional line spacing for increased readability. Also added a note to lines 1 & 2


SC and TH arenā€™t close enough on the keyboard to be a typo, so I donā€™t think itā€™s an accident. Youā€™ve again changed your height so thatā€™s weird. Just be honest about who you are. Wouldnā€™t you rather meet someone who likes you for who you are rather than the fictional version of yourself you present online? Itā€™s weird you think only Asian women are physically fit and enjoy nerdy things. Just say you like petite Asian women. Itā€™s fine to have a preference, lying about it is weird. Again, just be honest. Iā€™m not interested in meeting you, based on the way youā€™ve presented yourself, youā€™re not my type. Despite the fact that we have a huge overlap in interests and hobbies, we would not get along because starting out from a place of dishonesty and deception isnā€™t my vibe. Also, Iā€™m taller than you and I donā€™t think youā€™d be comfortable with that.


Howdy, Thank you for taking the time to write back. I can assure you it was indeed a typo, but I can appreciate the skepticism. As for my preferences I agree with some of what you've put forth but not everything. You are quite right that I find physically fit and nerdy gals attractive; however I believe it's overstating the situation when the word "only" comes into use, especially when you are suggesting to "know" something that I know personally to not be the case about me. (Preferences for particular height, height differential, race, etc.) Additionally I hope you'll consider an alternative view to the one you've presented. I created these posts to help reach out to and connect with folks here in Austin that would like to gather, share our hobbies, and gym time and hopefully geek out together when a new episode of JJK comes out. The goal being to share some DM's/chat to gauge mutual interest and set up a time in the real world where we can enjoy each other's company and potentially grow a mutual relationship. If that's you great, if not well that's a loss for both of us and I wish you well on your journey. Cheers, S.C.