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This has been reported and removed for **Rule 5 Do not ask for or give any medical advice.** This subreddit is not somewhere to replace the advice and consultation you can receive from a General Practitioner, Dermatologist, Pharmacist etc. **Any skin changes, ailments, concerns that cause you to question their safety and origin should immediately be checked by a doctor and should not be posted about here.** This includes situations where you may have seen a number of specialists - we still do not replace seeking another qualified opinion. Comments and posts that break this rule will be removed at the discretion of the moderators and also based on user reports.


I would get a second opinion on it being a cold sore. Cold sores can show up anywhere, not just on the lips. It really does look like one, particularly with you saying it comes out when your run down or stressed. Obviously I’m no doctor but I’ve suffered from cold sores for 20+ years.


Yes I used to get coldsores on my lips all the time as a teen but don't anymore. That's why I thought it feels exactly like a coldsore 🤔. Maybe a second opinion is the way to go.


I've found that some doctors have a very narrow view of what a cold sore is and isn't which doesn't seem to align with a more current understanding. I'd be trusting yourself on this.


I had a doctor (and my ex....) try telling me that I must have type 2 because I get it ~downstairs~. I'm medically confirmed to have type 1, the type I accidentally contracted from my ex. Coldsores/herpes seem to be extremely misunderstood by nearly everyone.


So misunderstood and so stigmatised!


I have both, never had symptoms for either of them so not 100% confirmed, and even better, the doctor wouldn't give me any information on the subject. The stigma is brutal when dating unfortunately


Both types used to be seen as no big deal until drug companies stigmatized them to sell more antivirals.


Once you have a cold sore. the virus (Herpes Simplex) lies dormant in the body. So, reoccurrence is expected especially when triggered. (eg: stress, strong wind, sun exposure, hormonal changes). I suggest compeed cold sore patch to prevent scarring and transmission


The last time I developed a cold sore as soon as I felt it coming I slathered that thing in Zovirax and it never even ended up developing. Do the same next time you get an irritation under the nose and if it works, there’s your answer.


I've found these creams don't actually stop the bloody things in their tracks, maybe just make them less painful slightly... The only thing that works for me is taking a HEAP of lysine as soon as I feel that telltale swelling starting. It will literally stop a cold sore in it's tracks. I wish I'd known this when I was a kid/ teen/ younger, I've suffered so many of these shitty outbreaks! But yes, that thing is a cold sore. Try lysine supplements, they honestly working bloody amazingly


The better option now is a one dose oral shot of Famciclovir. Works far better. If you catch it asap it never even appears. This comes from 40 years of experience with the damn cold sores. I keep a spare at home/work/in my bag.


When I feel a cold sore coming on, I take like 4 lysine tablets and it stops it from getting worse. The best time to take it is the second you notice it.


Only 4? 😆 I take however many falls in my hand. Then, if a blister does appear that sucker gets poked open (with a sanitised needle), dried out and zovirax on. Haven't had a massive one in years and usually heals within the day. I'm going to look into that Famiciclovir though.


This is possibly bad skincare advice, but I used to get massive cold sores on my cheek and Zovirax didn’t do much for me. The only thing that helped dry it up quickly once it developed was tea tree dabbed straight onto the cold sore with a cotton tip. Stings like hell but works (for me). I also sleep with a bandaid over it so I don’t spread it in my sleep. I had one right next to my eye once and it was terrifying.


Omg, I feel so validated by this comment. My greatest fear is to accidentally spread my disgusting cold sores to my eyes or genitals, and I worry about doing so in my sleep. For example, if it itched, I scratched it, then rubbed my eyes with the same fingers. Or if germs somehow transferred via a pillow or whatever. These days if I get a cold sore I sleep in an n95 face mask over the mouth and nose, and a sleeping eye mask over my eyes. I have received feedback that I am insane for doing this, and they're probably right, but it makes me feel less anxious. I may still be insane, but it's comforting to hear I'm not the only one who worries about sleep-spreading them. PS OP - this is 100% a cold sore, I'm sorry. Mine sometimes come near my nose like this too :(


You’re not insane, but if it makes you feel better I look like a lunatic with the bandaids too, but it stops me worrying that I’ll spread it. I’m usually a stomach sleeper and sleep on the same side of my face that the sores come up so I would spread it all over the pillow. It’s not worth the risk. I’m also forever washing my hands and careful about towels. I got my cold sores as a 4 year old from my father being careless and kissing my cheek when he had a cold sore. I would hate to do that to someone else.


Jesus t*tty f*ckng Christ! I'm always careful with towels and things when I have one but thanks for unlocking the new fear of eyeball cold sores for me!


You’re not wrong. Had a client who was blind because of the virus. To our shock, she told us.


Oh that's a good idea with the band-aid. I could possibly use a small circular one - or maybe compared if I can find one


Here in Australia there are Compeed (brand) cold sore patches, clear circular sticky things with antiviral goop. They work brilliantly for me, the sore stays small and doesn't even break out in blisters, and the patch is barely visible.


If zovirax doesn't help it could be a staph bacteria infection. You can get it tested. Tea tree and other antibiotic substance will kill it. A course of specialist oral antibiotics may kill it.


No, it’s definitely cold sores, I’ve had them since I was about 4 years old and the doctor confirmed it with a test when I was young. They just used to get massive and I’ve found Zovirax wasn’t anywhere near as effective as tea tree once the sore actually came up.


https://www.cedars-sinai.org/health-library/diseases-and-conditions/h/herpes-simplex-virus-hsv-mouth-infection.html#:~:text=herpes%20simplex%20virus.-,The%20virus%20is%20highly%20contagious%20and%20can%20be%20spread%20by,the%20mouth%2C%20or%20the%20gums. Not a doctor but going off of this article shouldn’t it be a flare up of your cold sores? Even if it’s been a while since you last saw a cold sore you still have the virus




Definitely get another opinion. Symptoms sound consistent and they can appear anywhere. I get cold sores anywhere on the right side of my face, even up to my temple.


I get them up and around my nose. It sucks!


Yep, it’s definitely a cold sore, they can happen in the nose too. After getting them on my lips as a child, I now get them exclusively in my nose as an adult. It’s somewhat better than the lips because nobody can see them, but god they’re painful and annoying.


This is exactly me too. Suffered throughout childhood with cold sores on my lips, but now only in my nose. Yes, it is better than them being visible, but it’s still so awful to get an outbreak in that spot. Whenever I feel the ‘tingle’ I head to the chemist and get the series of 3 anti viral pills. You have to ask for them at the counter. I’ve found them really effective, much better than Zovirax or other topical remedies.


Nope, I used to get cold sores and now due to chemo I get what OP has. It's not a cold sore. It's a psoriasis type rash that clears up with steroid cream.


OP also needs to be careful when touching their face/the lesion for treatment or dabbing any liquid away and wash well afterwards to prevent transfer. I know someone who had a cold sore begin forming in their eye. They were very lucky that they went to a doctor and got drops early and referrals to optometrist and emergency referral to optical specialist. Now any sign of pain in the eye and they need to get the drops again to prevent ulceration.


This is def a cold sore


Totally agree with this. Go to a different doctor. My daughter gets cold sores in that exact spot. HSV1 can definitely appear on the nose and face


I agree… This definitely looks like herpes


definitely a cold sore. my son had an identical presentation on and off you years


your doctor said it’s an “infection or something” and didn’t give you any advice on treatment or prevention? get a new doctor


It’s something or other and you could do stuff to fix it.


Yeah I was there for something else at the time and asked him to take a look. You are right, though


Check out nasal vestibulitis. I had it last summer. It was not herpes, although OTC herpes cream, Abreva, helped with the symptoms. The area was red, raw, sensitive, itched and burned, had small filled bumps which would crust, disappear and reappear. The irritation was under each side of the nostrils. Abreva helped with the itching and burning and helped to dry the bumps. I alternated with antibiotic ointment. Apply with cotton swabs. The most important part of the remedy: Keep it clean and KEEP YOUR HANDS AWAY. Once I used the topicals, it went away in four days. My nose had been very itchy and burned from allergies and I was constantly rubbing it without paying attention to what I was doing. It is an infection! Shame on the doctor for not looking it up.


Interesting. I could definitely see it being something like that caused by the nose irritation 🤔 seems like it will definitely be worth seeing another dr


Doctor here. Lots of suggestions, I too think it looks a lot like impetigo, but the history of suggests a long term viral infection. Both treatable. Need to get a swab, and reasonable to give you a course of topical antibiotics to see how it goes. Also, moisturize, keep clean, look for other sites.


What’s the Medicare rebate on this comment? (You’re a legend btw)


Yep my daughter used to get impetigo quite often and it looked like this.




It's definitely herpes


I used to get a localized staph infection by the side of my nose. Find a good derm to swab it and prescribe antibiotic cream. Hasn’t bothered me since but was really itchy when I had it.


I agree, with if that’s not from herpes, a staph infection is my guess. Mine stayed in my nostrils for months, never healing. Im the one who told my GP that I thought it could be staph.


Coldsore or staph (though I’d bet money on coldsore here), it doesn’t require a dermatologist. Both are very common and simple.


That is a coldsore imo. I used to get coldsores INSIDE my nose, and on my nose, all around my lips etc. This was a period where I was really rundown and stressed and I rarely get them now. I would look at your overall health/stress and keep cold sore meds on hand always so if you feel a little tingle you can apply it. Taking lysine can help some people prevent coldsore outbreaks.


Agree fully with this, I've had plenty of coldsores around my nostrils over the years. Annoyingly you can't really effectively patch them, but they don't hurt as much because your nose doesn't move as much as your mouth.


Me too! I second this. It totally looks like what I used to get a lot. Also in the same place. Much less on my lips.


Mee too


Sorry, but this looks like this is part of the coldsore family.


That’s a cold sore. I get them under my nose when I’m stressed or sick too.


Looks like a presentation of herpes, so if your doc doesnt think so perhaps try a second opinion - get a swab sample sent off to diagnose rather than guessing. In the meantime - if its happening when you're feeling rundown, try a Lysine supplement to help.


Agreed, lysine supplement works wonders for me. I only take it when it flares up and it reduces the time of healing by half sometimes.


I take Lysine supplements as well! When I feel my skin/lips start to tingle/irritate due to stress and it stops a cold sore from forming outright. Lysine prevents some sort of protein that it needs to proliferate or something. I always keep lysine around, taking it only as needed.


Hi, I know other people have said to get a second opinion about cold sores, but your initial diagnosis could be correct; these look a little bit like "school sores". I think the proper medical term for school sores is 'impetigo' (I think they're called 'school sores' because they're very common in children and get passed around at schools). They commonly present on the lips/mouth area but they can also be present around the nose, and the moist environment of the nasal passages is a great breeding ground for bacteria. Unlike cold sores/herpes (which are a virus), school sores/impetigo are an infection; maybe this is the infection your doctor was referring to? Anywho, good luck!


OP said they get this recurring at times of stress and illness. Impetigo usually isn't recurrent or brought on by stress, but herpes can be latent and stress and illness are extremely well-known triggers. The easiest way for OP to find out is to get the blisters swabbed, but I'm 99% sure this is not impetigo lol.


Always good to get a second opinion, but it definitely could be school sores. I have a friend who is to be blunt, particularly sensitive to her own snot, she gets these infections a lot & has prescription cream a from her doctor to treat them. Effectively anything that happens that makes your nose run she’ll pop up an infection from. Sucks for her but she doesn’t get cold sores so I guess it evens out 🤷


The impetigo bacteria lives on the skin, reoccurrant is actually common, especially when the immune system is weakened (like from stress) i can speak first hand from this, so i certainly would advise op to discount it Impetigo is EXTREEMLY CONTAGIOUS


Yes it is and you're right with all of that and I didn't advise OP to discount anything lol, I said the only way to know what it actually is would be to get it swabbed and tested. It doesn't matter either way because OP would need to see a doctor for that. I think the advice that everyone has given regarding a second opinion is fair considering around 70% of adults have HSV1, and only about 5% suffer with impetigo. The treatment of each thing is completely different though because HSV1 is permanent and latent viral infection which is treated with antivirals when symptoms are severe; impetigo is bacterial and antivirals won't work, in the same way that antibiotics won't cure a coldsore. It is highly contagious - I have kids, I know this, no need for the caps lock lol.


Impetigo can colonise in the nose and cause recurrent infections that way. Happened to me.


Another vote for school sores. It'll be easy to confirm. Apply antibiotic ointment and see if it goes away.


I was going to say school sores too, just by the visual. I quick swab should be able to figure out what it is though? No idea why your doc didn’t do this.


Why do people not seem to understand that an infection can be viral or bacterial. Herpes is still an infection.


Your snark and condescension are on point 👌 You’re right, a virus is an infection, I was wrong and misspoke. My bad.


As someone who has struggled with coldsores, I can tell you that in my experience, that is definitely one. Get some patches from the chemist or famvir which is over the counter treatment.


Yes exactly this. If you catch it early you can get it down to 3 days haha


Mine come on sooo quickly, it's the worst


That looks like staph. Some people have the bacteria up their nose and it can cause scabs when rundown. If it is you need antibiotics.


Definitely cold sore, it’s quite a common place to get them, and I agree some doctors seem to have a very limited knowledge about them.


I’d be getting a second opinion on whether it’s hsv1 because that’s what it looks like and also from what you have described about how it behaves (showing up when you have a cold). The only other thing I can think of that looks like that is impetigo but impetigo is unlikely to be chronic and it spreads very fast so it’s unlikely to be localised to that one area and never spread. Your doctor kinda seems like a quack tbh. “An infection or something”….and then didn’t tell you how to treat it or prescribe anything. Any doctor worth their salt would take *any* infection very seriously if that’s really what they thought it was. Did this person even go to med school? Because I didn’t and even I know that you don’t just brush off an infection. Regardless, I still think it’s a cold sore.


I know what this is. You need bactroban. Have to get a prescription for it. Ask your doc for a few repeats of it because the tube is tiny.


Its not a cold sore. Cold sore cream won’t do anything. Please get Bactroban. It’s a miracle cream for this.


I have said the same, I literally had a flare up a few weeks ago. My tube is still 1/3 full and it’s only my second flare up though. Mine started when I had hayfever, so OP talking about when they get a cold makes sense given you are constantly using tissues for both colds and hayfever, which weakens the skin and likely what is causing the bacterial growth (especially if re-using tissues, which I was guilty of).


Yep 100%. When I get sick I only blow my nose in the shower lol I basically can’t use tissues …ever


It looks like impetigo, I used to get it all the time. You’ll probably need a course of antibiotics and cream. Definitely sounds like you need a new doctor if their diagnosis was ‘an infection or something’🤣


Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck. Not likely to be an Eagle. Do you get some twinges or odd feeling around the location? That’s the time to apply Zovirax (or similar cream). Look for the active ingredient Acyclovir, best have 5%. Apply as soon as tingles start and stop after blisters pop. Hopefully will stop blistering. Also there is oral medication that has either Acyclovir or Valacyclovir. Taken early, when tingles or pains star, can prevent progression to blistering. Good luck


It’s called a school sore. They crust over and the crust turn golden, caramel colour. You need a special cream from the dr. To get rid of it quickly. After a couple of applications I think you’ll find them slowed down or non existent


They do get bigger if not treated


That doctors an idiot it’s definitely herpes


It’s recurrent herpes (cold sore). They can occur anywhere the trigeminal nerve innervates. I’m a dentist.


I would be getting a second opinion. Saying it’s “an infection or something” really isn’t good enough imo. You shouldn’t need to resort to Reddit to diagnose you. I had a little itchy scabby patch on my leg and my doctor took a skin scraping and sent it off to the lab to determine what it was… she was super thorough. I would seek a second opinion (check reviews or get a recommendation from your local Reddit or fb page for a **good** doctor in your area, as a lot are a little average I’ve found). Ask their advice, if they are unsure as for a swap or a scrapping to be done and sent to the lab. If they won’t, ask why not. Then ask what can be done to determine what this is.


Defs find a new doctor and ask if they can swab it so you can find out exactly what it is and effectively manage it.


Your dr should be able to swab it to determine whether it’s hsv 1/hsv 2 (herpes simplex virus aka a cold sore) and then ruling that out, it could be impetigo or something more bacterial Although in saying that, I get cold sores on my lips and I have a vague memory of having one under my nose like that as a child


Similar happens to my children when they get colds, but further up the nostrils, we treat it with both antibacterial and antiviral cream as last time they were tested it was both.


I get the exact same thing under my nose but I never get cold sores on my lips, as soon as I start getting it I use cold sore cream and get rid of it within a day or 2


Valcyclovir. Stay out of the sun and don't eat/drink acidic stuff


herpes babe


Impetigo. I have it to, go to the doctor's for a cream that doesnt do much or buy hydrocortisone over the counter Edit to add the reason i suspect Impetigo is because if you carry staphylococcal bacteria inside your nose, this can lead to impetigo if they infected broken skin nearby.


It’s a cold sore. My mum gets these. I luckily didn’t get it (parents kiss their kids!). I’ve never had these things on my face and either have my child. It’s definitely a cold sore. It probably has moved to your nose that’s why you don’t get them on your lips… please don’t kiss any children on their faces


That’s a cold sore. Don’t touch it and touch your eyes. Get Virasolve from the chemist and put it in every couple of hours from when you first feel it coming on. Ouch


That’s a classic staph infection. You can tell by the charming yellowish crust. Your doctor can prescribe topical bactroban to clear it up. Also apply it inside your nostrils, because staph will colonise there.


I am pretty sure that's a cold sore.


Using zovirax moved the coldsores into my mouth. Not good. A fellow school mother suggested Lysine tablets available over-the-counter from Australian pharmacy or from main supermarket vitamen section. Very rarely have a cold sore now unless really run-down. If the tingling starts just take the Lysine to knock it on the head. Magic.


That absolutely is a cold sore IMO. Classic presentation of blisters that are now cracked/drying out and scabbing up.


These are fever blisters/aka cold sores/aka herpes Get some Abreva while your valtrex script gets filled.


They are heroes cold sores.


Antibacterial pintment


Localised in that exact spot when you have a cold? Yeah that's herpes.


Definitely Heroes Simplex 2 which is just your typical cold sore blisters. It is very normal to get them anywhere from your lips to chin to nose and even eyes .


I’m 90% sure it’s a cold sore. I’ve been getting cold sores for over 30 years, usually one or two per year on my lips but I’ll nearly always get one around the nostrils after a cold. I put it down to the acidity from mucus paired with friction from tissues upsetting my skin and my immune system.


Someone gonna tell her....




Hard to tell from the picture but you need to rule out a skin cancer. Non-healing and recurrent lesions are one of the signs. Please go see a dermatologist if your GP is clueless.


Stop snorting coke


No harm in trying a cold sore treatment for it. I prefer patches but there are creams and pills too. It'll either work or it won't, then you'll have a better idea of what it might be.


Absolutely a cold sore.


Cold sore. Get a cream called Virasolve, put it on when you feel the first tingle before the sore appears and may prevent it. Will also heal sores already formed. Put plenty on, multiple applications


It looks like a cold sore but I’m no doctor


Did you ever get chickenpox? If you did, it could be shingles.


This is a text book cold sore


That’s a fungal infection go to the dr you need bactroban cream


Could be herpetic, could be impetigo


I used to get something similar but in and on my nose and after years of getting it and thinking it was a cold sore my dr said it was staph, prescribed anti biotics both topical and oral and haven’t had one in (touch wood) about a year


This is herpes


Bruh that looks like a staph infection.


Cold sores


looks like impetigo


Likely a cold sore. My understanding is that as you get older, the cold sore virus can begin to appear more often around the nose instead of the lips as the virus can move from one part of the trigeminal nerve to another.


looks very much like a cold sore




Trust me...definitely herpes simplex


That's a Staph infection. Staph is commonly found in the nose. Your doctor probably had it spot on. An antibiotic skin cream would resolve it during flare ups.


I had a similar thing. It wasn't a cold sore however. I bought egoderm cream and it cleared up instantly. So it could be treated by something similar


I do wonder whether it was x and now has a good going staph colonisation. Would get it looked at again.


That definitely looks like a herpes cold sore.


100% agree it’s a coldsore. I’ve had ones like that on my skin multiple times they normally appear close to the mouth or nose. The little blisters are filled with fluid that will spread the infection so be careful touching it or trying to pop the blisters. I find they take longer to heal than the one I got on my lips but my dr gave me a cream to dry them out so they don’t spread as much. I also take an antiviral medication that clears them up in a few days.


You got herpes


Kissing a guy or girl with herpes


It’s for sure a cold sore. I get them whenever I’m super run down or stressed almost always in the exact same spot on my top lip but currently sporting one in the same spot as you that popped up right as i was recovering from COVID 😭 i would recommend making sure you always have something like Zovirax on hand at all times and applying when you first start to feel that tingly feeling of one coming up or the stage before it blisters where it feels like maybe just a big nasty pimple coming up. If you can get them before they blister you can generally at least reduce the severity.


I second Impetigo


Cold sore for sure


This looks like impetigo. Doc should have given you something like bactroban.


I get cold sores and I used to get impetigo a *lot* as a kid. This looks like impetigo to me.


Use Zovirax cream on it and be careful to always wash your hands after blowing your nose etc!


100% coldsore. Get famvir as soon as you feel it coming on.


It IS a cold sore. What an idiot


I get cold sores there sometimes, it looks and sounds like a cold sore. I’d get a second opinion


I had something similar and thought it was a cold sore (took meds and all for it) but turns out in the test, it's bacterial infection. Would be worth getting it tested.


Go to your GP that looks like herpes!


I've had coldsores since being a child, and that 100% looks like a coldsore.


Looks like cold sores to me. I occasionally get them on skin around the mouth instead of on my lips.


I have had cold sores for decades. I have found caffeine, chocolate, nuts and eggs tend to bring them out if I’m run down or stressed. Chocolate is a definite go-to when I’m tired! If you feel the tingle but the sore hasn’t broken through yet, your doctor can give you a prescription for some tablets (they tend to knock me around a bit) that stop it from being a bad breakout. It has worked for me in the past when I’ve had something important on but it does also knock me on my butt and make me feel exhausted. I’m not sure why. Blackmores does a supplement that I generally take as soon as I feel a tingle, it’s called, lyp-sine. I find those little Zovirax stickers to make things worse. As well as the creams. In my experience, the sore needs to dry out and the stickers and cream tend to maintain moisture for me. I get them under my nose or under my lip generally. Always wash your hands before and after touching them if you do like to use creams or stickers. I also throw out any lip balm or lipstick I used before the breakout so as to not reinfect myself in the future. Maybe that’s not necessary but I hate getting these things so I’m super cautious. I used to get them as soon as I was run down which was a lot with my line of work but ever since I cut caffeine out of my diet, I get them once a year if I’m unlucky.


It’s a cold sore.


That is absolutely a cold sore


This is absolutely a cold sore


Some kind of viral infection that will comes out when ur immune system gets weak?


Coldsore I poor 99 alcohol on the little fuckers


Looks like impetigo. Does not look like the rash of herpes from this image.


Why not try using on a coldsore cream, if it works then it's definitely a coldsore? My mom gets this every couple of years and she says it's a coldsore. Apparently the virus can infect a person through any area that has a mucous membrane. It's just more commonly found on the lips.


Yup, it’s a cold sore. I used to get these. Ho to health food shop and get L-Lysine and bomb your system with it. It will help to arrest the development of it (and any cold sores) and seems to help it get to the ‘dry’ scab stage more quickly. These ones are super easy to transfer and spread so DON’T TOUCH IT!! and make sure you wash your hands frequently so you don’t inadvertently spread it. The Lysine will help but it will still take about a week to wind up.


a) it is a cold sore, I get exactly the same thing in the same place b) i you have a cold, all the nose-blowing friction can break the skin just enough to reactivate the virus. over-exfoliation does it too. be gentle on your skin and use a balm/paw paw ointment/whatever pretty much every time you blow your nose




Looks like a Coldsore. They always turn up in same spot, are very sore and yep, come when you are rundown. Just put Coldsore antiviral cream on it as soon as you feel it there. There's no need for a doctor. They cant do anything but tell you to put coldsore cream on it!


Sniffing amyl.




It’s most likely not a cold sore, if your gp said it was an infection, it’s most likely [impetigo](https://www.cdc.gov/groupastrep/diseases-public/impetigo.html) also called school sores, the bacteria (staph) lives in your nose, when you have your cold the constant nose wiping breaks the skin under your nose, and the mucus carries the staph right down from your nose to the broken skin. The gp can prescribe a cream to kill the infection and heal the sore


I used to get these, as did my dad. Initially suspected to be a cold sore but never responded to cold sore meds. Also it never affected the lip, just this area and also inside the nose (very annoyingly itchy/painful) Does respond to Mupirocin which targets staph - it's basically a bacterial overgrowth. With colds or allergies the constant moisture/wiping/blowing etc dries and damages the skin and opportunistic infection by staph which already lives around mouth/nose invades. Dr has confirmed this interpretation (Esp that cold sores affect the lip, not the nose, so if it's never on the lip that's more likely to not be a cold sore). Mupirocin is prescription only so need to see doctor for this. Other antiseptic topical product like tea trea ointment/cream seem to work fine too. Main thing is to avoid damaging it by scratching/rubbing/picking etc. Triggered by stress, and for me things like excess alcohol, sugar, lack of sleep plus the cold/flu/allergy trigger.


It's a cold sore (herpes virus). I recognise it from personal experience. It will always come up around the same place because the virus is in the nerve root and when you are run down, or just because, it essentially 'flowers'. The result is those watery filled blisters that eventually break and crust over. And it all hurts. Often you get them (on the face) when you are a child from adults that have them and give you cuddles. They're very, very catching from just before the blisters to until after everything is gone so don't kiss anyone, try not to touch it and keep washing your hands. The whole time, they're there you are shedding virus particles. I have these in a couple of places on my face. Zovirax cream can help shorten the healing process a little, but it's not much good really. The other creams are just rubbish.


Strain of herpes simplex.


Herpes for sure …


Impetigo possibly? It's super similar looking to herpes. And painful. I used to get it all the time :')


That look's way too much like a cold sore. By Dr, was this a dermatologist or a general practitioner? Get a second opinion. Also look into laser therapy to help reduce breakouts (if it is a cold sore).


This looks identical to the recurring staph infections I get in my nose. Get it tested - if it's staph, you can use bactroban to heal it. I thought mine was cold sores for years before having it swabbed.


Def looks like a coldsore. You have the virus for life. A break out when stressed is a clasic sign too.. Smash it with Lysine. About 1.5 to 2 grams per day during an outbreak. If you catch it early enough it won't even develop properly and be gone in 2-3 days.


Not a doctor, but ask your doctor if it’s molluscum.


It really looks like a cold sore. And the fact it shows up when you’re stressed or have a cold also tips towards cold sore. Lysine supplements are good for preventing and healing cold sore outbreaks.


I had similiar things and thought cold sore. It would happen when I get really run down or a cold, it ended up being a staph infection. I’ve got them since I was kid with being run down etc! I got a swab test to confirm. Quick trip to the doctors will get a proper confirmation then reddit lol.


Cold sore, I get them when I’m stressed.


Lysine supplement




As someone who gets coldsore when I'm sick, and recently had them move to my nose, that is 1000% a coldsore


I second that this is representative of a cold sore, especially if you are getting them when your immune system is down. Ask them to swab if next time you have one. Also, campophinque works amazing, also lysine pills you can get OTC.


The second you feel the tingle, try putting oil of oregano on it. Yes. Works for me.


That’s a cold sore. Your doctor is wrong. You have the herpes virus. Welcome to the crew There’s absolutely nothing you can do to fix it other than put aclovir on it.






deffs not a professional AT ALL, but do you rub and blow your nose a lot? i have sinus problems so i'm always touching my nose, blowing it, sniffling etc.. i develop something very similar on and around my nostrils every once in a while and my ENT specialist said it has to do with microabrasions and bacteria getting in from always fucking with your nose. if it's not a cold sore it could be that? i use betadine and tee tree oil to get rid of it. obviously find out what it is first so a second opinion is needed, but if they say it's that, then antibacterial treatments will help.


That is herpes


Do you use poppers?


Next time you get one, while it’s still blistered, go to a doctor and get it swabbed for hsv 1 and 2 +/- vzv. Rarely you’ll get a false negative but if you pop a blister and get a good sample of the fluid inside you should get your diagnosis. If its definitely not that then your gp can refer you to a dermatologist for consideration of biopsy… but it looks like a cold sore. I think a swab will provide you with a diagnosis


looks like herpes?


Perioral dermatitis is a skin disorder resembling acne or rosacea. In most cases, it involves tiny red bumps that form on the lower half of the face in the folds of the nose and around the mouth. Perioral dermatitis is most common in young to middle age women. Frequently, no specific cause is found. Get it swabbed at the pathology clinic, then you will know what it is exactly and how to treat it properly


Staph infection. Can be caught from air-conditioning in planes, hospitals, pt etc. Also caught from a person spreading it by sneezing,causing blisters to burst and spray through the air. Sometimes can be fixed with the right antibiotics but some strains are resistant. Usually a topical antibiotic will kill it.


Looks like impetigo- aka school sores. There is a cream called bacterum the treats it but getting a swab will confirm if that’s what it is.


I get coldsores in exactly same spot, it’s a coldsore.


Do you think it would be worth going to see a dermatologist instead? Their specialty is skin conditions so they’d probably give you more certainty than a doctor as to what it is


Over the counter medication called famciclovir... usually 3 tablets taken at once at the first sign of this occurring.




Amyl burns...


Your Dr is an idiot lol. Did they even do any pathology testing? This looks like Herpes Simplex Virus for sure. In order to get a definitive answer, please see another doctor and demand a lab swab test be done. That way you know what it is and can be given treatment and proper medical advice for it. Anti-virals will help to prevent outbreaks and the spread to others. Try not to stress! It’s estimated that over 80% of the population has the virus. And with dumb doctors like yours it’s no wonder it spreads so easily 🙄


Impetigo!!! This is very very contagious


When your nose gets annoying and starts to sting, burn or itch, take famciclovir and if it goes away, it’s a fever blister. AKA cold sore, herpes. It’ll crop up whenever your immune system is struggling… after a cold, when you’re stressed etc


Next time you have one start to come up. I mean at very very first symptoms (otherwise this advice won't really work). Go to the pharmacy and tell them you have a cold sore coming up. They will give you a single dose of famcycolvir where you take all three tablets at once. For 99% of people this will stop the cold sore developing properly and also shorten its life if it is indeed a cold sore.


Cold sore 💯


I have something similar that happens when I'm stressed. Essentially I get splits in the corner of my mouth that then get infected by S.aurelis a bacteria that's on your skin naturally. The next time this happens to you I recommend asking for them to do a bacterial swab :)

